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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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If you're reading this and have yet to make a final destination on what realm to play on, read the following:






considering there are what 43/44 other servers not in a que...maybe people should be smart

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same here .. and it takes hours for a few places in the queue .... and whole guild is on that server so its not a choice to change to a different one ...


and what about those macro users, afk for hours and blocking users that want to play ..

Edited by Woozeranto
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Hey Bioware / EA


It is 11 AM in the morning.


I´m trying to connect to Jar'Kai Sword but i´m 600th place in queue.


This is totally ridiculous. :mad:


Considering that there is usually 1500 people in queue on Tomb of Freedom nadd (EU) at 8:30 am, 600 isn't all that bad ;)

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It seems they don't want to engage us but are happy to talk to the press.


A demonstration of how much we mean to them perhaps? Hoped for more from BioWare, not surprised with EA...


They will get the message soon enough if numbers fall. Its a bloody good game but if i have to que to get on i will go to another game. As a mate said beta Diablo 3 its the dogs ******** and its around the corner now.


I am disappointed in bioware they usually do great games with no real issues but EA is there master now and they have a new logo.



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The queues eventually will drop, but yeah.. eventually. When exactly is unknown.


It is right most players are so upset, and i am talking for players who got EGA in the 1st 3 days. Bioware didn't open a single server before the end of 3rd day waves and this cost them bad reputation and money.


It may come down to one man's decision not to open new servers until the existed ones hit the full status. Really bad strategy, and i can't think any other possible scenario for this case. Right now we can see that Bioware had the strength of servers ready to launch BUT their decision to open new servers only at the 4th day of EGA was a big failure.


This reason caused all theses problems with queues and basically made it a common MMO launch with long queues. Although the idea of EGA was good, simply they managed their servers wrong and end up in this situation. There is no turning back now.


Everyone is right to say - " I don't want to reroll " and i understand them completely.


I ll give u my own example :


I was invited in the 1st wave of the 3rd day and my strategy was to go to the most deserted server. They also had an announced at the end of the 2nd day of invites that next day - 3rd day - they would open new servers. So i got invited and no new servers were launched. I play in international EU English server so i didn't had any choice than to go to a server which was launched from day 1.


I hoped they would open the new servers as they said, maybe on the 2nd or 3rd wave. I was checking constantly and i was ready to drop my 2-3hrs that already plaid for a new start. At the end of the 3rd day of EGA no new servers were launched.


Although my queue time is about 20-40mins it annoys. Consider to move? no chance - 35+ lvl + proffesions all 200+ epic recipes + can't repeat the whole thing for 4th time in so sort period.


Overall, IF their managers at this sector of the game had some experience, they wouldn't follow the strategy they did. You can't expect people who chose a server with the least pop status at that time to reroll because the strategy you follow is a fail.


They could add 3-6 servers every day or 2 servers in every new wave so people who just get invited start on new servers. (save guild members)


Its not people fault when they put huge guilds all of them on the same server and expect that server would not reach full limits.


Bad management is bad management.

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Didn't get to play yesterday because of the queue on Bloodworthy (EU), and right now I've been waiting 3 hours in the queue and still 647 people in front of me...


And I don't want to start over, because my character is already lvl 23.


Please free server transfers!


Im also on Bloodworthy and im lvl 35 now. Was 2+h in que, got in joined pvp que since taris memory leak chrashes me if i go there. Then disconected from server even before i got into a game. You are now nr 1457 in que.....

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I've been in the early access and our guild got assigned to Frost claw.

Many joined the first or second day and started playing there.

Currently the queue is 500+ on 11:15.

Bioware offers no free transfer so we either wait 3 hours + prime time or we leave.


Bioware increase the capacity or offer free transfers.

It's just silly that you didn't lock the realm when it was this full.

Now people who have been on the server for a while will have to leave.

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Lol but look at the US servers because at times when half the EU ones are qued for up to 3 hours 1 minimum, the US ones are like 30 minutes max, having said that there are new servers up but people playing over a week now do not want to rerole at this stage.

PLEASE BIOWARE give us a week of free guild and player server migrations but limit the numbers by only allowing so many guilds to move so you have stable population migration.

I'm at position 400 and something at 10am and a est que of 35 mins when the wait is always worse than the est.

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well ... I'm playing on EU-Sith Triumvirate .. and I'm getting 1 hour waiting time IN THE MORNING in the middle of the week.

I'm really sorry to say that, but for a game I have to pay monthly I'm expecting to be able to play whenever I want ... (except for maintenance of course).


Image someone who has to work all day and want to relax in the evening with playing SWTOR for 1 or 2 hours before falling asleep ... well ... not possible because of the endless queue.


Also there have been additional servers released when the game launched ... the queue times on Sith Triumvirate still increase dramatically. Since I've played EGA I already have a leveled character and I don't want to start anew on an unpopulated server just to get playing ...


I beg you ... please fix this issue soon!

E.g. you could open free character migration from highly populated servers ...

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Please give us a Character and Guild Transfer - i payed for this game!


I waited so long now - will there be any reimbursement for the time in which i couldnt play?


Spent more time in the queue than i did playing during EGA, you've go no chance.

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