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Regarding server queues


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First, this is my opinion and the words in his post are based on my experience and are hard to keep clean based on frustration.


My patience is getting to an end here.


This was incredibly poorly thought out way to add the waves to servers.


Let's put a bunch of guilds on a server...then when EGA starts, they will log on and fill it up. All their friends will join their server (in and out of the guild) and then the queues will start. Then when launch happens, the people that hadn't gotten pre-order or EGA that are also in those guilds that were placed BY BIOWARE on the server will get the rest of their people in and the queues will become absolutely insane.


I said it in a post and people just balked at me and called me a troll....but now...it's just as I said it was gonna be. Servers are full and people are stuck in queues.


This is one sure fire way to lose customers......

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So to be clear, I am being penalized for being a pre-order customer as the wait queues have essentially made the game unplayable. I am not in some race to get to 50, but I am a customer with limited play windows that have been reduced to 0 play time thanks to INCREDIBLY POOR PLANNING. The solution for me in this case is easy... Game = Unplayable = No more money from me. It truly is a shame that we are limited to such a weak recourse to express our client disappointment, but if that is all I have, that is what I will use.
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First, this is my opinion and the words in his post are based on my experience and are hard to keep clean based on frustration.


My patience is getting to an end here.


This was incredibly poorly thought out way to add the waves to servers.


Let's put a bunch of guilds on a server...then when EGA starts, they will log on and fill it up. All their friends will join their server (in and out of the guild) and then the queues will start. Then when launch happens, the people that hadn't gotten pre-order or EGA that are also in those guilds that were placed BY BIOWARE on the server will get the rest of their people in and the queues will become absolutely insane.


I said it in a post and people just balked at me and called me a troll....but now...it's just as I said it was gonna be. Servers are full and people are stuck in queues.


This is one sure fire way to lose customers......



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Make server transfers available for whole guilds. This is BS. You dropped the ball on this one, not the community.




You opened a lot of PVE, nice, but what about us that enjoy a challenge other then brainless mobs.

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After reading all the hate here I can only say one thing. I agree. With most of you.


Paying for a service and not being able to use it when I want to, not when they ALLOW me to use it, is not something I am used to.


I just want to log in and play with my friends. Is that such a horrible thing?


I most definitely will NOT be paying a monthly for this game. I preordered day 1 and have been following this game for years.


If this is any indication of how things will be handled in this game, then I hope you all have fun in it when it is Free to Play because it is already circling the bowl for many of us.

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Also just creating new servers ISNT GOING TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM.


a 5 year old could figure this out, adding more and more servers doesn't help you need to raise population limits on the servers you have, and lock servers from adding new players that are already full... DONT JUST ADD NEW SERVERS NO ONE GOES TO THEM ANYWAY!

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The queue on The Fatman is like 2+ hours. I logged in a little after 7:00 PM EST and I'm still only 350 right now. I only have from 7-9:30 to play at night. I'd be asleep by the time I got in.


This is a J O K E.


Fix it. This is no longer a "gift" or "free" early access. I am now a paying customer, and this is ********.

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I get a game made 5+ years ago having server queues and such but with advances in grid computing, clustering and a much better understanding of how to contain multiple instances in the same game world there really is no decent excuse for having this problem. Honestly they should have a single world with fractioned areas. They already fraction the areas up so multiple servers seems redundant.


This is certainly NOT married life or casual gamer friendly. Many of us older folk only have an hour or so to play between spousal duties... shame.


I am a Bioware fan but this game is disappointing on almost every level. Time to fire up Skyrim I suppose.

Edited by Straegen
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Also just creating new servers ISNT GOING TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM.


a 5 year old could figure this out, adding more and more servers doesn't help you need to raise population limits on the servers you have, and lock servers from adding new players that are already full... DONT JUST ADD NEW SERVERS NO ONE GOES TO THEM ANYWAY!


I'm surprised they just didn't lock servers at launch that already had long queues, and have the newbies just roll on an empty server.

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I get a game made 5+ years ago having server queues and such but with advances in grid computing, clustering and a much better understanding of how to contain multiple instances in the same game world there really is no decent excuse for having this problem. Honestly they should have a single world with fractioned areas. They already fraction the areas up so multiple servers seems redundant.


I am a Bioware fan but this game is disappointing on almost every level. Time to fire up Skyrim I suppose.


I could even deal with 10min, 15min, even 30min queues. I could get a shower, make some food, take care of some things, whatever.


But 2 hours in a queue? Get real. Complete failure.

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Guys we know this is an issue thats not going to be permanent. They are aware if its not fixed they'll lose a lot of people. (Course then the problem would be fixed, LOL) jokes aside, I have a feeling they will do something about it soon. We can't complain too much because other than the ques it was a very smooth launch, you can't say the same about too many other fresh MMO's.
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after reading all the hate here i can only say one thing. I agree. With most of you.


Paying for a service and not being able to use it when i want to, not when they allow me to use it, is not something i am used to.


I just want to log in and play with my friends. Is that such a horrible thing?


I most definitely will not be paying a monthly for this game. I preordered day 1 and have been following this game for years.


If this is any indication of how things will be handled in this game, then i hope you all have fun in it when it is free to play because it is already circling the bowl for many of us.




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I think this would be a simple solution. Take 20%-50% of guilds out of the Busy servers then put them in low population servers or new servers. Second no new accounts allowed on high pop servers for 2-5 months. Immediate free transfers of toons by individuals after the guilds have been moved. Raise number of Players alowed in playing by about 100. Do this in the early morning hours and or during maintance. Problem solved probly about 70%.
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guys we know this is an issue thats not going to be permanent. They are aware if its not fixed they'll lose a lot of people. (course then the problem would be fixed, lol) jokes aside, i have a feeling they will do something about it soon. We can't complain too much because other than the ques it was a very smooth launch, you can't say the same about too many other fresh mmo's.



please stop defending poor planning!

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I have to admit to one good thing about all this, though - the intelligence and honesty of the posters on these forums reminds me of the insightful (and sometimes salty) discusssion on the old SWG boards.


This is Star Wars. They are not gonna be able to put anything past us.


Star Trek Online failed because it was bad game. SWTOR is a great game, but if I don't have time to play it because of poor server design, then it will be a failure to me and many other working class stiffs of the world.


Fix this now!

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Guys we know this is an issue thats not going to be permanent. They are aware if its not fixed they'll lose a lot of people. (Course then the problem would be fixed, LOL) jokes aside, I have a feeling they will do something about it soon. We can't complain too much because other than the ques it was a very smooth launch, you can't say the same about too many other fresh MMO's.


Nope...smooth launch means I get to play. Not wait in a long fracking line.

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