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Regarding server queues


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To top it off: We haven't just been queuing around prime time, queues have started as early as 8.10am. Utter madness.


Think about it this way. When the servers are full and the 6 o clock crowd shows up they'll end up in the empty servers. Then all the servers will be full, and the pop will be spread out, and while now it will all seem so congested, in a few weeks when everyone isn't going online all the time like on LAUNCH DAY you will find that server pops will probably be just fine with few queues.


This is just the rush to get into Day 1. It will by definition be overcrowded. If everyone shares the server in rotation and everyone is online today all at once, then it will be impossible.


These reactions are all very much premature. Its like if a new restaurant has food sent back on the first day and the owner wants to fire the Chef. Its not gonna be super easy.


People expect a lot without much notice to the fact that no MMO with this many people playing it at launch has ever achieved with exactitude what they expect. Its just that 3 hour queues are too long, then if they werent 3 hours it'd be 2 hours, and if it weren't 2 hours it'd be that its 45 minutes.


Maybe you guys should accept that it might not be worth the hassle to play on Day 1? I mean, to the entitled modern gaming consumer such a statement is obscene really, but MMOs have always been kind of a troubled creature. By its nature it cannot be as smooth as single player experience where even needing a patch on day 1 is considered bad (but is still pretty much 100% gonna happen).


So get some perspective on what an MMO launch is really like. Be thankful they don't have insane lag and crashes that are so frequent you can't decide if its a worse problem than the queues.

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What about free transfers?? Expanding servers? The founding servers are way too full, with other servers barely even touched! and no one from the 5-7 days of early access wants to reroll yet again and start COMPLETELY over on a new server.



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This isn't downtime.


The server they assigned our guild to is up and running.


The problem is they assigned way too many people to one server and didn't account for human nature/random people also joining the servers Bioware already assigned multiple full guilds to.


Despite what it is you see from your highhorse, your didactitc outlook has no bearing on the fact that they would actually like to keep customers, and when this many customers aren't enjoying your service, it's likely you won't see more money from them.


Whether there's a clause in the EULA or not regarding server down times.


Poor service is poor service.


Obviously a lot of people enjoy the game, but are having a hard time justifying continuing to pay, especially considering the feeble attempts to amend the situation that began a week ago - one which they had years to plan against.


I'm sure you're under the illusion they'd prefer one strong forum warrior such as yourself to paying customers, but luckily the majority of us have the luxury of knowing you're wrong.


The majority of people understand what happens during the launch of an MMO. This is the norm, and there is nothing that can be done to fix it.


I am sure they care that 300 randoms are crying over queue times, most people don' t like it but they understand it is the norm in a game as popular as this.


You are not the majority, but a tiny minority.


If they really want to "keep" customers they should worry about the long term health of servers instead of short term health of servers. They shouldn't pull another Rift and then merge servers later on.


People will put the "I quit" card over everything, those are people that usually spout empty threats and should be ignored. WoW is a great example of this, people play the "I quit" card but keep playing the game.


These are empty threats. If a person really quits over this, the game would be better off without them.

Edited by Bollah
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This is so not normal all the time when i try to enter the game i should wait 2 hours to log on Bloodworthy. And because that was not enough when i got the first in queue it disconnected me instantly and now i should wait again 2 hours....
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I do believe Rift launched with free Character xfer, seems this is another option where bioware have gone backwards in time like with many options ingame.


Sadly I dont think we will see this anytime soon.


PS. Rift's free character transfer have 7 days cd.

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13 tropper maby you shouldnt have made a char on a allrdy full sever ? maby you didnt do the math right!!


Learn to read (and write, while you're at it). When I picked it, it was the only STANDARD-load server in a very, very, very short list of available servers. Didn't have a choice.


What make things worse is, that BioWare was notified about this problem already in beta run - FAR to few English servers.


I stand here rather confused - how can a game, 4 years underway, several heavy beta-test load + Pre-Access load fail this much?


Instead of focusing all BioWare's team on pre-access party, get to your whiteboards and draw a solution that will last.


All the best to all of you.

Thank you, yes, that was my point also. There were queues in the last Weekend Beta, towards the end. That should have tripped some warning lights, what with almost a month to go before Early Access started. Did it? I won't try to guess, not educated enough in the matter, but I really hope that it did.

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This will be all over the press soon and at that point prospective buyers start to think 'hmmm do I really want that?'


It's already been on many gaming sites and in general the comments have been pretty understanding because the majority of people know this happens during a large launch.

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Just happened to me... lost connection (first time ever) and back in queue... 1000 to go... 1½ hour wait. This is after having 2 error 9000 and one error 3...


Any chance that Bioware have an update on the server loads... I know you are opening servers, but people that are situated on a server, with guilds and what not... they are not likely to go...


Specificaly I'm refering to The Red Eclipse (EU)


Thank you for a great game, hoping for less error 9000 in the future :(


Yeah, mine has begun to disconnect as well .. this did not happened doing pre-access, but happens every 30 mins now .. and damn it, i get in a queue afterwards.


All the sudden i am starting to understand the way of the Sith ... :wea_03:

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This will be all over the press soon and at that point prospective buyers start to think 'hmmm do I really want that?'


Exactly-there is no reason any new folks should have been allowed to queue on servers that were full in headstart -no damn reason.

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It's already been on many gaming sites and in general the comments have been pretty understanding because the majority of people know this happens during a large launch.


Or people will think, man this game is popular with that much queues. I should give it a shot.


I know I wanted to try Rift when I heard about the obscene queue times.

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You realize games used to close at Beta, wipe the servers and go Live? Everyone started from scratch.


No head start, no Galactic Market cornering, no credit stashing, no guild stackers or know-it-all smart asses loling at a noob's questions behind the safety of a CAT 6 cable. Yeah, ya paid $5 more to get the download... woah! Big deal.


We put in at the MOST maybe 6 days in a game that you will most likely play for years and you are freaking out about everything from que times to errors to re-rolling or even quitting... on LAUNCH DAY of all days.


Come to think of it, maybe a fresh start wipe is the best way to launch a game...

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It's already been on many gaming sites and in general the comments have been pretty understanding because the majority of people know this happens during a large launch.


This is NOT launch - that was on 13 Dec when early access started. There have been long queues since that day and BW has done NOTHING to address it as far as anyone playing can tell. There seems to be a fundamental problem with their load-balancing design.

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This is NOT launch - that was on 13 Dec when early access started. There have been long queues since that day and BW has done NOTHING to address it as far as anyone playing can tell. There seems to be a fundamental problem with their load-balancing design.


Adding dozens of servers a day is not "done NOTHING".

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I am actually "unable" to play due all these queu's


Waiting 2 hours and then getting disconected message, requeue after 2 hours error coode 9001 (or something smiliar) then again queing 2 hours then i got in, after playing 5 mins i got dc-ed and then i was send back in a queu of then about 45 mins (was getting later at night so i think less ppl trying to get in then) didn't did the 45 min queu due i whent to bed


But this happens since day 1 i got from early acces.


I hope they o something about these long queu's fast

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It's already been on many gaming sites and in general the comments have been pretty understanding because the majority of people know this happens during a large launch.


It is still unacceptable - you all refer to this as being normal - why have no game company learned from others mistakes?


If anyone, I would have thought BioWare to be more responsible - to succeed where other have failed. Instead, history - apparently - repeats itself.


I am longing for quality craftsmanship!

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We put in at the MOST maybe 6 days in a game that you will most likely play for years and you are freaking out about everything from que times to errors to re-rolling or even quitting... on LAUNCH DAY of all days.


Come to think of it, maybe a fresh start wipe is the best way to launch a game...


We are freaking out that we can't play comfortably, ackshully. Nothing much else. If my current queue doesn't magically evaporate, I'm rolling an alt on one of the LIGHT-load servers and hoping that the situation with the Early-Access-started ones gets resolved within the week that I can still follow the plot in =)


Adding dozens of servers a day is not "done NOTHING".

I reiterate - this prevents newcomers from ever facing this problem. It does NOTHING to alleviate it for anyone who was restricted in server choice either due to guild assignment or early-wave Early Access.

Edited by Noelemahc
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I certainly would appreciate something being done about the queues.


As a working dad, I have a couple hours at most per day I can play. In the last three days I have not once managed to get into my server to actually play.


But then, judging from the threads, this is a known issue.....

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Exactly. But people don't listen to people like us who tell the truth or know from their gut.


You tellin' da truth, Brotha! You tell da truth good! Amen, brotha! Can I get a Hallelujah?! Can I get a Hell Yea?! Can I get an AMEN for my brotha Warriorraider!

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