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Regarding server queues


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First i want to set clear some things:


I love the game, the storyline is epic.

I preordered the game on july.

I have a guild that was ready for deployment and was asigned to a sever

I work so dont have time to spend on forums I'd rather be playing be playing the game i paid for (but I have a 45 min queue right now) and yes i know there will be more post of this kind but i will not spend my time searching them.




My guildmates and me are on the server bioware asigned to us (Hex Droid) and we dont understand why we have to wait 45 min to join the server, if this is not fixed fast most of my friends will not even buy this game and definetly we will not pay a month subscription.


This queues are a huge fail and a lack of prevision. If you want to do a game with a month subcription you need to be more fast fixing this kinds of problems

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Do the Developers even read this stuff? I played in Early Access, had a server selected for my guild and my characters. I played for several days and invested in the toons through the storyline. Now I have to change servers to not wait 45 minutes on a Tuesday afternoon?? Bioware - Wake up and regulate the new characters on the servers. Close the servers that are already overpopulated, and force the new toons onto a new server. I cannot express my frustration with not being able to play without waiting 1 hour plus every time I want to log on.

I will not place empty threats in a post. But I have to be honest and say that if these que times continue, perhaps I will re-evaluate my subscription.

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queue for 2 hours then play 30 min baaang EPIC CRASH and then another 2 hours for queue, its not even worth it for f2p game, under this circumstances the game is unplayable


plz BW dont make me repent i bought CE.


I feel 'ya. I definitely want a refund on my DD copy. I grew bored of WoW years ago, but the frustration from this actually makes me want to give it another go. Definitely didn't expect this!

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First i want to set clear some things:


I love the game, the storyline is epic.

I preordered the game on july.

I have a guild that was ready for deployment and was asigned to a sever

I work so dont have time to spend on forums I'd rather be playing be playing the game i paid for (but I have a 45 min queue right now) and yes i know there will be more post of this kind but i will not spend my time searching them.




My guildmates and me are on the server bioware asigned to us (Hex Droid) and we dont understand why we have to wait 45 min to join the server, if this is not fixed fast most of my friends will not even buy this game and definetly we will not pay a month subscription.


This queues are a huge fail and a lack of prevision. If you want to do a game with a month subcription you need to be more fast fixing this kinds of problems



Stop posting in yellow lol

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Do not cave in and listen to these brats. Do what you had planned, forget the short term focus on the long terms.


I have no experience in launching games of any sort. My background is sales and marketing and one of the worst things you can do is ignore the public.


I am not flaming, but the long view works in small markets or ones with high barriers to entry or when providing a product with quality several nothches above the rest of the market (bently can put you on a wait list for over a year, chevy can not). While I would assume a high barrier to entry for an MMO, the market is flooded. There are just too many options for a consumer right now (espeically when not just considering MMOs). Ignoring them just isn't a sound idea.


You don't want to severly alter your day to day business because of backlash, but you must address it quickly and act soon after. Once the public opinion of your product turns it may never come back or could take a long time to recover.


I am not saying they will fail, that would be hyperbole at the very least. What I do know is that ignoring your customers when offeringt non-essintial products is a terrible idea and a mistake that a newbie would make. Its marketing 101 ...

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DC earlier, queue, back on for less than 5 minutes and my client crashed (first time its done that) and now 1015 ahead of me in the queue....nice one, my night of chilling and playing swtor with my buddies out the window. Do something about a 'grace period' - three minutes should be fine to cover most possibilities, it's annoying to get a DC or crash and end up in a queue again, adds insult to injury. Edited by Nahkti
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This queuing is unacceptable. Everytime the client crashes for no good reason you get back in a queue and have to wait for at least an hour. This happened 3 times today. This means I have to wait for over 3 hours in 1 day.


If this will continue, BW and EA wont have any problem with to many customers. Raiding in this environment is absolutely impossible.

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I am not flaming, but the long view works in small markets or ones with high barriers to entry or when providing a product with quality several nothches above the rest of the market (bently can put you on a wait list for over a year, chevy can not). While I would assume a high barrier to entry for an MMO, the market is flooded. There are just too many options for a consumer right now (espeically when not just considering MMOs). Ignoring them just isn't a sound idea.


MMOs are a completely different animal. There will be thousands of people complaining over every little thing, and developers ignore most of it.


I played on a low populated server in WoW for years, we told them to fix it and give us transfers for years. They did nothing. There are hundreds of issues like this including queue times, they did nothing.


They are still the most successful MMO to date.

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This morning, the queue at 7:45am was about 250.

At 2:15pm, the queue was just under 300.

Most nights, I've seen the queue jump to 750-1500+.


As a guy with a family, who only has 1 or 2 hours to play per night (assuming the kids go to bed, chores get done, and nobody wakes up cranky), I just can't wait on queue that long. I can understand 10-15 minutes, but 1-3 hours is just not reasonable. As much as I love the game, if I find myself seeing Queues by the time my grace period is over, I will be returning the game as much as I don't want to.


To play today, I logged in after waiting at 7:45, and then taped my mouse buttons down so my guy would keep running in the corner of a cantina, so as to not get disconnected. Thats sad.


Two nights ago, after waiting for 3 hours on a queue, I was able to play for an hour before I got DCd. There is no grace-period to get back into the game, so I got thrust back to the end of an obscenely long queue. I just went to bed.


Not sure why they are running things the way they are. Wish it was different because I like the game. Hoping things improve before its too late for me.

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Really? You think only 1% is hating on BW because of the queue? Wow, you're pretty naive and clueless aren't you?


Let's see, 2,500,000 players.


1% is 25,000. Twenty five THOUSAND players. And there are probably only a few dozen on the forum, maybe a few hundred on the forums if we're being liberal.


Look at this thread, 3500 responses in 3 days. About 1200 per day, and most of them are repeats or people who keep posting stuff. So yea, maybe a few hundred people have even posted about it, which means not much more have read it.


So yes, I think only 1% of players are hating on BW because of the queue. The other 99% of rational people are doing what normal people do - playing something else, working, studying, <insert non-entitled activity here>.

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Step 1-Create toon

Step 2 - Beta Access (Loved it!)

Step 3- Early Access (loved it even more)

Step 4- Queue to acces my toon 10 mins

Step 5- Queue to access my toon 30 mins

Step 6- Queue to access my toon 1 hour plus

Step 7- The world jojns the game

Step 8-Roll another toon on another server



Will never max level a toon a this rate so great value for money!



Will never max level a toon


So to sum up, did the beta and gave the feedback, used the early access and now punished cos the rest of the world wants to play.


Seems so fair, still as long as the money keeps rolling in eh Bioware?

Edited by djemotion
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