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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Bioware do you know we are here?

Are you reading these posts?

Dont you think it would be a good idea to say something?

honestly half of the problem here is you have not commented in over 600 posts, this really is unprecedented in ANY MMO Launch! Just get off ya backside MAN UP and join in, tell us WHY you messed up, OWN UP, STAND Forward and explain in real words what your going to do about it, the harm you are doing is far worse than the upset that will be caused by owning up and explaining things !!!

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I went out did my shopping, went to the bank etc. came back almost 2 hours later and still in a queue:p


While I do want to transfer to one of the light servers, I also know that there is nothing then stopping the light servers becoming full and ending up with the same problem.


Clearly what needs to happen is they need to better balance the server and when it gets full they need to stop more people joining that server! DUH!

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It's not bioware's fault. It's people auto-running to escape auto-disconnections that is the problem. I have seen it and I am sure other's have seen it to. Think about it, 50 players auto-running and not getting disconnected that means 50 people cannot login until someone else disconnects.


Now, assume a server have 5000 spots and 1000 people are auto-running to escape disconnections that's now 4000 spots available and people wonder why the queues are so bad? People go to work and leave the game running and auto-run and never get disconnected. Now you see the problem.

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so i see its a 2 hour que no biggy bin doing these for like 1 week now im past the point of thinking they are going to get better eneytime soon. So i get down to 500 in the line thinking almost their then internet DC get back on 1500 in que........yay Edited by mahon
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It's not bioware's fault. It's people auto-running to escape auto-disconnections that is the problem. I have seen it and I am sure other's have seen it to. Think about it, 50 players auto-running and not getting disconnected that means 50 people cannot login until someone else disconnects.


Now, assume a server have 5000 spots and 1000 people are auto-running to escape disconnections that's now 4000 spots available and people wonder why the queues are so bad? People go to work and leave the game running and auto-run and never get disconnected. Now you see the problem.


Can't blame people for not wanting to wait an hour to log back in after dinner or a movie. This is a mess created by poor planning and it is entirely Bioware's fault.

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It's not bioware's fault. It's people auto-running to escape auto-disconnections that is the problem. I have seen it and I am sure other's have seen it to. Think about it, 50 players auto-running and not getting disconnected that means 50 people cannot login until someone else disconnects.



Seriously have you read any of the posts!


This whole mess is Biowares fault.

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If everybody should respected the Guild programm, we shouldn't have those queues. But the communities stucked in the idea of play together, thousands and thousands of players directed to some finger-chosed servers. It's not rare that ToFN has 2k+ queues, since there are Spaniards, Italians, British and Russians trying to log.


This is a problem, and it needs to be solved, but pls, stop crying like babies. I reached lvl 30 in 3 days, its not hard to lvl. So, if u cant stay an hour on a queue, just create an alt till they solve the problem.

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i am a programmer by myself. it would be SO easy to fix this problem: Disable Servers, which are stated as "Full" for new Accounts. But extend the Web-Account-Settings, to make it possible, to send invites to friends or accounts u know, for accessing a certain server where u got a char and which is claimed to be full.


Its really that easy...

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Dear Bioware,


We have all spent $50 - $150 on this game. It's an amazing game and possibly the best game your company has ever released. I love it as do many other people.


What is not loved are the ancient queues.


I would like to see some response from your Community Leaders and some assurances that something will be done about these issues. It's very frustrating for people to wait hours in queue only to be disconnected and placed back at the start.


It's even worse, when you wait in that queue, get into the game and it crashes or d/c and you're put back into the queue. I heard there was a grace period for disconnections, from experience, it places be back at spot 1 in queue and never lets me back on the server unless I cancel.


This has been a major issue both in flashpoints and grouping with guildmates in pvp and the world. People end up disconnected and wait hours to get back on the server.


Personally, I purchased a Collector's Edition. A lot of newer games have rewarded the players who spent roughly three times the money on the game with an advanced place in queue (DCU is one). This would be nice as well, but right now...


You guys need to fix these queues. It's not the fact that we have to queue. Queues/Lines/waiting are a part of life. It's losing our spot in line constantly and having to get back in line overand over.


I am also not a network programmer but even at full capacity, the servers seem very stable and not all that full....


Regards and happy holidays,


Captain Will Solo

Guild Leader of Saviour

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I have seen loads of people auto-running against a wall or a tree and most of them choose corners or places that people cannot see, they do this to avoid the auto-disconnect function in SWTOR.


Genius idea. Thanks for that!


And no, the players should NOT be punished for this. Any Bioware employee tasked with banning players for this SHOULD be tasked with fixing queue loads. These guys just want to play the game, and don't want to log of for dinner because they know they'll have such a long queue to wait through that they probably won't be able to play again until late evening or the early hours of the morning.


I don't think anything would make me more mad than to hear they are punishing players for finding a solution to Bioware's own incompetence at server load management.

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Can't blame people for not wanting to wait an hour to log back in after dinner or a movie. This is a mess created by poor planning and it is entirely Bioware's fault.


Yes, you can. Whats clogging up servers? Is it Bioware? No its people. They're choosing to jam into full servers then jump to another one and another one rerolling.


You people do realize that if you just all stuck to one server, and nobody ever rerolled, it would be visibly better right?


And they can't change the fact that people will wait in a queue to create a character, and yes people staying in a queue while they go to work is ridiculous and part of the problem again.


There are some very basic logical things here that people are ignoring like its the apocalypse and they're trying to get on the last barge out of Manhattan.

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I am with you all on this issue. I REFUSE to pay a monthly subscription for a game that I have to wait hours on both of the servers that I have toons before I can play. The first server I chose filled up several days into playing so I switched to a light server so I wouldn't have to wait and now it has queue also. It really is aggravating!!
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