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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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I couldn't read 278 pages of posts, so maybe what I have to say has been said already. If so, please cut me some slack, I'm on a 300+ queue after a client crash when I was forming a guild raid for a world boss so I AM annoyed and bored.




Yes, that's controversial but true. Bioware, unlike other MMO companies, has the perfect tool at launch to prevent this queue forming.


Please follow me: we have servers with 1h or more queing time while others are on LIGHT.


Why is this? Mainly because people tend to flock to populated servers when they start, scared of tales they heard of barren and empty worlds where you can't find a group for anything.


How could this be limited? By preventing character creation on servers already over-populated (those that already had queues during EGA, although those were 5-10 min queues max, acceptable)


What is the problem with this approach? Friends who didn't get EGA access who want to join others who did and would not be able to.


That's where Bioware had a system that could have made it possible: the guild system that ties forum guilds to in-game ones. If you were a forum member of a guild, you'd be able to roll even on "closed" servers, that way being able to join your friends/guildies.


Is it a perfect solution? Certainly not, but it would mostly prevent this silly asymmetry, even if at the cost of a few slight injustices.


Not doing it is causing a lot of people to be pissed, trying to access their EGA characters and not being able to.


On top of this, they forgot to add a grave period for when you crash! It's bad enough to wait in a long queue to get in game, but if after getting in you crash and are put in the same long queue again, you get mad for sure! Give it 5-10 mins before you get back on queue after a disconnection please!


So my 2 suggestions are:


A - Use your great guild system to force population to spread among servers


B - Give us a grace period with direct server access for when you crash. Going back in queue is not acceptable.


Thank you and keep up the good work, Bioware.

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earlier time than yesterday, longer queues.


Would it have been so difficult to block people without characters on a server from these existing FULL server, and usher them to the new EMPTY server, so that the preorder people could keep playing?



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We NEED a way to transfer free to another server. HEck with the guild, their young and we can always find another, but these queues are a problem. Filled with us beat testers, and then our friends of course want to join our server so they can play with us.. but I dont want to start my toon over as yet, so a free transfer is a real necessity for this game..


hour long waits are intolerable for most of us..

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I would like to know how they scale these servers and what type of hardware they are using (ie if they are using virtual servers, how did they plan on scaling with user base, etc).


Also, please allow free character transfers!!

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I do not know where you life, but where i life it is Tuesday, its the second day of the week here. It is also Release date which usualy means that ever avaliable hand is on the post at EA and Bioware.


They've addressed the issue. They've also said servers will STILL have queues. Why? Because people don't want to take their advice. Since day 1, they've said, roll onto a light server if your server has queues. Well, it's not EA/Bioware's fault that people want to stick on a full server.


Me, I just got dumped into a server with 300 queue this morning. After 10 minutes, dropped down a bit. Queues are going to be a part of ANY MMO. Deal with it. Either roll to a new server, or quit whining...


Seriously, the amount of entitlement in these threads is disgusting. You're NOT entitled to play the game where you want when you want, how you want, with whom you want. You're entitled to play the game, NOTHING MORE.


Tere are a TON of light servers out there right now. Pick one, move on with your day. Quit whining

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As part of the guild launch, what I thought was a good idea, I was assigned my server. The legacy system assures I will STAY on that server.


And here, on the 20th, it has a stupidly long queue.


Perhaps the early access servers should have been restricted to those who were started on it?


I dont pay to sit in line.


Build up the servers, or stop filling them automatically. Why a RP server is one of the highest populations in the game is beyond me.


Anyway, I truly enjoyed my last 7 days, but if I cannot access the character I played because of insanely long queues, then it was alas, just another beta, and just another wasted 7 days.

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Granted they been over-zealous but give a little while and they'll raise the caps ... this can't be the only thing everyone has to do with their lives? Get home, join the queue ... check how long then go off and do something else ... I seriously doubt this will last more than a week or two. Then if you don’t like the game just quit ... I won’t be rage quitting over launch day teething problems.
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Spoken like a true person who hasn't played the game.


My que says 10 minutes, however its really been 45 minutes.


To me, waiting 10 minutes is acceptable. 45 MINUTES IS NOT.


Actually I've been part of Beta so hush puppy.


As for the Ques.. it says : Estimated... last time I checked that is a very ... well difused word which can be bend to serve the purpose it needs to fill.


As such. Around 10 minutes, is and can be (all dependingon intrepitation) any amount of time they want.


Just the same as ppl say :: Be there in a sec.


We all know it takes a longer than a sec.

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Me thinks we need free character transfer Full->Light NOW. Its freakin me out sitting in 1-2 hours queues just to get into the game. Thats time I dont have.


And if you for some reason gets disconnected or the game crashes you need to requeue again.


This is a killer for me unfortunately. Once inside the game I absolutely love it thou.

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It seems pretty obvious the queues are at least partially artificial in order to drive new players to the new servers. My server had a queue for the first time ever while at the same time a new server of the same type and region sat with a Light population. Upon logging in I noticed that three different starting zones had only a few dozen people.


What I don't understand is why they can't just have servers be Full or locked to new players but be their true load and accessible to those with characters already on that server. The server list shows you how many characters you have on each server, so it has the information necessary to display differently.


Were they not smart enough to anticipate this very situation and have plans to overcome it? They had tons of other MMOs to research and common sense to bring to bear. How did they not plan for something like this? Why can't they issue an official statement about this that actually tells us something?


Launch day does not have to be like this. All they had to do was lock existing servers to new players except for special requests, and put enough new servers in to handle expected load. Instead they took the ambiguous step of putting in artificial queues without explanation.

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If you look at the server status right now you can see planty of almost empty servers, but Space Slug and a couple of other are FULL!


My bad luck that I picked that one in particular, can I get a character transfer or maybe make it larger or something.


Queues are always in the 200 - 300 before me.





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I know its launch day but seriously 8am pst with a queue? My husband told me at 6am this morning there was a queue for our server too. You guys had all of early access to figure out how to fix queues. It didn't bother me much during early access as I usually beat the queues.


Meanwhile you leave us all here raging without an update on whether or not your going to fix this asap... which you should. Also it seems as if new players aren't even flocking to the new servers... thus the reason why older servers have wait times. You could just lock character creation on older servers for today forcing new players to the new servers.

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not having a dig at anyone who said it but seeing as we're all waiting a biazillion hours to get back on this game you'd think people would have time to read the posts!!!


me personally, i've put my constant time in quees to use.


so far i've gone out to buy lunch (after being kicked out)

i've cleaned the house to get browny points with the other half (to be used when i vegitate i on this game) - after being kicked out again

now im looking at what to cook for dinner (got kicked out again)


at this rate i'll have constructed a death star by the time i get back on......

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They've addressed the issue. They've also said servers will STILL have queues. Why? Because people don't want to take their advice. Since day 1, they've said, roll onto a light server if your server has queues. Well, it's not EA/Bioware's fault that people want to stick on a full server.


Me, I just got dumped into a server with 300 queue this morning. After 10 minutes, dropped down a bit. Queues are going to be a part of ANY MMO. Deal with it. Either roll to a new server, or quit whining...


Seriously, the amount of entitlement in these threads is disgusting. You're NOT entitled to play the game where you want when you want, how you want, with whom you want. You're entitled to play the game, NOTHING MORE.


Tere are a TON of light servers out there right now. Pick one, move on with your day. Quit whining


I'm guessing this is your first MMO then, the whole point of them is to play on the same server as your friends usually in a guild to either PvP or raid endgame content, if you're all on different servers you might as well fire up Skype and play a single player game which doesn't have a monthly charge.

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I guess I just return my collectors edition. I bought it since I thought I would be able to play with my guild. Well, I waited 3 hours on first time I tried to log in and now I have waited 1 hour and there is still 100 people before me. There were no mention of the queues on the box so there is no reason why I couldn't return defect product... right?
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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable.


OK, happy that you take things seriously, but what will be the solution?


Fact: My friends and I created a guild and pre-ordered so we'd get into early game access.

Our reward: being placed on an over crowded server with lengthy queues every night we try to log in, with other guildies that did not pre-order waiting to further fill the already "FULL" server (now I come to think of it, will they actually be able to join us?)


My options?

Well based on your message apparently none.


For real problems clients tend to prefer real solutions. Not only friendly words and attention.


I love your game btw. The question is how long this love will last with 30 minute queue's....... Please don't force me to go play with panda's.

Edited by Bankski
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Come on, an analyst with half a brain would know that on launch day a large chunk of people are coming in already knowing who they are going to play with which means joining the already overloaded servers. Do you think they would just go to a light server alone? Serious derp..

The damage is done. All we can do is complain now. Perhaps next week they will implement some kind of transfer system.

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