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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Well I was pre-assigned to Legions of Lettow server. Character transfer is now a must.


To all those even thinking of defending EA/BW please, join this server to enjoy our queues. For those of us who get off work (*or simply work) at 5pm, assuming we get in a queue at ~5:30 we might get to play at 22:00. This simply doesn't work for those of us who need to get up at 7am every morning.


"reroll to another server" - Ridiculous. As many have already pointed out, I've a) been working on this toon for most of early access, b) it's just a matter of time for that server to become full too. Character transfers obviously don't help with point b, but at least it'd bring back some of the enjoyment factor as we'd "at least" be able to play our characters.

Agreed. Our guild was pre-assigned to Bloodworthy and we are in exactly the same position. By the time we get home from work and begin queueing it equates to a likely playing time of 10pm, which equates to a maximum playing time of 2 hours.


Re-rolling isn't a realistic solution, and gets less realistic by the day. Most of our guildies have been playing since the start of early access therefore already have many hours invested in their chars.


I'm concerned that the situation will deteriorate further with the non-early starters rolling from today.


Unless Bioware are holding back on the population limit, it seems free server transfer is the only option. The obvious downside of this is how to manage the transfers. It will solve nothing if most of the population go elsewhere and leave servers empty.


Our guild didn't select any adversaries or allegiances for pre-launch so would quite happily transfer to lower pop EU PvP server. Perhaps for guilds in a similar position to ourselves Bioware could perform transfers on our behalf (and hence be able to manage to populations)?

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I didn't choose the server (luka sene). They assigned it automatically (with the entire guild as well).


And there is still a long queue to logg-in (20-40 minutes).


I'd like to suggest a free-transfer for the server filled up at the beginning, since I was not the reason of this issue and the server was not decided by me.

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So here's a thought. Maybe Bioware lowered the caps so all the pre-launch servers would show as full which would cause all the new people today to join the light servers. Personally I would take this tactic then after a week or so raise the caps back to where they were originally during the end of pre-launch.

Granted this might not be the case but one can hope.

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Well it could be difficult since everyone knows someone. Following your argumentation we would all end up on one realy big server and thats not going to happen.


Sureley BW cant please everyone, but they could at least try to please most of us.


Free transfers are the solution. Opening a LOT more new servers is another. One-click entire guild transfers would be the dream solution, save guild masters a huge headache of coordinating. Also, all the alts moved one by one.

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I live in the UK, and to be honest I really haven't had issues with server times in off peak hours. My server i'm on to play with friends is Veela a est pvp server. Suffice to say, today at 15: 25pm gmt, the server is full...


That shocked me, so are bioware going to increase the population cap or am I going to have to start on a fresh server and hope that one doesnt' get full either. lol I know the game launched today, but even still it was surprising to see that.

Edited by Kodaan
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There are plenty of things you can do while waiiting, how about you scrub your toilets.


Prolly a Generation Y baby with entitlement issues who expects everything handed to them. Grow up.


Im hope your joking and your not fully braindead.


Coming home from work. Waiting 3 hours to log in, play 5 mins, logging, going to bed. I will not pay for this service. So there will be one person less in the queue at friday.


And i know i could login at night running a macro keeping me on like most will do in future but this will not solve the problem

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You people really are thick aren't you? Guess you've been spoiled all your life or something. Couple things....

Use some Netiquette.....


The queue was by design to help control population on servers prior to launch. While I've experienced the queue pain myself (longest wait 2 hours +) I don't see a need to cry about it. What I think should be a good idea is to offer suggestions on how to fix it and QQ!!!!!!!


For example, I think there should be an open character transfer system in place for the first month of launch so we can all get situated on less populated servers and get grouped up with people we want to play with.

As for the guilds, are you seriously married to your guild name so much that you think that guild name will exist on another server? So say they enable character transfers, you going to further cry because your guild name and artifacts will take that much longer to transfer? Perhaps emailing the support team might be required.


Such negativity on this thread, pretty sad really.

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There was 1.75 million preorders, when dealing with games, a lot of sales come afterwords from word of mouth and people not bothering to preorder.


Brace yourselves, we are going to have A LOT of players, more than any MMO has seen at release.


All we can do is wait, Bioware has stated that the server caps are set low and will be raised if necessary.

Edited by Jaku
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I understand it's Launch day... I understand lots of people want to play... I understand many things...


What I don't understand is the way it's handled... The had Early Game Access they saw how the servers were filled... The should have made some number (15 - 20%) of the capacity of the servers for people starting to play on launch on active servers...


Why would someone that knows some friends playing on 1 server would go on a LIGHT server JUST because it's light...


The message that is at the beginning of that post is a message from the 18 not even from launch day (quite disappointing)...


I know it's launch day ... It's Christmas time... But ... Aren't you scared of what will happen slowly ?


I would prefer bigger server... More than 100000 servers with small population... They seem to be doing the other around that they were saying... 100 persons per planet... Is not that much I know it's quite a lot cause planets are small... But still if 100 right now... how much will it be later... LESS Cause some people will stop playing ???


I hope they can fix it cause the game is great... But Queues :( I would expect none... Cause they only way they'll be able to fix it ... If they keep the same minding... Is to add more server... again ... and again.... and again... and again...............

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Im hope your joking and your not fully braindead.


Coming home from work. Waiting 3 hours to log in, play 5 mins, logging, going to bed. I will not pay for this service. So there will be one person less in the queue at friday.


And i know i could login at night running a macro keeping me on like most will do in future but this will not solve the problem


Maybe give it a week ... check back in ... then if it hasn't improved think about quitting? Its almost Christmas anyway :)

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Free transfers are the solution. Opening a LOT more new servers is another. One-click entire guild transfers would be the dream solution, save guild masters a huge headache of coordinating. Also, all the alts moved one by one.


There are over 46 US servers right now with light population. People could roll on one of these but they'd rather complain about how they don't want to have to replay stuff when the reality is that they could be past where they are now if they don't wait for Bioware.


You've played before, you know the story, you know the quests, spacebar through and it'll take you a fraction of the time.

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I just logged on today (launch day) and I have a 15-20 queue @ 10am ET [Mind Trick]. I can only image what it will be come this afternoon when we experience heavy traffic time. There should be no reason at all why new accounts should be allowed to create toons on this server. :mad:

Server queues should not be accepted as a cost of playing the game and for those of you who think it is alright to wait any amount of time to gain access to something you have invested money in, well you should never let people walk all over you. I agree that its a great game and after you wait in a 10 - 20 minute queue and then gain access you may forget that time due to the joy of playing the game. Others have a limited amount of time they can play and due to their guild they may not be able to go to another server, that hour queue at 8pm or 9pm may totally deminish the value of the game. I am tired of individuals saying that you should just be happy to play the game and that waiting is acceptable because the game is worth the wait.

Yes, I believe Bioware will fix the queue issues and sometime in the not too distant future we will all but eliminate the queues, but until then the issue is just that, an issue and it should not be accepted or tolerated.


They've put soft caps on the servers so that when they later raise them you won't suffer a queue for the next 5 years because the server is truly overloaded.


I've had to wait in queues myself and have had no problem doing so because I know it's all for the greater good in the future.


As for not letting new accounts roll on those servers, people are going to want to play with their friends, and stopping them from doing so won't keep BW's subscriptions up. (Hint, that's why the servers say full, so random people won't roll on that server, just folks looking to join their friends)

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7 in the morning pacific time and there is a 40 min wait cmon.. this is ********, imagine primetime hours? LOL.. with almost 3k replies in this forum and bioware cant let us know about free transfers from select servers atleast for the next 2 weeks or something. i didnt preorder and beta test just to wait to play when most people have limited time to play anyways from real life obligations..
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You people really are thick aren't you? Guess you've been spoiled all your life or something. Couple things....

Use some Netiquette.....


The queue was by design to help control population on servers prior to launch. While I've experienced the queue pain myself (longest wait 2 hours +) I don't see a need to cry about it. What I think should be a good idea is to offer suggestions on how to fix it and QQ!!!!!!!


For example, I think there should be an open character transfer system in place for the first month of launch so we can all get situated on less populated servers and get grouped up with people we want to play with.

As for the guilds, are you seriously married to your guild name so much that you think that guild name will exist on another server? So say they enable character transfers, you going to further cry because your guild name and artifacts will take that much longer to transfer? Perhaps emailing the support team might be required.


Such negativity on this thread, pretty sad really.


Good point, except it's not pre-launch anymore? Why is it our responsibility to find a less populated server to move our guilds to when Bioware placed us on a server (I would hope) for a reason?

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If I knew server queues are going to be such an issue, I'd roll a char on a PvP-server instead. They seem to be just fine most of the time... Seriously, is there no way to allow people free migrations for some time? Maybe at least to some limited extent. It's the second day out of five that I can't access the game at all. 30 mins queue is already too much for me to wait due to my work schedule. Edited by JackBurden
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First time ever I am queued in the morning. This is going to be unplayable on the server Bioware deployed my guild to by tonight. Really would like to see some action... start moving the pre-deployed guilds to another server or something... if I was rolling my own, I would have picked a different server a week ago.
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There are over 46 US servers right now with light population. People could roll on one of these but they'd rather complain about how they don't want to have to replay stuff when the reality is that they could be past where they are now if they don't wait for Bioware.


You've played before, you know the story, you know the quests, spacebar through and it'll take you a fraction of the time.


Euhhhh ??? CAuse you're guild has been assign to a server by BioWare ???


Why would I quit my guild just to play...

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My worry is it's Tuesday, 10am EST. The queues will be unimaginable tonight during prime time.


People keep saying "It's Tuesday" but I think they keep forgetting that today is Launch day (after early game access, call it going Live if you really want to) and lots of people took today off.

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There was 1.75 preorders, when dealing with games, a lot of sales come afterwords from word of mouth and people not bothering to preorder.


Brace yourselves, we are going to have A LOT of players, more than any MMO has seen at release.


All we can do is wait, Bioware has stated that the server caps are set low and will be raised if necessary.


Well right now it is neccesary... Simply opening new servers doesnt work i have no intention in starting over on a new server and why should i. I really really hope they know what theyre doing otherwise a lot of people are going to be very disappointed. Me included.

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