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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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with no option to transfer toons to another server, it is Biowares problem.


Wrong again

Bioware isn't obligated to let you play where you want to play, when you want to play, with whom you want to play. They're obligated to let you play.


As people have said over and over again, rolling onto another server IS an option.

Does it have to be permanent? No

Will it mean you have to start over? So what

Does it mean you have to leave your friends behind? Nope, take them with you

Hell, you can even form a guild on that server as I understand it


Bioware owes you the ability to play the game, nothing more. They don't owe you the ability to play the game without queues, or when you want without queues, or with whom you want without queues. They simply owe you the ability to play the game. That is all.


Refusing to follow advice given since day one, well, that's just stubbornness and foolishness, nothing more. No whining priviledges there.

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Not going to read through all the posts but I will mention that the ability to move servers needs to come soon. Even if this a payed for service it need to be there. And yes that can cause some issues with names and such but that is the risk of moving. But it does allow people to move established and leveled characters to one server.
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I would like to formally request a "Ding" sound that goes off when your server que is up. This is to prevent someone that is at their desk from going AFK because they were unaware that the server que was up due to the extended wait times in que's. Can we get that?


Bioware, can we get a... "ding"?




I second that.



Also make the screen pop fireworks and elfs dancing up-side-down lol!



No really, thats a good idea! At least they fix the bloody queues! :E

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Wrong again

Bioware isn't obligated to let you play where you want to play, when you want to play, with whom you want to play. They're obligated to let you play.


As people have said over and over again, rolling onto another server IS an option.

Does it have to be permanent? No

Will it mean you have to start over? So what

Does it mean you have to leave your friends behind? Nope, take them with you

Hell, you can even form a guild on that server as I understand it


Bioware owes you the ability to play the game, nothing more. They don't owe you the ability to play the game without queues, or when you want without queues, or with whom you want without queues. They simply owe you the ability to play the game. That is all.


Refusing to follow advice given since day one, well, that's just stubbornness and foolishness, nothing more. No whining priviledges there.


Still the customer is always right. If you make a customer unhappy for a long time (and in many cases even a short term effect will make it ) ppl will turn away to something else.

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Got a good news, the ques improved dramaticaly! 3 dayz ago, I had like 2k que and have been waiting more than 4 hours in peak time. Past 2 dayz dramatical improvement occured. Now I have in peak time app 900 que and wait time is up to an hour. Significant! I belive, that in few dayz, there will be no ques and everything works just fine. I would like to know what BW did to improve, was this a purpouse? Will never find out ...


Enjoy the game, the story is epic and I did not miss a single conversation (cinematics) ...

Edited by Menelic
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this is a pain having to wait in long queue when you only have so many time to play and waist half of this time waiting, you place our guild in this server and you should transfer us in a less crowded server, hope this get fix fast cause I'm not planing of paying 15$ month for a game that i have to wait in queue every time i want to play.
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Got a good news, the ques improved dramaticaly! 3 dayz ago, I had like 2k que and have been waiting more than 4 hours in peak time. Past 2 dayz dramatical improvement occured. Now I have in peak time app 900 que and wait time is up to an hour. Significant! I belive, that in few dayz, there will be no ques and everything works just fine. I would like to know what BW did to improve, was this a purpouse? Will never find out ...


Enjoy the game, the story is epic and I did not miss a single conversation (cinematics) ...


Bioware didn't do anything. People got tired of waiting, and said eff it.


Bioware's server strategy is epic fail and is blowing their launch. The guy in charge of it needs to be replaced. Period.


I'm in a queue, but when I log in most planets have a low population. Where the hell is everyone for it to be a full server?! Oh! I know...Its full because the server cap is only like 500...

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Haha I do agree with most people that I choose to play on this server, and I could easily reroll. The problem is I already spent 3 full days on my character and I'm not wasting my time leveling him up again on a different server. Unfortunately they don't do server transfers yet.
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Normally I'm really patient about these things. I've been here since early prelaunch and had no problems. Even the last couple of days since open launch, I didn't have many problems. Some log-queues, but that didn't bother me.


Now I'm being booted from the game in the middle of trying to help friends quest and have a 15-20 minute wait to get back in.


I've never played WoW, so I can't compare the launch experience there. , but I have been in launches of other games and never had problems like this. I know it's a high population here.


I'm not rerolling on another server since like I said my friends and I have been here early on. But honestly, I'd hoped by now this issues would have been fixed by now. And I sure hope it gets fixed before it's time for me to start paying the sub.

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The biggest issue right now is that the queue system, though it has its merits, was not well thought out.



Take for instance if you disconnect on a high population server, you are then placed back at the end of the queue, with complete disregard to the time you were disconnected for.


If you are already playing most likely you are engaging in something with friends, and being placed in the end of the queue is a complete lack of respect for the time already wasted waiting to get in, and furthermore, the time put in to get into/organize a party/flashpoint etc.


Another point is the instability of the servers/queue system right now that causes random disconnects and places you back at the end of the queue.


An easy fix already implemented in some high player volume games is to give you a time window after you disconnect where you are either placed back at the same spot in the queue, or if already in game you are placed back in game without having to wait again.

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Very simple , we need to get server transfers and we need them soon.

My small family and friends guild was assigned to a very crowded server .

We want to move , not start our characters over.

Please start free server transfers from crowed servers asap.

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Well, I entered the subscription information as now required, and then immediately cancelled my subscription. If the queue fiasco is not resolved in 30 days, I will not subscribe but knowing me I would have forgotten about the active subscription and it would have been automatically triggered ... which is of course, what they expect in some cases and why they are requiring the information now!


/heavy sigh

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the exact same happened 2 years ago when Aion lanched, full servers many hrs queue, I just rerolled onto a new server, prob solved, but asking guilds to move is a different matter, its a pain,


the more new people just looking for a server who add to one which is overcrowded but not when they logged on is just adding to the queue times,


they should add a recommended notice to the newer servers, so that the new players just wanting any server, dont join overcrowded servers,


Christmas day will be when the next bulk of players jump on the already crowded servers not knowing that they are adding to the prob,


you'll find that queue's will continue for about 1 month, till the first subscriptions are due, at that time the folk who are not too fussed about the game wont pay and queue's will be no more,

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Hey Bioware, don't be scared to change half of your PVE servers to PVP. I am not sure how much attention you pay to your server populations, but when all 2000124124 of your PVE servers are green w/ low pop and your PVP servers, all 10 of them, are full with 20min to light year wait times, there is a problem...


Enjoy the day,


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Hello guys,


I do want to say this, for once I would like to give you a little praise before I get to the negative, which unfortunately there is a lot of that with this game, especially considering that you are Star Wars and Bioware. I mean, you are supposed to be two of the greatest names in entertainment brought together as one. It would be amazing if you would actually deliver instead of tarnishing your names. But anyway, I was harsh on you guys during the beta. I was complaining about how the worlds weren't open enough, and after playing further in the pre-launch phase, your created world did open up a bit more. So here's the praise: good job on that one. However, the game is still a bit too linear for my tastes ((but you still got me with the great story line and amazing acting (more praise)(holy crap)).


Now for this darn queue thing. You are supposed to have the best game out there, right? I mean what's the purpose in putting out the 2nd best game out there. I guess there's nothing wrong with that as long as you charge less the the guys putting out the best game ((and I don't see that happening for some reason)(sarcasm)). Here's it is as simple and sweet as I can put it: fix it! Or deal with not being the best, and drop your monthly charges or ( i will make a little prediction here) you will be an F2P game really quick as you try to make up the money your investors are undoubtedly already complaining about: 4 years + on my return; ***?


Please guys, you have a great story and a great product here, it could just use some serious polishing! Get out the "Never Dull" and lets see some arses and elbows please!

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This Queue thing is getting ridiculous....bought the pre order special edition....played a few hours last night (after waiting 30+ minutes)....find no urge to play when i have to wait 30+ minutes just to log onto the server my guild was assigned to..especially when I am trying to meet up with friends in game.....




not so thrilled with this game right now have to be honest

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Very simple , we need to get server transfers and we need them soon.

My small family and friends guild was assigned to a very crowded server .

We want to move , not start our characters over.

Please start free server transfers from crowed servers asap.


This. 100% this.


I've been in 45+ min queues now EVERY DAY since about the 3rd day of prelaunch.

I was assigned to this server by EA, I did not choose it. It currently is full, and more and more people are joining it each day.


Seriously, FIX THIS SH&^#(*&^#&^*#

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I'm sure someone has said this numerous times, but lemme start by saying that first of all I really am enjoying the game quite a lot. There's a lot of fun to be had and there's lots of great aspects of this game. However, there are a few things that are, in my mind, inexcusable for the release of an MMO.


- Disconnecting bringing you back to the end of the que, despite being currently logged in the game for however long.


- Server suggestion grouping up far too many people on one realm. Easier to have more than necessary and move those from a low pop into a med. pop server later. At least EVERYONE will be able to play the game.


- The auction house is completely bass-ackwards. Search for an item or a general name and then refine by category. Searching by name or key words is the most efficient way to search for something. Forcing us to go category by category just to find things to purchase or figure out what to sell something for is just...well, terrible.


I understand that the Bioware team is fantastic at making RPG's and solo content, and I love all their games. I am having a blast playing this game, too. But, my enjoyment is almost solely from the story and instances aspects. The rest of what makes an MMO an MMO, is sorely lacking from this game as it is in its current state. I do not want a copy of WoW, I don't want a copy of EQ, I don't want a copy of DAOC, I don't want a copy of Rift...I want a star wars mmo, but it still needs to have the basic functions that all these games figured out and REFINED already through years and years of research from MILLIONS of players. Just can't help but feel like the team made its own job harder than it needed to be because of a desire to set yourselves apart. Star Wars itself sets you apart from everything else. The idiots who go trolling around yelling about WoW being ripped off just don't understand that much of what is "copied" is simply how an MMO is handled. Please, keep making great games and continue to put as much effort into creating them as you have. However, please also keep in mind that an MMO is about as far away from a single player RPG as a chicken is to a duck. They're both birds but they are vastly different species.

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I'm sure someone has said this numerous times, but lemme start by saying that first of all I really am enjoying the game quite a lot. There's a lot of fun to be had and there's lots of great aspects of this game. However, there are a few things that are, in my mind, inexcusable for the release of an MMO.


- Disconnecting bringing you back to the end of the que, despite being currently logged in the game for however long.


- Server suggestion grouping up far too many people on one realm. Easier to have more than necessary and move those from a low pop into a med. pop server later. At least EVERYONE will be able to play the game.


- The auction house is completely bass-ackwards. Search for an item or a general name and then refine by category. Searching by name or key words is the most efficient way to search for something. Forcing us to go category by category just to find things to purchase or figure out what to sell something for is just...well, terrible.


I understand that the Bioware team is fantastic at making RPG's and solo content, and I love all their games. I am having a blast playing this game, too. But, my enjoyment is almost solely from the story and instances aspects. The rest of what makes an MMO an MMO, is sorely lacking from this game as it is in its current state. I do not want a copy of WoW, I don't want a copy of EQ, I don't want a copy of DAOC, I don't want a copy of Rift...I want a star wars mmo, but it still needs to have the basic functions that all these games figured out and REFINED already through years and years of research from MILLIONS of players. Just can't help but feel like the team made its own job harder than it needed to be because of a desire to set yourselves apart. Star Wars itself sets you apart from everything else. The idiots who go trolling around yelling about WoW being ripped off just don't understand that much of what is "copied" is simply how an MMO is handled. Please, keep making great games and continue to put as much effort into creating them as you have. However, please also keep in mind that an MMO is about as far away from a single player RPG as a chicken is to a duck. They're both birds but they are vastly different species.


Wanna hear the kicker? We complained about how the GTN worked ALL beta. Just so you know. I swear people who are in charge, ANYWHERE...in ANYTHING...lack common sense. It's like, a pre-requisite for ANY upper management job.

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Ok, server transfers would be nice, let us migrate towards the less populated ones. Those of us in a guild will not have the option per say, unless the entire guild moves, but free roamers, like me can certainly move.


I'm not sure I am interested in starting a new toon all over again , the game is new and fresh, but the idea of grinding it to 14 to get my running speed feels right now like root canal ( which the queue issue is also btw ).


Within 30 days, those that will move on will do so, so the popuplation will go down somewhat, but I would hate to think players will move on not because they dislike their game experience, but because of lacking one.


It's a big great collective of gamers you have assembled here, we come from all over the spectrum of MMOs, we know what we like and dislike, what to wish for/rave for/cry for, so on and so forth. I think that new gamers also need to find their place here, and from that point of view, the experience of logging one hour before you actually intend to play, destroys the idea of fun.


In a year or so, when the game has met a couple of updates worth mentioning, FOtM toons flooding the gates of pvp and what not, uber geared players running all over screaming to /general: how bored they are, this queue thing will be forgotten. But for now, of all the issues existing for this game, this one cries for adressing.


And no, a fancy footnote from a dev does not cut it for me, and I don't think it does for most people. You understand, fine. You empathise, fine. You feel the need to act conservativly, fine. That is all good and dandy, but at the end of the day, I see no results being showned for my concerns or that of the community in itself.


Politically correct statements aside, could we in any way, get an answer that does not vaguely hint and twistingly implies that "something" is being done?


Results... Where are they?


As a footnote, I typed this while in a queue, and was in position 389 when I started, I am now in position 19. I've just been informed by my wife that I have to log off....

Edited by AkritarBane
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