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Regarding server queues


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Gonna laugh at all the people who transfer to a low pop server on launch week- you realize your servers will be empty in a month, whereas all the servers with queues now are going to be heavy and actually have a community in a month- I'm sure glad I have queues, I'd much rather deal with waiting a bit now than never being able to find groups, GTN items I want or pvp matches because I had a low pop server opening week.
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Just waited 30mins to get in, played 20mins then got dc'd and now i have to queue again! this is insane, really doubt im gonna get a subscription , what a waste of $80, maybe i can get a refund since im not able to play the game i paid for


so far iv never had a problem with my server that i picked i mean i did pick the lightest server out there that now that the game is lunched it dedium

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Yeah, something needs to be done about the queues. I've never had one over 10 minutes, but even that is ridiculous. I thought the whole purpose of having different planet 'instances' was to avoid things like queues and overcrowding?


I'm patient now, but if I'm still waiting in line come time to start paying a sub, well... I'll probably still pay the sub. But I'll whine and moan about it the whole time!! :D

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I retract my previous statement, Swiftsure was the #1 busiest server on the game and they got the queues from over 1k @ 2-3 hrs yesterday to just over 100 and less than an hour queue tonight.


Props Bioware, I knew y'all would find a quick way to resolve this issue, y'all have always had some amazing turnaround on resolutions and improvements :D.

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I retract my previous statement, Swiftsure was the #1 busiest server on the game and they got the queues from over 1k @ 2-3 hrs yesterday to just over 100 and less than an hour queue tonight.


Props Bioware, I knew y'all would find a quick way to resolve this issue, y'all have always had some amazing turnaround on resolutions and improvements :D.


Are you saying that an hour queue time is acceptable??

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I would like to formally request a "Ding" sound that goes off when your server que is up. This is to prevent someone that is at their desk from going AFK because they were unaware that the server que was up due to the extended wait times in que's. Can we get that?


Bioware, can we get a... "ding"?



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It's already better than the day before. Give it a little time folks. Well, or don't, that's your choice. But this launch is one of the better launches I've been on and that's quiet a few for the last 10 years of MMOs. Edited by Daeborn
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Ditto, this game has 'officially' been released for one day. Give them a break for crying out loud, this is strides better than most other mmo releases and this is their first attempt into anything beyond single player games iirc. Those of you whining cause of queues of under an hour, just give them a break and quit being impatient. This gives you a chance to come home and take care of stuff while you load in, I'm sure you have stuff you need to be doing to take care of yourself and your home. Quit griping with how far they've came down and go take care of stuff.
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I retract my previous statement, Swiftsure was the #1 busiest server on the game and they got the queues from over 1k @ 2-3 hrs yesterday to just over 100 and less than an hour queue tonight.


Props Bioware, I knew y'all would find a quick way to resolve this issue, y'all have always had some amazing turnaround on resolutions and improvements :D.


I dont know what to make of this. First, an hour long queue is NEVER acceptable. Even when it is a reduction from a two hour queue.


Second, my server is constantly at a 20-30 minute queue. Pretty much any time of the day or night. Has been since I got in on day three of early access.


Nothing has changed and I feel like nothing is going to change. Adding new servers is not the answer to lowering the population on existing servers. Open up the full servers to allow more people. Plain and simple. There are instanced versions of every zone (or there are supposed to be) so there really should be no over crowding.


EDIT: Also, my so called 20 minute queue is a LOT longer. I have been in the queue for exactly 20 minutes now and went from position 236 to position 66. Still quite a while to go.

Edited by psychodad
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Ditto, this game has 'officially' been released for one day. Give them a break for crying out loud, this is strides better than most other mmo releases and this is their first attempt into anything beyond single player games iirc. Those of you whining cause of queues of under an hour, just give them a break and quit being impatient. This gives you a chance to come home and take care of stuff while you load in, I'm sure you have stuff you need to be doing to take care of yourself and your home. Quit griping with how far they've came down and go take care of stuff.


I Fing HATE this weak argument. People act like everyone who is effected and upset over the queues are fat, lazy losers who neglect real life.


Here is a news flash for ya, the reason why I (and others like me) are upset is because we DONT ignore life. We live it and it is BUSY. So busy that we dont have time to wait 40 minutes to log into the game. That 40 minute wait is the 40 minutes I had time to actually play the game I paid for.


So, if you are one of the people not effected by the long waits then just **** and let those of us effected inform Bioware that the issue needs to be resolved. Because it does need to be fixed ASAP.

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I Fing HATE this weak argument. People act like everyone who is effected and upset over the queues are fat, lazy losers who neglect real life.


Here is a news flash for ya, the reason why I (and others like me) are upset is because we DONT ignore life. We live it and it is BUSY. So busy that we dont have time to wait 40 minutes to log into the game. That 40 minute wait is the 40 minutes I had time to actually play the game I paid for.


So, if you are one of the people not effected by the long waits then just **** and let those of us effected inform Bioware that the issue needs to be resolved. Because it does need to be fixed ASAP.


I COMPLETELY AGREE!!! and if you dont like people complaining then dont read this thread!:mad:

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I Fing HATE this weak argument. People act like everyone who is effected and upset over the queues are fat, lazy losers who neglect real life.


Here is a news flash for ya, the reason why I (and others like me) are upset is because we DONT ignore life. We live it and it is BUSY. So busy that we dont have time to wait 40 minutes to log into the game. That 40 minute wait is the 40 minutes I had time to actually play the game I paid for.


So, if you are one of the people not effected by the long waits then just **** and let those of us effected inform Bioware that the issue needs to be resolved. Because it does need to be fixed ASAP.


Oh I complained too, and I have been in the worst of all the queues, being on swiftsure, but the fact taht overnight they went from 1k with 2-3 hrs queue to under an hour, not an hour, aka like 15-20mins, I think is a huge success and that it will only get better. If you can't wait 20-30mins and take care of some stuff around your home then you need to take care of your living space more, I went and watched a couple music videos and was ready to go in the queue. This is release, with a 500 page thread about this, they know the issue.


And to say sh like me acting like people affected are fat, lazy losers who neglect real life. You sir need to just shut it while you're ahead, I said nothing even relating to that and for you to quote me and make it seem like that was what I was referring is completely blown out of proportion. I was just as upset as everyone, dealing with the worst of all the queues, being on Swiftsure, so I griped just as much in this thread, but I think the fact that they were able to improve the queues this much overnight, without even having to bring down the servers is pretty amazing.....


So please call my 'arguements' weak and put words in my mouth, cause i know what I said and I stand by it.

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I Fing HATE this weak argument. People act like everyone who is effected and upset over the queues are fat, lazy losers who neglect real life.


Here is a news flash for ya, the reason why I (and others like me) are upset is because we DONT ignore life. We live it and it is BUSY. So busy that we dont have time to wait 40 minutes to log into the game. That 40 minute wait is the 40 minutes I had time to actually play the game I paid for.


So, if you are one of the people not effected by the long waits then just **** and let those of us effected inform Bioware that the issue needs to be resolved. Because it does need to be fixed ASAP.



Two things if you're so busy:


1) Plan ahead. Get in queue so that you're in the game when you're ready to play. If you anticipate an hour queue, start up the game an hour before you intend to play.


2) Go to a server without a queue. If you're so busy, then your character obviously isn't high enough to warrant a server transfer, so you should be able to start over and just skip the dialogue until you catch up.

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You're not paying yet... it's a free month


This, you paid approximately the price of a regular game, unless you bought the ugpraded version (which I did) you didn't pay an extra 15$ (which isn't much at all) for a month of game-time, just give them a break and let them fix it, it's already pretty obvious they are making strides a heck of a lot faster in bringing a mmo officially released for one day than most other mmo companies have.


Look at blizzard, if there's an issue, expect them to take at least a month to resolve the issue.

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My problem is that I keep getting disconnected from the game. My internet service is high speed (50 mg) and I get an error about maintenance but my friend who has slower internet stays on (and in the same server)...what is going on????



Sounds like your connection is high speed, but your ISP is really bad at maintenance and networking.


Are you, by chance, playing wirelessly? A lot of players don't realize that there are miniscule "hiccups" on wireless connections that can cause MMOs to D/C.

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That 40 minute wait is the 40 minutes I had time to actually play the game I paid for.

Wow, whining about a 40 minute queue now? Hey now, you could be ANY of these people:


nice, qued for 5 hours, 45 min playtime and crash. epic

Legions of Lettow or LoL (aptly named) 2hrs 45 mins so far and still 570 in front of me :p

Position 531 in Queue.

Waited 4+ hours.

Legion of Lettow 3 hours queue


That's just page ONE of this thread.

Your 40 minute queue is, literally, nothing. Of course, neither is my (average) 15 minute queue.


I find it funny though that people are STILL complaining about this. I mean, I could see it a week ago, when all servers were 'full', but , well, wouldn't you look at the server status page now. All nice and light and fluffy. Oh, yes, the 'popular' servers are full, but guess what? That's the price you pay for playing on a 'popular' server. Either queue up or roll onto another server. As I've said before, take your friends, take your guildies, whatever you have to do, just roll onto another server. Hell, it don't have to be permament, it can be as long or as short as you want it to be (or until the server you're on becomes less 'popular'). Either way, it's not EA/Bioware's fault at this point. They've made PLENTY of adjustments, they've added PLENTY of new servers. At this point, there aint nothin they can do to appease those of you remaining in this thread whining about queues.

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All nice and light and fluffy. Oh, yes, the 'popular' servers are full, but guess what? That's the price you pay for playing on a 'popular' server. Either queue up or roll onto another server.


Are you alright ? did you miss air at your birth... Dude, we DIDN'T choose our server, and we all were around lvl 20-25 when servers start up to queue for hours... Easy to say ''change server'' but god damn, we will pay for playing this game, should'nt be waiting 3h to play...

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