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Regarding server queues


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I am sort of agreeing with this. The fact that I was placed onto an overloaded server is a bit ridiculous. Why didn't they just open ALL the servers during early access and spread them out more. Instead they only opened a portion of them and crammed everyone into them to bursting.




I love this game, I'm really glad to be playing it, but I just wish I -could- play it, instead of staring at a list of servers for an hour.



Yep and the people who got early access are the dedicated players who have been following the development of the game for a year+. As a result, they are going to show up and show up consistently.

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I got to play for about 3 hours today. Then servers start to lagg a little bit then i get dc'd. Then try logging back on and i have an hour wait!! I get in the que with 600 people in front of me. Then it gets down to 19 in que and guess what. SERVER ERROR. I get dc'd again and now i am in an hour que again. This is crazy. I have limited amounts of time to play and i dont want to spend half the night just sitting and trying to make sure i dont get errors. I really love this game but i dont know what im going to do if I have que after que after que...so on a so forth.
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Make new servers, allow Select guilds to move themselves & their guildies off the Overloaded servers & start fresh with same toons on new.


Tired of waiting, YOU assigned us there, we shouldn't be forced to re-roll our lvl 20+ toons, from early release, because you guys can't manage your own servers.




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its been an hour :l and im still 359 in the queue... port nowhere is apparently somewhere.. so bored.. came to forums... that alone should explain how bored i am... help.... help.... HELPPPP!!!! withdrawlllllllll symptomssss!!! SONUFAFUUCCHCCHCHCHDajsidsdi. mean while else where in texas, bioware developers shake hands with customers who if their guild was assigned to a server have no clue what kind of wait time theyre about to get.
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No kidding, wasn't able to play last night because of the server maintenance before launch (understandable).


Got to play for about an hour today, then I took a break to eat something and go to the gym. 800 people in queue when I got back, I waited the estimated 50 minutes (felt longer) and once I finally got to the character log in screen, game stopped responding, now back to the queue, 1000 people this time. Estimated 1h5minutes. It's 10pm now and I'm still waiting behind 290 people. Another night I won't be able to enjoy this game as I work again at 6am.


I, too, was placed on this server because of my pre-launch guild deployment. Prophecy of the Five.

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Bioware needs to fix this, or I will not be playing until they do, I will give them another week or so to figure it out.


idc if I get called a whiner for this. I didn't spend $75 on a game I have to wait to play, when I work 11 hour shifts.

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What really upsets me is if you crash or someting similar and try to log back in, you are put in the queue. That really needs to be fixed. It makes it hard to run instances if people get disconnected.





if you get DC'd they should give you 5 minutes or so to log back in, or go back to Q.

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Logged into Iron Citadel at 5:12PM PST..

Queue: 1180



Currently 8:09PM PST...

Queue: 427




Fix this Bioware, I don't have time to be wasting wanting to play your game..


Give me the right to move my guild to another server, because you placed MY guild on this server, a server which has this stupid long queue.

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Waited through a queue of over 1K, got the my character screen, settled down to finally play, anxiously waited at the load screen to get in game AND THEN....computer screen freeze and must reboot.......after a hurried reboot to no avail, back in queue, 956.:(
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Hey Bioware,

Can you please make a routine in your software that sees I was online within the last 5 minutes and allow me priority access to get back in?

When the game crashes me to desktop I am forced to wait in an unreasonable queue and my group usually disappears. This is unfair to me and everyone in my group. If the game "knew" I was just online and put me back in the game that would at least solve one of the complaints regarding queues.

Just a thought.




PS Im sure this has been thought of already, just my 2 cents on it.

Edited by jerrylive
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If the 1k+ queues don't go down, at least give us the option to transfer our guild to a lower population server. ;-;


I won't quit, because I love the game too much so far. I wouldn't have wasted money prordering and all that if I didn't like it, but there is absolutely 100% no excuse for a 1k+ server queue.


At least LOCK the freakin' servers that have that high of a population so no one else can roll on it.

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I honestly don't mind spending 30-60 mins queuing to get on the realm. It's when I eventually get in, only to crash to the desktop after turning in a quest and being at the end of an even longer queue and then repeating that all over again for the third time that it gets a bit frustrating. :(
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I honestly don't mind spending 30-60 mins queuing to get on the realm. It's when I eventually get in, only to crash to the desktop after turning in a quest and being at the end of an even longer queue and then repeating that all over again for the third time that it gets a bit frustrating. :(


30-60 minutes, fine. It's the 5+ hours of queue that are beyond ridiculous.


I could understand if I had to wait through a 100 or even 200 person queue, but over a thousand? And yeah, the DC's, especially a lot of the 'lol error' crashes are pretty obnoxious. (Thankfully I haven't experienced said problem yet.)

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They say "Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science" - how about you not put someone in charge of doing this that likely failed both art and science in school?


All joking aside - the wait times are crazy! 60-90 minutes is far from acceptable and what is the point of playing on another server when we can't move our toons with us? They need to figure this out fast - no way I'm paying a monthly fee to constantly wait in line.



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