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Regarding server queues


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Bloodworthy is still a *********** joke


1400+ and still the busiest server out there for EU


Can I get my char moved ?



Try Tomb of Freedom Nadd that always has a queue of 1800+ and the other night I waited for 5 1/2 hours with a 2203 Queue !!!!


I know its been said to go pick another server but how dire Star Wars would have been (even including Jar Jar) if George Lucas would have kept changing the actors for Luke, Han, Leia & the Ewoks !!


We are now Paying your wages Bioware we expect a service for the money we pay not to stare at the neon blue number slowly so VERY SLOWLY counting down !!

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I will GLADLY move to a light server if I can keep my current characters. I don't want to start over AGAIN. If this keeps up I'm just going to unsub to this game and wait a couple months and pray it dies down by then. I'm not paying for a game I can't play, I don't have time to wait in 2 hour queues.
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That isn't an argument to not allow guild Xfers. So what's your point?


I don't even know what you're saying here. Guilds can transfer servers anytime they want to. It might require some coordination and some effort but saying it's not an option is just wrong. That's my point.

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if your in a guild moving to another server isn't an option and nor did we choose which server we are on


Oddly enough people seem to assume that everyone who's been packed up on those 2-3 hours queue servers - that's when you're lucky - did it on purpose, most of us, have been automaticaly assigned there by BioWare or whatever team of monkeys who could not figure that it would have been a smart move to spread guilds over the servers and lock the said servers for a couple weeks after actual release but for members of said guilds.


The reason I am playing this game, and what will keep me playing it are the friends I joined, there's not a chance I will ever start over a new character somewhere just to play on my own.

If I wanted to play a solo game I'd launch ME2 or DAO.


This said, community managers usualy make for a good laugh when you are in queue.


Anyways, tough luck and hilarious solutions offered by the company.

Edited by Sylfarin
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After 340 pages, I think Bioware has gotten our point. Now it's up to Bioware to tell us when is server transferring going to be implemented.


Being actively engaged with the community is usually a requirement for any MMO to be successful. Hopefully Bioware is diligently working on a response as we speak.

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*sigh* Seriously.


I don't care that I have to sit in a queue in order to get into the game, but I certainly do *freaking* care that I get thrown off the game, while it has *nothing* to do with my connection, just as I have assembled a team for a Flashpoint and *then* have to wait another 300 people before I can actually get in again .. and then have to gather ANOTHER team.


It's hard enough to do Flashpoints already, this is making it a HUGE pain to play the game at times.. Please do something to fix this, Bioware :/ we just want to play what has proven to be a rather popular game.

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Went to log in today.


Waited my turn in line. Queue finally went through......and disconnected from the server.


Now back in line again.


Sad thing is, I transferred off of The Fatman on day 2 of the early release, went to a "Light" server known as Vulkar Highway and now it's full too.

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I sent this in as a ticket on the 16th. Apparently they didn't listen.




I just wanted to give you a bit of free advice. I know you're probably just a GM or a CSR or whatever BioWare is calling your position, but I need you to do me a favor. You see, BioWare made a great game here, really they did. I think you guys hit it out of the park with this one; and it will be long, prosperous, and profitable. Unfortunately, there is a major problem.


Your community is gathering in the town square, lighting torches and sharpening pitch forks. They're coming after you, and they are pissed. I mean they are really pissed. Sure, there are old farts like me who have patience, but the rest of your community doesn't.


In case you haven't guessed yet, I'm talking about the 1.5 hour long queues to log into some of these servers. You have the full blown launch in four days, and yet you've proven your servers can't even handle the Early Game Access players. The queues are very, very bad. People are irate, but not JUST because of the queues. They are also irate because of the silence.


I know you probably have community managers who have guidelines as far as what they can post and when, so here's that free advice from someone who has enough experience in the industry to know What I am talking about: COMMUNICATE. Even if you can't talk about the specifics, you NEED to get someone on the Customer Service and General Discussion forums ASAP and post a sticky dev post that says something along the lines of...


-- We know the queue times are unacceptable.

-- As of right now, the queues are necessary because of [reason] (or to prevent [reason])

-- We have a plan to fix the queue times.

-- We can not go into the details of this plan until we finalize them.

-- We know some of you have forgotten more about MMOs and IT than our entire team will ever learn in their lifetimes; so for those of you who want more details, we will be posting a more in depth explanation soon.

-- We will post updates to this thread.

-- Please accept our apologies.

-- Thank you for your patience.


You have a chance to show that you are going to be an MMO company that doesn't suck... take this opportunity to make that a reality. You may even want to make this an official press release about how overly successful the launch was (your marketing department will, no doubt, know how to spin that one to make it sound positive).




Thank you, and may The Force be with you, always,


-- Gunar

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Get disconnected for no apparent reason (I was halfway through a quest), get booted to server screen try to log backin, now im 150th in the queue..... great fun.


I hear you, how would u feel if you was 2000+ in que like me? and it happend :p

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After 340 pages, I think Bioware has gotten our point. Now it's up to Bioware to tell us when is server transferring going to be implemented.


The point is not taken, there is obviously a serious lack of thinking ahead from their part, I dont think anyone complains about 15-20 minutes queues, hell even up to 45 minutes on launch day, however 2h up to 4h qeues - and this since head start - while the decision of the server wasnt yours is certainly what infuriates a lot of people.


The sensible move is to offer a complete guild transfer for those who have been forced to play on packed server if they want to exeprience the game with their friends.

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we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."[/indent]


Reviewing WHAT? people have been in queues for over 2 HOURS on many servers.


There is NOTHING manageable or reasonable about that.


Give a damn answer that actually gives information because my game box as well as many of my guildmates are NOT BEING OPENED until the queue issue is addressed in a way it doesnt sound like it came from a politician(you know, with an actualy ANSWER)or its near time for the return policy to expire.


Because that is when the game is RETURNED and you get NONE of my money. I would rather not use up my free month spending half of it in a queue and buy the game in 5-10 MONTHS after you finally do what you are supposed to be doing NOW.


I just hope you dont lose a ton of players in the mean time.

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Yeah, but after queueing for a long time prior, play for an hour or 2, then get booted out for no reason. I could understand if I was afk for several hours.... lol. I wish there was a clear statement, on how they intend on sorting this issue out.
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Just started BT with two friends, we all planned ahead for the queues, then I got a DC, straight to the back of the queue, you would think that if a disconnect happened there would be a grace period of a few minutes to get you back in, just an idea :) Now I have to wait and I may have missed the instance if my friends can't hang around *sigh*
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Position 700 after waiting almost an hour on Bloodworthy. Launch day.


A positive message sent to new players. I'm regretting pre-ordering now. I got a weapon enhancement gem that I replace at level 16ish and the opportunity to feel disappointment at the queues. If I had waited some time in till the queues were rationalised and less hectic, then I might be happier.


Bioware this needs to be solved fast otherwise you'll lose existing customers and future customers when old customers warn others of the horrific queues.



There was a problem like this in Warhammer Online. It was solved by offering free character transfers onto a new server. In the long run, creating new servers will be detrimental because the current player numbers won't be the sustained number. As a result server merges will occur thus wasting money on obtaining new servers.


Free character transfers to existing low pop. servers is a good idea. A sensible person won't move just in case the new sever is desolated. Perhaps offer a boost in exp gain if you move as a sort of incentive. So I can stay on my server and the gullible/optimistic will stop taking my queue spots.



When your own players use bots/macros/auto run to avoid going AFK, you know you have a problem.


Alternatively increase the server cap. Who cares if people loot items or kill enemies. It will encourage them to group up. The population density of each zone will even out anyway. Not everyone levels at the same rate (particularly if they're trying to not be flagged AFK/waiting in a queue).


Rift offers free character server transfers.

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I am so much frustration in me right now but I am not going to rant away at the pathetic server situation but I am going to ask one question.


I keep hearing that I should switch server to a light one if I am not happy to wait 5 hrs in a que...


Then what about all my friends in my guild who where all places on this server (LoL server in question)?


Should I quit my guild to go and play on a light server just because Bioware (or whoever) cant sort out the server issues?


Thank you for the worst ever game launch in history (server wise)


Apparently that's been the (unacceptable) answer so far, go re-play that same story again, possibly multiple times since your new light server will probably fill up as well. How many people have restarted over 2-3 times already just to end up in the same situation?


Expecting us to play through the same story we've played through again and again as a means of fixing the issue they clearly can't is a bit naive.


In most cases these are the servers *they* assigned us to.

Edited by Valkaern
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Most amazing are the qqing WoW types who maybe don't remember how 15 minute server login queues pummelled their game for six months after its initial launch. Relax people... it will be fixed the right way and won't take Bioware half a year to do it. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I don't even know what you're saying here. Guilds can transfer servers anytime they want to. It might require some coordination and some effort but saying it's not an option is just wrong. That's my point.


But that would lose hundreds of man hours. As a leisure pursuit, that inst really a viable option is it?

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Most amazing are the qqing WoW types who maybe don't remember how 15 minute server login queues pummelled their game for six months after its initial launch. Relax people... it will be fixed the right way and won't take Bioware half a year to do it.


But they're not 15min queues. I do remember queues on WoW. They gave me a chance to do my homework. However they were only half an hour long at the very most.


At the moment, in my free time, I spend more time waiting and playing the game. I can do other things in the mean time... but I do not like being denied the ability to play a game due to 'technicalities'.

Edited by suicide_slug
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