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Regarding server queues


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This is pretty ridiculous. Rubat Crystal East Coast RP server, FULL with queue since 7am EST. Yeah right. There are 20-30 in Korriban, 40-50 in Dromund Kaas, 80-90 players level 20-50... This is on the Empire side and yet there's a 45 minute wait time to log in for players who've been playing for days in Early Access. This is not right. This server didn't have queues at all prior to launch.
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Estimated Wait when queue entered:

< 10m 00s


Approximate position in queue when first entered:



Time spent waiting in queue so far:

~50 min


Position in queue when disconnected:



Position in queue after reconnecting:



Estimated Wait when entering queue after reconnecting:

< 10m 00s


Average amount of time willing to wait in a queue to play a subscription game:

00m 00s

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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable.


OK, happy that you take things seriously, but what will be the solution?


Fact: My friends and I created a guild and pre-ordered so we'd get into early game access.

Our reward: being placed on an over crowded server with lengthy queues every night we try to log in, with other guildies that did not pre-order waiting to further fill the already "FULL" server (now I come to think of it, will they actually be able to join us?)


My options?

Well based on your message apparently none.


For real problems clients tend to prefer real solutions. Not only friendly words and attention.


I love your game btw. The question is how long this love will last with 30 minute queue's....... Please don't force me to go play with panda's.

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Little lost here about the servers.... people are obviously not going to those new servers because they wont people to play with, so clearly something needs to be done. I think you need to start locking servers to keep new people from constantly joining... I am on the server corsair which was perfectly fine until recently there is 30 min ques... I understand its nothing compared to other servers but it should have to be that way ... just increase cap to the amount already there and lock them, lol I know that's pretty blunt but I don't see why that isn't possible...


This is what Square-Enix did with FFXIV (not the greatest game I know, just saying they did). When a server hit it's max limit they locked it for a while so no new chars could be made on it.


Lesson learned, choose a server with the most boring name and play on that one, cause all the cool kids will go for the cool named servers~ (and their friends will be on it too)


If they want to get people to the new servers they should offer some free char transfers. People would jump to them without thinking twice.

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Split both sides by guilds and "alliances" per the website, and divide the non-guildies by friend's list. Complete strangers continue being complete strangers, and one of the light servers shares the burden.


As someone who has absolutely no idea about anything, even I can come up with this system that, (despite SOME complaints that would probably crop up,) would still be a better solution than what's going on now.


That should be alarming, Bioware.

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Stephen Reid @Rockjaw


Queues are a natural part of a big MMO launch - and we're very big. Expect them to be around for a while. Back to email, see you in Forums!


Expect them to be around for a while?


Not good enough. Not nearly good enough.


It seems that they think 2-5h queue is fine and we'll get some info SOON

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