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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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While I do realize there may be some queue issues at launch, I would like to propose the idea of free character transfers to some of the newer light servers.


I am one of the preorder folks, and I'm a little frustrated that my que estimate said <20 mins with 250 people in front of me....and now I'm 30 mins into the queue wait and I'm only halfway through the wait. So something that said would take 20 mins or less is going to take over an hour.




QFT. Why the **** is there 20 servers ( all 3 of mine included btw)with FULL , and the rest with Light... what goes on??

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OH good news, the wait estimator has been updated!!!


Instead of it saying my wait will be less than 20 mins, now it says less than 25 mins!! I'm so thrilled they have fixed it.


Did I mention that I've been waiting 35 mins and still only halfway through the queue?


Please fix your estimation tool.

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getting so annoyed with the ques now. EA/BW have not even addressed the issue (with the exception of the little message on the main page) we've had no update in hours. as for the whole corporation i Work for one (BMW) and whilst it's a different area we work in i can tell that they would have an out-of-hours provision to address this issue. i think we all accept that problems can occur, especially at launch but when you don't keep people updated and just let everyone complain on the forums (and rightfully so)it just smacks of poor customer service which may not effect sales at this point but is something. given how much marketing lucasarts gets out of the star wars franchise i'm pretty sure they're asking EA to explain *** is going on. it would be nice if they could at least keep us updated though!!
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BW but peoples guilds at those severs, this is not in any way, shape or form the users fault, by saying so you kinda void your own voice.


You obviously didn't read my whole post. Bioware placed them there to try and ease the guild forming process but you're not required to stay there. in addition the servers were all full since the middle of early access so queues would have been happening anyway. Now there are servers with light populations where people can move to. If they chose not to it's their own fault.

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Epic que times at launch are absurd. EA knew how many pre-orders there were, and how many other copies of the game shipped. If more than 20% of the servers have a que time at all, they have failed. Typically launch is the busiest time, and population falls slowly after that, Star Wars will probably give this game loyalty that many other MMOs don't get. Things are going to get much, much, worse, before they get better.
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25 minute queue for my RP server (the one they allocated to my Guild) but no wait for another RP server with Standard population.


Come on guys - it's not the weekend and, despite it being launch day, there is plenty of room, just not in the server you stuck us in.


Did you fill up the servers you had to capacity and now open up new ones to new subscribers, assuming those of us who have experienced the game will put up with 25 minute queues?


Saying we can move servers is pathetic. Are they going to move all our characters for free?

Doubt it.

Edited by RobSandy
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We're not talking about eventual queues... The queues are huge! and it takes so long to log in... The real problem is that it gets worse every day... My server didn't have queue, and now it has.


And when you log in... the server seems rather empty. I've seen a player from another faction only once.


Suggestion: As the queue issue is not being solved, Bioware should let us play the space missions while we wait.


Love it. Space missions while I wait would help the rage… Now, being on Legions of Lettow, can I do space missions for 4-5 hours a night? I might be level 50 before ever getting in game :o

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CCCP did it? Why couldn't Bioware. Granted EVE doesn't have quite as many concurrent players as BW, but their like ONE server can hold...what....50k I think they got up to? That sounds like a lot to me...


CCP in my opinion are one of the largest investors in improving the technology in their datacenters, as well as improving CPU-hogging actions on the back end. This is why their server can handle such large amounts.

Edited by Seidr
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I normally wouldn't post to complain, but this is kinda silly.


It's 11:00AM EST on a Tuesday, and all 3 servers that I have characters on have a wait. I can't even imagine what it'll be like tonight.


The first one, where my guild was auto-created, I understand having a queue. I/we didn't have a choice in the matter, and it was likely one of the first servers in the game, so it being full is somewhat expected.


But the other two? I picked those at seemingly peak times over the weekend, and the Population for both servers was reported as "Light." I picked these because I wanted something to fall back on when there was a wait on the guild's server.


Now my fall-backs have wait-times and I'm looking at 15 servers with Light populations.


Raising the ceiling may not be a good option. I'd rather have a stable playing experience than being able to get in immediately. But at the very least, give us character transfers to light population servers.


Looking forward to a resolution. Love the game. Let us play it. :)

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Simple conclusion. There is no response from BW/EA, they knew what is coming, they cannot fix it, and they do not care at all. We all paid for the game in average £80 (collector, delux, standard), so they still make money. What is the most frustrating? They behave like everything is all right and they try to sell more copies of the game which is unacceptably overcrowded/do not satisfies customers, even makes them freaking angry.

I remember when I paid for pre order there was a small font text attached to receive. "We can always shut down entire game with 3 months notice". I believe they knew already and now they try recover as much money as possible before game dies.


Don't get me wrong, I love Star Wars but Lucas Arts should more carefully choose their partners. I hope this whole project will die, and one day BM/EA will go down too.


Please do not say you can start game over on low populated server, because I have no time for it. Unless you are willing to pay me for it :)

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It's extremely sad to see that the company does not give a damn about significantly increasing the capacity of each server with the ridiculous amount of money they know will be coming in. At launch they already have this many people, why not do the *********** math and see for themselves that it would not rob their pockets to increase capacity, but just benefit them.
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In EGA ques were acceptable, tolerated, but not enjoyed. Now you are on my dime, I get in on day 2.. roll a trooper to 38... now I can never get on my server to play him. Always an enormous que... *** this is retarded. You gotta either give incentive for these newer players to go to lighter servers or give us people who have already invested time and effort into our characters an option to move our stable elsewhere before people start packing it in and quitting before the first month of gameplay.
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I find the logic "it's always this way, just accept it" to be ridiculous. It shouldn't be. It's never acceptable. You seem to forget your position as the paying customer, you are always right within reason. Everyone here has a valid complaint and the ridiculous solutions some of the trolls pose such as "re-roll" or "have patience" are in no way conductive to a solution. They are, however, conductive to you being screwed out of money. After all, time is money.


"You are always right within reason", problem is, expecting an MMO (specially one with this many people playing at launch), to not have queues, is not within reason.

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Just had a disconnect, the internet was fine within 30 seconds of the net hiccup, but I find myself in a 500 person queue, at least hold someone's spot for 10 mins or so, this is going to make raiding impossible.


For Example:


Main tank disconnects. Raid cancelled as no one can wait around for 3 hours while they try to get back in.


Unless it's not really an MMO and there are no plans for end game content.

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from yesterday I started to experience graphic problems too - 2-3 sec freezes whenever I open map, or change location.. the worst is when I enter any camp - game freezing terribly. some mins ago crashed cuz of it, and now I see 1044 players in queue.... next 3-4 hours of waiting... just great..


there is no chance I continue playing after thisfirst month playing ends.. last days I spent more time on waiting than playing...

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Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine and more whine.

EA is a corporation. They're not going to get JACK done on a weekend, period. Everything must go through the proper channels and in this case, that does not happen on a weekend. Sorry, but that's the case. WoW is the same way, every major company is the same, exact way. Deal with it.


Do you think there is some room of computers in the back and when when its Friday 6pm they turn off the lights and close the door? 140 million dollars invested in this game. Obviously, there is a 24/7 IT crew manning their servers and their overseers are creating a plan of action. This isn't a bank or a grocery store.

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