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Regarding server queues


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Can i have a response from Bioware about ques at 7AM


I am day off today and due to reasons I am up early.


Thought I would pop on for a bit as there is no point going back to bed. Couldn't beleive my eyes. My Server Legions of Lettow also has a queue at 7am.


Come on that is ridiculous!

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1st of all you'd closed servers for pick that are known as overcrowded already before launching.

2nd showing 10m queue time that actually turns out to be (right now already) 1h+ is lame.

3rd you better get your HW ramped up to deal with more population or offer free server exchanges otherwise this topic will become your first crisis right after start.

4th but not least getting disconnected for no obvious reason and then ending up in a queue makes ppl really angry (at least it does make me angry) especially if that happens 2h after re-starting servers

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Cool, It's 9 am here in Finland and allready queue for my server. :eek:


Just don't want to even imagine how much the queue will be later on today for Legions of Lettow. Just getting on my guild mates nerves that they have to wait on queue for few hours on prime time. Thus giving the question how long they will be around and leave the building so to speak. (changing the server or even side)


And yeah I know that it will settle down though I quess it still will take a week or two more for this server. The question really is how many members will we have after those weeks? :rolleyes:


Waiting on queue not much though yet, soon will be playing. :)

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I understand enjoying the game and wanting to play it but when people have lives outside of there computer and decide to go jump on for 30 minutes or so before they head off to other things then it needs to be fixed. I dont have all day to wait.


I don't have all day to wait either. But I do know this is only a temporary issue and nothing to fret about. I was and am still pissed off about red-zoning and launch issues, but since having played the game, having received my Amazon pre-order yesterday and generally having a good time when Im logged in, Im happy and enjoying SWTOR. Wait a couple of weeks and things will be better.

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screw you haters... I love the game and Ill wait to play it :cool:


Mee to, but there are one or two nasty Problems.


First i have a job to attend. Which usualy means that i get hom earound 6 or 7 o clock in the evening.


Even if i would switch the PC on right that moment, tend to all other things like girlfriend and cats it would be around 10 o clock in the evening when i, with a little luck am able to play on the server i have been assigned with my guild.


I have around half an hour up to an hour before i have to log off again, because i have to go to work the other day and have to get up at 5.30 in the morning.


And now please tell me where i could find the time for such long ques.


And since i am a totally average Gamer who has a familiy and a job to tend to, please tell me where i should play when i have to wait to log on the a server between 2 to 5 hours.

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More servers sounds ridiculous. You need to get rid of the caps, people who have worked on their current characters aren't going to redo them at least from my point of view. I run an IT business in NYC, the one thing about any business and why people stick with you is service and this sucks. If my system admin did this poor deployment planning and procedure you would be fired.


I can't even imagine explaining to my customer that they will have to wait for someone else to logoff in order to use email or login to the system before they can even start to work after a fresh install of a new system. Do you know how fast you would lose your customer? I have seen this all the time running my business, we gain customers from other business that do poor service like this. The fact you guys even say you can't get rid of queues to spread players is un-real, get rid of the cap, period, get rid of the queues, it's killing you, even after knowing you have a huge service issue you mention you can't promise getting rid of queue. Why bother paying you for service you can't get... Unbeleivable... I hate that I was anticipating this so long and I can't play it.


Each night I get home and I have 1 hour to dedicate to star wars, I have not been able to logon, I want to start it up and login this is not possible... I get disconnected and there is not even a grace period for people that have lost their line in queue, or if connection quits for outage, etc.


Extremely anticipated and extremely dissapointed. The game is fantastic but the queue is a deal breaker for the average working Joe.

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I don't have all day to wait either. But I do know this is only a temporary issue and nothing to fret about. I was and am still pissed off about red-zoning and launch issues, but since having played the game, having received my Amazon pre-order yesterday and generally having a good time when Im logged in, Im happy and enjoying SWTOR. Wait a couple of weeks and things will be better.


Define temporary.

Its not that i do not like this game, but given the fact that so far i havent seen any customer Service so far, i have Ticket which are unprocesed since a Week now.


And given the fact that until i write they havent fixed the Server Waiting time Issue i am just afraid it creates a lot unsatisfied gamers who will give very bad publicity to this game which could mean, that it does not pay off.

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6:55am GMT, Frostclaw 129 people in the queue, estimated <10-min, 20-minutes and still waiting. I guess the launch day orders have now had an additional impact. This is unbearable, but the best game ever...


It's hilarious people are complaining about 20 minute queues. Theres a 1200 queue on Swiftsure right now and thats small by normal standards. Yay for an 1h 20m listed queue which is probably more like 2-3hrs.

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Define temporary.

Its not that i do not like this game, but given the fact that so far i havent seen any customer Service so far, i have Ticket which are unprocesed since a Week now.


And given the fact that until i write they havent fixed the Server Waiting time Issue i am just afraid it creates a lot unsatisfied gamers who will give very bad publicity to this game which could mean, that it does not pay off.


Mate believe me, Ive had a ton of reasons to be unsatisfied with the way the red-zoned community have been treated and in general otherwise. How infuriating could it be, when the mods refused to even sticky one thread for the oceanic players to co-ordinate their game plans. But given all that, when its a game that is as popular and in demand as SWTOR, I find it crazy that people expect them to be on top of things right from the start. Customer service and every other department will need to get used to providing that service over time. No matter how much you plan and train, things are definitely not going to be smooth with a launch this big.


Sure, I do feel like throwing out a force choke when Im looking at the dame queue [like I am right now, after getting home from work, logging in, finish shower / dinner / e-mail etc. and still 400], but yeah, I refuse to make something like the first week mayhem of a game release get in the way of enjoying a great product. I am sure Bioware know and will take steps to address this issue in the best way possible. Afterall, noone is more passionate about this product than the ones at Bioware. Their love and care is simply plainly visible in every one of their videos and interviews.

Edited by randalthorr
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Bloodworthy EU, full at 6am GMT. However upon logging in, I did a /who.


I can count a total of 18 people on Ord Mantell and 12 on Tython. This to me looks like Bioware have ACTUALLY DONE SOMETHING about the queues. They have lowered the server population considerably, making the servers that are already full smaller. This is probably their attempt at making people roll on low pop servers rather than full ones.



Good job bioware, you have just earnt yourself a cookie, it's in the post :p

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Enough is enough Bioware you have to get rid of this problem RIGHT NOW, i mean TODAY yo have to activate some kind of migration system, so that people who have created their characters and invest more than 40 hours on them can move them to another server.


Take into account that actual server queues are causing HOURS of frustation to your player (wich have benn waiting for this gamer for years in many cases) i don´t play games to get frustrated, i play games to have fun, and particulary to have fun with my friends (otherwise i´d be playing skrym) and i CANT have fun and i CANT play with my friends because when i´m playing they are in a queue and when they are playing i am in a queue.


This is HIGHLY unnaceptable, we have start paying today, the "free" month is not free at allo it´s cost is build in the initial cost of the game, and this matter of queues is making your game clearly unplayable, just fix it or refund us and let us go.

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