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Regarding server queues


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Server queues over 1-2 hours are disgusting!


I don't have 3 hours of time to prepare for my gaming time. I have an hour or two window when I'd like to play. But I can't because the queues are longer than that!


If I get disconnected I'm back in the 1000+ Queue!


At this point I'll have to call home and ask that my computer be turned on, give up my credentials and pre-queue during my commute home in the off chance I might actually get a bit of time to play 2-3 hours later....

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I'm looking at the server status page right now, as I sit in que to get in, and am seeing that with the exception of THREE servers, All of them are Full with most having a que time of <45 minutes. Granted it is Prime Time in the states buuuttt...

What I'm curious about is what will happen in a couple days when the game goes live to the rest of the world. If the servers are this full now...... ???


What can we (the player community) expect as the game goes live?

Are the incoming players going to be spread out amongst the current server population or will they be diverted to another set of servers waiting in the wings, orrr.... ???


Just Curious.. Thanks

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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable.


Yeah but every night server queue's of 25 to 30 minutes this is getting lame :mad:


oh and ps posters careful on how you speak the truth ( you will get a warning ) LAME!

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I understand the reasoning behind this waiting to make more servers available....and as excited as I am to play this game, I can honestly say I wont be picking it up. Ive barely been able to play early access and I sure as hell wont pay for a game I wont be able to play just because they "dont wanna open too many servers" DEal with it guys you ahve millions of dollars and you alienate your fan base for nothing. Looks like back to WoW for me. At least theyve managed to eliminate que times


Seriously. Why are they being like this. Increase the darn population cap!

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Unfortunately what is happening with the server ques does not support the statement that everything is being done to keep things reasonable. I don't want to beat a dead horse but you need to take a serious look at this issue and take measures to remediate it or your business (as it relates to this game) though off to an amazing start is going to suffer. I think I speak for most of us in saying that we love the game but find the que management to be extremely frustrating.
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This is a good point. Although, from the beginning we should have had the ability to transfer our characters. Not sure why that didn't occur to anyone.



572 to 186 an hour in the queue... Practice for Disney World woooo.





People aren't realizing these guys are part of the problem. There needs to be some sort of way to at least report this... Not saying it would fix anything sadly.

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This is a good point. Although, from the beginning we should have had the ability to transfer our characters. Not sure why that didn't occur to anyone.



572 to 186 an hour in the queue... Practice for Disney World woooo.


Actually, even Disney World at least makes an attempt to amuse you in line and offers a Fast Pass each hour to get in a faster queue while others wait. >_> Plus, Hutta doesn't have a Ghirardelli ice cream parlor.

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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable.


Yeah but every night server queue's of 25 to 30 minutes this is getting lame :mad:


oh and ps posters careful on how you speak the truth ( you will get a warning ) LAME!


I WISH I only had to wait 25-30 Mins. Try 2-3 HOURS every night.

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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable.


Yeah but every night server queue's of 25 to 30 minutes this is getting lame :mad:


oh and ps posters careful on how you speak the truth ( you will get a warning ) LAME!


lol funny

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Client crash = queue to log back in


This is unacceptable especially if you're in a group or RAID with other people waiting for you to get back. It's not just YOU waiting to get back in. It's 3-15 other people all waiting on YOUR queue. Other games like Rift give you a few minutes grace period to skip queues when you log back in after a crash/disconnect.

Edited by LetoAtreidesII
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Seriously. Why are they being like this. Increase the darn population cap!


Agreed, been trying to get on to spend some time with my guildies and by the time I get in its probably going to be too late for them to do any flashpoints or heroics :mad:

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So I haven't been in the queue longer than 30 minutes yet, but I stress the "yet". I've seen some servers on the list at over 2 hours! The release is two days away and I'm honestly dreading what's going to happen. I realize this is Bioware's first stab at this, but you need to bring a LOT of servers up in a hurry.


You also need to check your current servers and see which need to be pared down and offer guilds you stuck on these servers a free transfer (before we start making alliances on our server). None of your servers should even be at 50% of load at this point since launch day will be where the real big hit will occur.


The game is great, but you'll get savaged by word of mouth if folks can't play it because they're sitting in the queue.

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If you just set your toon to autorun and face a wall, will the game auto log you out?


Sorry , these queues are ridiculous.




...Example of being part of the problem. ^


...Why server Ques are so long. ^

Edited by Avoided
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I made a toon Player for 8 hours, logged in the next day to a 30 min Que.... So i made a new toon on a diff server played for 5-6 hours.. now it's a 15 Que...





Add a rating for each server, that lists how many people are "ACTIVE" on the server. Not currently Logged in, but have looged in recently. Rate them 1-5, And allocate it based on the other servers.


I know, I know there's a flaw if like a guild of 500 people take a vacation and then Come back after a month... and scew the server numbers... But that's a risk i'm willing to take.


Allowing for someone to get an idea of the "Population" of a server and less of the "Currently on Friday at 8 Am, durning EGA, not one plays this server, But at 5 PM, EVERYONE and there grandmother plays here."



Population get Speard around, People don't get stuck in Ques, and you don't have to reveal how many people are on as server, Just It's Rated 5, means you're more likly to see ques then a server rated as 3-4. and 1-2 are Great to start new! Everyone's happy.


and really come on, How hard would it be to do that on a database scale youre setup with.

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People aren't realizing these guys are part of the problem. There needs to be some sort of way to at least report this... Not saying it would fix anything sadly.


It was merely comic relief while trying to pass the time. What's the harm in that?


Everyone in this thread understands the issue at hand.

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K all they said was they will they will seriously monitor and make sure q times are manageable...but every single server is completely full, thats not manageable how come other mmo's let you in instantly and this one your waiting for hours. Will this ever change or can i forever just expect to be put in a q every time I log on?
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These queues remind me of back when I had a dial up ISP. America Online, where you dialed into connect, and would keep getting busy signals. You young folks might not remember them they went out of business for poor customer service and better technology. Speaking of, why does WOW not have these problems with 5 times the customer base?
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Im just hoping they have this fixed by launch. 2 hour queues pre-launch is understandable. Not expanding the servers for launch, which would make the queues 4 hours or more, is down right criminal. I'm annoyed that my wife just fell asleep and I get to play, and have to wait for 2 hours, but I can handle it because I'm not paying anything. The second I start a subscription you can bet your behind that I will be on the phone with customer service getting comp time if I have 4 hour queues.
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the only good thing is that we are not paying to wait, hope everything goes good on DEC20:eek:


I'm paying. I started paying on the 16th technically. So for me, it's a damn insult to be in a queue along with people who don't have a subscription yet.


Plus this is the server I was assigned. So I'm not happy about having to queue on the server they placed my guild on.

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Bioware, the server cues have official gone too far. There's some PVP servers with cues OVER ONE HOUR (my PVE is ~40 min). I was fine with 0-20 min cues. 30 was a bit crazy, but hey, its around launch. But one hour? You're doing it wrong.




What's worse is that the cues are getting LONGER. On launch for me (15th) there was zero cue. Same with the 16th. 17th saw 100~ cues of 10-20 min. 12 hours ago it was 30 min (400 cue). Im logging in now, and its a 600 cue.


What is the 20th going to be like? 1000+ cue? 2 hour waits?

Edited by doomlordVII
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