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Make Voss a playable race


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I think it would be cool to see the Voss as a playable race. I think they are one of the coolest planets we come across in the game. People on the rp servers would get a kick out of them, and I just after the quests I did on Voss and the interactions with them I have become more and more interested in them. They would be awesome to play and build.
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Oh wow! Another alien head on humanoid bodies?


Errmmm.. boring.. but that is just my personal opinion.


What about Kaminoan, Yoda Race, Hutts, Toydarian, Anx, Ssi-Ru, Geonosian...




Yoda's race is off limits by order of George Lucas. besides that would be another humoind race.

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I couldn't agree more with this post. Why the heck are we getting a stupid cat as a playable race when we can have a cool looking Voss. People who complain about the Voss being just another humanoid, well I hate to tell ya the cat race we are getting stands on two feet, has a head and mouth like a human and is basically a redrawn human race in it's self. If they were going to do it right, they should make a class to make you people happy that is a quadraped walking style and purr on the ground. with no ability to carry any weapons of any kind.
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Just one problem, the Voss are not allied with either faction. So it would be really strange and going against the Voss being a neutral people.


You have Voss that have become jedi in one of the story arcs for the republic quests unless you have chosen to go darkside then they stay with the empire, so it is a viable race to play. The natural choice is force user, but they also have commando's and the like.

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Just one problem, the Voss are not allied with either faction. So it would be really strange and going against the Voss being a neutral people.


Isn't this how the Twi'lek started out? enslaved species and pretty much only keep to themselves in their community? the jedi band from getting involed with them, but they still make it to be in game? (Sorry if I didn't get this part right, I may be confused)


why cant some that use the force join the jedi or troopers? and then you could make the Gormak favor the republic side? There are ways around everything,

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