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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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Steve Cortez and Samantha Traynor in ME3.


Kelly Chambers was in ME2. :)




That's a pretty gross simplification.


Take Mako as an example. The romance arc with her is part of her larger companion/character arc, which more or less spans the entire class story for the Bounty Hunter. That's just not at all comparable to a few flirts (and sex) with a character you'll never see after you've left that one planet.


Well, you do sorta see him later on in the storyline. And I really can't speak of Mako's romance storyline, as my BH is female. But I didn't think Andy's was much more than that.


I'd check with Torian, but I've decided my BH just wouldn't go that far with Torian. Flirt sure, but no relationship, I'll go with her having a secret crush on Mako that will likely never be filled. :p


And I have no intention of rolling a class twice just to see it.

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Torian's romance is, just like the rest of his story, not comparable to Mako's.


Where Mako's storyline involved going to Nar Shaddaa and other places to investigate, Torian's was just the player giving (or not giving) him permission to go out bounty-hunting with his friends for the duration of a couple of fades-to-black.


So there's flirting, a kiss, and finally a proposal. Nothing special, but it would have been a whole lot better if the rest of his story actually had some substance. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say it's because the writer had no idea how to actually do an interesting romance story with a man as the love interest.

Edited by JediMB
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Torian's romance is, just like the rest of his story, not comparable to Mako's.


Where Mako's storyline involved going to Nar Shaddaa and other places to investigate, Torian's was just the player giving (or not giving) him permission to go out bounty-hunting with his friends for the duration of a couple of fades-to-black.


So there's flirting, a kiss, and finally a proposal. Nothing special, but it would have been a whole lot better if the rest of his story actually had some substance. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say it's because the writer had no idea how to actually do an interesting romance story with a man as the love interest.


That's how Andy's was. Is it that way with all non-first companions?

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That's how Andy's was. Is it that way with all non-first companions?


All non-main companions. Every class only gets one companion who actually gives quests. Usually it's the first companion, but for the Jedi Knight it's Kira, who's your second companion. May be the second or third companion for other storylines too, I haven't played them all yet.


It's a little annoying, because every companion has obvious hooks for quests. Like "I gotta go to Taris to rough a dude up!" *fade to black* "OK, back from Taris!" Because it's not like I wanted to go to Taris with you and help out with that.... While they're adding s/s to companions, maybe they can finish that too. A comprehensive "companion patch" that offers universal storyline extras on top of s/s fixes would certainly be a good way to garner the interest and support of folks who are otherwise indifferent to or uninterested in just the s/s aspect.

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All non-main companions. Every class only gets one companion who actually gives quests. Usually it's the first companion, but for the Jedi Knight it's Kira, who's your second companion. May be the second or third companion for other storylines too, I haven't played them all yet.


It's a little annoying, because every companion has obvious hooks for quests. Like "I gotta go to Taris to rough a dude up!" *fade to black* "OK, back from Taris!" Because it's not like I wanted to go to Taris with you and help out with that.... While they're adding s/s to companions, maybe they can finish that too. A comprehensive "companion patch" that offers universal storyline extras on top of s/s fixes would certainly be a good way to garner the interest and support of folks who are otherwise indifferent to or uninterested in just the s/s aspect.


I had the impression that originally it was planned that you would accompany the companions on these quests, why else do they always take place on planets you have already visited in the past. I think that BioWare simply ran out of time and or money to do them right and so all the player gets are those fade to black.

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It's a little annoying, because every companion has obvious hooks for quests. Like "I gotta go to Taris to rough a dude up!" *fade to black* "OK, back from Taris!" Because it's not like I wanted to go to Taris with you and help out with that.... While they're adding s/s to companions, maybe they can finish that too. A comprehensive "companion patch" that offers universal storyline extras on top of s/s fixes would certainly be a good way to garner the interest and support of folks who are otherwise indifferent to or uninterested in just the s/s aspect.


I also found the hook/fade to black structure for most companion "quests" pretty annoying. I wonder if the developers originally planned to include full quests for all companions but ran out of time and/or resources. I would love a "companion patch" myself, but I suspect Bioware is more likely to produce additional content for level 50+ than to add to the 1-49 content. Time will tell, I guess.

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Just peeking in again. I noticed a small paragraph in the Help Centre and was wondering if it's been there for quite some time or if it's new. Here it is:


" 'Why is a same gender romance option not available for my character?'

Same gender romance options are not available with Companions at this time. However, inclusion of same gender romance options is planned for future, story-focused Game Updates."


Anyone know? My subscription is going to be on renewal very soon. I'm wondering if I need to cancel it still. I haven't played the game in a very long time (been waiting for SGRs).


UPDATE: **Ok, nevermind, lol. I've been out of the loop the last couple weeks. The news is still disappointing. Hmm. Not sure what to do with the subscription now. Thinking of cancelling it. Maybe renew it when we have equal opportunity as the opposite gender romances (meaning companion romances). I've written so many letters on this topic in the last 6 months, to so many different people/organizations, my brain is tired.

Thank you to everyone who has been fighting for SGRs... For providing a voice where people thought there wasn't one.**

Edited by PluckyDog
To add quotations and explain.
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It's new. We spent over the holidays raking them over the coals for not communicating/reiterating their promise to add the arcs....I am certain that after the community managers and folks in charge read e-mail/post after email/post emphasizing their terrible communication skills, they took the road they should have ages ago and formally confirm their intent.



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It's new. We spent over the holidays raking them over the coals for not communicating/reiterating their promise to add the arcs....I am certain that after the community managers and folks in charge read e-mail/post after email/post emphasizing their terrible communication skills, they took the road they should have ages ago and formally confirm their intent.


And now we're waiting for more info to come. Ah, the waiting :rolleyes:.... I feel so sentimental. It's been so long since we've last been waiting for them to tell us stuff. :p

Edited by Lent_San
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And now we're waiting for more info to come. Ah, the waiting :rolleyes:.... I feel so sentimental. It's been so long since we've last been waiting for them to tell us stuff. :p


It's so nice of them to think we'll somehow stop waiting now that they've told us it's really, really hard you guys.

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The news is nice. I know many want more, either specifics or depth, and many want it sooner, but news is good for me. It sealed my decision to preorder Makeb, given how little we know of the actual expansion itself. I understand why some might not feel that way.


The zero-sum, either-or game people try to play to express their displeasure with the inclusion of such features shouldn't be considered a valid discussion topic.


I'm cautiously optimistic, but not wildly hyped. That's been my approach to this game since Mid 2009, and it applies here, for me.

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Just peeking in again. I noticed a small paragraph in the Help Centre and was wondering if it's been there for quite some time or if it's new. Here it is:


" 'Why is a same gender romance option not available for my character?'

Same gender romance options are not available with Companions at this time. However, inclusion of same gender romance options is planned for future, story-focused Game Updates."


Anyone know? My subscription is going to be on renewal very soon. I'm wondering if I need to cancel it still. I haven't played the game in a very long time (been waiting for SGRs).


UPDATE: **Ok, nevermind, lol. I've been out of the loop the last couple weeks. The news is still disappointing. Hmm. Not sure what to do with the subscription now. Thinking of cancelling it. Maybe renew it when we have equal opportunity as the opposite gender romances (meaning companion romances). I've written so many letters on this topic in the last 6 months, to so many different people/organizations, my brain is tired.

Thank you to everyone who has been fighting for SGRs... For providing a voice where people thought there wasn't one.**


I haven't seen that in the FAQ before. Good to know that it's there now though. I also haven't played in over a month now. My subscription ends in two days, I'm not prolonging it. I simply don't enjoy this game with only OGR flirts in my face all the time. It's like corrective therapy. Quite insulting, and I can't enjoy it atm.


But I did just pre-order ROTHC. I'll give it another go when we see Makeb. Before and during the holidays the site only showed purchase options in dollars, they're now finally in Euros. Thanks BW:A. Also I'm very pleased there's additional payment options for us in Europe, as I also suggested you should do before. That's great! Now if you would only let players and future players know. It's ok to add that on the page somewhere you know, I know that for a lot of people not being able to pay for this game was a major problem, they wanted to but couldn't. For those in .nl you can pay with iDEAL! I also saw options for other countries to pay with debit cards. The only gripe left now on that front: I still can't buy a security key here! It's not on origin :(. And there's no WindowsPhone app either.


Perhaps the devs got visited by the ghosts of Christmas. Seems like a bunch of long overdue things happened over the holidays.


Now here's to hoping we'll hear something about the future of SGR with companions sometime soon. It'd be nice if we'd know what decision was made and when approximately we can see some content. Prepare some answers about SGR for the Cantina Tour. I'll be taking a 6hr coach to Paris instead of paying for a subscription.

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Anyone know? My subscription is going to be on renewal very soon. I'm wondering if I need to cancel it still. I haven't played the game in a very long time (been waiting for SGRs).


UPDATE: **Ok, nevermind, lol. I've been out of the loop the last couple weeks. The news is still disappointing. Hmm. Not sure what to do with the subscription now. Thinking of cancelling it. Maybe renew it when we have equal opportunity as the opposite gender romances (meaning companion romances).


If you are not playing or not enjoying the game, cancel your subscription. Renew if it gets to a point where you feel you will play and enjoy your time in game. I'm still subbed to TOR, and have been since launch, because I enjoy it. When I stop enjoying it, I will stop playing. I think you should consider approaching it that way. However, I'm not the kind that feels as though I need an MMO to always be playing. I'm not sure if you are, but if you will, perhaps that changes the situation.

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Ok, I'm seriously having a heart attack now.


Hal Hood replied to a tweet of mine, saying while the forum is the best way to suggest stuff, he'd be happy to hear my/our thoughts. :eek: He's open to ideas how to get more companion interaction into the game. :eek::eek::eek:


I just replied to him, asking him whether I should post stuff to Twitter or whether he has a kind of official address I could mail some ideas to. My hands are all sweaty now. :rak_03:


Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm all giddy now, lol.

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Ok, I'm seriously having a heart attack now.


Hal Hood replied to a tweet of mine, saying while the forum is the best way to suggest stuff, he'd be happy to hear my/our thoughts. :eek: He's open to ideas how to get more companion interaction into the game. :eek::eek::eek:


I just replied to him, asking him whether I should post stuff to Twitter or whether he has a kind of official address I could mail some ideas to. My hands are all sweaty now. :rak_03:


Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm all giddy now, lol.


Hehe, well you know that views differ on this. I'd personally prefer to see new companions, new quests with SGR NPCs for existing planets. Heck I'd even help write some story, I've got time on my hands. Having only OGR is a game breaker for me, I don't enjoy this game atm, and I'd prefer seeing SGR companions asap. Even if for the first while there'd only be a few SGR companion quests, which can be extended later on with future content updates.

Edited by fabiyun
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Hehe, well you know that views differ on this. I'd personally prefer to see new companions, new quests with SGR NPCs for existing planets. Heck I'd even help write some story, I've got time on my hands. Having only OGR is a game breaker for me, I don't enjoy this game atm, and I'd prefer seeing SGR companions asap. Even if for the first while there'd only be a few SGR companion quests, which can be extended later on with future content updates.


Different views are better than having only one view. I've tweeted my support for more Firefly-esque moments - really hope Mr. Hood is a browncoat and gets the reference.

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Different views are better than having only one view. I've tweeted my support for more Firefly-esque moments - really hope Mr. Hood is a browncoat and gets the reference.


Hehe, of course.

Btw, are you going to London the 2nd of Feb?

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Hehe, well you know that views differ on this. I'd personally prefer to see new companions, new quests with SGR NPCs for existing planets. Heck I'd even help write some story, I've got time on my hands. Having only OGR is a game breaker for me, I don't enjoy this game atm, and I'd prefer seeing SGR companions asap. Even if for the first while there'd only be a few SGR companion quests, which can be extended later on with future content updates.


So you're basically ok with new companions? Or old and new ones? And is NPC romance a no-go for you unless there's also companion romance? While I'm at it, I might as well push an array of ideas. Hope he gets back to me with an official contact or something, I'll never be able to put all that on Twitter lol.

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Hehe, of course.

Btw, are you going to London the 2nd of Feb?


Haha, on my salary? I'd be lucky to make it to Brighton. Besides, they'd probably just answer every question with "We want to talk about that, in the future, after my beer. Check the forums! Hey, do you know the Queen?"


Besides, I hate pubs and don't drink. There'd really be no point. If they were at a Con I might be able to convince myself to go, if only for the swag (and I'd bring my husband for protection - he wouldn't want to go to London otherwise either).



So you're basically ok with new companions? Or old and new ones? And is NPC romance a no-go for you unless there's also companion romance? While I'm at it, I might as well push an array of ideas. Hope he gets back to me with an official contact or something, I'll never be able to put all that on Twitter lol.


Ok with new companions - would like old ones made SGRA-able, though. And first. Retroactively.

NPC continued romance only if there's the option of companion romance - like straight characters have at the moment.

World [Flirt]s all the way.

Would also like to see NPCs flirting first, though I'm sure some people would go "OH MY GOD, they're forcing it on me!"

Just... more life. Companions moving around the ship, interacting with each other, sleeping, stealing my chairs etc.

Edited by Tatile
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So you're basically ok with new companions? Or old and new ones? And is NPC romance a no-go for you unless there's also companion romance? While I'm at it, I might as well push an array of ideas. Hope he gets back to me with an official contact or something, I'll never be able to put all that on Twitter lol.


I'm ok with NPCs additionally of course, but not as a replacement for companions. I'd also prefer them do it with new content then changing already existing content. Seems a waste of resources, even if the quests that'll accompany them aren't anything special, it's still something new to do for everyone. That's the same reasoning with companions. New content is a better investment than changing existing content, ie existing companions.


Haha, on my salary? I'd be lucky to make it to Brighton. Besides, they'd probably just answer every question with "We want to talk about that, in the future, after my beer. Check the forums! Hey, do you know the Queen?"


Besides, I hate pubs and don't drink. There'd really be no point. If they were at a Con I might be able to convince myself to go, if only for the swag (and I'd bring my husband for protection - he wouldn't want to go to London otherwise either).


I'm on welfare, I'm not doing much better. Check megabus. I got a ticket for 6 euros. Indeed they may not answer any questions, hence I'm typing out my concerns and recommendations. They can take it with them to Austin. I also hate pubs, and I don't drink alcohol.

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I'm on welfare, I'm not doing much better. Check megabus. I got a ticket for 6 euros. Indeed they may not answer any questions, hence I'm typing out my concerns and recommendations. They can take it with them to Austin. I also hate pubs, and I don't drink alcohol.


I'd never even heard of MegaBus until it popped up on Mock The Week, so I'm not entirely sure if it's in my neck of the woods. Saying that, I'm just making excuses. I don't want to go :p I know, I know, should be doing this for the team and all, but I hate crowds*, I hate London, I hate pubs and my husband would have to come with me and he works early mornings Sundays.


Something taking part not in a pub would be fine with me. Do a panel at Sussex or Brighton Uni, lots of nerds in that area :D


*Conventions I've managed to stand because it's fairly easy to find a quiet place away from people.

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Ok, I'm seriously having a heart attack now.


Hal Hood replied to a tweet of mine, saying while the forum is the best way to suggest stuff, he'd be happy to hear my/our thoughts. :eek: He's open to ideas how to get more companion interaction into the game. :eek::eek::eek:


I just replied to him, asking him whether I should post stuff to Twitter or whether he has a kind of official address I could mail some ideas to. My hands are all sweaty now. :rak_03:


Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm all giddy now, lol.


One thing I'd like to see with companions (in general) is more interaction between them. I would even exchange this for less new interaction with PC/companion.


I believe there's a few involving Dr. Lokin/Vector on the Agent's ship. I'm replaying the Sith Warrior story now and I just had Pierce walk in on a covo with LS Jaesa. I do kind of wish there were more of these. But of course, I would still like new PC/companion interaction in the future and a continuation of their story.

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