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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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Unfortunately, I think SGRAs are going the way of a certain "Dance Studio" or "Aerial PVP." This game is dying and lurching for F2P. SGRAs may make it in, but... it might be a pay to play kind of thing.


There are so many problems with this game, it just seems like this may be backburner. And if it's put foreburner, it may push a lot of people to leave, not because of Same Sex, but because their issues weren't correct first.


Blizzard is still succeeding without any RAs. Remember what this game copied.


I love the RAs, and would *love* to get some Mako with my Fem BH, but.. writing seems like it's on the wall.

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Unfortunately, I think SGRAs are going the way of a certain "Dance Studio" or "Aerial PVP." This game is dying and lurching for F2P. SGRAs may make it in, but... it might be a pay to play kind of thing.


There are so many problems with this game, it just seems like this may be backburner. And if it's put foreburner, it may push a lot of people to leave, not because of Same Sex, but because their issues weren't correct first.


Blizzard is still succeeding without any RAs. Remember what this game copied.


I love the RAs, and would *love* to get some Mako with my Fem BH, but.. writing seems like it's on the wall.


Where exactly are you getting this information? I think most of us would like to know. I agree that female BH and Mako would be hot. But seriously, I think your predictions of doom are a bit premature.

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it might be a pay to play kind of thing.



pay for gay ..... yeah..i don't think itt'l happen like that.


but as for things getting pushed on the back burner, theyre freaking pushing back the est for class story expansions..so yeah -.-

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Unfortunately, I think SGRAs are going the way of a certain "Dance Studio" or "Aerial PVP." This game is dying and lurching for F2P. SGRAs may make it in, but... it might be a pay to play kind of thing.


There are so many problems with this game, it just seems like this may be backburner. And if it's put foreburner, it may push a lot of people to leave, not because of Same Sex, but because their issues weren't correct first.


Blizzard is still succeeding without any RAs. Remember what this game copied.


I love the RAs, and would *love* to get some Mako with my Fem BH, but.. writing seems like it's on the wall.

This is nothing but speculation and guessing, and should be treated as such. Every single MMO has doomsayers, and we don't need that in this thread. Saying that WoW succeeded without the romance stories is completely irrelevant; WoW wasn't designed for companions and all that comes with them, so the comparison makes no sense. If TOR was doing well and WoW wasn't, would you say it was because WoW lacked romance arcs? As for claiming the writing is on the wall, yes, the game is having some problems. But making vague statements without anything to back them up serves no purpose at all.


As I've said before, lack of news is only that: lack of news. Not hearing anything recently about SGRs does not mean they're not still being worked on. Anything other than actual word from BioWare is just a guess.


Also: can you imagine the utter [expletive]-storm that would happen if BioWare made it so people had to pay extra for SGRs? If they made it so straight relationships were free, but players were charged for gay ones? It would lead to some of the worst protests and worst press this game has ever seen, and BW would lose any recognition they had for supporting equality. I highly doubt anyone at BW is that stupid.


well they said " latter this year" alll the time, then at comic con it's " in the next year or so"

"In the next year or so" still includes this year. And I don't know if that was intended to be an official statement, or if it was just an off-the-cuff sort of thing. Hopefully we'll get a more definitive answer when we start hearing about patch 1.4.

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Also: can you imagine the utter [expletive]-storm that would happen if BioWare made it so people had to pay extra for SGRs? If they made it so straight relationships were free, but players were charged for gay ones? It would lead to some of the worst protests and worst press this game has ever seen, and BW would lose any recognition they had for supporting equality. I highly doubt anyone at BW is that stupid.


They've completely nixed any talk about toggles and such, elements that turn SGRAs off, the 'Gay-Away Switch' that some extremely vocal people were 'requesting'. Several mod statements have made it clear that the mod teams, at the very least, claim talk of toggleable LGBT content to be homophobic.


It doesn't seem likely to me - at all - that they're going to say 'even talking about toggles is a violation of the forum rules' and then turn about and implement SGRAs as a paid bonus feature. I know the mod teams and the development teams aren't the same people but heck, that would indicate a massive gulf between the philosophies of the two departments.


No, I think SGRAs will go in exactly as OGRAs are right now: optional, entertaining content that people can enjoy or opt out of as they see fit*. And really, that's how it should be: equal representation, equal treatment, equal implementation.


Regarding delays... I've been away from the game for a little and I don't actually know the extent of the trouble that SWTOR has been reported to be experiencing at the moment but reading above that the story content might be delayed did indeed depress me - not just due to the SGRA matter but also because the story content is one of the primary things that, for me, differentiates this game from other MMOs. There are other features that make it unique, certainly, but for me it's the story that makes this such a compelling form of entertainment.


To hear that we might be forced to wait even longer for new story content... well, it wasn't what I was hoping to come back to when I started playing again.


But Mused Moose is very correct: rumours are just that. Everything else is hearsay and any accuracy of such statements is, let's face it, incidental. Until BW:A actually make a statement about what's going on we have no way of knowing what's true and what's not.


So again, it's wait-and-see.


* = unmarked [Flirt] lines notwithstanding.

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i know right, i still pray 1.4 is gonna be a companion patch like the runors said awhile ago


Well, we'll get the new HK droid...that I'll never use outside of crew skills.


Hopefully they increase the maximum amount of companions you can deploy on crew skills.

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I'm convinced that they will make 2 new companions for each faction, male and female, that everyone gets. Those will be the same gender romance options. I really doubt they will go back and change the existing companions to be options for same gender romance options.
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I'm convinced that they will make 2 new companions for each faction, male and female, that everyone gets. Those will be the same gender romance options. I really doubt they will go back and change the existing companions to be options for same gender romance options.


I don't think they'll go this route. They have already said that they're not changing all companions to be romanceable by both genders because they believe that's not good writing, but I don't think they'd simply plop in a couple of faction-wide companions per-side to cover the SGRAs. That wouldn't be good writing either.


I don't know if they'll open current companions to SGRAs and, if they do, whether they'll be current romanceable companions. We can hope, though.

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No, I think SGRAs will go in exactly as OGRAs are right now: optional, entertaining content that people can enjoy or opt out of as they see fit*. And really, that's how it should be: equal representation, equal treatment, equal implementation.
Agreed, and good to see you back. :)


Regarding delays... I've been away from the game for a little and I don't actually know the extent of the trouble that SWTOR has been reported to be experiencing at the moment but reading above that the story content might be delayed did indeed depress me - not just due to the SGRA matter but also because the story content is one of the primary things that, for me, differentiates this game from other MMOs. There are other features that make it unique, certainly, but for me it's the story that makes this such a compelling form of entertainment.


To hear that we might be forced to wait even longer for new story content... well, it wasn't what I was hoping to come back to when I started playing again.

Yeah, that worries me a bit too. I'm all for waiting for BioWare's word on the matter, but at the same time, it's a little bit worrisome that we hear so little. We hear from the devs once a week for the Q&A, and while that's definitely a good thing and I understand why they're not big on discussing future content there, there's all kinds of things that we hear nothing about.


I know that hearing about 1.4 soon will of course lead to more questions, but I really hope we do hear about it, so we can get a few answers in with those questions. I understand that SGRs might not be what BioWare wants to use to promote the game when they're talking about upcoming content, but still.


I'm convinced that they will make 2 new companions for each faction, male and female, that everyone gets. Those will be the same gender romance options. I really doubt they will go back and change the existing companions to be options for same gender romance options.

That doesn't make any sense, and I highly doubt it would happen. Adding four new companions would require a ton more resources than adding lines to existing companions, and it would mean bringing in the artists - both traditional and CG - to create the companions' looks. And then there would be all the new voice recording with new VAs who would have to be contracted, and so on and so forth. Adding new romance dialogues for existing companions would involve a great deal less.


And then there's the fact that adding the "token gay option" companions would make BioWare look bad. 'Equality' has the word 'equal' in it for a reason, y'know. :D

Edited by MusedMoose
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Agreed, and good to see you back. :)


Awwh! <facehug!>


Yeah, that worries me a bit too. I'm all for waiting for BioWare's word on the matter, but at the same time, it's a little bit worrisome that we hear so little. We hear from the devs once a week for the Q&A, and while that's definitely a good thing and I understand why they're not big on discussing future content there, there's all kinds of things that we hear nothing about.


Oh, to be a fly-on-the-wall in a BW:A developer's discussion...


I know that hearing about 1.4 soon will of course lead to more questions, but I really hope we do hear about it, so we can get a few answers in with those questions. I understand that SGRs might not be what BioWare wants to use to promote the game when they're talking about upcoming content, but still.


See, in a way I really do hope that they don't bring out a patch specifically for SGRAs. I hope they put it in alongside a bunch of other stuff - not sneaking it in, not trying to hide it, but as part of a bigger content patch.


The reason for that is twofold. Firstly, and somewhat defensively, if it's bundled with other content then the patch as a whole is harder for the extremist lobbies to attack. Stopping, condemning or damning a whole patch when it's got a bunch of stuff that a whole broad range of players have been looking forward to would be that much harder for hostile parties to attempt.


Secondly, and to my mind more importantly, I really really dig it when a patch comes out that everyone is excited about. I love seeing everyone get a little something. Back in my days playing That Other MMO I really enjoyed seeing huge long patch notes with bonuses and treats for all the different classes, and PvE, and end-game content, and PvP (even though I personally despise PvP), simply because it meant that everyone could get involved and excited about the changes coming.


Sure, not everyone likes the content being put in. Some people seem simply impossible to satisfy. But if everyone's getting something then we can all be happy that the game as a whole benefits.


Adding new romance dialogues for existing companions would involve a great deal less.


And, of course, we don't know how much content was pre-recorded prior to launch and simply hasn't been used yet. For that matter there might be whole unseen companions just waiting in the wings to be plugged in (though I doubt it).


And then there's the fact that adding the "token gay option" companions would make BioWare look bad. 'Equality' has the word 'equal' in it for a reason, y'know. :D


Doesn't it just? :rod_grin_p:

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Awwh! <facehug!>

"If you don't let go, I'm gonna lick your hand." :D


See, in a way I really do hope that they don't bring out a patch specifically for SGRAs. I hope they put it in alongside a bunch of other stuff - not sneaking it in, not trying to hide it, but as part of a bigger content patch.

Odds are good that's how it will be. If SGRs are coming with a story update, then there's no way they're going to be the only part of it. I'm sure they'll be in the patch notes, but I doubt it'll be a big, highlighted thing - more like "The following companions are now open for relationships with player characters of the same gender. If you have the appropriate level of affection with them, look for new conversations." And that will be it.


Or, to use a phrase from an earlier version of this thread, the patch notes will simply include the line "Gays in space." :p


Sure, not everyone likes the content being put in. Some people seem simply impossible to satisfy. But if everyone's getting something then we can all be happy that the game as a whole benefits.
Yeah, I spent enough time playing WoW to know that it's impossible to satisfy everyone. I've seen people complain about their own class getting buffed. :confused: But I think putting in SGRs will make enough people happy that it'll be worth whatever grumbling ensues. I'm sure we'll see people complaining on the forums who are mad just because a feature they don't like was added, but that's what the ignore function is for.


And, of course, we don't know how much content was pre-recorded prior to launch and simply hasn't been used yet. For that matter there might be whole unseen companions just waiting in the wings to be plugged in (though I doubt it).

I know there's content made for MMOs that doesn't end up getting used, but that's pretty much par for the course with most video games. I do hope at least some SGR stuff has been recorded and otherwise prepared. They told us it was going to happen in September, and they repeated the promise that it was going to be in the game in March, so seeing as how it's July I really, really hope it's not still in the scripting stages. :eek:


As for unseen waiting companions, I doubt it too - companion design is probably one of those things that's not done until it's necessary. If the writers were planning an expansion wherein the class stories continue, I'm sure they'd be working on new companions, but aside from that I would be very surprised if it was happening. HK-51 aside.

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Did that post seriously reference the phrase "writer soon" - yeah, somehow I just think this feature won't ever happen. They can't even do hood toggles when they were talking about those 3 months ago, or add in Nightmare mode, or fix Ilum after 5 months, etc. - the idea they're scripting and recording flirt options and editing cinematics strikes me as unlikely. And they fired the guy that promised this.


Has the new community manager said anything?


They already said they're not adding to companions in any of the grab bag they announced at E3.


Pretty much this. The lack of a raid ready check was also brought up at the guild summit. And guess what? still no ready check :)

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Pretty much this. The lack of a raid ready check was also brought up at the guild summit. And guess what? still no ready check :)


Yyyyyes, we're aware there are features they've said are coming 'soon' that haven't been put in. Doesn't mean it won't happen, just means it hasn't yet.

Edited by Kioma
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And they fired the guy that promised this.


That's a valid point, certainly, but they haven't fired the whole team (that I know of) and until we get new information to work on (which, to any devs reading, you're definitely welcome to provide), we have to go on what's said rather than what hasn't been said.

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Pretty much this. The lack of a raid ready check was also brought up at the guild summit. And guess what? still no ready check :)

Yyyyyes, we're aware there are features they've said are coming 'soon' that haven't been put in. Doesn't mean it won't happen, just means it hasn't yet.

Yeah, I'd really think anyone who's played an MMO for any amount of time would know that. :D I just plain don't get some players' tendency to say "it's not in yet, so it's never going to be in". That would be like me saying, "Well, I'm not 50 years old yet, so I guess I'm never going to be." :confused:


Also: ready check and SGRs are completely unrelated features. Why in the world would one have anything to do with whether or not the other was in the game?

Edited by MusedMoose
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As for unseen waiting companions, I doubt it too - companion design is probably one of those things that's not done until it's necessary. If the writers were planning an expansion wherein the class stories continue, I'm sure they'd be working on new companions, but aside from that I would be very surprised if it was happening. HK-51 aside.


I have to disagree with you here. Chances are, they designed more companions than they needed at the start, knowing that they would eventually be introducing new companions as they expanded each class's story.

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I have to disagree with you here. Chances are, they designed more companions than they needed at the start, knowing that they would eventually be introducing new companions as they expanded each class's story.

Hmm, good point, I hadn't thought of that. Granted, there's no way to know what BW did or how they're going to do things in the future, so... yeah. :o


This reminds me of something I wanted to bring up, though, as it's about getting new companions for SGRs and part of why I hope that's not how BioWare does it: simply put, what if we don't like the new companions?


Part of why I want to pursue Kira with my JK is because I love how things already are between them. Like I've said, they have this Xena/Gabrielle thing going that's awesome, and I really like the idea of two Jedi hiding their relationship from the Council but not at all feeling like they're doing anything wrong. If Kira's the JK's female SGR option, fine and dandy, I'll be thrilled. But what if she's not? I have this vague idea of the JK's female SGR companion being some smart-mouthed blaster jockey smuggler, someone who's supposed to have a love-hate relationship with the JK but whom I just can't stand having around.


I know this is completely hypothetical, but I think it's a legit concern and it's a huge part of why I hope BW doesn't go the "only with new companions" route for SGRs. Back at the guild summit, they said they're reading our suggestions, so I'm hoping they've decided to make SGRs with current companions.

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Also: ready check and SGRs are completely unrelated features. Why in the world would one have anything to do with whether or not the other was in the game?


A ready check is a simple feature that many would appreciate. SGRs are a huge feature (if done right). Judging from this thread and others, many want this huge feature but I am unconvinced it does not represent a vocal minority.


I think the regular romances were not of a quality that would meet expectations expressed here and elsewhere. Especially those romance options that come after chapter 1 feel forced and akward. Lt. Iresso for example.


They are not related. It ws just a general observation on their ability to deliver.

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