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Who else revels in the Assassin crying?


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According to this thead, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4560222#post4560222 The changes made to Assassin tanks due to "PvP whining" are making them terrible at PvE.


Hmm...where have I heard about PvP changes making a class useless in PvE.....Oh right! When BW decided to nerf the crap out of us Scoundrels, making us useless as DPS in Ops. Sure we can still heal, but other than that we have no appeal in an HM or OP.


Still, through our many nerfs, we have managed to do well if allowed into a PvE environment. We have learned to adapt to our changes, roll with the punches, and come out as better players.


It still fills me with glee though when I hear all the QQ about how "Assassin changes are UNFAIR! It breaks our class! We're useless now!" Ah...the shoe is on the other foot...life is good. :)


Anyone else filled with an unexplained sense of joy at the cries of our Assassin brethren?

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Not really.


So far as I know, the "us" in this "us and them" scenario is the gamers, BW being the "them". If you find joy in the fact others were hurt like you were, especially ones that did nothing to deserve it, I feel for you.

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Meh. Tank Assassins needed a nerf. The really good ones were able to keep alive for basically forever in a 1v1, and for a very long time in any 2v1. The nerf to armor and heals should make them a bit more manageable without making them useless.


And yes, I do find it rather funny. Call it cruel if you like, but Bioware didn't listen to a thing Scrappers said when we got nerfed.


Of course, there's still the marauders out there who insist that their class is perfectly fine.

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Meh. Tank Assassins needed a nerf. The really good ones were able to keep alive for basically forever in a 1v1, and for a very long time in any 2v1. The nerf to armor and heals should make them a bit more manageable without making them useless.


And yes, I do find it rather funny. Call it cruel if you like, but Bioware didn't listen to a thing Scrappers said when we got nerfed.


Of course, there's still the marauders out there who insist that their class is perfectly fine.


The assassins that specced full 31-0-10 for the healing are the ones hardest hit. The more dangerous tankassins have been running 23-1-17 which yields more control and is more dangerous in the hands of a skilled player; this spec received a minor stub to the toe. The armor reduction only amounts to a -3.5% in mitigation via armor which is insignificant compared to the gap between a tankassin and an infiltration assassin.

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The assassins that specced full 31-0-10 for the healing are the ones hardest hit. The more dangerous tankassins have been running 23-1-17 which yields more control and is more dangerous in the hands of a skilled player; this spec received a minor stub to the toe. The armor reduction only amounts to a -3.5% in mitigation via armor which is insignificant compared to the gap between a tankassin and an infiltration assassin.


Self-healing cut in half is what hurts in the small-scale engagements that Shadows excel in. Armor helps of course, but since the actual reduction isn't TOO terrible, the larger nerf is the flat 50% reduction of heals.

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The assassins that specced full 31-0-10 for the healing are the ones hardest hit. The more dangerous tankassins have been running 23-1-17 which yields more control and is more dangerous in the hands of a skilled player; this spec received a minor stub to the toe. The armor reduction only amounts to a -3.5% in mitigation via armor which is insignificant compared to the gap between a tankassin and an infiltration assassin.


True, but a nerf is a nerf. And I know as far as some "tank" assassins go, it's more their crazy defense that's given me the most issues in any extended encounter.



Guess I'll still keep crossing my fingers they'll finally give Scoundrels some actual utility though. Either a way to close distance, give a unique party buff, or a unique enemy debuff.

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I play one now.


They are UBER strong.


Even with these nerfs... they are going to be UBER strong still.


3 stacks of harnessed darkness with proc from thrash with recklnesses allows for..


wait for it....


wait for it...





4k+ hit on shock (that's instant cast, guaranteed hit)

followed by a 4 tick channeled lightning that has near 100% crit chance (+60% chance from the recklessness) that each tick for 2k and can not be interrupted. That is over 12k damage


This is what healed for 12% and now heals for 8% instead.


Considering HP is around 20k... 8% is still 1600 hp (this is in addition to healing you get from dark stance)


Now.. the best part.


You can repeat this ever 12s... muhahaha the second time, you won't have same crit chance because recklessness has a longer coold down.


Shock -> wither -> shock -> lightning

shock and wither give you the harnessed darkness proc, need 3 to get the healing buff. They also buff the dmg on lightning ticks by 25% each harnessed darkness proc. So 3 times = 75% more dmg.


that's all in the tank tree.


Ohhh and get this...


With sprint, you just run out of range when ever you need, then pull, do your maul/spike/assassinate then knockback to get back in range for the shock/wither/lightning


Things get out of hand??? no problem, immunity -> vanish... works like dodge -> vanish


Ohhh but that is not all....


I get to do all this with near 6000 armor (at level 43), about 36% damage reduction, 35% shield chance, 35% absorbe, and some high defence number I can't remember right now.


Spike also works a lot like shootfirst but doesn't have the same uber damage.. It knocks down for 2 seconds but can be used out of stealth from any direction.


This class is out of control lol. And a lot of fun. I was pooping on people on my scoundrel but with a sin, I'm like a magician.


I seriously recommend it for anyone that enjoys a scoundrel...

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I play one now.


They are UBER strong.


Even with these nerfs... they are going to be UBER strong still.


3 stacks of harnessed darkness with proc from thrash with recklnesses allows for..


wait for it....


wait for it...





4k+ hit on shock (that's instant cast, guaranteed hit)

followed by a 4 tick channeled lightning that has near 100% crit chance (+60% chance from the recklessness) that each tick for 2k and can not be interrupted. That is over 12k damage


This is what healed for 12% and now heals for 8% instead.


Considering HP is around 20k... 8% is still 1600 hp (this is in addition to healing you get from dark stance)


Now.. the best part.


You can repeat this ever 12s... muhahaha the second time, you won't have same crit chance because recklessness has a longer coold down.


Shock -> wither -> shock -> lightning

shock and wither give you the harnessed darkness proc, need 3 to get the healing buff. They also buff the dmg on lightning ticks by 25% each harnessed darkness proc. So 3 times = 75% more dmg.


that's all in the tank tree.


Ohhh and get this...


With sprint, you just run out of range when ever you need, then pull, do your maul/spike/assassinate then knockback to get back in range for the shock/wither/lightning


Things get out of hand??? no problem, immunity -> vanish... works like dodge -> vanish


Ohhh but that is not all....


I get to do all this with near 6000 armor (at level 43), about 36% damage reduction, 35% shield chance, 35% absorbe, and some high defence number I can't remember right now.


Spike also works a lot like shootfirst but doesn't have the same uber damage.. It knocks down for 2 seconds but can be used out of stealth from any direction.


This class is out of control lol. And a lot of fun. I was pooping on people on my scoundrel but with a sin, I'm like a magician.


I seriously recommend it for anyone that enjoys a scoundrel...


This is rich.


While I bow to your lvl 43 assassin wisdom, let me poke some holes in your description of how this class works from a full WH geared shadow.


First, the 4k hit on shock. This is certainly possible, but certain conditions must be met. For one, you would need to be a different spec than the one you are referring to, have BM/WH gear, and have a critical hit. You make it seem like we do this every time we cast the spell.


Second, the 2k x 4 tick lightening. Again, possible in 1.2 with DPS BM/WH gear (which you don't have considering you are 43 and gearing for shield/absorb (*gross*)). However, in 1.3 you will no longer be able to use relics/adrenals to pad this. In 1.2 my highest tick was 2.6k x 4. On the PTS, my max is 1.6k. As for the heal, 1600 hp on a WH geared shadow with an endurance stim. I'll give you that if the shadow gets every tick off. We get that and about 200hp every 4.5 seconds from combat tech. Woohoo...


Third, the 20k hp. I'd love to see a screenshot of you running around with 20k hp at lvl 43, and would be pleasantly disproved if you could provide one. As a full WH shadow, I have 20517 hp IF I use an endurance stim. Without it, I have ~19100.


Lastly and MOST important, doing this is every 12 seconds. If you have some magical ability that keeps your recklessness (+60% crit for 3 force attacks) from having the 1 min CD, please share it with me. While your at it, tell me how you do all of this without ever needing to regen force.


I guess what I am really asking is for you to stop blowing smoke.

Edited by Zimms
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Meh. Tank Assassins needed a nerf. The really good ones were able to keep alive for basically forever in a 1v1, and for a very long time in any 2v1. The nerf to armor and heals should make them a bit more manageable without making them useless.


And yes, I do find it rather funny. Call it cruel if you like, but Bioware didn't listen to a thing Scrappers said when we got nerfed.


Of course, there's still the marauders out there who insist that their class is perfectly fine.


Your cruelty made my day, thank you.

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Not really.


So far as I know, the "us" in this "us and them" scenario is the gamers, BW being the "them". If you find joy in the fact others were hurt like you were, especially ones that did nothing to deserve it, I feel for you.


I agree with this guy 100%. I would think that being nerfed hard would make one sympathetic towards those receiving similar treatment, not more resentful.

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I agree with this guy 100%. I would think that being nerfed hard would make one sympathetic towards those receiving similar treatment, not more resentful.



Towards certain people I would feel sympathy. But there are quite a few assassins who are, to be blunt, *Name of male appendage*'s . Openly being mocked and labeled as "The worst scoundrel ever" (Multiple times) because I happened to hit a self-healing tank with all his defenses available tends to make me resentful towards those players.


There are also those people who are the "Prima Donna" players, ones who are sitting in stealth during huttball waiting for someone to pass them the ball. When you finally manage to get a throw off the ball is about 10 feet from where they are at. (Caused by frantically trying to get a throw while your health disappears.) The assassin doesn't move at all, waits a few seconds for the ball to land, and then complains how bad your aim is.


Forgive me for sounding hateful, but it's the *Name of male appendage*'s and prima players that have skewed my view of people who play that class, so now I automatically associate assassins with an "I'm better than you, go kill yourself." attitude.


Aside from that specific class, my server is HEAVY imperial PvP players, the good republic players are rarely on at the same time I am. So I'm always stuck in a group of fresh, low-geared 50's. Try matching full WH imperials with recruit republic, even if you're better skilled you can't out-damage their healers. (The republic has 0-1 healer a WZ, empire has 3-4)


So yes, I am naturally resentful of empire players, especially assassins, which is why I find it enjoyable to hear all the crying of the assassin's with their nerf.


Are there good, considerate people who play the shadow/assassin class? Sure, but my experiences with all the bad ones have automatically labeled all assassins as *Name of male appendage*'s.

Edited by jackrunip
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