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Is there a reason that every other mission involves me having to go into a "dungeon" that has a 200ft elevator shaft and the slowest elevator ever invented? Is this a level design thing or just a weird need for one of the devs to have underground cavern/bunker adventures? While I may have worded the question sarcastically, I would like a serious answer...amongst the sarcastic ones, naturally. What gives with all the dang elevators?
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It is a good question. It isn't that I mind the elevator, per say, or the "dungeon" which is kind of a misnomer, because, let's face it, people live indoors; hideouts are indoors. Bunkers, silos, secret military facilities, they just don't keep them in the open. However, I do find it quite inefficient to have them as deep as they are.


At first I thought it was some sort gate to allow mobs to respawn, but then I realized the moving ones are more prevalent behind the green zone lines as in the wild. Why are some instant and some not? It doesn't seem very well planned out, that's for sure.

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There has to be a technical reason...I cant see any dev putting in something that wastes a minute or more of your time (waiting, then riding the elevator).


Also, with all this tech, they cant think of a better way to get from one level to the next other than lifts? How about some sort of vacuum tube or firemans pole...those are faster.


Yes, thats it...I think we should petition for firemens poles instead of elevators.

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if you were an amazingly over-powered world boss, and were at the end of a massive raid instance, where else would you hang out but at the bottom of a 50000 story elevator? now if it were me, i'd be back in the Victoria's Secret fitting rooms but I'm no raid boss ;)
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What I find funny is that on earth these evelators would be banned in seconds due to hundreds of deaths as people walked into the vast open space and fell hundreds of feet to their death. But health and safty seems to have no place in a galaxy far far away. Would it have been so hard to put a barrier accross the opening when the elevator is not there?


Died so many times when I first start to play pr sometimes driving off the 3 foot by 3 foot elevator floor into openness.

Edited by Izorii
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Moreover...most of the missions that require you to take the elevator down to kill/vanquish some boss and 25-40 of her/his henchmen, could be solved by sending a lvl 1 player to blast the elevator controls and the denizens would starve to death in a couple of weeks!


I don't expect CSI-like precision and realism in all aspect of a sci-fi MMO, but this part always struck me as a little silly. Heck, drop a few thermal grenades down there and the pressure wave would kill everything...

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Don't know how many people have noticed, but SWTOR doesn't cheat at all in level design - i.e., none of the 'inside is bigger than the outside' tricks you see almost everywhere else. This naturally means that some degree of Z-axis is necessary to keep instanced areas inside the landscape.
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