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Worth Coming Back? I Thought So... Here's Why

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When do you think this things will go live?


Think about it... 1.2 has been tested roughly 2-3 months, 1 month on the PTS. And 1.2 was nothing.


And now think about 1.4 or the Makeb-thing with Cathar etc. - 3-4 months testing, this thing will never go live before autumn ends.


I'm not making a prediction on when it will come out. You have literally no idea how done it is or how close to completion it is. You're just guesstimating again and also guesstimating the worst possible scenario.

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Sorry but not sure where you are getting your information from. We also have little information about the new level cap so don't start trying to spread misinformation.


ITs common sense that they add the new planet and flashpoint and OPS with the level cap increase. Why would they add them before? So people can spend a month on them then forget about them and start leveling again? Then where are you going to level?


Its all comming out in Dec (or early next year). If your dont think so then you need to wake up because your dreaming.

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I'm not making a prediction on when it will come out. You have literally no idea how done it is or how close to completion it is. You're just guesstimating again and also guesstimating the worst possible scenario.



Okay, you're right.


But just remember the last 6 months. Nearly everything that could go wrong went wrong.


And in this 6 months we should've learned that things that BioWare says and BioWare does are different things. They jump on bandwagons.

Edited by LovarBoy
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ITs common sense that they add the new planet and flashpoint and OPS with the level cap increase. Why would they add them before? So people can spend a month on them then forget about them and start leveling again? Then where are you going to level?


Its all comming out in Dec (or early next year). If your dont think so then you need to wake up because your dreaming.


Except there are ways to keep the current OPS useful to players that were posted here. We have no idea how they are going to attack the level cap. You're just assuming they are going to make a bad decision because you don't like the game.

Edited by Crash-X
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Except there are ways to keep the current OPS useful to players that were posted here. We have no idea how they are going to attack the level cap. You're just assuming they are going to make a bad decision because you don't like the game.


ITs not because I dont like the game. Its because of their track record with the game.


It takes how long to get server merges?

How long have they been working on ranked warzones since they were suppost to be in 1.2?

Lets not forget about the sercret space project theat they have been working on for 6 months and dont have anything to say about it yet.

Lets not forget that they fired/layed off/released or whatever they did to 150-200 employees at BW that were there when getting things done took so long. Now with that many less people you expect stuff to come out quicker?

Lets not forget that they have to do their own internal testing first then it has to go on the PTR and its not even the next patch. We still have 1.3 to still be released and that should be at end of june or beginning of july.

Lets not forget that ilum is still broke/removed and is being worked on. So we are down 1 planet as it is. Why add another when you have one broke already.

Lets not forget that its been 3-4 months between 1.2 and 1.3 so if 1.4(if thats when it is) takes the same amount of time that would be Nov, but they have less people and it has more stuff in it you could expect it to take a little longer.


My how time flys and we are in dec now for them to release 1.4 so when is all this other stuff going to be released before?

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ITs not because I dont like the game. Its because of their track record with the game.


It takes how long to get server merges?

How long have they been working on ranked warzones since they were suppost to be in 1.2?

Lets not forget about the sercret space project theat they have been working on for 6 months and dont have anything to say about it yet.

Lets not forget that they fired/layed off/released or whatever they did to 150-200 employees at BW that were there when getting things done took so long. Now with that many less people you expect stuff to come out quicker?

Lets not forget that they have to do their own internal testing first then it has to go on the PTR and its not even the next patch. We still have 1.3 to still be released and that should be at end of june or beginning of july.

Lets not forget that ilum is still broke/removed and is being worked on. So we are down 1 planet as it is. Why add another when you have one broke already.

Lets not forget that its been 3-4 months between 1.2 and 1.3 so if 1.4(if thats when it is) takes the same amount of time that would be Nov, but they have less people and it has more stuff in it you could expect it to take a little longer.


My how time flys and we are in dec now for them to release 1.4 so when is all this other stuff going to be released before?


Wow you're assuming a lot of things here, beyond the usual ups and downs of a MMO that is.


Why say anything about such space project? It's still in development clearly and when the time comes they will talk about it. If you remember they didn't say much about Legacy until it was time to release it either. Going by that it could pop up a year from now or 2 months from now. Who knows? Why just assume the worst unless you are trying to make the game look bad?


Yeah and who were those employees the let go? Answer me that.


Just because it's taken 3-4 months between one patch does not mean this will be their regular cycle. Sith happens, something along the process can push something back .


How soon did they go from 1.0 to 1.1 then, What about that? Or is that just forgotten? I just don't like all of this guess work, we don't even know much about 1.4 but someone is putting a release date on it.

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PLEASE...... i dont give a crap about this post.... You blow it all up at then end when you start to use WOW as an example.. What should i care about wow. The game was released many years before swtor, The programming and engine have change, but STILL Bioware is doing the same mistakes as all the others did years before.


Tell me this.,..


1. Why is server merge/transfer not in the game at launch.

2. Why have 90% of the pvp playerbase left the game.

3. We still have bugs from release.. ( datacron you cant access, cause of wrong size in toon creation) FIX IT

4. Lack of communication. ( this is droid X2-Y4) we have recieved your report/ Now its closed .... bye bye.

5. The game is freaking Static and boring....

6. All the hype about pvp ranked WZ and illum and PVP in basic is simply just a scam....


even mr. dickenson said that PVP was a big surprice for them.. cmon pvp is the cornerstone in a MMO...


Now i will go back and play BWE 2 in GW2.. that engine is a pvp engine.. not the Hero engine swtor is using.. it cant cope with more than 8 vs 8 . puffff


Bye then! I'm with the OP. I'm still really having fun with this game. If you don't like the game, then fine. See ya.

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Very positive and well thought out post. Although my sub expires in a week, I will be back to play at some point down the road. I played WoW right at launch, lasted six months or so, and went over to EQ2 where I played for years. I returned to WoW many years later and enjoyed it immensely for a year and a half. I suspect that SWTOR will fall into the same pattern if another game doesn't capture my attention.


I may be a bit of a game hopper these days and for that, I'm said. I've played a few MMOs like Asheron's Call 1, EQ2 and LoTR the longest (several years). They have had elements that I truly enjoy in an MMO like exploration, in depth crafting systems, collectibles, achievements, hobby systems like housing, fishing, etc. Aside from the fantastic class stories and companions, I have to admit that this game hasn't captured my interest level. I have done the tried and true approach of rolling up another character to see the stories but the same quests on the same planets has gotten rather old. I have tried to do the daily grind but that gets old for me after a few weeks. I don't know but I just lost interest at endgame where I didn't want to get on the hamster wheel and repeat content for upgrades to my gear.


I think that overall, this is a fine game. I've enjoyed my time here and don't really have anything bad to say about BioWare except that their customer service is underwhelming. If things are added like hobby systems, housing, ship decoration, I may resub to this game. For now, going on to explore some other MMOs and hopefully stick around awhile.

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PLEASE...... i dont give a crap about this post.... You blow it all up at then end when you start to use WOW as an example.. What should i care about wow. The game was released many years before swtor, The programming and engine have change, but STILL Bioware is doing the same mistakes as all the others did years before.


Tell me this.,..


1. Why is server merge/transfer not in the game at launch.

2. Why have 90% of the pvp playerbase left the game.

3. We still have bugs from release.. ( datacron you cant access, cause of wrong size in toon creation) FIX IT

4. Lack of communication. ( this is droid X2-Y4) we have recieved your report/ Now its closed .... bye bye.

5. The game is freaking Static and boring....

6. All the hype about pvp ranked WZ and illum and PVP in basic is simply just a scam....


even mr. dickenson said that PVP was a big surprice for them.. cmon pvp is the cornerstone in a MMO...


Now i will go back and play BWE 2 in GW2.. that engine is a pvp engine.. not the Hero engine swtor is using.. it cant cope with more than 8 vs 8 . puffff


This is to much truth for most of the remaining player base to handle.

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I am really glad to hear this. Ive been reading so much negativity on the forum and everywhere else that I was starting to think i was the only one that still enjoyed the game.

Honestly, the only game breaking problem I might have right now is the lack of population.

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PLEASE...... i dont give a crap about this post.... You blow it all up at then end when you start to use WOW as an example.. What should i care about wow. The game was released many years before swtor, The programming and engine have change, but STILL Bioware is doing the same mistakes as all the others did years before.


Tell me this.,..


1. Why is server merge/transfer not in the game at launch.

2. Why have 90% of the pvp playerbase left the game.

3. We still have bugs from release.. ( datacron you cant access, cause of wrong size in toon creation) FIX IT

4. Lack of communication. ( this is droid X2-Y4) we have recieved your report/ Now its closed .... bye bye.

5. The game is freaking Static and boring....

6. All the hype about pvp ranked WZ and illum and PVP in basic is simply just a scam....


even mr. dickenson said that PVP was a big surprice for them.. cmon pvp is the cornerstone in a MMO...


Now i will go back and play BWE 2 in GW2.. that engine is a pvp engine.. not the Hero engine swtor is using.. it cant cope with more than 8 vs 8 . puffff


Wow guy, you're amazing.Utterly.It's people like this that defy logic. You don't like SWTOR fine, you're entitled to your opinion. But to come onto the forums, spew your opinions. Might be static and boring to you, maybe not to others...Just saying.


But the kicker is to end this post with, I'm going back to Guild Wars 2!!! Grrr... etc. Take this as a hint, THEN GO PLAY YOUR GUILD WARS 2.. And stay the heck off SWTOR boards. No one cares. Why feel the need to tell everyone what game you're playing? A sense of self-entitlement? Makes you feel better to sleep at night?


If you have nothing constructive to add to the conversation, don't type.Period. End of statement.

Enjoy your Guild Wars 2. Hopefully it draws in alot of people, such as yourself to play, so that game becomes a rotting cesspool of cast-offs from all the other MMO's.. SWTOR, WoW, LOTRO, etc. So in turn it makes all those games better.


SWTOR will be a much better game once all these self-entitled, obnoxious, " My opinion is the way it should be", can't type basic English, people eradicate themselves from the servers.

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Wow guy, you're amazing.Utterly.It's people like this that defy logic. You don't like SWTOR fine, you're entitled to your opinion. But to come onto the forums, spew your opinions. Might be static and boring to you, maybe not to others...Just saying.


But the kicker is to end this post with, I'm going back to Guild Wars 2!!! Grrr... etc. Take this as a hint, THEN GO PLAY YOUR GUILD WARS 2.. And stay the heck off SWTOR boards. No one cares. Why feel the need to tell everyone what game you're playing? A sense of self-entitlement? Makes you feel better to sleep at night?


If you have nothing constructive to add to the conversation, don't type.Period. End of statement.

Enjoy your Guild Wars 2. Hopefully it draws in alot of people, such as yourself to play, so that game becomes a rotting cesspool of cast-offs from all the other MMO's.. SWTOR, WoW, LOTRO, etc. So in turn it makes all those games better.


SWTOR will be a much better game once all these self-entitled, obnoxious, " My opinion is the way it should be", can't type basic English, people eradicate themselves from the servers.


Amen. I see a lot of people pointing out the supposed flaws of TOR, and yet they do not offer any solutions and do not acknowledge the good aspects of the game. Population is probably the biggest issue, and that's being fixed in two days. Content is coming out, bugs are getting fixed, what more do people want?

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Welcome back! I totally agree with your post. I was inactive for a few months but I never canceled my subscription. Now I have played SWTOR all weekend long (which is very rare for me). I've also been testing the patch 1.3 content and I'm impressed, I love the new group finder and I now have renewed hope for this awesome MMO. I also remember living through the early days of WoW, every MMO has their own growing pains and SWTOR is no exception. I plan to stay for the long haul but I will also sharing time with another upcoming MMO called the Secret World. Guess I will be paying for two MMOs! ;-)
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Amen. I see a lot of people pointing out the supposed flaws of TOR, and yet they do not offer any solutions and do not acknowledge the good aspects of the game. Population is probably the biggest issue, and that's being fixed in two days. Content is coming out, bugs are getting fixed, what more do people want?


anyone who did post solutions got their threads locked so gave up

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Hi everyone,


I thought I would drop in and share my two cents on why I left and why I decided to come back. I'm not trying to start a flame war, nor am I trying to waste your time. All I'm going to talk about is what the title says...


I initially left SWTOR a few months ago (a few weeks before 1.2) for a multitude of reasons; most of which were of my own doing. There was the time commitment issue, but that is to be expected from any RPG game - nothing can help that but my own willpower (damn those games and their fun!). There was also the problem that I joined an excellent raiding guild but I joined on the condition that I would level up a character (unfortunately, same class, different specialization) to raid with them. This was also my fault, since the game kind of turned into a level grinding job and it lost its 'fun' flavour for me. Again... my fault. There was also the problem of 'lack of stuff to do.' Don't get me wrong, the PvP was real fun, but playing huttball over and over began looking a bit lackluster. I'll be honest: if I had spent a bit less time in-game I probably would've had more fun overall. But it is what it is...


So I've been away for a few months and I've been reading a lot of the news surrounding this game lately. 25% sub loss. Firing of developers and community manager. EA CEO putting it just above Tiger Woods PGA in terms of importance. Low pop servers. You name it... it didn't look good for this game.


So I was thinking... well if this game is in this state, let me look at the other MMOs on the market, just so I can get some perspective on just why this game appears to be faltering. I tried out the whole lot of them, as long as they were F2P or free to try.


Now this is only my opinion, but after going through about 15 of the most popular MMOs I was shocked to see that SWTOR was getting a bad rap. Maybe this game didn't come out with all the features and content that would've pleased everyone but in comparison to everything out there this is a damn polished game in terms of the overall feel. Nothing else out there felt so smooth, so visually enthralling, and that's not even mentioning the audio component. The F2P model cheapens the game beyond belief. It's just not the same when so many game altering mechanics can be individually bought. By the way... you think you'll be spending less money on F2P than you will be on a subscription service? Maybe over the course of a 4 year subscription... otherwise... sorry. That's what microtransactions do - they attempt to use the same psychology as the .99 cents price model. I rather just pay upfront and know that I'll be getting everything content-wise. No guides about what to purchase from the in-game store and how to most frugally spend your money.


Anyhow... I was blown away just how every other MMO paled in comparison to this one. Maybe it's because I'm such an ardent Star Wars fan, but I can't bring myself to understand all the hate. I've been going through a lot of people's complaints and I kind of feel sorry for the developers. Why? Because so many of the complaints are so ludicrously specific that I'm sure they must be pounding their heads against the wall as EA management breathes down their necks.


Anyway. I'm back. I'm really excited to see the changes to the game since I've been away. I'm glad to be here - wouldn't want to be anywhere else (I checked). Hopefully I can spread the good word and support a game that is, in my somewhat educated opinion, one hell of a ride.


May the force be with you!



As for the game-crashing bugs. These things happen for three reasons: a) new game b) PC configurations c) it's complicated. If you don't believe me, google this:


"Diablo 3 + error code"


(Hint: It's made by the same people behind WoW)


P.S. Thanks for all the great messages of welcome! I truly enjoy this community!




Edit #2: I've noticed a lot of negative comments posted here after I said that I'm happy to be back and enjoying the game. I thought I would share this tidbit with all of you to give a bit better perspective!



For your perspectives, I've done some research on the interwebs back from 2004 when WoW first came out!


Now, I realize the irony of doing this, but I'm just presenting this not to show you "OMG ITS LIKE WOW!" but to show you all that the same kinds of complaints from self-entilted gamers apparently never go away...


(What the above sentence means is that I am not comparing it to WoW at launch I am comparing the eerily similar attitudes of entitled gamers almost 10 years ago - Just wanted to underline that point.)




Altgaming review from 2004:


"Fix your game, Blizzard. Listen to your players, actually cater to the high end, fix bugs that need fixing, and don't leave your playerbase hanging for months on end. Then I will give your game a higher mark"




#1: Horrible latency issues after WoW launch. (The solution Blizzard gave everyone was to re-roll toons on other servers)


"i don't think horrendous explains how poorly the WoW servers are doing...they crash intermittently. to make it worse, there are no problems with the pacific and mountain realms...yet they can't fix central and eastern...LET ME SWITCH MY *********** CHARACTER IF YOU CAN"T FIX YOUR OWN ****! i'm getting ready to just say to hell with it and cancel my subscription. I've invested too much time into my character to just up and start over...but that's really my only alternative to just flat quitting, which seems to be my only remaining option."


#2: Complaint of WoW being an EQ clone:


"I've played EQ for a few months, and as it was my first MMOG, I loved it. Well, for the MMO part. I think I'm a tourist by heart. While I have played some other MMOGs since, except for a few very unique ones like "A tale in the Desert", they are mostly more of the same, but different.


Anyway, why is everyone so lyrical about WoW? While I'm not into the Beta, as far as I can make of the forums, it is *EXACTLY* like EQ. Sure, it looks different, there is another company behind it, things have different names and such, but it sure seems to have exactly the same rules and gameplay.


What happened to the UO legacy? Player housing and such starts to become a valued addition, but what is it exactly that you would do there, except for showcasing your loot?


While that is logical, as EQ is the most sucessful MMOG out there (except for Lineage in the East), so it doesn't surprise me. But it made me wonder: is that just the way a successful fantasy MMOG should work? Are the rules of those games decided upon already?"


#3: Think WoW is alright? Just wait until you play GW1!


“This is not what Guild Wars is here to do. I think Guild Wars is here to entertain. It is here to take the tedious aspects of this real life replicate and toss it on it's tooshie. Possibly even give it a cookie with my name on it on it's way out. This is a game that you play to compete (yes that includes against NPC mobs). You don't buy this game to spend your days digging holes to get enough ore to make your new Super Fork of Politician Slaying. You buy Guild Wars to instantly partake of action, to skip the running from city to city. To play a game, not live a life.

If you want an action game that gets right to the point, set in a fantasy, and might I say gorgeous setting, I'll straight up tell you: Guild Wars.”


#4: PvP in WoW is broken and meaningless


"The fact is that the PvP in WoW doesn't exist. The war doesn't exist. It's all faked in a sort of detached arcade mode that roleplays itself, taking place somewhere else in the form of a detached, instanced zone. The PvP isn't consistent, despite the two factions are at war from the "lore" point of view, they aren't in the game. They don't fight over something. They don't conquer nor control (at least in the BGs, on the PvP servers the situation was better before they introduced the honor points). So it's obvious how the whole and only purpose of the PvP is just the personal gain. A personal gain that can easily be exploited since the "war" exists just as a false excuse. As a pretence."


(With a little addition about how a previous MMO did it better:)


"In DAoC, beside the Realm Points, people fight for territory and keeps. If you go "afk" or you log out you won't find a brand new "clean" instance when you decide to go back. You cannot "reset" the RvR. You cannot flee from the battlefield and spawn another one if you don't like it. This makes the war concrete. The guilds have a role in the game and can conquer and upgrade their keeps and towers, the defence needs to be organized and if you want a bad situation to change you have to work for that change with the resources you have available.


In WoW there's no guild involvement. All the mechanics are solely focused on the single character and the persistence of the war is completely gone thanks to meaningless instances that spawn at will."


#5: Damn Blizzard for their arcane policies and not catching the 'sploiters!


"What are you talking about? WoW has sucked for a long time. I got tired of hackers, people who just want to cause trouble, clans ganging up on one person, AH price drivers ( I hate them), the inflated prices of items on the AH, ninja looters, guilds in general, 14 year olds with puters, ect. You name it this game is just teh suck now. I don't know if it will die out (doubt it) but it sure sucked for a long time for me.


The way the culture is, if you make one mistake you are black listed even when you don't deserve it. I had a bunch of *********** 14 year olds gang up on me in a raid. That was the last time I let a buch of pimple poppers talk to me that way."


#6: Blizzard can't even get their server infrastructure in order!


"First of all, **** you, Blizzard, for having a patch downloader that can't find its own *** with three robot arms and a high-powered LED flashlight. **** you for having a downloader that operates almost exclusively on the principle of P2P networking, because those of us who happen to be able to log on during non-peak hours are going to spend EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE HOURS TRYING TO DOWNLOAD THAT PATCH! When there are 300 people on the server, ain't nobody gonna download anything fast. I had average download speeds of 2 Kb/s. For a 60 MB file. I was downloading from roughly 2PM until almost 7. I finally found a site that hosted the patch and downloaded it directly. In about 5 minutes. **** you, Blizzard.


Then I finally get the patch downloaded and installed, get into the game to log in, and I'm stuck on "Authenticating" for 10 minutes. At least. GAAAAAAH! It's 7:15 PM! I want to play this game! **** you, Blizzard!


And of course, when I try to surf onto the official WoW forums to see what the problem might be, I get "Page not found". So not only are their game servers down, but their corp website server is down as well. Idiots."


You DO realize this is 2012 right?


Every MMO that launches is compared to 2012 WoW, and rightly so. By that comparison SWTOR has been severely lacking in several categories and the game has all but died within the last 3 months with most servers literally ghost towns.


Welcome back though, maybe BW can turn it around with these transfers. Here's hoping they do!

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You DO realize this is 2012 right?


Yes, that was the point of the edit. To show that even though its 2012 the exact same things are being said as before, and not much has changed in terms of adolescent responses. Case in point: See the GW1 quote. Sound familiar to something happening right now?


Every MMO that launches is compared to 2012 WoW, and rightly so. By that comparison SWTOR has been severely lacking in several categories and the game has all but died within the last 3 months with most servers literally ghost towns.


I'm not sure how losing 30% of subs is exactly "all but dead" but this is in line with the imaginary quantitative analysis that is featured so prominently on these forums.


Welcome back though, maybe BW can turn it around with these transfers. Here's hoping they do!


Thanks! I've joined a great guild on my server and I've been having a lot of fun ever since I got back!

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I re-upped 5 minutes ago. My anger towards EA/Bioware for rushing the game out hasn't abated but I'm willing to give them another $15 as my toons are on a server that can transfer. I'm also anxious to get into the test server and take a look at the LFG and see how it affects the game.


I could stay mad at them and refuse to re-up but who am I hurting? My $15 isn't going to make or break them and like all of us, I really wanted this game to succeed. If I think the game has improved and grouping will be viable then $15 is a small price to pay to find out.

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I feel the same way as you.


Not a lot of mmos have the polish and fluidity that tor does...I tried MANY also. I'm an mmorpg addict and NOTHING lives up to this game. I even tried TERA..omg..don't get me started. TERAble. I don't know why the bashing needs to keep going. this is a marvelous game and will continue to get better and bigger with each update. I agree with the part about not getting why the game is bashed. It is one of the best mmos out there right now and continues to get polish done on it. TOR just seems like the mmo to hate right now. It's not going anywhere though.


When I looked at other mmos to I was like, "lol..this is what tor is competing against? lol" so. I agree :)


LOL...Tera, my son started Tera about 2 weeks ago and he's almost at the cap already. I've watched him play a few times and i'm not impressed at all. When he started playing there were already a ton of lvl 60s running around Pking the low lvls. leaving this game for that one is a BIG mistake.

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actually downloaded everquest 2. NEVER played it before but considering it was free to play i figured why not. Awesome game. but it really lacked the graphical and combat game play. swtor had what i wanted although swtor is lacking in bridge builders, time wasters hell there's not even faction rep. if they could just add this stuff this game would be my home for the next 8 months until it shuts down.


no just kidding. but really i'd stay for a few years.


SWTOR just has a very well oiled hate machine running full time against it. look at any gaming news site. ANY MENTION of TOR both good or bad. you get an influx of troll comments and blind fanboyisim.

Edited by chrisftw
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People been blowing up bioware...but undeservedly....


i love the game and havent stopped playing since launch....


Keep it coming haters, let teh dark side comsume you, so that i can bring the might of the republic down on yo' face!


Bioware deserves to be slapped for their incompetence. Every time they give us a sausage to take a bite of, they give us a bigger piece of horse **** to swallow.

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I call complete and utter BS on this post.


You tried FIFTEEN MMOs since 1.2? Did you get all your toons to max level? No, you did not.


One of the biggest problems with this game is lack of endgame content and you come here saying that SWTOR is awesome because you tried all these MMOs and they suck compared to SWTOR?


Sorry, your credibility is completely shot.

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actually downloaded everquest 2. NEVER played it before but considering it was free to play i figured why not. Awesome game. but it really lacked the graphical and combat game play. swtor had what i wanted although swtor is lacking in bridge builders, time wasters hell there's not even faction rep. if they could just add this stuff this game would be my home for the next 8 months until it shuts down.


no just kidding. but really i'd stay for a few years.


SWTOR just has a very well oiled hate machine running full time against it. look at any gaming news site. ANY MENTION of TOR both good or bad. you get an influx of troll comments and blind fanboyisim.


EQ2 is still my #2 favorite game behind WoW. So so so so much to do in that game. As said on Massively, EQ2 is like an onion, so many layers of awesome stuff to do. Yes, it does have its problems, but everyone should give it a shot.

Edited by starmanmmo
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I am really glad to hear this. Ive been reading so much negativity on the forum and everywhere else that I was starting to think i was the only one that still enjoyed the game.


Agreed here as well.


I've played a ton of other MMOs, an this is where I will most likely stay.


TOR just has that 'something' that many other games do not have, and the folks in-game are actually really nice and you can get plenty of help if you need it.


No MMO is ever going to be perfect, but for me this one is pretty close.


Welcome back OP!

Edited by JediElf
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Agreed here as well.


I've played a ton of other MMOs, an this is where I will most likely stay.


TOR just has that 'something' that many other games do not have, and the folks in-game are actually really nice and you can get plenty of help if you need it.


No MMO is ever going to be perfect, but for me this one is pretty close.


Welcome back OP!


First off this game shouldnt be called a MMO.

Second this game is so far from perfect over 1 million people have unsubbed.

They had to open up alot more servers at launch because people thought that Bioware would have a clue on how to do an MMO but 5 months down the line they are basically going down to 10-15 servers because the game is that bad.

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