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Pyrotech Merc Feedback and Discussion


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I have a few issues that I am concerned with concerning my Merc as a pyro tech.


1.) Heat

I tend to over heat ALOT. In pvp it seems to get me killed the most due to overheating while doing a rotation.


2.) DPS

I have a issue in pvp when it comes to killing other players. I feel so weak compared to some classes. Even with full dots rolling it just does not feel strong enough. It takes a while for my dps to ramp up. Alot of time I have to rely on fusion missle as a opener just to get a slight boost. However, one versus one I end up eatting dirt. Can we look at more abilities we can use. Also, addressing over heating issues related to 1.)? Perhaps letting us have flame burst as well?


3.) Snares and interrupts. No existent. Also, would love a ability or talent that reduces the healing of opponet. Can you make this happen?



I am sure others can provide more to this. Lets discuss this below.



Edited by Delsai
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I have a few issues that I am concerned with concerning my Merc as a pyro tech.


1.) Heat

I tend to over heat ALOT. In pvp it seems to get me killed the most due to overheating while doing a rotation.


2.) DPS

I have a issue in pvp when it comes to killing other players. I feel so weak compared to some classes. Even with full dots rolling it just does not feel strong enough. It takes a while for my dps to ramp up. Alot of time I have to rely on fusion missle as a opener just to get a slight boost. However, one versus one I end up eatting dirt. Can we look at more abilities we can use. Also, addressing over heating issues related to 1.)? Perhaps letting us have flame burst as well?


3.) Snares and interrupts. No existent. Also, would love a ability or talent that reduces the healing of opponet. Can you make this happen?



I am sure others can provide more to this. Lets discuss this below.




I love the idea of a heal debuff. Seems pretty strong though. I would settle for an interrupt. Can kite melee but with CGC being so sketchy on rapid shots it can get tense. Yes, damage takes time to ramp up, it sucks. I pick up both heat reducing talents and "blow my load" every time It's up.


We can do a lot of damage but it's not all single target and a lot of it is DOT damage, not burst, which is very weak for PvP.


I also like the idea of giving us flame burst, another alternative would be to reduce the heat cost of missile blast and give it a high change to proc CGC, maybe 75%?


Another good recommendation I heard was instant cast power shot. It really doesn't do that much damage and standing there casting it will get you killed. This would bring it more in line with rocket punch, which PTs get to abuse whereas Mercs rarely even get to use it; it would allow for moving PPA proc which would help kiting.


As a final thought, kiting is challenging and it's difficult to keep up strong DPS while doing so, especially if TD is on CD. Running around spamming rapid shots for 6 seconds trying to kite sucks.

Edited by crrypto
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Snares and interrupts. No existent. Also, would love a ability or talent that reduces the healing of opponet. Can you make this happen?


Your snare comes from Sweltering Heat and is actually sufficient for kiting. The second suggestion is interesting and some sort of active debuff skill could be cool. I'm reminded of three such skills from SWG (I know, I know it's not SWG. but just hear me out):


1) Ambush--A quick high powered attack that increases your target's vulnerability to critical hits. Could be implemented so that it increases an opponent's vulnerability to critical hits. It debuffs your opponent, lowering their critical hit resistance (lowers Defence Rating against crits) for the target, costs 25 heat, and is on a 40-45 second CD.

This could work well in PvP as well as being a nice single target ops debuff. Doesn't need to cause any damage since it becomes a damage boost in effect.


2) Fumble--This attack does little damage but unnerves your target so much that their attacks are more likely to be glancing blows. This could be implemented in much the same way as Agent's Evasion; Increases your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 100% for 3 seconds, costs 16 heat with a 60s CD.


3) Dread Strike--An attack that instills a sense of dread in your target and reduces their damage potential. Could be implemented to reduce damage output of a target by 25% (edit: and/ or healing output by 25%) for 5-10 seconds on a 30 second CD with a cost of 25 heat. Might also make a nice ops debuff.


Adding one of these would be a step in the right direction. It's not so much that our dps sucks, it just takes a bit to set up and these skills would work equally well across the trees in my opinion. Again only one of these would really be needed.

Edited by Phrase
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Be more strict with your incendiary missile usage. Only use it at the start of a fight, at 0 heat, usually followed by a railshot or rapid shots to immediately let some heat dissipate.


We have issues but heat isn't one. What we lack is;


1) Armorpen/railshot strength in comparison to powertechs. We're getting this with 1.3 thankfully.


2) Guaranteed snare and CGC proc like powertechs flame burst. Give power shot a 100% chance and now we're talking.

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Waiting for my transfer to go through, probably another week :(


Going to see how the 60% armorpen railshot and 15% to unload scales out, should make up for inbetween CGC proc timers. My PT is currently tank spec but I've played pyro for a while on it and it is indeed insane but I prefer pyro for merc since it seems to synergize with a ranged class than pseudo-melee.

Edited by Sookster
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Waiting for my transfer to go through, probably another week :(


Going to see how the 60% armorpen railshot and 15% to unload scales out, should make up for inbetween CGC proc timers. My PT is currently tank spec but I've played pyro for a while on it and it is indeed insane but I prefer pyro for merc since it seems to synergize with a ranged class than pseudo-melee.


Wow. I have NEVER heard anyone say the synergy for merc is better than pt.


OP, I agree that if BH doesn't have a good snare or interrupt a smallish healing debuff would add appropriate utility to our class. I have suggested this multiple times on these forums.

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We really need a guaranteed way to proc CGC, and an interrupt would be very helpful.


However, you really shouldn't be overheating unless you're having horrible luck with railshot procs. My rotation is: Incendiary Missile, Railshot, Unload, Thermal Detonator, Rapid Shots/Power Shot (to sync Railshot with TD), Railshot (preferably with TD's detonation), PS, Railshot/PS, refresh Incendiary Missile. You may need to weave in a few extra rapid shots depending on Railshot procs.


If you're trying to DoT multiple targeys with IM, don't; it generates too much heat to be spammed. Also, I'm not sure if this is the case, but if you're using Fusion Missile without Thermal Sensor Override, you're decreasing your overall DPS/overheating by a fairly significant amount, as Thermal Detonator takes priority over FM, and using both will cause you to overheat.


As for burst damage, try using Railshot just as Thermal Detonator detonates for better results. (described in my rotation)



But yeah, guaranteed CGC proc, please.

Edited by Chaoskyx
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been messing w/ my 40VG (assault spec), and that CGC proc on Ion Pulse is just amazing...


really makes the rotation much more fluid in PvE. and makes heat/ammo management much easier and intuitive.


in PvP, i tend to run and gun, and i don't really stick w/ a "rotation", both Merc and VG.


but, the intrrupt is huge...


the CGC proc is HUGER (yes, huge-er!!)

Edited by T-Assassin
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1.) Heat

I tend to over heat ALOT. In pvp it seems to get me killed the most due to overheating while doing a rotation.


2.) DPS

I have a issue in pvp when it comes to killing other players. I feel so weak compared to some classes. Even with full dots rolling it just does not feel strong enough. It takes a while for my dps to ramp up. Alot of time I have to rely on fusion missle as a opener just to get a slight boost. However, one versus one I end up eatting dirt. Can we look at more abilities we can use. Also, addressing over heating issues related to 1.)? Perhaps letting us have flame burst as well?


3.) Snares and interrupts. No existent.


Get to a combat dummy and don't leave it til you can keep up your damage on it infinitely without running high on heat.


If you want to work on your rotation then examine high damage logs and see how they work it: http://www.torparse.com/a/49379


Relax with the DoTs. You only ever need one on a target, if a target has 3 DoTs on it, you're trying too hard and being inefficient.


Don't get close to a player unless you absolutely have to. Rocket Punch is fine but don't make an effort to use it.


While using a rotation is good, you often need burst damage to kill.


Use IM/Rapid shots to ignite a player, throw TD, cast Power Shot and as soon as it's cast whack the Rail Shot button. It'll all go off within the same second. For best effect use relic+adrenal beforehand.


Chain fire Power Shots and Unload if they aren't down with any Railshot procs that happen. It's acceptable to burn up your heat doing this as long as you break off to regen when they're dead.


If they don't die then be imaginative. Your knockback, stun and CC should never be gathering dust.


If melee starts giving you some love use knockback if they're not immune and use your default attack as you run away. Cuts their speed by 50% and does about 800DPS to them. Throw TD and use Railshot on the move as well. Pause to start Unload to help proc another Railshot.


Use obstacles, if you're easy to hit then you will be.


But Pyro Merc isn't weak. Given the chance it can roll face like a monster. Vs equal players it does well enough.




I'm still upgrading from recruit gear, I don't really do pvp but long range classes are all the same, do damage and avoid retaliation for big numbers.


But yeah, guaranteed CGC proc, please.


Use Railshot on the target to refresh the CGC (and thus get a lot more bang for your buck)


Apart from anything else, all Pyros need to be aware of that to ensure an efficient use of abilities. Fire is needed to buff you but IM is too expensive to cast without TSO if you're laying down controlled damage. Have to work with that CGC DOT.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Gyro described it pretty well, I'm probably 1 of 2 pyro mercs on my server, I can manage the burst pretty well and rarely run up on heat unless I get ganked (which happens often due to people knowing who I am). Except I don't use power shot, it seems to take an eterny to cast to get a proc.


You aren't a powertech, stay out of the 10m range as much as you can, and you'll be fine. I'm looking forward to the 15% armor pen to unload and 60% to railshot.

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Get to a combat dummy and don't leave it til you can keep up your damage on it infinitely without running high on heat.


If you want to work on your rotation then examine high damage logs and see how they work it: http://www.torparse.com/a/49379


Relax with the DoTs. You only ever need one on a target, if a target has 3 DoTs on it, you're trying too hard and being inefficient.


Don't get close to a player unless you absolutely have to. Rocket Punch is fine but don't make an effort to use it.


While using a rotation is good, you often need burst damage to kill.


Use IM/Rapid shots to ignite a player, throw TD, cast Power Shot and as soon as it's cast whack the Rail Shot button. It'll all go off within the same second. For best effect use relic+adrenal beforehand.


Chain fire Power Shots and Unload if they aren't down with any Railshot procs that happen. It's acceptable to burn up your heat doing this as long as you break off to regen when they're dead.


If they don't die then be imaginative. Your knockback, stun and CC should never be gathering dust.


If melee starts giving you some love use knockback if they're not immune and use your default attack as you run away. Cuts their speed by 50% and does about 800DPS to them. Throw TD and use Railshot on the move as well. Pause to start Unload to help proc another Railshot.


Use obstacles, if you're easy to hit then you will be.


But Pyro Merc isn't weak. Given the chance it can roll face like a monster. Vs equal players it does well enough.




I'm still upgrading from recruit gear, I don't really do pvp but long range classes are all the same, do damage and avoid retaliation for big numbers.




Use Railshot on the target to refresh the CGC (and thus get a lot more bang for your buck)


Apart from anything else, all Pyros need to be aware of that to ensure an efficient use of abilities. Fire is needed to buff you but IM is too expensive to cast without TSO if you're laying down controlled damage. Have to work with that CGC DOT.




^^^excellent post^^^


situational awareness is your best skill as a Merc.



as a matter of fact, you'll do so much DPS, people won't invite you to a group!!



Edited by T-Assassin
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Use Railshot on the target to refresh the CGC (and thus get a lot more bang for your buck)


Good advice, but I say we could still really use a guaranteed proc, even if it's on a cooldown.





Edited by Chaoskyx
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RS having a 100% proc for CGC would be great though. Guaranteed snare, guaranteed proc to buff attacks.




this is where playstyle comes into play...


i have no problems kiting, anyone...


so, a snare and CGC proc on an ability that has a 12s CD, or 6s w/ proc...


no thanx.


make it a guaranteed proc, on a guaranteed ability, not a proc.


i think your idea is terrible!!! you really want your snare and CGC to depend on a proc???????


unless that "RS" is rapid shots...


and i also disagree with any classes "auto attack" proc'ing, dot'ing, snaring anything.[/

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Hey, sorry new guy here.

I am trying to follow the story but what is meant by (CGC proc)?







Combustible Gas Cylinder

Activation: 1.5 secs

Loads your blaster with combustible gas, giving all of your blaster attacks a 10% chance to deal 1295 additional elemental damage over 6 seconds. Only one cylinder can be active at a time.

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Combustible Gas Cylinder

Activation: 1.5 secs

Loads your blaster with combustible gas, giving all of your blaster attacks a 10% chance to deal 1295 additional elemental damage over 6 seconds. Only one cylinder can be active at a time.


^^^ pretty big deal.


constant DoT, and allows you to use RailShot...not to mention, an extra 9% to RpS, RaS, unload, and sweeping blaseters...


oh, and it does 30% more damage to <30% HP opponents.


pretty much the biggest deal from a Merc/PT or PT/PT.


difference is...FB procs CGC 100% (instant cast), so, it's low heat cost allows that to be part of a rotation, allowing you to maintain your most important ability through a high damaging, instant cast ability...not your "auto attack".(hoping it procs off cast time abilities is not wise..because when it doesn't, you could lose your PPA proc...PT/PT can FB/RaS as needed.)

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Be more strict with your incendiary missile usage. Only use it at the start of a fight, at 0 heat, usually followed by a railshot or rapid shots to immediately let some heat dissipate.


We have issues but heat isn't one. What we lack is;


1) Armorpen/railshot strength in comparison to powertechs. We're getting this with 1.3 thankfully.


2) Guaranteed snare and CGC proc like powertechs flame burst. Give power shot a 100% chance and now we're talking.


so you want to be able to snare people from afar because your completely ranged and dont have to stand in melee range to do most of your damage.


wow just sucky.


I've had a PT/Merc since early access and they both do a high amount of damage, and both were bms long long way before 1.2


Just learn to play your class thats all it is.

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^^^ pretty big deal.


constant DoT, and allows you to use RailShot...not to mention, an extra 9% to RpS, RaS, unload, and sweeping blaseters...


oh, and it does 30% more damage to <30% HP opponents.


pretty much the biggest deal from a Merc/PT or PT/PT.


difference is...FB procs CGC 100% (instant cast), so, it's low heat cost allows that to be part of a rotation, allowing you to maintain your most important ability through a high damaging, instant cast ability...not your "auto attack".(hoping it procs off cast time abilities is not wise..because when it doesn't, you could lose your PPA proc...PT/PT can FB/RaS as needed.)


lal @ 16 heat its pretty retarded if your using that just to keep cgc up

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^^^ pretty big deal.


constant DoT, and allows you to use RailShot...not to mention, an extra 9% to RpS, RaS, unload, and sweeping blaseters...


oh, and it does 30% more damage to <30% HP opponents.


pretty much the biggest deal from a Merc/PT or PT/PT.


difference is...FB procs CGC 100% (instant cast), so, it's low heat cost allows that to be part of a rotation, allowing you to maintain your most important ability through a high damaging, instant cast ability...not your "auto attack".(hoping it procs off cast time abilities is not wise..because when it doesn't, you could lose your PPA proc...PT/PT can FB/RaS as needed.)


Some quality info here! Thanks,

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this is where playstyle comes into play...


i have no problems kiting, anyone...


so, a snare and CGC proc on an ability that has a 12s CD, or 6s w/ proc...


no thanx.


make it a guaranteed proc, on a guaranteed ability, not a proc.


i think your idea is terrible!!! you really want your snare and CGC to depend on a proc???????


unless that "RS" is rapid shots...


and i also disagree with any classes "auto attack" proc'ing, dot'ing, snaring anything.[/


Yes RS is rapid shots.


Currently its a 70% chance to proc CGC, I'd rather it was 100%.

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Yes RS is rapid shots.


Currently its a 70% chance to proc CGC, I'd rather it was 100%.




yes 70%...but, with proc and % based abilities you're at the mercy of RNG...(which i'm sure you know.)


i can't tell you how many times i've RaS consecutively WITHOUT a CGC proc...


100% would be a MAJOR improvement.

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so you want to be able to snare people from afar because your completely ranged and dont have to stand in melee range to do most of your damage.


wow just sucky.


I've had a PT/Merc since early access and they both do a high amount of damage, and both were bms long long way before 1.2


Just learn to play your class thats all it is.

are you braindead?


a ranged class wanting a snare, wow how ridiculous. it's not like snipers or sorcs have snares and roots is it...


oh wait yes they do.

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