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Is it possible to kite a sentinel?


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I can kite non tank assassins, ops just fine and doesnt require much skill.


I cannot seem to kite a good sentinel that has all cool downs. I am not kiting to survive but to try and win 1v1. I play a 31 point balance sage.


Everything I seem to do they eventually close the gap and I cannot make distance for more than a few seconds. No pillars, open field.

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I can kite non tank assassins, ops just fine and doesnt require much skill.


I cannot seem to kite a good sentinel that has all cool downs. I am not kiting to survive but to try and win 1v1. I play a 31 point balance sage.


Everything I seem to do they eventually close the gap and I cannot make distance for more than a few seconds. No pillars, open field.


Bubble>Knockback>Slow>Throw>Speed to run away after they charge you again>Rinse and repeat while mixing in DoTs and Project.


I do it all the time, and I'm only lvl 25

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I should have clarified, this is for lv50 pvp were ac have all their skills


Sents/Maras tend to have all of their closers around level 40 or so, I kite ones around that level. I also HAVE a 42 mara and I'm certain I have all the skills that would make a sage worry..

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Sents/Maras tend to have all of their closers around level 40 or so, I kite ones around that level. I also HAVE a 42 mara and I'm certain I have all the skills that would make a sage worry..


Roxax, it gets a LOT harder once you hit 50. I found it very easy pre 50. So I just don't think your opinion is valid post 50.

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I have the 2 classes at lvl 50 and if the marauder/sentiel has the right talents is impossible to kite (the ones that say that is or are playing against bad ones or you are lucky cause he decide do change target). The best thing is not to be in 1v1 against one. There is plenty of ways to do that (never defend alone a objective with a low survival class, never be in the front line, try to be in good kite spots, all wz have those). If you keep that in mind you dont have to worry much about marauder. Remember that you arent playing alone :rak_03:
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If you go 21/20, then you're Sentinel's worst nightmare. You just have to stay above 30% health, so the annoying heal debuff doesnt eat your *** (plus the execution throw comes into play).


You dont even have to avoid ravage/master strike, because second hit will mezz him (exploding bubble) and you will want to freecast Deliverance in the meantime, to either burst someone on your team, or force his trinket and bait interrupt.


Then you can run and slow them. If they use they're gap closer, you use your Force Wave, which will root him. This way you save your Force Lift and Stun for other people.


Since you're all Balance, then use the Force Lift to bait trinket, then go KB, then Stun last and Force Slow. Still plenty of stuff to annoy any Sent.

Edited by Johnny_Blazexxx
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