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The Emperor vs The Emperor (Palpatine)

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The Galactic Empire contained most of the galaxy, while the Sith Empire only was part of a larger galaxy.

Also Palpatine would find ways to influence the powerplay inside the enemies Empire. Many Sith Lords might allay with him, until he dumps them.


Palpatine is a far better political manipulator and his Empire is far more powerful. He would win.


(In an one on one I'm not that sure.)

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I don't think we have gotten enough information on Vitiate yet to compare the two, although after reading Revan it is obvious that he is an extremely powerful being.


P.S It annoys me knowing that Vitiate, a being of such immense power was beaten by the character you play as in swtor. I hope when he is permanently defeated it is not ingame although it probably will be.

Edited by Malrus
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You really should have titled this Sith Empire vs Galactic Empire, seeing as your wanting a war not a 1 on 1 confrontation. That being said the Galactic Empire would win, your putting an Empire that controlled the galaxy to an Empire that was only part of the galaxy.
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You really should have titled this Sith Empire vs Galactic Empire, seeing as your wanting a war not a 1 on 1 confrontation. That being said the Galactic Empire would win, your putting an Empire that controlled the galaxy to an Empire that was only part of the galaxy.


Ironically, for being called a Galactic Empire, it didn't control the galaxy. It controlled the centre of the galaxy. You still had loads of the core systems, the outer rim, the unknown regions that didn't really even know about the Galactic Empire, and the Empire didn't know about them.


I think it would be a fairly even fight. If anything, I think the Sith Empire would win, simply on the grounds that they could throw armies of force using Sith at the Galactic Empire, which was limited to only having a few force users - Palps, Vader, Mara Jade (and possibly any of Palp's other Hands), and continuous stream of dark Jedi that seem to crop up in the EU. Sure, having starships that can destroy planetary civilizations is cool, but being able to send a single warrior to annihilate an army... that's cooler :)

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Ironically, for being called a Galactic Empire, it didn't control the galaxy. It controlled the centre of the galaxy. You still had loads of the core systems, the outer rim, the unknown regions that didn't really even know about the Galactic Empire, and the Empire didn't know about them.


I think it would be a fairly even fight. If anything, I think the Sith Empire would win, simply on the grounds that they could throw armies of force using Sith at the Galactic Empire, which was limited to only having a few force users - Palps, Vader, Mara Jade (and possibly any of Palp's other Hands), and continuous stream of dark Jedi that seem to crop up in the EU. Sure, having starships that can destroy planetary civilizations is cool, but being able to send a single warrior to annihilate an army... that's cooler :)


Well ok even so the GE, still controlled a larger portion anyway. You don't need force users to fight against other force users, it helps but not really needed. The Imperial Guard, could fight them too ya know send them in.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Well ok even so the GE, still controlled a larger portion anyway. You don't need force users to fight against other force users, it helps but not really needed. The Imperial Guard, could fight them too ya know send them in.


Both Galactic and Sith Empires have their own versions of the Royal Guard, so they would pretty much cancel each other out.


Both sides have armies of troops. This would probably go to the Galactic Empire simply because they have had 3000 years to tweak their weapons and armour.


Both sides have vast fleets of ships. Again, this would probably go to the Galactic Empire, for much the same reasons as they would win a battle with just their troopers.


The Galactic Empire has a very few Force users. The Sith Emperor could command hundreds, if not thousands of Force users. Even taking into account that yeah, some of these will no doubt be defeated, the Galactic Empire is still going to be seriously outnumbered.

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Both Galactic and Sith Empires have their own versions of the Royal Guard, so they would pretty much cancel each other out.


Both sides have armies of troops. This would probably go to the Galactic Empire simply because they have had 3000 years to tweak their weapons and armour.


Both sides have vast fleets of ships. Again, this would probably go to the Galactic Empire, for much the same reasons as they would win a battle with just their troopers.


The Galactic Empire has a very few Force users. The Sith Emperor could command hundreds, if not thousands of Force users. Even taking into account that yeah, some of these will no doubt be defeated, the Galactic Empire is still going to be seriously outnumbered.


The SIth Empire is also going to betray each other from within, like we see happening now.

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Both Galactic and Sith Empires have their own versions of the Royal Guard, so they would pretty much cancel each other out.


Both sides have armies of troops. This would probably go to the Galactic Empire simply because they have had 3000 years to tweak their weapons and armour.


Both sides have vast fleets of ships. Again, this would probably go to the Galactic Empire, for much the same reasons as they would win a battle with just their troopers.


The Galactic Empire has a very few Force users. The Sith Emperor could command hundreds, if not thousands of Force users. Even taking into account that yeah, some of these will no doubt be defeated, the Galactic Empire is still going to be seriously outnumbered.


Not sure about the first one, seeing as what we have on the GE Imperial Guard they are highly trained whereas with the SE we don't really have anything on them in terms of what they can really do lore wise. But they could be the same, who knows.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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The SIth Empire is also going to betray each other from within, like we see happening now.


This is true, but this is happening in the Galactic Empire too. Granted not Sith making power plays, but rather a Rebellion against the Empire. Both are ways by which the Empire is weakened, but not to any major degree until the Death Star II is destroyed.


Besides, even if there was a lot of infighting going on in the Sith Empire, do you really think that telling a bunch of psychotic murderous lunatics that there is a whole Galactic Empire out there, just waiting to be crushed, isn't going to get their attention? Backstabbing and infighting will be put to one side, at least until they start to get bored with the war.

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Not sure about the first one, seeing as what we have on the GE Imperial Guard they are highly trained whereas with the SE we don't really have anything on them in terms of what they can really do lore wise. But they could be the same, who knows.


They are dressed like the Royal Guard, and are obviously more important than regular troopers since they are given 'vital' areas to protect, like Korriban.


From this, I would take them as being an elite unit, like the Royal Guard. And given that they do more than protect the Emperor, there are probably more of them too.

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This is true, but this is happening in the Galactic Empire too. Granted not Sith making power plays, but rather a Rebellion against the Empire. Both are ways by which the Empire is weakened, but not to any major degree until the Death Star II is destroyed.


Besides, even if there was a lot of infighting going on in the Sith Empire, do you really think that telling a bunch of psychotic murderous lunatics that there is a whole Galactic Empire out there, just waiting to be crushed, isn't going to get their attention? Backstabbing and infighting will be put to one side, at least until they start to get bored with the war.



Well the Empire goes into an almost civil war after the Emperor is 'killed' and the Dark Council itself is struggling to consolidate the Empire.



Don't get me wrong, I completely 100% prefer the Sith Empire, I love it, probably my favourite Sith faction, but it simply doesn't stand up to the might of the Galactic Empire, there Imperial II-class Star Destroyers would annihilate the Harrower-class Dreadnoughts any day, they don't spec up to them.

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The GE would win in the end. If only due to Palps and Vader's power. The GE has a more powerful military, ranging from some of the most powerful starships created to the latest advancements in weaponry. The SE has a ton of Sith, but the Stormtroopers have experience fighting Force users(the soldiers that hunted Jedi with Vader). It seems pretty clear who would win. However, the more important question is, can the GE beat the SE before the Sith Emperor can destroy the galaxy with his rituals?
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Well the Empire goes into an almost civil war after the Emperor is 'killed' and the Dark Council itself is struggling to consolidate the Empire.



Don't get me wrong, I completely 100% prefer the Sith Empire, I love it, probably my favourite Sith faction, but it simply doesn't stand up to the might of the Galactic Empire, there Imperial II-class Star Destroyers would annihilate the Harrower-class Dreadnoughts any day, they don't spec up to them.


I did say that while both sides have huge fleets, the GE would win out because of 3000 years of design refinement. I just don't think the GE could withstand the sheer number of Force users the SE could throw at it.


The GE would win in the end. If only due to Palps and Vader's power. The GE has a more powerful military, ranging from some of the most powerful starships created to the latest advancements in weaponry. The SE has a ton of Sith, but the Stormtroopers have experience fighting Force users(the soldiers that hunted Jedi with Vader). It seems pretty clear who would win. However, the more important question is, can the GE beat the SE before the Sith Emperor can destroy the galaxy with his rituals?


A small number of Stormtroopers have anti-Jedi training, and while it will help, they wouldn't be fighting actual Jedi. Techniques differ between the Jedi and Sith, so those specially trained troopers wouldn't be expecting all their tricks. And if anyone wants to argue against that, please ask yourself... Would Palps really train his own Stormtroopers in techniques they could use to take him down?

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They are dressed like the Royal Guard, and are obviously more important than regular troopers since they are given 'vital' areas to protect, like Korriban.


From this, I would take them as being an elite unit, like the Royal Guard. And given that they do more than protect the Emperor, there are probably more of them too.


Just because they are dressed in a similar fashion, doesn't mean their training wouldn't be different. Palpatine's guard also protects vital areas to protect, thats not something specific to Vitate.


Would Palps really train his own Stormtroopers in techniques they could use to take him down?


He could probably have them trained to an extent, where they would be a threat to sith but not enough to actually be a threat to himself.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Just because they are dressed in a similar fashion, doesn't mean their training wouldn't be different. Palpatine's guard also protects vital areas to protect, thats not something specific to Vitate.


Similar fashion and completely different to the traditional armed forces uniform implies elite forces and special training. Being given duties that involve protecting the most important assets of the Empire implies special forces and elite training.


And I could well be wrong, but the only times I recall seeing the Royal Guard mentioned is in the movies where they actively protect Palp's throne room, and that's it, a couple of the X-Wing novels where they were protecting the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, then moved to protecting Isaard on Thyferra since she was effectively in commend of the Empire then, and in the Hand of Thrawn duology where one of them is working with a Moff (but this is years after Palps died, and I think the Royal Guard were disbanded by then.

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About the SE force users:


It is very likely that Plapatine will convince many of them to ally with him. Manipulation is his strength and promising them higher positions etc. would work. Also he probably knows the Emperor's plans because of his foresight and tell some Sith.


In the end he would of course get rid of them, but not before they inflicted serious damage to the SE.

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Most likely not the best person for this, but you have to keep in mind your also dealing with two different sith codes if your talking over all power plays the SE vs GE, and different time frames.


But if we are talking the two Emps going at it we need more info really.


Now Sith vs Reapers would be a good topic.

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Most likely not the best person for this, but you have to keep in mind your also dealing with two different sith codes if your talking over all power plays the SE vs GE, and different time frames.


But if we are talking the two Emps going at it we need more info really.


Now Sith vs Reapers would be a good topic.


Not really. Reapers are extremely specific in their technology base. Mass Effect is really far down on the Science Fiction food chain as far as VS goes, and the Reaper's main weapon is the Mass Relay network and reliance on the Citadel, without that, they don't stand much of a chance at all.

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I'm going to go over a few points here that some people have been on about.


1a. GE having more advanced technology. This is false. While the GE may be around 3500yrs in the future of SWTOR, Technology did not change much and, in fact, many of the technological marvels in SWTOR do not survive into the future, and as the Bane Trilogy, Knight Erant and Post-RotJ books have shown, technology didn't evolve nor even increased that much and only advanced scarcely in a few distinct areas, most of which didn't cover weapons technology.


1b. Another thing to note that, while it is true that the GE had superweapons that could destroy worlds, such as the Death Star, the Sith Empire was not without its own superweapons, which were drastically more useful in fleet combat that the Death Star has ever been. The DS' main weapon showed us 2 things. It could either; A) Blow up a planet or B) Destroy a single capital ship. Destroying a planet destroys a valuable resource, which may hurt the opposing side, but also does harm to the Conquering side as it cannot claim that resource even if they win.



The Sith Inquisitor funds and finishes the creation of the Silencer Weapon, an energy weapon mounted into a Capital Ship with enough power to destroy an entire fleet of ships in one shot. This is far more effective in battle than the Death Star, as not only could it decimate the GE's forces rather quickly, it could also be mass produced for every Captial Ship in the SE's fleet.



2. Another thing to note on technology are the Sun Razer's, which were shown in the Lost Suns comics. Essentially they were psuedo-Star Forges created by the Empire during the 10yr Cold War period after the Treaty of Coruscant. Seven were made in all, and just one of them was capable of producing 2-3 Super Weaponized Capital Ships in a year, with such things as mass gravity weapons that could rip the surface of a planet apart.


3. The GE has greater numbers. In this, there is no way to really tell. While the GE had control over a larger portion of the galaxy, it started with less. Sidious had to rebuild forces with the remaining Clone Troopers at the end of the Galactic Civil War, which had virtually bankrupted the Republic and both the Republic and Separatist Armies had suffered major losses during the war. Also, while the Hutt Cartel cooperates with the GE, it does so in a Business-like manner. AS long as the GE stayed out of Hutt business, the Hutts wouldn't interfere with the Empire in any way. The only reason neither the Republic, nor Sith nor Galactic Empire has seen fit to try and assimilate Hutt space is because of the Hutts' massive financial resources, which were made clearly evident in the EU when the Hutts financed the construction of the 3rd Death Star.


4. One thing to clear up is something of a spoiler. Don't read if you haven't played far into SWTOR.


The Jedi Knight doesn't kill the Sith Emperor. What the Republic characters do is kill the Voice of the Emperor, which is more something of an Avatar. It is only one Aspect of the Sith Emperor himself that he uses to control the Empire without needing to interact with it. This resulted in Vitiate needing to recoup himself and prepare a new vessel to act as his Voice. To which Darth Baras had it trapped on Voss, allowing him to set plans into motion to get himself recognized as 'The Voice' in the True Voices absence and assume control of the Empire.



5. The Imperial Guard. Not much difference between the two expect maybe one thing; The Guard in the SE become stronger they closer they are to the Sith Emperor. They are in some manner tied to the Sith Emperor and do not take orders from either the Dark Council nor the Moffs not the Ministers. They take orders only from the Sith Emperor, or more accurately, from The Voice.


6. Sid convincing other Sith to join him. Not likely going to happen. Not only is the Inquisitor immensely powerful, but is also a masterful manipulator as well, and the Warrior has shown surprising intelligence in situations. As for the Dark Council on that, despite all each trying to vy for power, they do secretly and covertly. Any direct action to seize power generally ends up with the Sith Emperor laying the smack down on the whole lot of them. Of course their may be defectors, like those who would join Malgus. However, those would be the Weak Sith who are looking for an immediate gain and are generally disposable. None of the major Sith, like the Dread Masters, would join Sidious.


7. And that's another note. The SE has vastly more Force Users than the GE does. The Dread Masters, for one, could decimate armadas by making the crewmen of everyone in the GE's fleets spaz out and become crippled with brain fragging terror.

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Both Galactic and Sith Empires have their own versions of the Royal Guard, so they would pretty much cancel each other out.






We have virtually no information on the Sith Empire's Imperial Guard or their training,numbers or capabilities, but I seriously doubt they could hold a candle to the GE's Imperial Guard. The GE's Imperial Guard were the elite of the elite, had a brutal training regimen and contained BAMFs like Kir Kanos and Carnor Jax in its ranks.


I'm a fan of Jax and Kanos, and have been fascinated by the Imperial Guard since I was a kid watching the movies, so I am admittedly biased. Read Crimson Empire if you are not familiar with GE's Imperial Guard.

Edited by Temeluchus
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The Galactic empire would win. The Sith empire may have more force users but the Galactic empire has better technology. An imperial star destroyer would be able to destroy a harrower class dreadnaught any day.
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The Galactic empire would win. The Sith empire may have more force users but the Galactic empire has better technology. An imperial star destroyer would be able to destroy a harrower class dreadnaught any day.



watch 2:50sec in and go. This is an Inquisitor class spoiler on



I get the feeling some people just don't Read.

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