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True Test of PvP Skill


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I am getting bored with all the QQ, nerf whining and general negativity of the vocal minority in PvP. I am rolling a brand new Concealment Operative, will not go heals, and will show that any class, played in competent hands, can be a force to be reckoned with. This is not ego, not epeen, and not even a class that plays to my strengths, but I sincerely wish PvPers would focus on skill and leave the rest to the Devs.


Bioware was quoted as saying teams of Operatives stunnlocking players would be the fall of the game. I say let's prove them right.


If you are in, sign below, and let's keep this post going to track our progress and results.


Any top level current 50 PvP Concealment Operatives, feel free to post and help grow your community!

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I am getting bored with all the QQ, nerf whining and general negativity of the vocal minority in PvP. I am rolling a brand new Concealment Operative, will not go heals, and will show that any class, played in competent hands, can be a force to be reckoned with. This is not ego, not epeen, and not even a class that plays to my strengths, but I sincerely wish PvPers would focus on skill and leave the rest to the Devs.


Bioware was quoted as saying teams of Operatives stunnlocking players would be the fall of the game. I say let's prove them right.


If you are in, sign below, and let's keep this post going to track our progress and results.


Any top level current 50 PvP Concealment Operatives, feel free to post and help grow your community!


Any class in this game (minus merc dps) can be pretty good in skilled hands.


That doesn't mean that there isn't gross imbalance between classes.


Put the two most skilled players in the game, one on a marauder and one on a merc dps, and see what happens after 100 matches. Do the same with only a good player playing a maruader vs the best player on a merc. See what happens.


Imbalance happens. Stop being ignorant.


This iis hardly even a test, let alone something worth mentioning btw.

Edited by Humankeg
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Any class in this game (minus merc dps) can be pretty good in skilled hands.


That doesn't mean that there isn't gross imbalance between classes.


Put the two most skilled players in the game, one on a marauder and one on a merc dps, and see what happens after 100 matches. Do the same with only a good player playing a maruader vs the best player on a merc. See what happens.


Imbalance happens. Stop being ignorant.


This iis hardly even a test, let alone something worth mentioning btw.


You are missing the point.


I know things aren't balanced, I don't care. I know I, or anyone, could do better on a Mara. I don't care.


PvP in this game is retarded easy, and all these whiners make it seem like brain surgery.


If you are so skilled, and such an elitist, take the challenge.


If not, **** and go back to your Mara, your skills are other-worldly, and we are all amazed at your awesome-sauce. Feel better?

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I'm glad someone is stepping up and doing this, showing that its skill and talent that give someone the edge in PvP. What server are you going to be doing this on?


I play on the Asian Pacific Server Master DarNala


Pure blood Sith Operative inc.........

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I am getting bored with all the QQ, nerf whining and general negativity of the vocal minority in PvP. I am rolling a brand new Concealment Operative, will not go heals, and will show that any class, played in competent hands, can be a force to be reckoned with. This is not ego, not epeen, and not even a class that plays to my strengths, but I sincerely wish PvPers would focus on skill and leave the rest to the Devs.


Bioware was quoted as saying teams of Operatives stunnlocking players would be the fall of the game. I say let's prove them right.


If you are in, sign below, and let's keep this post going to track our progress and results.


Any top level current 50 PvP Concealment Operatives, feel free to post and help grow your community!


I plan to level a DPS operative as well once 1.3 hits and I can buy the experience boost. I was thinking Lethality though. Good luck to you!

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Is it skill or whoever spends $300 dollars on a Naga Mouse and Keyboard? I know of people how have really good reaction times due to them being able to macro abilities with their keyboard. How is that skill? I play with just a normal keyboard with very minor mouse support and find in certain situations I lack, simply because I refuse to pay 300 bucks.
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You are missing the point.


I know things aren't balanced, I don't care. I know I, or anyone, could do better on a Mara. I don't care.


PvP in this game is retarded easy, and all these whiners make it seem like brain surgery.


If you are so skilled, and such an elitist, take the challenge.


If not, **** and go back to your Mara, your skills are other-worldly, and we are all amazed at your awesome-sauce. Feel better?


I play against top rated/ranked players. That is my challenege. I don't need to pick any class, and then go beat up on players that hardly have a clue on what they are doign. I hardly would call that a challenege, as you would.

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Any class in this game (minus merc dps) can be pretty good in skilled hands.


That doesn't mean that there isn't gross imbalance between classes.


Put the two most skilled players in the game, one on a marauder and one on a merc dps, and see what happens after 100 matches. Do the same with only a good player playing a maruader vs the best player on a merc. See what happens.


Imbalance happens. Stop being ignorant.


This iis hardly even a test, let alone something worth mentioning btw.


Well said. If the thread starter really wants to prove a point, roll an Arsenal Mercenary/Gunnery Commando then come back here. DPS Operatives aren't as overpowered as they were before but by not means are they anywhere near as dysfunctional as Mercenary/Commandos.

Edited by LeonHawkeye
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People should really ignore the QQ'ing concealment ops/scrapper scoundrels are doing. You don't see the best ones on here moaning-- they're spending their time in WZ'ings nailing healers to the wall and CC'ing the hell out of would-be cappers, as well as frequently pulling top damage.
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I am getting bored with all the QQ, nerf whining and general negativity of the vocal minority in PvP. I am rolling a brand new Concealment Operative, will not go heals, and will show that any class, played in competent hands, can be a force to be reckoned with. This is not ego, not epeen, and not even a class that plays to my strengths, but I sincerely wish PvPers would focus on skill and leave the rest to the Devs.


Bioware was quoted as saying teams of Operatives stunnlocking players would be the fall of the game. I say let's prove them right.


If you are in, sign below, and let's keep this post going to track our progress and results.


Any top level current 50 PvP Concealment Operatives, feel free to post and help grow your community!


Dps ops aren't even that bad off. You're not proving anything.

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I am getting bored with all the QQ, nerf whining and general negativity of the vocal minority in PvP. I am rolling a brand new Concealment Operative, will not go heals, and will show that any class, played in competent hands, can be a force to be reckoned with. This is not ego, not epeen, and not even a class that plays to my strengths, but I sincerely wish PvPers would focus on skill and leave the rest to the Devs.


Bioware was quoted as saying teams of Operatives stunnlocking players would be the fall of the game. I say let's prove them right.


If you are in, sign below, and let's keep this post going to track our progress and results.


Any top level current 50 PvP Concealment Operatives, feel free to post and help grow your community!


LOL...You would be far more brave and taken seriously if you offered to do this as Arsenal or Gunnery spec.


Hey guys...Just to prove that anyone can do well with any class, I'm going to roll a brand new pyrotech! :D

Edited by clearsighted
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Ive got an agent lv 49 and a Scoundrel lv 41 both concealment spec and I reign terror in WZ's. (10-49)

I've had no problem leveling these guys mainly in PvP, and have had a blast doing so. Im kinda partial to the Scrapper tho, "Dirty Kick" make me lol just about everytime I use it on someone. I have to admit that the story line for the IA has been the best by far and Scoundrel has been just as entertaining. My only problem is trying to pick between shotguns or knives.


:rak_03: Drunk :cool:

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Is it skill or whoever spends $300 dollars on a Naga Mouse and Keyboard? I know of people how have really good reaction times due to them being able to macro abilities with their keyboard. How is that skill? I play with just a normal keyboard with very minor mouse support and find in certain situations I lack, simply because I refuse to pay 300 bucks.

And is the reason they need to add macro support to level the playing field for some players, here is one case, a close friend of mine suffered some nerve damage to his left arm and because of this he lost his ability to compete in pvp, as a result of swtor having no macros he no longer plays.


Players using programmable hardware and players with a handicap is why Bioware needs to add macro support to level the playing field and make this game enjoyable for more people.

Edited by Nijraw
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And is the reason they need to add macro support to level the playing field for some players, here is one case, a close friend of mine suffered some nerve damage to his left arm and because of this he lost his ability to compete in pvp, as a result of swtor having no macros he no longer plays.


Players using programmable hardware and players with a handicap is why Bioware needs to add macro support to level the playing field and make this game enjoyable for more people.



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I am getting bored with all the QQ, nerf whining and general negativity of the vocal minority in PvP. I am rolling a brand new Concealment Operative, will not go heals, and will show that any class, played in competent hands, can be a force to be reckoned with. This is not ego, not epeen, and not even a class that plays to my strengths, but I sincerely wish PvPers would focus on skill and leave the rest to the Devs.


Bioware was quoted as saying teams of Operatives stunnlocking players would be the fall of the game. I say let's prove them right.


If you are in, sign below, and let's keep this post going to track our progress and results.


Any top level current 50 PvP Concealment Operatives, feel free to post and help grow your community!


Been there, done that. Gets old after a while... and in bigger fights the sentiment that you are gimping your team is still there. :|

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They already have macros. You just need a really expensive mouse/keyboard to use them.


Perhaps another way to even the playing field would be to have a small application that detected your mouse/keyboard hardhare, and if it a Naga, or one of the other silly ones, then the game slows your character down to about 75% speed. That might work :p


As far as player skill goes, there is no skill involved in pressing a button on your mouse and activating several abilities at once. It's PLAYER vs player, not MACRO vs player.

Edited by dazednconfuzed
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I am getting bored with all the QQ, nerf whining and general negativity of the vocal minority in PvP. I am rolling a brand new Concealment Operative, will not go heals, and will show that any class, played in competent hands, can be a force to be reckoned with. This is not ego, not epeen, and not even a class that plays to my strengths, but I sincerely wish PvPers would focus on skill and leave the rest to the Devs.


Bioware was quoted as saying teams of Operatives stunnlocking players would be the fall of the game. I say let's prove them right.


If you are in, sign below, and let's keep this post going to track our progress and results.


Any top level current 50 PvP Concealment Operatives, feel free to post and help grow your community!


Concealment is a very powerful PvP being the best single target burst in the game out of stealth with great control and good utility.


The majority of players I see use over load shot as a filler so they feel the class is weak because they have not figured out how to manage the resource.


Played in a team setting -which is SWTOR PvP- it is a fantastic build offensively and defensively as they see stealth early.


The number of times me a Sorcerer and my friend a concealment Operative were able to take turrets from 2's 3's and 4's I stopped counting. We alternate our CC's and burn down target so quickly!


If BW ever wakes up they will figure out this game would make some of the best arena match-ups in MMO's today!

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If you're just concerned about basic macros

you can pick up a steelseries shift keyboard

for like $30 when newegg has them on sale.

It'll do basic macros. eBay often has the steelseries

Merc keyboard cheap too. It's nicer as the

Macro buttons are on the left.

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If you're just concerned about basic macros

you can pick up a steelseries shift keyboard

for like $30 when newegg has them on sale.

It'll do basic macros. eBay often has the steelseries

Merc keyboard cheap too. It's nicer as the

Macro buttons are on the left.


So, this is basically saying if you want to stand a chance against people who use macros, use macros yourself?


Sorry, but in a game that supposedly doesn't support macros, being expected to buy the game, pay a monthly fee, and then be expected to fork out for macro-enabled hardware, just to keep an even playing field in pvp is a little excessive, don't you think?


Not that I care, really. I do alright in pvp as it is, without having to bend the game's rules for macros.

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