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To me this game dose not represent an MMO.


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I agree completely...i find it to be more of a single player mmo....if that makes any sense. I find myself doing my own crap 24/7 rather than with a group.


Remarkable how you solo Hammer Station and its like. Do fraps that and put it on Youtube anytime soon. Or say the Heroic 4 quests.


WoW, as it seems to be thé comparison here, was also 100M solo'able for almost every class with the exception of dungeons. The companion system in SWTOR assures you that even elite quests 2(+) tend to be solo'able.


The seamless world has been a critique of mine too, but in line with Star Wars, sci-fi, the planet system makes perfect sense. Planets themselves, far greater than 5 WoW zones, are seamless though, apart from having to hop on a speeder sometimes.

Edited by Dekadez
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when I think of MMO I think of one giant seamless world, or at least a world with minimal seems. SW:TOR seems more like a co-op online game.


just to use an obvious comparison, in WOW I can run my toon from one end of the continent to the other with our a loading screen, and I can interact with all the people I find there in the chat. I do not have to switch servers to join my party as you some times have to do in SW:TOR.


And don't complain about lag, and other things, I have played wow recently and I rarely get any lag. Even in eve online were the entire game population is on the same server I rarely get lag, unless I'm in like a 600 ship battle.


I am just used to games like planet side, and wow and eve. I mean the original marketing line for mmo was that you played with every other player at the same time, you were all on the same server.


I think this game is massive in scale, there is a lot of worlds and areas, and this game is multilayer, but I d not think it is both at the same time. It should be labeled as a "massive co-op game" I think.


What is every one else think about this?


I also like how in WOW there arent many loading screens and you do feel like its a large seemless world, although there is alot of trickery going on to get it like that.


EVE however i cannot agree with, everytime you use a gate there is an animation you have to go through and this is essentially eves version of a loading screen as your changing server. Same thing for docking/undocking with stations. Its awesome that everyone plays together, but its a heavilly instanced game.


Sad fact is once you get to around 200 players in one area in a game, its definitely an MMO. We dont have the technology to do much better than that. Warhammer RVR crashed during 150vs150 fort takes, ww2 online goes to a crawl during the start of each campaign when you have a hundred people attacking a single town. I guess i will have to take your word on planetside, but i highly doubt "1000" have ever been in a single area in a game ever it just wouldn't work.


And eve lags out when there are more than 50 ships fighting eachother, which is sad when you think how little is actually going on in an eve fight. Most wars are won by looking at the target list and spamming your modules hoping they are firing lol.

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when I think of MMO I think of one giant seamless world, or at least a world with minimal seems. SW:TOR seems more like a co-op online game.




What is every one else think about this?


MMO = Massive (certaily is) Multiplayer (that too) Online (it is!)


Conclusion: SWTOR = MMO


Guttsy911 :rolleyes:

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WOWS other quality's aside, I was commenting solely on the fact that in that game there is a seamless world that I can run from one end to the other with out a loading screen.




Or another example would be planet side, routinely we had battles with hundreds of players, some times close to 1000 players. on one planet fighting in the same battle.



The technology today is available, to say you need a super computer to do it and there fore shouldn't be done is ridiculous. These mmo games rake in the dough they can afford good hard ware.


You do realize even if the servers didn't lag, even if they had the worlds greatest super computer, and perfectly optimized code YOU WOULD LAG if they didn't split up the population. YOUR computer would not be able to handle. Also that other games mm lets see dungeons, continents all have loading screens.


And yes sometimes you have to switch servers (in game servers for you people that don't know) to party in another group. Big freaking woop.

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Peeps saying it's like GW; not at all. GW had instanced cities with an instanced world map. This just has instances of planets where hundreds of people can interact. It's similar, but really not the same at all in terms of execution.


The game world feels big to me and feels like an MMO. I would like to have a more central place where people would gather (a la Stormwind/Athens in AO), but otherwise I feel a sense of size and see other players out doing stuff all the time

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swtor would be a great mmo if they re-prioritized things. Such as better rewards to encourage heroic quests, LOWER THE FREAKIN XP RATE.


I dont group for flashpoints cause 1 flashpoint is over half a freaking level. I dont pvp because pvp is over a bubble per match. All the things that are social about an MMO are punished. Yes I use punished as a term for getting xp, I dont WANT THE FREAKIN XP. Id like to experience the game with my friends!

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when I think of MMO I think of one giant seamless world, or at least a world with minimal seems. SW:TOR seems more like a co-op online game.


just to use an obvious comparison, in WOW I can run my toon from one end of the continent to the other with our a loading screen


This is just not possible to do with Star Wars. For hopefully glaringly obvious reasons.


Can't just mash a couple of tents together and call it a city. Have you taken a look at Coruscant? The entire planet's a city. And I think it reasonable feels like one, when you drive through the chasms of it's sky scrapers. When I first looked out of the hangar my jaw dropped.


Not exactly the sentiment I had when I saw WoW's cities. Lordearon is freaking hamlet. It in no way resembles the metropolis it's supposed to be. I'd rather not be able to visit every nook and cranny of a city and instead have the illusion of it actually being there.

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when I think of MMO I think of one giant seamless world, or at least a world with minimal seems. SW:TOR seems more like a co-op online game.


just to use an obvious comparison, in WOW I can run my toon from one end of the continent to the other with our a loading screen, and I can interact with all the people I find there in the chat. I do not have to switch servers to join my party as you some times have to do in SW:TOR.


And don't complain about lag, and other things, I have played wow recently and I rarely get any lag. Even in eve online were the entire game population is on the same server I rarely get lag, unless I'm in like a 600 ship battle.


I am just used to games like planet side, and wow and eve. I mean the original marketing line for mmo was that you played with every other player at the same time, you were all on the same server.


I think this game is massive in scale, there is a lot of worlds and areas, and this game is multilayer, but I d not think it is both at the same time. It should be labeled as a "massive co-op game" I think.


What is every one else think about this?




Go back to WOW

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/sigh whenever I see the word/words "fanboy"...:fanbois" in a forum thread or post critical to this game, immediately I see no credibility whatsoever in the person posting. I feel the word "fanboy" is used in a slightly derogatory manner. For all those who want this game to be "WoW" i'm sorry to burst your balloon but it isn't. WoW is WoW .... SWTOR is SWTOR and hopefully the 2 will never meet. Two cancelled wow subs equals money better spent here :D.

(WoW player for 5 years)

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It has many features which are present in World of Warcraft, to the extent that many people have spoken the dreaded phrase "a WoW clone in space".


I agree that the implementation of instancing is rather odd. The developers chose to use a realm system, something which I still disagree with. One of the major benefits of a realm system is that everyone on a realm is able to interact with each other if they are in the same region. However, BioWare decided to implement instancing within realms, presumably to reduce the possibility of players flooding a mission area. If instancing is to be implemented, it should be implemented on a global scale; not with servers above it. For me, this idea seems completely ridiculous. You either have a single cluster with instancing, or a load of realms without instancing.


However, The Old Republic is certainly an MMO. The only situation in which we have loading screens is when we are either flying to another planet, going to our ship or entering a Flashpoint or Operation. This is no different in World of Warcraft, where switching continent (i.e. planet) means a loading screen at some point. BioWare decided to implement planets, rather than a single planet. If you would prefer, I am sure that it is possible to show a cinematic instead of a loading screen, but the fact remains; there needs to be a loading screen as you are entering an entirely different planet with a huge number of different assets and a very large amount of space to traverse.

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when I think of MMO I think of one giant seamless world, or at least a world with minimal seems. SW:TOR seems more like a co-op online game.


just to use an obvious comparison, in WOW I can run my toon from one end of the continent to the other with our a loading screen, and I can interact with all the people I find there in the chat. I do not have to switch servers to join my party as you some times have to do in SW:TOR.


And don't complain about lag, and other things, I have played wow recently and I rarely get any lag. Even in eve online were the entire game population is on the same server I rarely get lag, unless I'm in like a 600 ship battle.


I am just used to games like planet side, and wow and eve. I mean the original marketing line for mmo was that you played with every other player at the same time, you were all on the same server.


I think this game is massive in scale, there is a lot of worlds and areas, and this game is multilayer, but I d not think it is both at the same time. It should be labeled as a "massive co-op game" I think.


What is every one else think about this?


I can not deny I was expecting same thing yet WoW has only 2 'planets' while in SWTOR has a galaxy. EVE it's a space sim has nothing to do with mmorpg so bad example. If you put it that way Freelancer had about 50 systems if I remember right and you were able to fly at 'infinte'.


As said having 17 planets each with their own 'Azeroth' it will take 17 years at least to finish the game (quests) and I hardly have that much time.


I bet that in future more areas will be open and hope the feeling of 'open world' will be given if not that this is just a mmorpg from another perspective.


I'm more concern about other thing like performance of the video engine of this game notice that since beta testing, constant lag from different area of the games and bugs.


And in the end in 'open world' of WoW you will find players in 2 locations....SW and Ogri going afk on thier flying mounts.


So far I've enjoy this new way of mmorpg if I can say so but I'm not happy with performance thingy

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The amount of trolling in these post are ridiculous. I find it funny that there are two groups of people that respond to the OP. One are the people who lambast him for critiquing the game (btw fanboys are BW drones that will defend the game regardless of its flaws.) The others are people who have no reading comprehension and cite technical MMO=check crap.


Listen, I've played a lot of MMO in my time, everything from the first EQ to Rift. The main point that OP was trying to get across is not that you CANNOT walk from planet to planet seamlessly. People citing that obviously need to go back to English class. Yes, Wow is used as a comparison, but guess what it has the largest subscriber base right now and is the most popular. Know anyone still playing UO or EQ right now?


When the OP talks about a seamless world he is talking about one where on the same planet, there are no instances outside of dungeons. When I log into Coruscant the place is dead, but the server that I am on is full. Why, because BW decided to split the load and divide everyone up. It's just like AoC. If I log into SWTOR after my wife, she could be on a "different world". Why is that? Immersion should not be divided this way, and cannot possibly be because of hardware issues. WoW can do this, and it does not require the user to have a great machine. If your going to just bring up some point right now that UO or EQ did this, listen its not 1992 anymore. Hardware has increased dramatically since then. Any cheap PC from best-buy can run this game, so defending that point is futile.


The reason OP says he feels like its a single player game is that lack of people in it on a single planet instance. Yeah your just going to say "Wall of text, blah blah," but the OP has a point. When I log into my server, I want to be able to SEE everyone on that server, not see what they wrote in the chat log then have to switch over to a mirror later to group with them. Also on a side note, if your worried about this obscure facade about the mirror planets solving camping issues, I never experienced that in any other MMO, and yes that includes UO and EQ.

Edited by McAvinue
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Peeps saying it's like GW; not at all. GW had instanced cities with an instanced world map. This just has instances of planets where hundreds of people can interact. It's similar, but really not the same at all in terms of execution.


The game world feels big to me and feels like an MMO. I would like to have a more central place where people would gather (a la Stormwind/Athens in AO), but otherwise I feel a sense of size and see other players out doing stuff all the time


I think the gathering spot will come but not until enough of the population reaches the level cap, we shall see when that happens I guess.

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All this "technically" crap is just that, crap. If you cannot get the OP point from his post then I feel sorry for you. Life will be hard.



Technically a pile of crap with some flour and icing thrown on it is a cake. Will you treat it as such and eat it? And before you toolboxes get angry for me comparing crap to SW, don't, because I didn't.


Technically, i'll take TECHNICAL definitions over random opinions. See, those of us who deal with TECHNICAL defintions actually have to ascribe meaning to words, or in this case an Achronym and what it stands for. MMORPG. That's what we are defining, and by the definition SW:TOR is an MMORPG.


Technically, that pile of crap with icing and flour is NOT a cake. No cake reciepe calls for crap. Wait, do you know of one? I wouldn't eat that if I were you...

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"do not have to switch servers to play with friends"


huh? Are you sure you're playing SWTOR?


At no point (NO as in NO), do you "switch servers" to play with friends.


You sort of do. The zones are broken into different phases. If you want to do a group quest you sometimes get a message that asks if you would like to switch to their instance of that area.


So in effect, there could be 50 people standing in the same place out in the world, but you might only see 5 of them.


I hope world pvp doesn't work the same way.

Edited by khaoimon
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The amount of trolling in these post are ridiculous. I find it funny that there are two groups of people that respond to the OP. One are the people who lambast him for critiquing the game (btw fanboys are BW drones that will defend the game regardless of its flaws.) The others are people who have no reading comprehension and cite technical MMO=check crap.


Listen, I've played a lot of MMO in my time, everything from the first EQ to Rift. The main point that OP was trying to get across is not that you CANNOT walk from planet to planet seamlessly. People citing that obviously need to go back to English class. Yes, Wow is used as a comparison, but guess what it has the largest subscriber base right now and is the most popular. Know anyone still playing UO or EQ right now?


When the OP talks about a seamless world he is talking about one where on the same planet, there are no instances outside of dungeons. When I log into Coruscant the place is dead, but the server that I am on is full. Why, because BW decided to split the load and divide everyone up. It's just like AoC. If I log into SWTOR after my wife, she could be on a "different world". Why is that? Immersion should not be divided this way, and cannot possibly be because of hardware issues. WoW can do this, and it does not require the user to have a great machine. If your going to just bring up some point right now that UO or EQ did this, listen its not 1992 anymore. Hardware has increased dramatically since then. Any cheap PC from best-buy can run this game, so defending that point is futile.


The reason OP says he feels like its a single player game is that lack of people in it on a single planet instance. Yeah your just going to say "Wall of text, blah blah," but the OP has a point. When I log into my server, I want to be able to SEE everyone on that server, not see what they wrote in the chat log then have to switch over to a mirror later to group with them. Also on a side note, if your worried about this obscure facade about the mirror planets solving camping issues, I never experienced that in any other MMO, and yes that includes UO and EQ.


They said often that sharding is a temporary measure which they wont be keeping once the server pop settles down and spreads out. Its only a solution for periods when they expect a lot of people in one place (ie. at launch, an expansion, or a major content patch).

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I wont even point out the terrible grammar and spelling OP. SW:TOR is the definition of a true mmo. Seamless? Yes TOR is very seamless, however because you compared mmos with only one planet to this one you have created a strawman.


Next you complain it is an online multi-player rpg. Funny tell that the $%#)($% that stole my resource node that I killed the trash pack to get.


Now I was a high end hard core raider in WoW. So having played the highest content they have to offer, I will say that the difference between this game and WoW isn't really all that much.


TOR does better what WoW has stopped doing or would never do. Crafting that can either be done by farming nodes or paying money and waiting. Making certain abilities/roles work different in pvp. Dealing with the pvp population imbalance (for the most part) with a faction neutral WF.


It sounds to me like you want to like this game, but somehow, you feel like Blizz will knock on your door and ask you why you left?


edit: Meant to be Population pvp imbalance, not class. Classes will never fully be balanced in any mmo ever.

Edited by MorbidAri
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The amount of trolling in these post are ridiculous. I find it funny that there are two groups of people that respond to the OP. One are the people who lambast him for critiquing the game (btw fanboys are BW drones that will defend the game regardless of its flaws.) The others are people who have no reading comprehension and cite technical MMO=check crap.


Listen, I've played a lot of MMO in my time, everything from the first EQ to Rift. The main point that OP was trying to get across is not that you CANNOT walk from planet to planet seamlessly. People citing that obviously need to go back to English class. Yes, Wow is used as a comparison, but guess what it has the largest subscriber base right now and is the most popular. Know anyone still playing UO or EQ right now?


When the OP talks about a seamless world he is talking about one where on the same planet, there are no instances outside of dungeons. When I log into Coruscant the place is dead, but the server that I am on is full. Why, because BW decided to split the load and divide everyone up. It's just like AoC. If I log into SWTOR after my wife, she could be on a "different world". Why is that? Immersion should not be divided this way, and cannot possibly be because of hardware issues. WoW can do this, and it does not require the user to have a great machine. If your going to just bring up some point right now that UO or EQ did this, listen its not 1992 anymore. Hardware has increased dramatically since then. Any cheap PC from best-buy can run this game, so defending that point is futile.


The reason OP says he feels like its a single player game is that lack of people in it on a single planet instance. Yeah your just going to say "Wall of text, blah blah," but the OP has a point. When I log into my server, I want to be able to SEE everyone on that server, not see what they wrote in the chat log then have to switch over to a mirror later to group with them. Also on a side note, if your worried about this obscure facade about the mirror planets solving camping issues, I never experienced that in any other MMO, and yes that includes UO and EQ.


The fact that the OP stated this:

when I think of MMO I think of one giant seamless world, or at least a world with minimal seems. SW:TOR seems more like a co-op online game.
shows that he dosn't really understand what's going on here.


To further this,

I can run my toon from one end of the continent to the other with our a loading screen, and I can interact with all the people I find there in the chat. I do not have to switch servers to join my party as you some times have to do in SW:TOR.


If I log into SWTOR after my wife, she could be on a "different world". Why is that? Immersion should not be divided this way, and cannot possibly be because of hardware issues.
He, or you, haven't done enough reading to find out that BioWare has stated it's only temporary. BioWare had more Pre-Orders than WoW did at launch. This tells you already that this game is going to be bigger than you think, so these measures HAVE to be put into place to ensure server load normalizes.


The reason OP says he feels like its a single player game is that lack of people in it on a single planet instance
No, he states he feels like it's a co-op game. He never states he feels like it's a single player game ever. Which is ironic that he would state that, because guess what mechanic MMORPGs use a lot? Co-Op.
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when I think of MMO I think of one giant seamless world, or at least a world with minimal seems. SW:TOR seems more like a co-op online game.


just to use an obvious comparison, in WOW I can run my toon from one end of the continent to the other with our a loading screen, and I can interact with all the people I find there in the chat. I do not have to switch servers to join my party as you some times have to do in SW:TOR.


And don't complain about lag, and other things, I have played wow recently and I rarely get any lag. Even in eve online were the entire game population is on the same server I rarely get lag, unless I'm in like a 600 ship battle.


I am just used to games like planet side, and wow and eve. I mean the original marketing line for mmo was that you played with every other player at the same time, you were all on the same server.


I think this game is massive in scale, there is a lot of worlds and areas, and this game is multilayer, but I d not think it is both at the same time. It should be labeled as a "massive co-op game" I think.


What is every one else think about this?


sooooo your saying that planets separated by thousands of lightyears should be seemless...

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when I think of MMO I think of one giant seamless world, or at least a world with minimal seems. SW:TOR seems more like a co-op online game.


just to use an obvious comparison, in WOW I can run my toon from one end of the continent to the other with our a loading screen, and I can interact with all the people I find there in the chat. I do not have to switch servers to join my party as you some times have to do in SW:TOR.


And don't complain about lag, and other things, I have played wow recently and I rarely get any lag. Even in eve online were the entire game population is on the same server I rarely get lag, unless I'm in like a 600 ship battle.


I am just used to games like planet side, and wow and eve. I mean the original marketing line for mmo was that you played with every other player at the same time, you were all on the same server.


I think this game is massive in scale, there is a lot of worlds and areas, and this game is multilayer, but I d not think it is both at the same time. It should be labeled as a "massive co-op game" I think.


What is every one else think about this?

The game is naturally segmented due to planets... It's not even an issue. The only way you could be physically connected at all times would be full free-flight space travel, which (unfortunately but understandably) will never happen.


Though a "faction chat" option could indeed be a good option for a more "global" feeling.

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