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Can't our LEGACY last names be our character last names meaning...


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...we have a first & last name so that there's a much better chance that each player has a unique name? Why can't you do this BioWare when so many other MMORPG Developers can? You allowed us to have LEGACY last names for a reason, so why won't you let us use them as our real player character last names so that we can keep our original character 1st names when we move for server transfers?


There's obviously a reason why, can you just take the time & tell me what the reason is?


/edit My player character name is Cassius Haran. If that was my whole character name, then I'd never have to worry about changing my name Cassius, when I move to another RP server since I've just checked out all the other RP servers & found out that the name Cassius is already taken on them all.

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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I'm not using my "real" last name as my Legacy name, are you? :confused:


I've edited the OP, I see the confusion I wrote out in my frustration & didn't mean to complicate things by insisting that we use our "real" last names, sorry about that guys. Legacy last names.

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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because thats a pain, im not typing out 2 names to invte someone to a grp or whisper them.


Yeah that would be a nightmare. Five characters with the same first name but different last/legacy names...uh, no thanks.

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because thats a pain, im not typing out 2 names to invte someone to a grp or whisper them.


If only there were some way to just click on their name in chat or from the guild window or target them and invite them from the target window. Maybe they could even put a little plus by their pic to make it even easier. Thats just crazy talk though. No way would anyone ever figure out how to use those complex features.

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For security reasons alone, why on earth would you want to have your real last name in an MMO plastered where every potentially creepy stalker can see it?

I don't think the OP meant to suggest using our RL last names. He suggests that if we use our legacy names as last names for our chars, most if not all char names would be unique as they are. The chance that someone on the new server after transfer has the same char and legacy names combined, is much smaller than the chance that someone on the new server has the same char name, or the same legacy name (independently).

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I don't think the OP meant to suggest using our RL last names. He suggests that if we use our legacy names as last names for our chars, most if not all char names would be unique as they are. The chance that someone on the new server after transfer has the same char and legacy names combined, is much smaller than the chance that someone on the new server has the same char name, or the same legacy name (independently).


the problem with using the legacy name as char lastnames is you can add enemies, friends, aqaintances. etc to your legacy... are you and the op suggesting that your enemies friends etc all have the same last name?


because they all share a legacy name, i know personally i would not want to create a last name for every one of my characters, especially now.

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because thats a pain, im not typing out 2 names to invte someone to a grp or whisper them.


Or, you could do what makes sense and just type out the one unique legacy name.


I like this idea, but I see two issues. The first being new players that do not have a legacy name. You would have to move legacy creation up to the initial player creation. The other issue is the fact that we can currently hide our surnames, which could make things confusing in some situations. Both of these problems are completely workable, but it only fixes duplicate first names, not duplicate last names. Not to mention I really doubt character names are a concern to them, so they won't want to put the extra effort in, least not in the clustermess they're currently in.



the problem with using the legacy name as char lastnames is you can add enemies, friends, aqaintances. etc to your legacy... are you and the op suggesting that your enemies friends etc all have the same last name?....


Doesn't the game currently already list your legacy as a last name? I don't think the current legacy tree system counts for much outside of people's RP bubbles.

Edited by Venirious
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Could always use an account name. Eg. Joe-Vader@tiefigtersareawesome. For whispers and what not. Keep the Legacy names bound to the account name. Means you can have several people with the same name / legacy name but they're all separated by their @ handle.


Sorry to anyone with the character name Joe-Vader or the account name Tiefightersareawesome. You really should be more creative.

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