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Character Transfer: No priority to sub accounts over unsubbed accounts for names?


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Well if you are moving to a server, no matter if the person already there is subscribed or not, you have no right to complain. After all you are the one moving there.


I have no doubt you would be back here complaining if the case was reversed. What if you had to stop paying for a month of two for personal/financial reasons and your name was taken when you got back? I am willing to bet a lot of money you would be here complaining.

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Why do you feel like you have the right to keep something you aren't paying for?


That person bought and paid for the game. They may have even paid for a Collectors Edition for all you know. They may have paid for 6 months, and took a month off. Some guy who bought a $30 box on sale and has played for just 2 months should not be able to take his name away.


Besides, that person may be part of a guild and be on many peoples friends list. If I have liltimmy on my friends list, I don't want some new guy coming along and taking over his name and confusing me.


Plus, you're transferring to someone elses server. It's not a merger.

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Why do you feel like you have the right to keep something you aren't paying for?


So you wanna transfer to a server someone else already rolled a toon with the same name on... your decision and the tool identifies you cant unless you change your name in some way... how does that dictate that the other persons toon is inactive, who are you to decide the outcome and who are you to decide who take presidence in keeping the name.. noone asked you to transfer, no one asked you to keep paying to play on a server your in such a hurry to transfer from.... so as the variables keep stacking up your argument of who is paying and who is not... is outweighed by the - DO YOU ACTUALLY KNOW ITS INACTIVE ANYWAY??? so your point is moot im afraid.

Edited by Bloodstealer
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That person bought and paid for the game. They may have even paid for a Collectors Edition for all you know. They may have paid for 6 months, and took a month off. Some guy who bought a $30 box on sale and has played for just 2 months should not be able to take his name away.


Besides, that person may be part of a guild and be on many peoples friends list. If I have liltimmy on my friends list, I don't want some new guy coming along and taking over his name and confusing me.


Plus, you're transferring to someone elses server. It's not a merger.


Hmmm ima gunna go roll a toon called Liltimmy now, just to test this ... whats your server ? :D


But yes I think your argument is sound - I have on occasion taken my kids away for 3-4 weeks during summer breaks so what is the sense in paying a months sub when I or my kids wont be using it.... that scenario I would imagine is pretty logical for many players, as is illness, re-deployment and saving coin sometimes when things get a bit tight that month or months...

We all bought the game, some spent more than others.. but as part of the agreement when buying the game we had to create a game account which allowed us to play the game be it continually forever or casually nowhere in the Tos did it say players forfieted their rights to any account / forum or toon names when unsubbing... noone except the individual or BW has the right to delete or modify details of any toon held in our accounts whether your currently subbing or not... if you wanna upsticks and transfer.. then be prepared to run the gauntlet of name duplication, otherwise stay put and keep playing for what your actively paying for.. simples really.

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That person bought and paid for the game. They may have even paid for a Collectors Edition for all you know. They may have paid for 6 months, and took a month off. Some guy who bought a $30 box on sale and has played for just 2 months should not be able to take his name away.


Besides, that person may be part of a guild and be on many peoples friends list. If I have liltimmy on my friends list, I don't want some new guy coming along and taking over his name and confusing me.


Plus, you're transferring to someone elses server. It's not a merger.


Mm, that's a fair point. I'll have to concede.

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I think would would be best, would be for all unsubbed account characters to forfeit their games so those of us still here can get the names we might have on our old servers. Makes sense sine those people left the game after all and are just holding up those names now.
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My toons all have original 'star wars' type names so hopefully there are no issues. If your imagination only stretches to your first name or something silly or stupid then its tough luck if you have to change. If someone has been paying a sub since release, then yeah, they should get the name over someone that hasnt. The whiners who only hang on for free month subs and hold names up can go play a Facebook game as far as i'm concerned. Too many kids around here anyway.
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I think would would be best, would be for all unsubbed account characters to forfeit their games so those of us still here can get the names we might have on our old servers. Makes sense sine those people left the game after all and are just holding up those names now.


I think your sig speaks volumes....

And of course you know that name your trying to duplicate is being held up by an inactive account... hmmm...


Ice cream comes in many differnt colours and flavors.... doesnt mean you got buy one every day to say you like ice cream....but the fact the ice cream van comes round every day means I get to choose if I want one or not... just the same as having a SWTOR account setup with my toons all named up means I get to choose if I want to play this month or not... the account is still there and valid!

Edited by Bloodstealer
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Just wait when the roles are reversed. The same people will be whining on the forums!


But i had to unsubscribe for a month because i was in surgery getting my brain removed! How could you give my name to someone else???


To quote Shakespeare: What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.


Get over it, if you are transferring you have NO right to expect to keep your name, regardless of the account status of any other player. It is a first come, first serve rule.

Edited by Naholen
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For some a name is just that, a name. And I can understand that these people just get a new name if they lose the old one. For others a name is more. It is an identity, it might have a good or bad reputation, it is you in the game.


So, lets say that you play swtor for years. Your known on your server, people know your a good player and dont mess around in instances or raids. Over the years you have built an identity and a good rep for your self. Then for some reason you cant play for few months.


Now, when you come back, you see that because you left the game for what ever reason someone else took your name. Is this right?


Is it really fair that just because someone cant pay every month. That person should risk losing the identity and reputation he/she has built up in a game? Its a bit like if you work every day. Then one day you get sick. Your away from your job for a month. When you go back to work you find out your fired. Someone else took your job because you where sick.

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There most certainly should not be priority on names for those who haven't cancelled over those who have.


Someone got there first, named his character, and because you now want his name, he should be penalized? Let's be clear; On that server that's his name, not yours. You may have built a reputation on a server with your name, but you're starting over in this regard, so you'll have to build it again with your own new name. He isn't changing servers, so he's not rebuilding his reputation. What's more, is that if you took his name, your potential douchebaggery would sully his reputation for anyone who doesn't know you bullied your way into his shoes!


If he never comes back, at least he left his character's legacy intact.

If he does return, it'll be like he never left. As it should be.

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You know what? I have nothing but respect for serving members of our military. It's a more noble way to earn a living than most. But I don't think game-wide policy should be predicated on the schedule irregularities of a tiny, however honorable percentage of the population. I think active accounts should take precedence over inactive accounts, with the understanding that 95% of those people are simply moved on.


And honestly, you can push virtually any position by bringing something like military service into it, no matter how irrelevant.


What I find laughable is you seem to have the opinion that what "YOU THINK" is how it should be and attempt to justify it by pulling some totally random numer or percentage out of your pants... why not link something which can substantiate these numbers you keep quoting and make your opinion more credible instead of reaching for effect in an attempt to make it sound plausable.

Maybe if you were the top honcho at BW or EA then this thread would never of seen the light of day.... but I am guessing your neither.


On the other hand as you like to "THINK" alot... perhaps thinking to take that all important toon name you cant live without and create it on other servers as placeholders, like many other players thought to do, then you could of avoided making yourself look like a spoilt self entitled child... I mean its not like the server population has only just materialised and its also not like the announcement on server transfers was only let out the bag yesterday/today.


Many of us took a moment to "THINK" and get placeholders in place either when the toons were created or when the first sniff of popoulation issues began to surface and/or server transfer announcements unveiled by BW....


Its good to think .... isn't it :D

Edited by Bloodstealer
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funny is that 90% of the people in the forums claims to have experience with lots of MMOS


yet.. they complain because they wont keep they name when they transfer? lol really?

show your experience playing MMOS and stop complaining about this, we all know this is how it works


so get over it people, start thinking in new names in case the ones you have are already pick if you are going to transfer.

Edited by mikphobos
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I think your sig speaks volumes....

And of course you know that name your trying to duplicate is being held up by an inactive account... hmmm...


Ice cream comes in many differnt colours and flavors.... doesnt mean you got buy one every day to say you like ice cream....but the fact the ice cream van comes round every day means I get to choose if I want one or not... just the same as having a SWTOR account setup with my toons all named up means I get to choose if I want to play this month or not... the account is still there and valid!


My name on the server I am on has nothing to do with my sig on this forum for your information, just because someone has something like that on their sig does not mean their going for a name like that. Try not to jump to conclusions next time thanks.


Thing is though people who left have left, sure they might come back but like many have said why should someone who is paying and playing now have to give up a name that might be free if the names from inactive accounts were let go?

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First assume Joe had to unsub because of financial reasons, and not that of the many many QQers.


Also Joe may be a marine who was called over seas ... should joe lose his name because he defends your freedom ?

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Also Joe may be a marine who was called over seas ... should joe lose his name because he defends your freedom ?


Don't post stupid crap like this, maybe Joe should get an XP buff when he returns as the other players on the server got to play longer.


These transfers are not 'compuslory' for us players who have 6 people on the fleet it is our last chance to enjoy the game. The charcater name should go to whoever has the highest legacy which is a good metric of gametime played. Just because you were 'on the server first' does not give you more right to a specific name.


This is a RPG we role play our characters, we enjoy doing so and a name is a huge part of it.

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Other games have fair solutions to this:


If the name is taken by someone who hasn't purchased the game it gets bumped


If the name is taken by someone who is under level 10 and hasn't logged in for so many months it gets bumped.


I'm not going to be mad about having to change my name if I'm a level 50 and someone actively playing has a level 25 with my name even though they just bought the game a week ago.


I will be mad if I have to change my name because someone made it when playing the trial for a couple hours and never purchased the game.


I will be mad if someone who quit after the first month has one of their 30 level one characters with my name on the chosen destination server.


If they aren't going to do it as mentioned above then no current server should be a destination server. All current servers should be shut down and new servers are destination servers where everyone gets a shot.

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My name on the server I am on has nothing to do with my sig on this forum for your information, just because someone has something like that on their sig does not mean their going for a name like that. Try not to jump to conclusions next time thanks.


Thing is though people who left have left, sure they might come back but like many have said why should someone who is paying and playing now have to give up a name that might be free if the names from inactive accounts were let go?


Okkie.. i guess you missed what I meant about your sig... I guess that kinda makes the point even more valid :D


And why should you have the right to take another players name because you think they might not come back or have a more casual appraoch to there gaming and/or budgeting habits... none you have no right and as I have said.. you do n ot know if the duplicates names are active or inactive accounts so your argument is completely moot!

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Don't post stupid crap like this, maybe Joe should get an XP buff when he returns as the other players on the server got to play longer.


These transfers are not 'compuslory' for us players who have 6 people on the fleet it is our last chance to enjoy the game. The charcater name should go to whoever has the highest legacy which is a good metric of gametime played. Just because you were 'on the server first' does not give you more right to a specific name.


This is a RPG we role play our characters, we enjoy doing so and a name is a huge part of it.


The person a few posts above you said it pretty well.


It's fairly standard practice for MMOs when transfers occur for the person transferring to lose their name if it is already taken on the destination server they choose/are assigned. You're right about names being important in an RPG, but that means they're important to everyone, not just you, so why should someone else lose their name and you keep it? The door swings both ways when it comes to this problem.


However, people should be pretty accustomed to this kind of system when it comes to transfers. If you transfer, you risk losing your name, thats just how it goes. For all you know your server may not even be an origin server, it could end up being a destination server, and all your crying would be for nothing.


But the point still stands that this is standard practice for mmo server transfers. The industry isn't going to turn itself on it's head just because 20 people on SWToR don't like it.

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Don't post stupid crap like this, maybe Joe should get an XP buff when he returns as the other players on the server got to play longer.


These transfers are not 'compuslory' for us players who have 6 people on the fleet it is our last chance to enjoy the game. The charcater name should go to whoever has the highest legacy which is a good metric of gametime played. Just because you were 'on the server first' does not give you more right to a specific name.


This is a RPG we role play our characters, we enjoy doing so and a name is a huge part of it.


Well thankfully Bioware sees it differently and imo rightly so.. lets play some of your RP right here....

Lets say your on a less than populated server and suddenyl have a lightbulb moment - ?DING? - I know I will transfer to "X-Server" instead. But "X-Server" also happens to be my home and oooh gosh we appear to have a naming duplication ..... Now you of course have been playing since day one, as have I (in fact earlier) but for arguments sake lets say I have only been playing SWTOR for hmmm 3 weeks...

Server says Uhhh oooooo name duplication WARNING!!!!... So in your world I must be an inactive player undeserving of my toon name and cos you have been here since day 1 you must has the right of expectation.... when in reality Iam actually an active player, paying the same sub as you, who was smart enuff to think of having placeholders on servers either from day 1 or when certain situations became apparent or announced...


Now try to argue that your point is anything but MOOT!

Edited by Bloodstealer
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