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Opinions on the new Project animation?


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Funny you should ask:




50 page thread I started where a bunch of people proposed a bunch of ideas on replacements for chunk a clunker and pebblestorm. The current animation is better than the old animation because the delay is less. But at the end of the day, you are still chunking junk, so it is still fail.


As far as sith go, I am perfectly happy with lightning. I think they could have varied lightning strike a bit more, but that is minor compared to the problems we have on the consular side with junk, rocks, and pebbles. People dont snicker at you when you Zap them with lightning...when you whip out the pebbles, on the other hand...or pull up a rock out of a starship deck...well...


More like 5 pages of people posting ideas and 45 bickering about the same sh here. Thanks for that oh-so -enlightening thread. Remind me to break a beer bottle over your head so you can feel what you did to me sir:mad:


After reading the thread and since we are talking about Project's new animation (I think) might as well put in my opinion: The animation fully supports pvp but that is not good enough. We lost character immersion, (can't wait for the response) when they put the animation closer to the enemy as oppose to near the caster.


The trouble was the damage delay, and the fix is make the animation faster. No pull-up-from-ground and hold-up-and-check-the-rubble-for-worms but a straight shot ground-to-opponent. Think of hitting the key and getting hit by lag at the same time. Once the computer catches it, it looks like just a quick fling. Or a movie reference might be in Revenge of the Sith where Obi-Wan drops a furnace on those mangnaguards. Opinions? (puts up guard for Dyvim):p

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More like 5 pages of people posting ideas and 45 bickering about the same sh here. Thanks for that oh-so -enlightening thread. Remind me to break a beer bottle over your head so you can feel what you did to me sir:mad:


After reading the thread and since we are talking about Project's new animation (I think) might as well put in my opinion: The animation fully supports pvp but that is not good enough. We lost character immersion, (can't wait for the response) when they put the animation closer to the enemy as oppose to near the caster.


The trouble was the damage delay, and the fix is make the animation faster. No pull-up-from-ground and hold-up-and-check-the-rubble-for-worms but a straight shot ground-to-opponent. Think of hitting the key and getting hit by lag at the same time. Once the computer catches it, it looks like just a quick fling. Or a movie reference might be in Revenge of the Sith where Obi-Wan drops a furnace on those mangnaguards. Opinions? (puts up guard for Dyvim):p


Disclosure: I mean everything in jest:D

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Agreed. The new animation for project makes me glad my sorcerer is nearly level 50. Honestly, I would prefer it if they put the delay back in, the new animation looks like they knocked it up in 5 minutes.


SO, the community cries for a change of a skill that is not balanced with its counterpart. Bioware makes this change. And the community cries that the change is not what they wanted and it should be reverted back so that they can complain some more.


Please continue.

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SO, the community cries for a change of a skill that is not balanced with its counterpart. Bioware makes this change. And the community cries that the change is not what they wanted and it should be reverted back so that they can complain some more.


Please continue.


I will considering I was not part of the community that cried for the change. I liked it at first when trying it out in pvp but it destroyed pve. Change it back but make it faster is my cry.

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I will considering I was not part of the community that cried for the change. I liked it at first when trying it out in pvp but it destroyed pve. Change it back but make it faster is my cry.


Then some will cry that it still ruins their "immersion" and takes away the "epic" feel of the junk if you speed it up. Some of these people just want the delay back, because they think it lets them cheat the GCD. They wouldnt mind if you conjured up pink elephants...and tbh, that would not be much more ridiculous than the junk we have.


Point is you still have jedi = junk, when that is completely, totally wrong. The problem isnt that the animation changed, the problem is that it did not change ENOUGH.

Edited by Dyvim
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Then some will cry that it still ruins their "immersion" and takes away the "epic" feel of the junk if you speed it up. Some of these people just want the delay back, because they think it lets them cheat the GCD. They wouldnt mind if you conjured up pink elephants...and tbh, that would not be much more ridiculous than the junk we have.


Point is you still have jedi = junk, when that is completely, totally wrong. The problem isnt that the animation changed, the problem is that it did not change ENOUGH.


What you define as "junk" my friend, I define as "a huge f*#$-ing boulder smackin' into someone's head." First time I used it, I got that giddy feelin' when I saw Obi-Wan drop in on Grevious and his droids alone RoS.


I agree that BW spent a small amount of time on this "fix." How can you change the point of origin for quicker damage and not change the fact that you are chucking rocks from the ground in a starship? I mean they went as far as to having you pick up pipes in the Works on Coruscant. Why not go the whole ten yards?:cool:

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What you define as "junk" my friend, I define as "a huge f*#$-ing boulder smackin' into someone's head." First time I used it, I got that giddy feelin' when I saw Obi-Wan drop in on Grevious and his droids alone RoS.


I agree that BW spent a small amount of time on this "fix." How can you change the point of origin for quicker damage and not change the fact that you are chucking rocks from the ground in a starship? I mean they went as far as to having you pick up pipes in the Works on Coruscant. Why not go the whole ten yards?:cool:


Obi Wan didnt throw that junk...he used force crush on the supports and gravity did the rest. He also didnt magically conjure it up out of the ground. The force users that we see throw junk over and over and over and over are SITH.

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Obi Wan didnt throw that junk...he used force crush on the supports and gravity did the rest. He also didnt magically conjure it up out of the ground. The force users that we see throw junk over and over and over and over are SITH.


Your point being what?

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What you define as "junk" my friend, I define as "a huge f*#$-ing boulder smackin' into someone's head." First time I used it, I got that giddy feelin' when I saw Obi-Wan drop in on Grevious and his droids alone RoS.


I agree that BW spent a small amount of time on this "fix." How can you change the point of origin for quicker damage and not change the fact that you are chucking rocks from the ground in a starship? I mean they went as far as to having you pick up pipes in the Works on Coruscant. Why not go the whole ten yards?:cool:




And what is the "lag factor" you speak of? I don't see what the problem is of making the damage hit the moment you pick it up from the ground and suspend it in the air, rather than on the "impact" of the giant boulder/ object...

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Obi Wan didnt throw that junk...he used force crush on the supports and gravity did the rest. He also didnt magically conjure it up out of the ground. The force users that we see throw junk over and over and over and over are SITH.


Really? What did Satele's zabrak master hurl at Malgus right before malgus killed him?:cool:

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And what is the "lag factor" you speak of? I don't see what the problem is of making the damage hit the moment you pick it up from the ground and suspend it in the air, rather than on the "impact" of the giant boulder/ object...


This damage-on-keystroke was discussed earlier and i'll give my perspective. While the instant damage on our end of project sounds great, the fact is if on the receiving end of it, immersion is lost. The same would be said for pve. numbers popping up before the rock takes off loses immersion. If you want instant damage then they need to change the move completely so it would support this.


The "lag" I speak of is kind of hard to explain, so I'm gonna try play-by-play to explain:


When you hit a "pause" lag, everything stops on the screen. However, there are things still happening "real-time." To bring you back "up-to-speed" the graphics sort of "fast-forward" all the events that happened while stuck on pause.


One day, as I hit project, I got the "pause" lag. The "fast-forward" didn't show a lift-hold-then-throw animation, but a sort of straight-shot directly from the ground vice the lifting then throwing. I thought it looked better.


Way I see it, this can make a faster Project and at the same time give the player the character immersion that was lost. Well thats my take on it anyway. :rak_03:

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Really? What did Satele's zabrak master hurl at Malgus right before malgus killed him?:cool:


lol True but I don't think that is a strong argument for Pro-Project for Jedi Consular. Like the game designers are saying "don't do this, it only pisses them off":D

Edited by JediJayTrain
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Really? What did Satele's zabrak master hurl at Malgus right before malgus killed him?:cool:


Yeah, that was in a room full of debris, it wasnt magically conjured out of nowhere, and he didnt pull up a rock out of the deck plating...


But yeah, jedi have thrown objects...rarely. They have also choked and shot lightning. Point is that no one has thrown junk more than sith. Sith use it more than any other ranged attack, and every single sith has used it.


Many people were very disappointed with the junk chunkng as soon as they saw it in beta. Some liked it, some got used to it. Some just dont know any better and can't figure out the difference or know the difference between jedi and sith anyway. Some dont care about the lore, dont care about the movies. So, meh, it is what it is. To alot of people it is still a very big disappointment that jedi have been reduced to reskinned sith that have pebbles, junk and rocks instead of lightning. Its a poor joke.

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I have not played for a month (been playing TSW, was meaning to play both but every time I sit down in front of the computer I always end up playing TSW) so I didnt know the animation had changed. Well, today my son wanted to watch me playing Star Wars, so I wondered who I should play, with 6 50s I got the urge to continue my lvl 32 sage.


The first thing that hit me, was "*** have they done to project?"


I thought it was a visual bug, as I didnt even see those small rocks around my enemy (I was at max range). But then it dawned on me that they had inteded to fix the travel time. And OMG, this change is horrible. It might work for shadows, as they are more often than not in melee range anyway (I tested running up to the mobs before using the ability, and then its not so bad) but for sage's this change is really really bad.


The next time I log on to SWTOR, it wont be to play my sage. It suddenly fell from the first to the last char in who I want to play.


One more nail in the coffin of what used to be a great game.

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I have not played for a month (been playing TSW, was meaning to play both but every time I sit down in front of the computer I always end up playing TSW) so I didnt know the animation had changed. Well, today my son wanted to watch me playing Star Wars, so I wondered who I should play, with 6 50s I got the urge to continue my lvl 32 sage.


The first thing that hit me, was "*** have they done to project?"


I thought it was a visual bug, as I didnt even see those small rocks around my enemy (I was at max range). But then it dawned on me that they had inteded to fix the travel time. And OMG, this change is horrible. It might work for shadows, as they are more often than not in melee range anyway (I tested running up to the mobs before using the ability, and then its not so bad) but for sage's this change is really really bad.


The next time I log on to SWTOR, it wont be to play my sage. It suddenly fell from the first to the last char in who I want to play.


One more nail in the coffin of what used to be a great game.


So what's your new favorite character?

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I love it!


One of the main reasons why I rolled a sage after having played a sorcerer since closed beta. No one knows where the Project is coming from so I have an easier time staying hidden. In addition to that TT is MUCH less visible than Force Lightning. Mind Crush also doesn't give the same 'Cleanse Me Now' sound queue that Crushing Darkness does.


Overall, with these few slight changes I enjoy playing my sage better than I do my sorcerer currently. If only pub pugs were on par with imps though. Painful to watch at times. :(

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I love it!


One of the main reasons why I rolled a sage after having played a sorcerer since closed beta. No one knows where the Project is coming from so I have an easier time staying hidden. In addition to that TT is MUCH less visible than Force Lightning. Mind Crush also doesn't give the same 'Cleanse Me Now' sound queue that Crushing Darkness does.


Overall, with these few slight changes I enjoy playing my sage better than I do my sorcerer currently. If only pub pugs were on par with imps though. Painful to watch at times. :(


SHHHHHHHHUSH!!!!! I don't want to hear another sorc complaint!!!!!!;)


Yea it's nice for PVP but I miss the long range rock smash into creatures in PVE:(

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I love it!


One of the main reasons why I rolled a sage after having played a sorcerer since closed beta. No one knows where the Project is coming from so I have an easier time staying hidden. In addition to that TT is MUCH less visible than Force Lightning. Mind Crush also doesn't give the same 'Cleanse Me Now' sound queue that Crushing Darkness does.


This is a good point. On the other hand, project no longer being delayed means it does not hit at the same time as the next ability cast after it, so the change hurt my ability to burst(which wasn't great to begin with). I preferred the old project. But i can live with the new one.

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