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1.3 Maras/Sents no nerfs?


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The first time maybe. Every alt afterwards is a hell of tarises, balmorras, and hoths


I'm on my 6th level 50 and the only world I really don't like is Corellia (takes way long to load). The problem is PvP provides you with just exactly not enough XP to skip a world completely. If there was a way to skip a world it wouldn't be as bad.

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Exactally. I bet every single one of these people on here have never rolled a melee class. If they did they would be crying nerf all the ranged dps. Marauders are fine. They are supposed to be up in your face dps. If you notice the guys who are killing you are the ones that are good and know the class. I have 16 skills that I use in every fight. Some are positional, others are going to make you go home and cry to momma. Anyway from what I heard the marauder is not going to see any nerfs any time soon. So learn how to play against them. Oh and I am pretty sure the PUB's have something very very similar to a Marauder.


I play most of the classes, including Marauder.


I feel that Annihilation could be toned down a bit, as the total package is quite frankly, far stronger than a lot of other ACs in the game. It definitely outclasses both of the other specs by a pretty large margin, still.


The strongest defenses in the game for any DPS, the highest DPS in the game (confirmed multiple times through parses), along w/ pretty decent mobility in 12 second Force Leap, Transcendence, and dual snares make for an EXTREMELY potent combo in PvP.


Most people just want something close to normal MMO "balance", where strong defenses are typically offset by a weaker offense and vice-versa. Sentinels completely bypass that rule by having both the strongest defense and offense combined, and then self-heals on top of it.

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I play most of the classes, including Marauder.


I feel that Annihilation could be toned down a bit, as the total package is quite frankly, far stronger than a lot of other ACs in the game. It definitely outclasses both of the other specs by a pretty large margin, still.


The strongest defenses in the game for any DPS, the highest DPS in the game (confirmed multiple times through parses), along w/ pretty decent mobility in 12 second Force Leap, Transcendence, and dual snares make for an EXTREMELY potent combo in PvP.


Most people just want something close to normal MMO "balance", where strong defenses are typically offset by a weaker offense and vice-versa. Sentinels completely bypass that rule by having both the strongest defense and offense combined, and then self-heals on top of it.




You do know that Combat and Focus Sentinels can't self-heal right? That is part of Watchmen's "thing" as it was.

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People who play OP classes often quit when they get brought back down to earth.


Exactly. I hear a lot of talk about Metrics from Bioware. You would think that these Metrics could help them balance quicker rather than having to constantly impliment extreme nerfs/buffs that drive people away from the game.

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You do know that Combat and Focus Sentinels can't self-heal right? That is part of Watchmen's "thing" as it was.


I feel that ANNIHILATION could be toned down a bit, as the total package is quite frankly, far stronger than a lot of other ACs in the game.


Maybe this will help you out a little...


You do know that Annihilation is the Marauder equivalent of Watchmen Sentinel, right?


Maybe you didn't catch that when I mentioned the 12-second Force Leap, dual snares, highest dps in the game, and self-healing.



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Exactally. I bet every single one of these people on here have never rolled a melee class. If they did they would be crying nerf all the ranged dps.


That's quite a big assumption, and unfortunately unsubstantiated as well... not to mention this game's about the easiest game I've ever played as a melee against typical ranged class play style - since I'm more used to chasing down ranged classes that run around at 87.95mph and teleport/jump 2/3rds of visible/rendered in-game distance permanently, or ice mages with snare, slow, paralyze, blink, double self protection, water elemental, etc etc..



Marauders are fine. They are supposed to be up in your face dps. If you notice the guys who are killing you are the ones that are good and know the class. I have 16 skills that I use in every fight. Some are positional, others are going to make you go home and cry to momma.


I use all three lines of quickslots, plus two side slots for combat, which includes every clickable function in game. It's too bad none of that helps mitigate damage that ignores all armor, which you cannot "cleanse" with your class, coming in as additional damage on top of the normal attack cycle. In my case, I have a grand total of two real defensive CDs on a woppin' 3 minute timer... and a 45 second self heal that lasts for 10 seconds which recovers around 500 HP per tick - except it only activates upon damage. If I use these defenses to last long and thin(which isn't all that much help against incoming damage at the scope which a mara/sent throws down), it last 37 seconds.


Even still, it's a lovely tank build that works against most other classes as intended - I survive longer than most people. It works nice against sorc/sages and their internal damage as well, since, even though the damage comes in unmitigated, the damage range is low to mid in reasonable intervals, in compensation to the fact that these DoTs are constant and cannot be cleansed if you're a conventional melee.


Now, enter the Watchman/Annihilation. Let's just forget the fact that for the 30 seconds CoP/Rebuke is up, their defenses are actually on par with mine (usually slightly lower damage reduction, but twice as higher internal/elemental protection). Let's also forget the fact that they have the same 12 second boost to defenses, plus a target-wiping stealth, plus a 4 second major accuracy debuff, 5 seconds of near immunity to damage as a last resort, and in occasion manually activated buffs that apply various buffs such as speed+defense boost or great damage increase, or etc etc.. Let's just not try to think about how they can maintain a long, thin line of defense upto 51 seconds maximum (or maybe use combinations that last much shorter), and for the duration, in most cases the defenses being on par with a committed WH tank build.


Well, "on par with my defenses" could sorta be a stretch, since against this particular type of mara/sents, about 30~40% of damage they knock of from my health is from damage that none of my defenses really work against (well, technically, I do have 10% internal/elemental resistance.. but as if that means something against 1.3k DoTs)... so in the relative sense, my class - a tank - would be weaker in attack capacity, weaker in defense (considering the highest portion of my defense doesn't even work against significant portion of their attacks), weaker in the number of wieldable defensive CDs.



So yeah, I really don't have any gripes against Combat/Carnage or Focus/Rage mara/sents (which are like extinct, or on the endangered species list, btw) - in the rare occasion I meet those, it's actually a very interesting fight.


But Watchman/Annihilation? Either reduce the amount of damage buff to DoTs so they can deal maybe 300 regular and 500 crit damage like sorc/sages, or slow down the tick. (Another option may be chance based DoT application, but I know everyone hates a chance factor added in)


Like I said, there's a reason why people only use cookie-cutter, mass-produced Watchman/Annihilation clone builds, despite other builds/skill trees having many interesting and useful traits.



Anyway from what I heard the marauder is not going to see any nerfs any time soon. So learn how to play against them. Oh and I am pretty sure the PUB's have something very very similar to a Marauder.


Again, you assume too much. :) If anything, nerf bats usually happen in the way people expect them to.

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Yeah, Nothing better than loading up a full set of dots on a peep only to have a marauder or powertech come up and 3 shot the gosh damn thing im building up dmg on.


This game is gosh damn broke


50 Sorcerer

50 Juggernaut

50 Powertech

50 Marauder

50 Sniper

Edited by fearxninja
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I haven't had a problem with Maruaders as playing either my Pyro Mercenary or Vengeance Juggernaut. These are the only classes i have played so i don't know how others fair but it seems pretty easy to stun them at the right time or slow and kite them into ineffectiveness.


Its always healthy to have a class type on each side on the rock, paper scissor model to better understand the balance.


I have a vengance jugger too and i often find my fights against marauders balanced and close on outcome of win. We both have our defensive cds to pop, good dmg and good abilities to prevent the other from dmg you.


Now fighting a marauder on my sorc is a whole nother story. My dots spec seems only to tickle them and my turret spec can be shut down so easy that i often just function as a punching bag :) The only chance i get to dps them is when i can kite them properly, but those moments are few as they have several gap closers and i cant dps much while running.


Needless to say i am having much more fun on my juggernaut than on the punching bag :) And i think that people who dont see that mara/sents seem to have most of the cards on their hands atm, just either dont want to say it because they play one or because as in your case they have not tried yet a class which the marauder does not have a balanced fight versus.


my 2 cents

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Yeah, Nothing better than loading up a full set of dots on a peep only to have a marauder or powertech come up and 3 shot the gosh damn thing im building up dmg on.


This game is gosh damn broke


50 Sorcerer

50 Juggernaut

50 Powertech

50 Marauder

50 Sniper



OR instead of lvling 10 different chars get good on 1?

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Try to fight against full WH augumented mara/sent, not against green pve/recruit. Then don't tell us fairy tales.


I dont know what side you coming from but i am not on team marauders are fine but certaintly dont think either they should be nerfed to the ground. (i wouldnt want bw's nerf bat for any of my enemies)


Maybe im not fighting against the best geared marauders in the game, but i can assure you that most of the maras i encounter is from a rep premade and they are definitely almost fully wh geared.


As i said in my post:


My jugger (full bm/5 wh pieces) vs a mara, i can win the fight if i play my ace game.


My sorc (full bm/6 wh pieces) vs a mara, i can touch their hp pool abit before i am sent through the portal to meet my grandma and grandpa.


But that maybe says more about the sorc class should be tweaked abit than the maras.


But right now i still state that they are holding most of the cards in the game (Great defensive cooldowns, great dps, great abilties: vanish mechanism, leaps, movement speed)

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I'm a marauder and I feel so sorry for everyone

Not only are we not getting nerfed, we're actually getting buffed because unlike some other class mara relies on DOT instead of burst and as we all know burst is getting nerfed due to biochem/warzone adrenal nerf. on top of that, no more triange adrenal, and wz adrenal becomes dmg reduction only which is + 1 to all maras. To all who had problems beating a marauder before,









But hey, at least they're nerfing carnage a bit. Gore CD is now shorter and does less dmg.

Then again who plays that build? lololol

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But hey, at least they're nerfing carnage a bit. Gore CD is now shorter and does less dmg.

Then again who plays that build? lololol


...Gore being off the GCD and costing 1 Rage now is a HUGE quality of life buff for Carnage Maras.


The duration is the same, btw, because there was a GCD before taking up 1.5 seconds of the buff, and it also gave players an entire GCD to CC the Carnage Mara before he could take advantage of the 100% armor penetration. It just does less damage, but nobody cared about Gore for the damage it did in the first place.


Now there won't be a space between abilities, and people won't be able to stop the incoming damage until it's already happening, instead of preventing it altogether w/ CC after seeing the Gore go off.


Also, I play that build, because it's better all-around for a group in Rateds. Anni is hands-down the best 1v1 spec in the game, but that isn't everything in PvP, fortunately.


When you have a good group behind you, Anni starts to shine a lot less as it really brings nothing to the table utility-wise other than dual interrupts and an extremely weak group heal. That's really nothing to write home about for objective PvP when you compare it to Carnage Transcendence, 2 extra roots that don't touch Resolve, and on-demand burst capability.


Either way, Maras are not getting nerfed so far in 1.3. AT ALL.


Don't even act like maul can't do awesome damage and you can't spike-maul-thrash-thrash-shock and own someone.


I'd just like to point out that the sequence of events you just listed costs 151 Force in a best case scenario, and 176 Force w/out the Maul proc (which you didn't mention, so who knows). You're going to need to add some auto-attacks in there to wait on Force regen, since the spec only has 100.


I'm not really sure which class in this entire game CAN'T do awesome damage after spending an entire resource bar and a half.



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...Gore being off the GCD and costing 1 Rage now is a HUGE quality of life buff for Carnage Maras.


The duration is the same, btw, because there was a GCD before taking up 1.5 seconds of the buff, and it also gave players an entire GCD to CC the Carnage Mara before he could take advantage of the 100% armor penetration. It just does less damage, but nobody cared about Gore for the damage it did in the first place.


Now there won't be a space between abilities, and people won't be able to stop the incoming damage until it's already happening, instead of preventing it altogether w/ CC after seeing the Gore go off.


Also, I play that build, because it's better all-around for a group in Rateds. Anni is hands-down the best 1v1 spec in the game, but that isn't everything in PvP, fortunately.


When you have a good group behind you, Anni starts to shine a lot less as it really brings nothing to the table utility-wise other than dual interrupts and an extremely weak group heal. That's really nothing to write home about for objective PvP when you compare it to Carnage Transcendence, 2 extra roots that don't touch Resolve, and on-demand burst capability.


Either way, Maras are not getting nerfed so far in 1.3. AT ALL.




Thanks for the clarification. And if you play a carnage, more power/respect to you.

In my opinion:

Rage = more damage

Carnage = more useful

Anni = more survivability


carnage mara definitely deserve more respect but i think everyone would agree not many plays that build.

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Thanks for the clarification. And if you play a carnage, more power/respect to you.

In my opinion:

Rage = more damage

Carnage = more useful

Anni = more survivability


carnage mara definitely deserve more respect but i think everyone would agree not many plays that build.


Definitely agreed, although I'd change Rage to "more burst damage", since Anni will still do the most damage overall.


And yes, Carnage is pretty rare these days. I'm the only one I know of, actually.


I think you'll see more of us when Rateds begin, though. : )

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That's quite a big assumption, and unfortunately unsubstantiated as well... not to mention this game's about the easiest game I've ever played as a melee against typical ranged class play style - since I'm more used to chasing down ranged classes that run around at 87.95mph and teleport/jump 2/3rds of visible/rendered in-game distance permanently, or ice mages with snare, slow, paralyze, blink, double self protection, water elemental, etc etc...

This is where you are completely wrong. The only ranged class that cant take a Marauder or Sent down is the BH and Commando. Every other class has more than enough balance to take this class out. The only reason why people complain is due to them not figuring out how to kill without spamming one button.




[quote=I use all three lines of quickslots, plus two side slots for combat, which includes every clickable function in game. It's too bad none of that helps mitigate damage that ignores all armor, which you cannot "cleanse" with your class, coming in as additional damage on top of the normal attack cycle. In my case, I have a grand total of two real defensive CDs on a woppin' 3 minute timer... and a 45 second self heal that lasts for 10 seconds which recovers around 500 HP per tick - except it only activates upon damage. If I use these defenses to last long and thin(which isn't all that much help against incoming damage at the scope which a mara/sent throws down), it last 37 seconds.


Even still, it's a lovely tank build that works against most other classes as intended - I survive longer than most people. It works nice against sorc/sages and their internal damage as well, since, even though the damage comes in unmitigated, the damage range is low to mid in reasonable intervals, in compensation to the fact that these DoTs are constant and cannot be cleansed if you're a conventional melee..

Your complaining about DoT's???? Really? Seeing that you bring up WoW, I guess you didnt play against good warlocks in BC. Also this is the one and only class that cant heal other than the weak *** dot heal.


The rest of this I am not even going to bother I have work and its a waste of time. It time people stop crying and learn how to play this game. Interupt masterstrike/ravage, cc a marauder then kite from range, I dont know its pretty easy to kill the class. Oh one last thing, none of our abilities work unless we actually get into combat.

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This is where you are completely wrong. The only ranged class that cant take a Marauder or Sent down is the BH and Commando. Every other class has more than enough balance to take this class out. The only reason why people complain is due to them not figuring out how to kill without spamming one button.





Your complaining about DoT's???? Really? Seeing that you bring up WoW, I guess you didnt play against good warlocks in BC. Also this is the one and only class that cant heal other than the weak *** dot heal.


The rest of this I am not even going to bother I have work and its a waste of time. It time people stop crying and learn how to play this game. Interupt masterstrike/ravage, cc a marauder then kite from range, I dont know its pretty easy to kill the class. Oh one last thing, none of our abilities work unless we actually get into combat.


Even a good commando can take down a marauder he just need to know how to position + stay incognito.

Agree with every part of your post though :)


Sadly baddie will continue to wail. Good post/advice will get ignored.

The forum would not be the same without them lol

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They will get nerfed,too many people are rerolling them.1.4 will hit them hard so the FOTM crowd will have to spend another month grinding the next FOTM class to 50 so they have some advatage in a warzone over other classes.

My guess is the next FOTM is going to be Merc/Commando,I think they will get awesome buffs in 1.4 as they are awful at the moment,the 1.3 changes don't look promising either.

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I'm on my 6th level 50 and the only world I really don't like is Corellia (takes way long to load). The problem is PvP provides you with just exactly not enough XP to skip a world completely. If there was a way to skip a world it wouldn't be as bad.


I don't understand about pvp not quite providing enough xp to skip a world. Can't you do one more wz?

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I don't understand about pvp not quite providing enough xp to skip a world. Can't you do one more wz?


this is not true at all i have a lvl 42 commando right now who just now made it to nar shaddah for his class quest as a matter of fact i havent done a single bonus quest or side quest unless it was tied to the area i was in doing the class quest since Ord Mantel.


if i didnt want any companions, my ship, or any gear upgrades outside of pvp vendors while leveling i could easily skip from ord mantel to corellia/ilum/belsavis dailies without ever touching the surface of another planet.

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They will get nerfed,too many people are rerolling them.1.4 will hit them hard so the FOTM crowd will have to spend another month grinding the next FOTM class to 50 so they have some advatage in a warzone over other classes.

My guess is the next FOTM is going to be Merc/Commando,I think they will get awesome buffs in 1.4 as they are awful at the moment,the 1.3 changes don't look promising either.


excellent, more FOTM fresh 50's for me to dominate in pvp.

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I don't understand about pvp not quite providing enough xp to skip a world. Can't you do one more wz?


I leveled 3 characters to 50 through PvP, and skipped most of the planets after Corellia on all 3 of them. The last one skipped every planet after Balmorra.


Definitely possible, if you want to take the time.



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Also, why not roll one and make it your main if its so OP? Is it cuz its not OP in everyones hands? :rolleyes:


Yes. I too am waiting for these QQers to roll a Marauder and prove what a cakewalk it is to PWN. I'm sure their screenshots of epic awesomeness will tell the tale better than the QQ of their posts.



I'm on my 6th level 50 and the only world I really don't like is Corellia (takes way long to load). The problem is PvP provides you with just exactly not enough XP to skip a world completely. If there was a way to skip a world it wouldn't be as bad.


Is there any way to skip a world's main quest series and go straight to the Bonus Series?


Like most, I believe the initial leveling experience in this game was outstanding and the best that MMOs have to offer. However, I'm on my 4th alt now and the leveling experience has lost its luster. I'm trying to find new ways to level. Still very much enjoy the class quests and I know there is a lot of content that I haven't done yet. Some of the planets have a Bonus Series and I would like to do those. I have done the Pub Tatooine Bonus Series, but nothing else.



I don't understand about pvp not quite providing enough xp to skip a world. Can't you do one more wz?


Apparently, in the next Legacy update, we will be able to choose a perk to get more leveling xp in PvP. So I guess by using this perk leveling in PvP will be more like it was in EGA?

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