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1.3 Maras/Sents no nerfs?


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I think sages are at least as good as ops for all the reasons in my sig link, but I dont play ops, only observe good ones.


I strongly suspect that merc healers would be better if they played more like real healers and didnt attempt to facetank everthing like they used to be able to. I still think they need a buff to mobility though.


I would suggest removing the cooldown on their dispel and making it free. That would make them unsnareable for the most part, as well as giving them a neat functionality both other healers lack.


I agree mostly, I do think OP's are top dogs at as far as heals but the lack of escape/mobility is whats making merc/comms so lack luster, I would give my first born for sages shield, sprint, root on KB, mezz, .... well you get the point.

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Maras/sents, the WZ's are full of them and theres a reason just like WZ's are full of sins/shadows (they nerfed the wrong part, sorry folks but sins/shadows will still eat your face) people don't flock to a classs because they are UP or average. Just some MMO PvP 101.


If your gunna use the argument that they flock to them because they are fun, then I guess most classes in this game are damn boring.

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Aw, I think my Assassin is super fun. : O


Way more fun than PT and Sorc were, imo.


Marauder and Sniper are pretty close to the fun level of Sin, though. For moi.


haven't tried pt or sorc and sniper is really fun but leveling sucks :(.


I felt i wasn't doing as much with a tankasin as i could of been doing and that's what made it not so fun.

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haven't tried pt or sorc and sniper is really fun but leveling sucks :(.


I felt i wasn't doing as much with a tankasin as i could of been doing and that's what made it not so fun.


Ahh, I like the Tankasin mostly for the jack-of-all-trades feeling that you get w/ all of the massive utility.


However, I don't really feel that it "excels" at any one thing, so I guess on that point, there is always going to be a class that can do that thing better.


For something really well-rounded, though, it's pretty good.

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i have no problems with my maras on my mara or on my jug i always win l2p


According to the forums, 99% of the population never loses. So there like...1 guy on each server that gets totally zomgwtfpwnt. Everyone else always wins. True story.

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According to the forums, 99% of the population never loses. So there like...1 guy on each server that gets totally zomgwtfpwnt. Everyone else always wins. True story.


lol so true, they never lose but they all cry nerf.

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According to the forums, 99% of the population never loses. So there like...1 guy on each server that gets totally zomgwtfpwnt. Everyone else always wins. True story.


That one guy has to lose like 10 times per each game he played for the number to even work out, so he's probably losing simultaneously in 10 different parallel universes to preserve the balance of the universe.

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That one guy has to lose like 10 times per each game he played for the number to even work out, so he's probably losing simultaneously in 10 different parallel universes to preserve the balance of the universe.


This made me LOL.

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That one guy has to lose like 10 times per each game he played for the number to even work out, so he's probably losing simultaneously in 10 different parallel universes to preserve the balance of the universe.


Lol nice.

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The idea of a Stealth tank seemed weird to me in the first place. Maybe they wouldn't have been nerfed if Inquisitor classes didn't comprise the majority (according to BW) of the class population. People flocked to assassins, kicked *** for a while, abused their bugs and exploits, and now they're getting nerfed. It's the circle of gaming. You're on top, you get nerfed, and wait for your time again.


This "circle of gaming" you are speaking of is why everyone is flocking away from this game. Bioware is taking the "we can do everything blizzard did all the way down to the extreme nerf/buff fotm archetype." What they don't get is that people got tired of that a long time ago. It kepts people subbing to WoW when it was relatively new and somewhat interesting.


Now when you do that **** you get the mass exodus that swtor got.

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This "circle of gaming" you are speaking of is why everyone is flocking away from this game. Bioware is taking the "we can do everything blizzard did all the way down to the extreme nerf/buff fotm archetype." What they don't get is that people got tired of that a long time ago. It kepts people subbing to WoW when it was relatively new and somewhat interesting.


Now when you do that **** you get the mass exodus that swtor got.


People who play OP classes often quit when they get brought back down to earth.

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Force camo and Force cloak/Vanish are 2 completely different abilities. I wouldn't trade force cloak for force camo on my assassin (even with the long cooldown) due to its tactical functionality (I and my target are considered out of combat, so I can use my cloaked mez, then seethe myself back to nearly full health, for example) compared to force camo.

And it's much easier to escape as assassin/shadow if you combat cloak + force speed (use shroud if you have DoT's on you) compared to force camo force camo can buy you time to get healed, yes, but its best used offensively or to counter 5s roots.


Yeah but the marauder still have all the damage:confused:

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Moved to this thread, since the other one's locked:


My 2 cents;


Watchman/Annihilation does tend to have a bit too extremely high damage sustenance once the initial setup is finished.


The attacks to set up the DoTs itself can be pretty high in damage, as well as the stream of DoTs coming in unmitigated(ignores armor) also has heavy consequences tanks without siginificant amount of self protection (ie. anything that's not a shadow/assasin).


I'd understand if the DoTs could easily be considered supplementary attacks, as in Sorc/Sages with internal damage usually depend on wielding low damage stream of DoTs to stack up a steady supply of umitigated damage (not counting some of the bigger AoE bursts), but in case of Watchman/Annihilation marauder/sentinels, the unmitigated portion of attack is frankly, excessively high.


In theory the "burst" damage specialists are Combat/Carnage which deals a temporary window of armor penetration in compensation for their generally lower survivability and hit-and-run style of mobile fighting... and under lv50 brackets, that "balance" hangs somewhat true. However, once it reaches 50, there's a reason why you don't see any Focus/Rage or Combat/Carnage mara/sents.



Do I think mara/sents are OP?


No. At least, not in the conventional sense people complain about - ie. the defenses. In my case, I know melees need some amount of reliable protection whether they be DPS or not.


But the amount of damage a Watchman/Annihilate build can barge in - even to tanks... I've been hit as high as DoTs racking down 1.3k HP per each tick - that may not seem a lot but in a matter of around 5 seconds, that's 6.5k HP gone, around 1/3rd HP destroyed on crit (which ofcourse, may not always happen, but assuming around 70% surge rating at 40% chance to crit, the average expected damage would be around 5~6k or higher. That's around 27~30% HP gone purely through DoTs alone --- all the while, getting pounded with other attacks.


The DoT damage may be retained, but the tick rate sure needs to be slower.

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Bioware is sick of the crying so they consolidated it all to this thread so they know where not to look. LOL.


Also, why not roll one and make it your main if its so OP? Is it cuz its not OP in everyones hands? :rolleyes:


Exactally. I bet every single one of these people on here have never rolled a melee class. If they did they would be crying nerf all the ranged dps. Marauders are fine. They are supposed to be up in your face dps. If you notice the guys who are killing you are the ones that are good and know the class. I have 16 skills that I use in every fight. Some are positional, others are going to make you go home and cry to momma. Anyway from what I heard the marauder is not going to see any nerfs any time soon. So learn how to play against them. Oh and I am pretty sure the PUB's have something very very similar to a Marauder.

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