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1.3 Maras/Sents no nerfs?


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L2P huh?


Read previous post, I can burn them down, I can't kill them before they kill me because they can pop 2 stupidly good defensive cooldowns on top of sabre ward and cloak of pain.

Spammable snare, low cool down force leap, hard hitting dots that most classes can't cleanse. Stop with the nonsense. Only class currently that stands a chance against a skilled mara is a skilled sin, and that's only because sins are OP too.


Not in the next patch. Nerf Mjolnir stuck hard...

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... Amazing burst?


I always LOL at this one too... maybe carnage... but few good marauders play carnage. Just more proof that it's a L2P and most of these threads are based on assumptions and just not knowing. If you can't counter a carnage marauder you should just run like hell when you see a annihilation marauder... if you can tell the difference. :rolleyes:

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Honestly krugsy, if we pop berserk > rupture > ravage > annihilate....That's some *********** burst dude.


The burst is not the what makes annihilation great. The mediocre burst with baby heals and bleeds is what makes it good. And depending on spec, the third hit on ravage is most likely going to be the most powerful burst dmg in the above rotation. If anyone is getting hit by the third hit of ravage against an annihilation marauder they deserve to die. ;) When I know I'm up against good players I don't even wait to see if it might hit... I drop the first 2 hits and move on unless I notice they're distracted and I might catch them slipping.

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It's like everyone thinks Annihilation is the only spec.


In terms of peak burst damage:




General burst:




Doesn't really matter when they have more defense through cooldowns than the three tanking classes and top 1-2 damage in game.

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I know how to kite bud, I have both classes at 50. If the mara loses they are just not a very strong player. You can't kite a mara on slinger. 1 knock back root, 1 root, 1 melee range stun. A mara will put his dots on you asap and slow you. GG, you can't kite at 50 percent movement speed and if you are kiting you aren't in position to do your burst...which they can blind you through.


And that's assuming your root sticks through saber ward. It will often get deflected.



Melee stun

a knockback with a root

Talent knockback on your hardest hit


Movement impairing effect break

AOE snare talented

15% run speed talented after you use your stun

Reduced CD on leg shot to match a marauders charge.

Reduced CD on knockback.




If you don't think you have the tools to kite a marauder... well then ok...


You have the tools you need. you really do.

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The burst is not the what makes annihilation great. The mediocre burst with baby heals and bleeds is what makes it good. And depending on spec, the third hit on ravage is most likely going to be the most powerful burst dmg in the above rotation. If anyone is getting hit by the third hit of ravage against an annihilation marauder they deserve to die. ;) When I know I'm up against good players I don't even wait to see if it might hit... I drop the first 2 hits and move on unless I notice they're distracted and I might catch them slipping.


Yeah dropping a 4k annihilate on someone while your dots are ticking for 1500+ damage is what makes annihilation great.

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The burst is not the what makes annihilation great. The mediocre burst with baby heals and bleeds is what makes it good. And depending on spec, the third hit on ravage is most likely going to be the most powerful burst dmg in the above rotation. If anyone is getting hit by the third hit of ravage against an annihilation marauder they deserve to die. ;) When I know I'm up against good players I don't even wait to see if it might hit... I drop the first 2 hits and move on unless I notice they're distracted and I might catch them slipping.


In the heat of the moment it can be tough to get out of range of a ravage unless you are a sorc or assassin. Look, I don't want one of the most fun classes I play to get nerfed. I just want to make sure everyone knows how very capable a smart marauder is.


And I also want people to know that slingers can't kite them >.>. I can kill them no problem when I start the fight at 30 m. But if one walks up behind me while I am taking out a healer you can't kite good ones. You start w/ root and are walking at 50 percent, doing no damage to not break the root. Then they come up again and you knock back, then they invis, so you move again because they are still rooted when invis (assuming annihilation spec).


Then you sit back down and they pop up in front of you and start their rotation, you kick them in the nuts, move again. Start your rotation.....See how this is going? Lol. The second you sit still or charge up that first shot is when the blind comes, and by then it's over.

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In the heat of the moment it can be tough to get out of range of a ravage unless you are a sorc or assassin. Look, I don't want one of the most fun classes I play to get nerfed. I just want to make sure everyone knows how very capable a smart marauder is.


And I also want people to know that slingers can't kite them >.>. I can kill them no problem when I start the fight at 30 m. But if one walks up behind me while I am taking out a healer you can't kite good ones. You start w/ root and are walking at 50 percent, doing no damage to not break the root. Then they come up again and you knock back, then they invis, so you move again because they are still rooted when invis (assuming annihilation spec).


Then you sit back down and they pop up in front of you and start their rotation, you kick them in the nuts, move again. Start your rotation.....See how this is going? Lol. The second you sit still or charge up that first shot is when the blind comes, and by then it's over.


You're choosing not to stay mobile enough then. If you think you should sit there in cover with a mara in melee range, well that's not kiting.

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Melee stun

a knockback with a root

Talent knockback on your hardest hit


Movement impairing effect break

AOE snare talented

15% run speed talented after you use your stun

Reduced CD on leg shot to match a marauders charge.

Reduced CD on knockback.




If you don't think you have the tools to kite a marauder... well then ok...


You have the tools you need. you really do.


Yeah this game is cherries and rainbows and I have all those off CD when a mara is fighting me. I would rather die than waste half those abilities on a 1v1. Flash bang is important for other things, as is my knock back but I give you a scenerio in my above post.

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It's like everyone thinks Annihilation is the only spec.


In terms of peak burst damage:




General burst:




Honestly krugsy, if we pop berserk > rupture > ravage > annihilate....That's some *********** burst dude.


Pretty safe to say he's talking about an annihilation spec.... just sayin' :D

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It's like everyone thinks Annihilation is the only spec.


In terms of peak burst damage:




General burst:




ravage, no matter the spec, is hard to pull off consistently against good players. Sure, if some kb turning inbreed eats the whole thing, the burst is amazing. A resolve filled carnage mara can do it. Other two specs, not as much.

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Yeah this game is cherries and rainbows and I have all those off CD when a mara is fighting me. I would rather die than waste half those abilities on a 1v1. Flash bang is important for other things, as is my knock back but I give you a scenerio in my above post.


Then don't cry nerf when a class beats you up! if you're not using all your tools effectively and you die that's your own fault





You know what you're going to do by kiting? Either you're going to pull the marauder away from the group and kill him because he can't stay ontop of you or he's going to switch targets to where you get to free reign on him all day.

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Pretty safe to say he's talking about an annihilation spec.... just sayin' :D


I didn't say Annihilation couldn't burst. It's just not as often or to the extent as the other 2 specs. For the purpose of assist-training in organized play (where most of Annihilation's benefits fall off) the other two specs are superior.


ravage, no matter the spec, is hard to pull off consistently against good players. Sure, if some kb turning inbreed eats the whole thing, the burst is amazing. A resolve filled carnage mara can do it. Other two specs, not as much.


I never mentioned Ravage.

Edited by Swarna
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Then don't cry nerf when a class beats you up! if you're not using all your tools effectively and you die that's your own fault





You know what you're going to do by kiting? Either you're going to pull the marauder away from the group and kill him because he can't stay ontop of you or he's going to switch targets to where you get to free reign on him all day.


Not once did I ask for one of my favorite classes to be nerfed. Learn to read. If you think you can kite a mara by all means.

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Not once did I ask for one of my favorite classes to be nerfed. Learn to read. If you think you can kite a mara by all means.


Yeah i do. if a WoW hunter in tbc could kite rogues, druids, warriors, and enhancement shamans with the tools they were given and sniper has just as many... well yes.


Stun > Countermeasure to remove snares > run at 15% more speed combo while jump kiting and stacking dots, when stun breaks drop the AOE snare that you have and try to LOS. <works.

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Yeah this game is cherries and rainbows and I have all those off CD when a mara is fighting me. I would rather die than waste half those abilities on a 1v1. Flash bang is important for other things, as is my knock back but I give you a scenerio in my above post.


It's really rare you don't have most of those off CD's. They tend to be shorter cool downs. Our leg shot is on the exact same cool down as their leap.

Edited by HurricaneXXIV
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Yeah i do. if a WoW hunter in tbc could kite rogues, druids, warriors, and enhancement shamans with the tools they were given and sniper has just as many... well yes.


Stun > Countermeasure to remove snares > run at 15% more speed combo while jump kiting and stacking dots, when stun breaks drop the AOE snare that you have and try to LOS. <works.


I know how to play my classes. The fact that I have both at 50 makes me a bit more credible. I can kite a marauder. You can't kite AND killa marauder on slinger. If I want you kited I can't dot you, that breaks my CC's and my roots after 2 seconds. I have to watch constantly to make sure the mara doesn't break CC to get in cover so he can't charge me. LoS is good, I love it, it's my best friend and worst enemy.


My point began in a straight up fight. And in that instance the mara wins, hands down. Gunslinger is amazing at team based play and kiting does keep a mara out of the fight, I'll give you that. But my original point is that a slinger is NOT the counter to a marauder, because a counter can shut down a class, and that's simply not the case.


You also can't be a 31 31 31.

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