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Holy Shadow Nerf! (1.3 PTS)


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For sure they will change this when someone on PTS try an operation with a shadow tank.

But if you think about it shadow tanks will be still be OP in pvp,no dps will burst them down without relics and adrenals.

Im a PVE Shadow Tank and i'll cry alone in my bathroom!:sul_embarrassed:

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I'm surprised that a class can be hit by such a large nerf hammer. Along with others, I see no possible way for us shadow tanks to survive in encounters where the bosses hit like a truck anymore (kephess for example). I guess Bioware truly want to make us a jack of all trade but master of none class, poor tank and a poor dps (in relation to other classes).
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Pretty sure I'm gonna unsub over this, assuming it makes it off the PTS. Not really interested in PvP, and I have no idea why any group in their right mind would ever want a Shadow tank at this point. Additionally, I'm not really addicted enough to get another character geared at level 50.
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You know what's funny? They didn't even touch sents/maras.


What do you mean they didn't touch them?


They buffed them slightly :p




That and people who are using tank gear are even more screwed than they were before.


I think the message is clear "Kinetics, always choose stalker set. Yes yes, we know, it's not itemized perfectly...But pick it anyways and grind the balls out of yourself to get the right enhancements and mods. Oh and survivors?....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Edited by NeverRose
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Did a little number crunching...


A fairly typical decently geared tank shadow (with Jedi Resistance) will take about 5.9% more damage than they do now on "armor mitigation only" attacks than they did before, and I suppose on shielded attacks as well.

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The adrenal/relic changes probably work out pretty well for a sustained damage class like them, too.


Sentinel's damage is not an issue in my eyes. I mean they are MDPS, fine, they should be tearing people apart, why not.


Their defensive cooldowns however...:rolleyes:

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You know what's funny? They didn't even touch sents/maras.


I dont understand...they may not have touched sentinels very much...but are not these the patch notes for Sentinel? :)



•The tooltip for Cauterize now displays the correct damage amount. Functionality for this ability has not changed.


• Corrected an issue that prevented Ataru Form's triggered attacks from displaying visual effects in some circumstances.


•The responsiveness of Riposte and Precision Slash has been increased.



•Opportune Attack: This skill's tooltip now displays the correct chance for its effect to trigger (15%/30%). The skill's functionality has not changed.


•Precision Slash: This ability now costs 1 Focus and is no longer limited by the global cooldown. Its damage has been reduced, and the duration of its armor penetration debuff has been reduced by 1.5 seconds to ensure the effective duration is the same.

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Sentinel's damage is not an issue in my eyes. I mean they are MDPS, fine, they should be tearing people apart, why not.


Their defensive cooldowns however...:rolleyes:


Well, they currently enjoy highest sustained damage in the game, and by a surprisingly large margin. That will continue after the patch if not grow slightly because some specs inflate their overall damage via the power of cooldown stacking.


The potential issue is that we're currently accustomed to a PvP environment with short ttk's that favors burst over sustained damage. Even in this environment, many complain that Sentinels are the most powerful dps class. How much stronger will they be in a longer ttk environment that actually favors their type of damage? So, you might consider their damage in PvP fine now, but it's entirely possible that you won't after the patch because the gap in killing power between them and most other dps will change.

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Im pretty astounded that they touched us if they weren't gona touch Sents or Marauders.


Same here. Highest damage I ever see Shadows do is close to 400K, but rarely over.


I see Sent/Mara and Pyros get up over 700K damage...and seem immortal.


I don't get it. Sure we needed an adjustment, 1 v 1 was too easy. But this game isn't about 1 v 1. And shouldn't Mara and Pryo got nerfed first?

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Shadow Tanks will be the tail on Demanding Content after 1.3:


- Worst Enrage tanks due to worst CDs.


- Worst tanks against Physical damage... Self healing works in rates, you can't expect to remove 50% of it (On BOTH components) then go to a tight situation were self-healing is enough to tilt the balance and expect the performance of the class to remain "competitive".


- Guardian BLADE BARRIER now scales with gear... I'm still awaiting to get the final numbers on this and how it interacts with the set bonus... This is self healing (And effective one at it... Not just mainly overhealing as the basic CT is triggering on those parsers so popular this days). With the CURRENT nerf on 1.3 Shadow tanks, an OPTIMAL self healing cycle is already close to the Blade Barrier output we have NOW. You don't even need complex math to realize what the options for competitive PvE will be, just match the advantages/disadvantages one by one (We still get the edge on pure power using encounters... Although... But they aren't common enough to warrant a systematic underperformance on the others).



Don't get the wrong impression PvE impact is just the "collateral casualty" of the needed nerf on PvP self healing (Why you think they operate on Armor and Self-healing and not Shield/Absorption?) because on 1.3 they are nerfing, again, PvP burst capabilities on all DPSers... Which is always an indirect buff to high mitigation targets able to self-heal.


That's why we will not see changes... They may react later when Shadow tanks dissapear slowly from competitive Guild rosters.

Edited by ragamer
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Sentinel's damage is not an issue in my eyes. I mean they are MDPS, fine, they should be tearing people apart, why not.


Their defensive cooldowns however...:rolleyes:


Yes, their defensive CDs are absurdly broken. Yet, untouched. This game is seriously becoming more of a joke every patch (How is that even possible?)

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Very good and balanced nerfs. No more Shadows defending effortlessly doors and turrets alone in PvP. You guys had it coming after months of abusing this class. I am very happy. Edited by NoTomorrow
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Very good and balanced nerfs. No more Shadows defending effortlessly doors and turrets alone in PvP. You guys had it coming after months of abusing this class.



Dont worry, you'll get destroyed by good players even after nerf goes live.

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Very good and balanced nerfs. No more Shadows defending effortlessly doors and turrets alone in PvP. You guys had it coming after months of abusing this class. I am very happy.


You're in denial if you think that nerf will stop me from trashing anyone I encounter as any spec of this class.

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Pretty sure I'm gonna unsub over this, assuming it makes it off the PTS. Not really interested in PvP, and I have no idea why any group in their right mind would ever want a Shadow tank at this point. Additionally, I'm not really addicted enough to get another character geared at level 50.


Don't unsub. Honestly, even with these changes, kinetic shadows are still amazing. Anyone who sanctions us out of a group just because of some QQ they read on the forums is just being ignorant. Ignore them.

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