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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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I sincerely hope one of my 2 servers will be considered for Character Transfer. I have 2 50 level characters on 2 different servers, and lots of alts on both servers. I have been playing since I was invited to the October 2011 Beta and I have *NOT* experienced an "Operation" and have only gotten to do *ONE* Hardmode flashpoint. I was very depressed to learn back in March that the game ends at 50. :( :( :( I am currently being bullied on my main server when I attempt to LFG for a HM flashpoint. Both of my 50s on each server are well geared. The current "main" server does not respond to any questions I politely ask about anything game related. Perhaps the entire server is just really busy. I have been in several guilds but most of the people in the guilds dwindle until I am the only one remaining, or there are 2, 3 of us.


The worst experience I have ever had while playing this game still sticks in my mind and I should have deactivated my account, although I sincerely enjoy the game and instead began playing lower level characters to see all of the stories.


I am currently being bullied/trolled when I ask for Heroic groups or HM-FP's on my "main" server with most of my higher level characters. I have been told that I am a "mooch" because I asked to go along for a group Heroic, needing 2-4 people. The particular guild doing it does not recognize that they are *also* assisting each other while doing these Heroics. When I think about the first experience, I believe it may have been a miscommunication that the troll of the group decided to take advantage of the situation. I asked politely if they would please share the quest for the heoric. This is because I play for hours and never find another person to do any Heroics, even if I post decent information about what I hope to achieve in the LFG system. The day I asked them to share the quest I had probably had all of the Heroic quests originally and abandoned them because, after 3-7 hours of not finding a group, I tend to give up and abandon the Heroic. The troll in this group stated that the rest of his guild thought that I was a "Mooch" for asking to share the heroics and I was told continually that I should "complete the bonus series on the planet" which was something I had already done, as I had access to the Dailies and had completed all of them solo/alone. No amount of clarification on my part would assuage the troll nor his group members. I pointed out that I had already solo'd all of the dailies myself, and just needed to be with a group for the Heroics because they require 2-4 people. (I only can stun 1 droid for CC. It's difficult to solo 2 man Heroics, even with my very well geared Healer, who has almost the equivalent of my gear level: 126.)


The situation was most alarming. I appealed to CS and also the other 2 individuals in the group, who were simply the "passive observers" in the bully's group and incapable of challenging their leader. Why would they? They were in a situation where they were capable of gearing up with a group, to do Heroics and future Operations.


My characters on this server have not done any Hardmode Flashpoints nor any Operations. I have never seen an "Operation". If BW is able to create some kind of LFG system where folks are able to find people to play with, I would greatly appreciate it. I don't want to leave the game, I love it sincerely. The multiplayer aspect has made it difficult to say the least. If only I could bring the rest of my Ship's Crew along with me, I could achieve a Heroic.


Solo'ing in an MMORPG feels slightly frustrating. And lonely.


Thank you for your time. Please, *please* allow my server to transfer characters as well.

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I have been playing since I was invited to the October 2011 Beta and I have *NOT* experienced an "Operation" and have only gotten to do *ONE* Hardmode flashpoint..

That is something that I just don't believe unless it is by your choice. What servers are you on?

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That is something that I just don't believe unless it is by your choice. What servers are you on?


By my choice? After LFG for 3-7 hours? What are you saying?


*Edit: Additional: also days and months of looking. :(

Edited by Zeruhn
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That is something that I just don't believe unless it is by your choice. What servers are you on?


I was also thinking: are you going to make a character on my servers so you can sit with me and observe while I LFG? It does get old after the first hour.

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Where is the transfer INTO THE SWIFTSURE?


The swiftsure is a top pvp guild, actually THE MOST POPULATED WEST COAST PVP SERVER right now. It suffered dramatically when the aussies and oceanic left and is now usually around light with standard during prime times (59-70) but we could darn well use a lot more people. And here i see FATMAN being one of the first servers you can transfer to. Seriously BW?


If you DONT SAVE the top most populated west coast pvp server , BW, i really don't know what to hink of you. you'd think you would want to keep the TOP WEST COAST PVP server populated. It will help the people already in that server and help the poor people from the origin server as well.


Im hoping you guys will add us to the destionation server sooon. we need more people!

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Okay everybody just wait patiently and hopefully in a month or so everything will be worked out....


What a load of crap.


I guess i'm just going to wait for Star Wars 1313.


I know some of you people have no problem being sheep and waiting patiently... Playing the same PvP warzones... Over... and Over.... With no change... Do you people eat toast every day of your life? There needs to be more variety... Oh i'm sure they will add new content in a few months..... Great another 30-55 dollars down the drain to wait for them.... You know i'm sure EA pleases about 51% of there paying customers.... What about the other 49%? That's not a great way to run a business.


Hey, I like toast everyday. ;)

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Where is the transfer INTO THE SWIFTSURE?


The swiftsure is a top pvp guild, actually THE MOST POPULATED WEST COAST PVP SERVER right now. It suffered dramatically when the aussies and oceanic left and is now usually around light with standard during prime times (59-70) but we could darn well use a lot more people. And here i see FATMAN being one of the first servers you can transfer to. Seriously BW?


If you DONT SAVE the top most populated west coast pvp server , BW, i really don't know what to hink of you. you'd think you would want to keep the TOP WEST COAST PVP server populated. It will help the people already in that server and help the poor people from the origin server as well.


Im hoping you guys will add us to the destionation server sooon. we need more people!


Give it a few hours. Maybe a day or two tops. I'm sure The Swiftsure will be a destination server very soon.

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I can confirm the transfer is extremely quick at the moment. By the time I had finished setting a second character up to transfer, the first had already fully completed and was available, and this speed continued until I was finished with transfers.


Everything went across just fine, all items (even bound to Legacy ones), all bank tabs. Nothing was lost. The only issue I had was on my first login, the Legacy tab in the ablities tab was missing, and none of those missing abilities were on my quickbars...but a simple relog completely solved that, and they were back.

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Eight more servers already added. Noticed:


Kath Hound --> The Ebon Hawk


Figured my server would be a destination server. :)


Also VenZallow --> Jung Ma




Lord Ieldis --> Begeren Colony


So Begeren Colony is also a destination server, so I won't be able to get my character from Begeren Colony over to Ebon Hawk. Oh well, no worries, I'll just wait for paid transfers. :)

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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uhmm, has BW forgotten APAC in this 'Character Transfer, Server Population and You' conundrum? Lots of Asian players outside the Aussie, SIng and HK demarkations were excluded from the first free transfer exercise 2 months ago. Regionally qualified players from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea. Its an extremely huge base of players which albeit, may speak broken English but love the SW franchise, and more than willing to pay for this game experience rather than spend their time trolling incessantly on these English forums to show off their magical gift of their god-blessed game judgement abilities, player prowess and glib tongues.


When are APAC time zone players going to be included in the transfer system?

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seen alot of people talking about how bio is slacking ect...I'm just wondering about how much EA's management plays into or dictates how much or how little Bio is able to do. Anyone know more about this...maybe this is a topic for a new forum. Everyone harshes Bio, few get their back. I'm a stand up for whats right kind of person. I really like the game, I will be as patient as I need to be...and yeah, I've been angry at times to...my main is a merc deeps and my pvp is a concealment agent...so I know some of that pain.
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niec to see them add more servers but VERY odd that they have not added in a second PvP server (except for RP). I had sort of assumed that the vast majority of raging was from inability to PvP so would think the would be putting up more PvP servers. Frankly people who are annoyed at not being able to PvP from a non PvP server should be less of a priority! IMHO of course. Still am fascinated on how they are picking and chosing. I was hoping to ensure a move to a high pop server from the start but they already are starting to put people into 0.98 servers according to torstats i think
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I'm sorry but I don't like being negative nancy, but I must express how frustrating this transfer/game has become. *I'm currently on shadowtown and have been waiting patiently for xfers coming out until I decide to cancel my subscription. *It's not that I find the game to be bad, its that there is literally nothing to do anymore when there are no pvp q pops or anyone online to run pve with. *This has been the case since april, and I'm sorry but if "soon" becomes over a week then rift is looking very welcoming right now, *so I'll probably just drop this until 1.3 which is coming "soon" which typically means 3 months right? well we wouldn't know we just gotta read your minds bw. *You are shooting yourself's in the foot by the way you treat your customers not just by the way the game is playable; *deadlines are helpful even if you exceed them then people will actually know when to check around that time on whats going, rather than to lets us sit around hopelessly waiting. *Eventually hope turns to anger, and then there is another loss and another and another until what you were working so long and hard on is irrelevant*



Michael R. Frie

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Good to know BioWare has abandoned Death Wind Corridor. Resubbed last week for transfer, didn't come. Now I can stay on a sever with 2 people in RF, ~20 IF, 0 in most lvling areas at 6PM every night. Think I'll just not resub.


BioWare: Listen to this post. You had me, a fan boy of all your work and star wars, since late 2008. I waited and followed your game and blindly defended it. I listened to hundreds of hours of videos and podcasts, I pre-ordered CE 6 hours after you announced it, I played on Dec 13 (day -7) in the first wave at 7AM, I missed a week of work to play, I ran my own guild (with private vent, .com) with over 200 active users, and I finished all your PvP/PvE content.


Your arrogance and greed was too great. You saw this massive project culminating in 100s of full servers down the road. Instead of waiting for the demand of more servers (AND SAVING MONEY), you bought into the ADHD desires of today's gamer generation: No lines to enjoy the ride, well sometimes you have to wait for the good things in life. Waiting in a 5 min queue relates directly to me some of the best times I've had playing video games: Blackrock in World of Warcraft and waiting to play on D1 of Everquest, but to you it meant a failed launch.


Well congrats, you put way too many servers online, and when people left in droves, you left us last few loyal players alone, in an abandoned single player game that connected to the internet. Once my guild and everyone in my server left, I decided I'd come back when BW would obviously xfer everyone out. Instead I just got duped into $14.99 I will not spend again.


Why don't I just start over on another server you ask? Because I have thousands of hours invested and all my preferred player names, not to mention my Legacy. IMO Bioware dug itself in a bigger hole by adding Legacy and a whole new set of usernames you'll have to change when you HAVE to move from the server BioWare assigned me.


I truly never thought this would ever happen. But, sadly, you lost a fan boy today.

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Good to know BioWare has abandoned Death Wind Corridor. Resubbed last week for transfer, didn't come. Now I can stay on a sever with 2 people in RF, ~20 IF, 0 in most lvling areas at 6PM every night. Think I'll just not resub.


BioWare: Listen to this post. You had me, a fan boy of all your work and star wars, since late 2008. I waited and followed your game and blindly defended it. I listened to hundreds of hours of videos and podcasts, I pre-ordered CE 6 hours after you announced it, I played on Dec 13 (day -7) in the first wave at 7AM, I missed a week of work to play, I ran my own guild (with private vent, .com) with over 200 active users, and I finished all your PvP/PvE content.


Your arrogance and greed was too great. You saw this massive project culminating in 100s of full servers down the road. Instead of waiting for the demand of more servers (AND SAVING MONEY), you bought into the ADHD desires of today's gamer generation: No lines to enjoy the ride, well sometimes you have to wait for the good things in life. Waiting in a 5 min queue relates directly to me some of the best times I've had playing video games: Blackrock in World of Warcraft and waiting to play on D1 of Everquest, but to you it meant a failed launch.


Well congrats, you put way too many servers online, and when people left in droves, you left us last few loyal players alone, in an abandoned single player game that connected to the internet. Once my guild and everyone in my server left, I decided I'd come back when BW would obviously xfer everyone out. Instead I just got duped into $14.99 I will not spend again.


Why don't I just start over on another server you ask? Because I have thousands of hours invested and all my preferred player names, not to mention my Legacy. IMO Bioware dug itself in a bigger hole by adding Legacy and a whole new set of usernames you'll have to change when you HAVE to move from the server BioWare assigned me.


I truly never thought this would ever happen. But, sadly, you lost a fan boy today.


Do you realize today is just the FIRST day of transfers, and that more server transfers are coming? Calm down, take a deep breath, and soon enough, the rest of the server transfers will roll out.

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