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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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You have 200 servers and you're doing 10 a day, minus the 5 heavily populated servers and others you won't be touching. I'm guessing it's going to take you 10 days at least, probably more. So many of us have to wait even longer on our dead servers with dead PVP queues.


Link to this info, please.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I posted this somewhere else, but I am going to post it here again:


I have transferred 7 characters while it says 8 in the server list and at the character transfer page. When I log in it shows 7 characters, as it should be. Can I please transfer my last character as well?

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you have 200 servers and you're doing 10 a day, minus the 5 heavily populated servers and others you won't be touching. I'm guessing it's going to take you 10 days at least, probably more. So many of us have to wait even longer on our dead servers with dead pvp queues.


Consider going free to play sooner rather then later. At least then we aren't paying you for work you're not doing. I know it's crazy but we expect new content and updates for our $15. Yeah, nuts!


you're taking people's money. Get your act together or stop taking people's money.


you do realise that it is truly like the sith empire and its "ea" sitting behind them pulling the strings. Ea the same company considered to be worst than "the bank of america" in consumer magazines and reviews. Ea has probably at this point positioned so many of their own employees into "bw" that its not truly "bw" anymore.

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Whiners are people who attack and discredit the product or service they've obtained, without substational other information other than "fail".


Complainers are people who lay out what's wrong, what they expected, how it didn't meet that, how they want it fixed and a time-frame they expect that in, politely and qualifying their criticisms.


Decent definition to me. A good whine often refuses to recognize the reasons why something being whined over might be done the way it has as opposed to what the poster might desire.

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Decent definition to me. A good whine often refuses to recognize the reasons why something being whined over might be done the way it has as opposed to what the poster might desire.


It also completely disregards all information that might indicate that said whine is probably and most likely untrue.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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So because i'm on Deadweight server I cannot transfer my character to The Fatman? SWTOR is obviously doing there best, but the problem is it isn't good enough. I've got 30 days left on my subscription, and I will not be renewing. I would also like to note that I LOVE star wars. I've played all the KOTOR games for consoles and this mmo has been a big let down. I know some people consider this complaing... But am I just supposed to wait patiently with a thumb in my butt? Also I've never played WOW, but I really just wish they had made this a xbox 360 game... That way it would have at least been a Game of the Year potential.. Instead of a dieing MMO with a dieing population on servers... Obviously people would not need to transfer there characters unless the game was slowly degrading... What a let down.
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It also completely disregards all information that might indicate that said whine is probably and most likely untrue.



I think a whine is when you don't have the ability to lodge an original, valid complaint. I also associate complaints with a source. Whining is just, 'look at me!' (which is why I want to slap whiners) Whining is closely related to posting negative, mean comments on - well, anything. It's just Mean's passive-aggressive little sister.

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I'm not sure. A paying customer should have the ability to complain about the service if he/she is not happy about it.


I agree completely however when the company tells you exactly what they are planning ie doing the server transfers slowly so they can control the server population and balance and people just decide to ignore that and throw out wild inncacurate claims then it becomes a problem.


It's like the lady who burned herself with McDonalds coffee and then sued them because it was hot. It's hot coffee you should realize that it is hot.


They told everyone before hand that the server transfer process is going to be slow and controlled. They have since said they will add more servers with in a week. People still ignore it and claim that this is all the transfers that are going to happen.

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If they are trying to balance the population (as stated in their quote above) then why does it seem like they are moving small population servers to bigger ones? Clearly there's no balance in that.


Pretty sure they are merging via transfers.


I expect closure of languishing servers in the future. I would imagine it saves them form having to move alot characters attached to inactive accounts and slowing down the process for players who are subscribed. I believe they'll build up some good destination servers then try to draw people to a whole selection of them in later waves then, annouce closures to force out the stragglers from the dead ones.

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So because i'm on Deadweight server I cannot transfer my character to The Fatman? SWTOR is obviously doing there best, but the problem is it isn't good enough. I've got 30 days left on my subscription, and I will not be renewing. I would also like to note that I LOVE star wars. I've played all the KOTOR games for consoles and this mmo has been a big let down. I know some people consider this complaing... But am I just supposed to wait patiently with a thumb in my butt? Also I've never played WOW, but I really just wish they had made this a xbox 360 game... That way it would have at least been a Game of the Year potential.. Instead of a dieing MMO with a dieing population on servers... Obviously people would not need to transfer there characters unless the game was slowly degrading... What a let down.


NO they have not announced the next round of server transfers so you will have to wait to see if Deadweight server transfers become available.

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So, we're locked in to a destination server, ... Or what? Pay to go elsewhere?


Here's the thing:


Against many's wishes, by design you bifurcated communities into Rep and Imp mirrors. Also by design, you fractured avatars within accounts and guilds entirely, such that Rep avatar and Imp avatar shall not interact in any way be it credits or gear. Loudly and clearly, you ignored common sense and bifurcated our avatars among diff factions.


As a result of no benefit to having alts of diff factions on the same server, and a big benefit of having alts of other factions on another server to preserve 8 slots on one server to avatars who can interact and exchange, many chose to create their faction avatar and guild mirrors on a different server.


BUT WAIT, in their infinite wisdom, Bioware sees the error of their ways and now starts to unwind the strict barriers between factional alts (something I knew was inevitable and led to the bust up of 3 guilds due to this fracas, all pointless player strife on Bioware's shoulders)... unwind ... Be it trade, legacy perk integration, or who knows what else is coming with the unravelling?


So now, players are motivated to have their alts of diff factions on the same server.


BUT WAIT, AGAIN, Bioware tells us that our Imp Alts and mirrors on Server A, cant choose to come to Server X where their Rep alts are, or vice versa, but have to instead go to Server G, only then to what?, have to pay to go to Server X where they would have been all along if Bioware wouldn't have subjected us to their sacred cows of faction bifurcation in the first place?


Well, turns out I was correct. My former guild's mirror Server A where my other faction's avatars are was selected as an origin server being cleared out, and we don't have the option to move them to where our other faction's avatars are now that Bioware has backpedaled on their faction-bifurcation stance and now makes it desirable and beneficial to have all avatars on the same server. Bravo on satisfaction not achieved yet again, with a long list of Issues in my Thread provided in detail, in 8 Sections.


Bravo, Bioware, for continuing to be adrift regarding community needs, preferences, and desired options for trying to enjoy and engage Tor.

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Okay everybody just wait patiently and hopefully in a month or so everything will be worked out....


What a load of crap.


I guess i'm just going to wait for Star Wars 1313.


I know some of you people have no problem being sheep and waiting patiently... Playing the same PvP warzones... Over... and Over.... With no change... Do you people eat toast every day of your life? There needs to be more variety... Oh i'm sure they will add new content in a few months..... Great another 30-55 dollars down the drain to wait for them.... You know i'm sure EA pleases about 51% of there paying customers.... What about the other 49%? That's not a great way to run a business.

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Okay everybody just wait patiently and hopefully in a month or so everything will be worked out....


What a load of crap.


I guess i'm just going to wait for Star Wars 1313.


I know some of you people have no problem being sheep and waiting patiently... Playing the same PvP warzones... Over... and Over.... With no change... Do you people eat toast every day of your life? There needs to be more variety... Oh i'm sure they will add new content in a few months..... Great another 30-55 dollars down the drain to wait for them.... You know i'm sure EA pleases about 51% of there paying customers.... What about the other 49%? That's not a great way to run a business.


who u callin a sheep, PUSSYcat? just j/k...tell me what game adds new **** like you describe?? ima play that one

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I'm very skeptical about the end result here. I remember reading that they were not going to open transfers to the servers that already had heavy populations (i.e. Fatman, Jedi Cov, etc), because they didn't want overcrowding or a mad dash by everyone to get in. Instead, they allow one server to one, another to another, etc. How exactly does this solve the problem?


What I'm guessing is they are using a matching (read that: guesstimating) system. Server X has 600 active subs and server Z has 150. Z moves to X, full server. Server L has 450 and Server B has 95, etc. I know these are low ball numbers, but the idea is that they figure out what servers combined, if the players actually do transfer, would maximize the population. Maybe, depending on how many transfers do occur, they review and find Server T will now fit on Server X, too. They open that up. It's just a guess of course.


The reason I am skeptical is the lack of honest communication. I don't mind waiting a few days or a week to find out about the server I play on. I do have a problem when it is stated they don't want to open the heavy pop servers as a destination to avoid everyone flocking to it. So, you open one server and their people basically get a guarantee they will be on a severely high population server. What a crock! That doesn't bode well for the rest of us waiting unless, at the very end of free transfers, are there only a dozen or so servers that are all at a "Heavy" status when you log in. I just don't appreciate that they have already contradicted themselves on the transfers. With all of the unhappy folks still holding onto their subs by a thread, hoping BW will get things straight, you would think they would want to make something as important as population adjusting, golden!


As for changing guild or toon names...big deal. If it means getting onto a populated server where there are people to complete group objectives, pvp queues are much faster, etc, great.


I guess we'll see the results in the next couple weeks.

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I am completely confused i don't see my server on any of the lists destination or origin servers. When I go to server transfer section of my account i don't see any options to move characters. My server has been dead less than 30 on imp fleet at prime and less than 20 on pub fleet at prime time.


So am i missing something? am i needlessly worrying about not seeing my server listed?

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rechecked i still only see 4 us servers


Or instead of wasting all that space in a page, you could just tell them to go Account -> Character Transfer to see the updated list.



go to your account page...i listed the servers here but the troll below me was sore that I was taking up too much free space trying to help out...

Edited by Annikus
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