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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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So what transfers? I am assuming:


My character, their worn/held equipment

My companions unlocked and their worn/held equipment.

My personal bank, all items inside and all expansions purchased.

My Legacy unlocks ( maxed out companions, races, classes, perks earned/bought, etc.)

My quests done and storyline progression.

My companion points and progress in companion storylines

My Datacrons, Lore, locations, etc. unlocked.

My maps uncovered, taxis and quick travels unlocked.

My Valor points

My pets and vehicles

My skills bought ( especially those expensive speeder licenses)

My skill tree

My first name ( if available)

My titles unlocked.


Is there anything on this list that they have said ISN'T transferrring over?


Also, I have a bunch of imperial Legacy stuff unlocked on the departure server and a bunch of Republic Legacy stuff unlocked on the destination server. I know that for Legacy xp it is "the best of the two". Will it give my republic ( higher Legacy xp account ) my SI Legacy unlocks?

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It's so cute that people didn't read and understood this!


Seriously, have you been waiting for anything more?! They said servertransfers comes with update 1.3. Did they say 1.3 was released today? NO, so what is the gosh darn problem?


LOL!! No, they said server transfers is launching on the 12th. It's the 12th. And here are the servers they are merely starting with:




FYI: We've known for about two months now from Stephen Reid that transfers were coming BEFORE 1.3. And here it is, before 1.3.

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Think you've got it backwards. Dead servers will be origin servers, not destination servers. They won't be sending players from a high-pop server like Fatman down to low-pop servers.


They're sending players from multiple "dead" origin servers onto a single destination server to create another busy server like The Fatman. Once that server is full they will start again and create yet another busy server.


Rinse & repeat. :)



They've already sent a 'Dead' server directly too the Fatman server, the same goes for multiple other already very busy server's such as TOFN, the jedi tower and w,e, trololol

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Looking for some clarification/something unanswered in the FAQ...


From the FAQ:


Do my transferred characters count towards Legacy Unlocks?

Yes, all Legacy Unlocks that your characters have earned will be automatically applied to your new Legacy on your selected destination server. These include Species, Class, Companion and Legacy Level based unlocks.


What about the other way around for existing Legacies?


Say I already have a Legacy on the Destination server, but it is a lower level than the one from the Origin. I know in this case the Origin legacy will overwrite the Destination Legacy (Apart from the name, which will stay as the Destination Legacy name). What happens to any Species, Class and companion unlocks that have been made in the now overwritten Destination Legacy?


If the destination character that made the unlocks still exists, and is now part of the new, transferred Origin Legacy, will their Species, Class and companion unlocks be added to the transferred Origin Legacy? What happens if you deleted a character that made unlocks on thr Destination Legacy? (I'm guessing in this case the unlocks are lost, but would like confirmation)

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Looking for some clarification/something unanswered in the FAQ...


From the FAQ:


Do my transferred characters count towards Legacy Unlocks?

Yes, all Legacy Unlocks that your characters have earned will be automatically applied to your new Legacy on your selected destination server. These include Species, Class, Companion and Legacy Level based unlocks.


What about the other way around for existing Legacies?


Say I already have a Legacy on the Destination server, but it is a lower level than the one from the Origin. I know in this case the Origin legacy will overwrite the Destination Legacy (Apart from the name, which will stay as the Destination Legacy name). What happens to any Species, Class and companion unlocks that have been made in the now overwritten Destination Legacy?


If the destination character that made the unlocks still exists, and is now part of the new, transferred Origin Legacy, will their Species, Class and companion unlocks be added to the transferred Origin Legacy? What happens if you deleted a character that made unlocks on thr Destination Legacy? (I'm guessing in this case the unlocks are lost, but would like confirmation)


You get to keep all unlocks from both.


RKLimes: I recall a developer post indicating the results of transferring a character with a Legacy from one server onto another where a Legacy also exists, the highest level legacy would simple be applied rather than added. Since higher Legacy level does not necessarily equal greatest number of Legacy unlocks, will any and all unlocks be granted from either Legacies, or only those of the highest?


Daniel: Legacies will be merged in the most advantageous possible way for the player. They’re your rewards, you earned them, we don’t want to prevent you from moving them wherever you like. So any unlocks gained by the character you’re moving will come with that character, even if the Legacy they are moving into is a lower level.


From this Q&A.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I have just checked out the transfer and it is CRAP.


I was checking to see where these servers will be transferring to (to checking if the server I play on will get a boost in numbers since at server high time there are about 50 people online) and it says that my server is full!?! *** how is it full?

Flames of the Crucible PvE English Full


6 servers for EU is that the best you can offer Bioware? i have 10 days left on my sub and I will not be renewing it. too little too late.

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So, after all 50 people transfer off these 2 servers, how about you open up more than FOUR server for transfer. These are all extremely low pop servers anyway so why cant you group them together in larger groups? This is just laziness on their part. They could have dealt with a lot more. At this rate it will probably be almost a month before my server comes up.
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So, after all 50 people transfer off these 2 servers, how about you open up more than FOUR server for transfer. These are all extremely low pop servers anyway so why cant you group them together in larger groups? This is just laziness on their part. They could have dealt with a lot more. At this rate it will probably be almost a month before my server comes up.


Read. Joveth already said this is just an entry. He even stated more will open, and we're not talking as long as a week even.


Patience is a virtue.

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So i am supposed to be happy that they are fixing the problems they created? Or is it your belief that swtor was the first mmo ever made and nobody had any clue what works and what doesn't? It's not like they could have looked around and learned from the mistakes of those that came before them, right?


The point is that they learned from their mistake and many need to realize that they are trying to do what's right, not what whiners want.

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Surprised to see the following entry on the list of servers:

Hedarr Soongh to The Fatman

I was just checking server wait times on the weekend and I thought I saw The Fatman had 10 min wait as it was full. Now it may have been that there are only a couple of users on Hedarr Soongh to begin with and they already have a toon/legacy on Fatman. In that case, the server load would not increase. Interesting though



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Odd list. One server going to Fatman? Seems a little clunky since that server is near maxed. And only 10 servers. Is that phase one of ?? phases?


So does this mean there will be more server transfers opening in the near future or does Bioware think 200 active people on an entire world makes PUGing feasible?

Edited by LexiCazam
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Odd list. One server going to Fatman? Seems a little clunky since that server is near maxed. And only 10 servers. Is that phase one of ?? phases?


So does this mean there will be more server transfers opening in the near future or does Bioware think 200 active people on an entire world makes PUGing feasible?



Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update.



Edited by LexiCazam
DB - quote
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This is just an initial list. I'm guessing more Origin and Destination servers will be added over time, possibly in the next few days, possibly later today.


I'm a bit surprised (and also not surprised) that there are no RP servers in the initial list. Surprised because given there aren't many of these type compared to PvP and PvE, the player consolidation could be completed quicker than any other server type transfers, resulting in happier customers sooner....unsurprised because RP servers are always considered the red headed stepchild and put on the back burner.

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This is just an initial list. I'm guessing more Origin and Destination servers will be added over time, possibly in the next few days, possibly later today.


I'm a bit surprised (and also not surprised) that there are no RP servers in the initial list. Surprised because given there aren't many of these type compared to PvP and PvE, the player consolidation could be completed quicker than any other server type transfers, resulting in happier customers sooner....unsurprised because RP servers are always considered the red headed stepchild and put on the back burner.


Hehe. Actually, it's because the RP servers tend to have a more steady population. Looking over TORStatus over the last several months, I've found that to be the case. RP servers have been losing subs at a much slower rate than all other server types.

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