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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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First of all, "enough" players aren't going to let their subs run out because of this because they're no worse off than they were before. They're still not playing the old character at all, and if they want to transfer it later and pay for it, they're welcome to do that. But you can't just let everyone who wants to transfer pick where they want to go for free right now because Fatman is where everyone will go, which will completely overtax the server. You'll have all dead servers and one server with a 2 hour queue. Is that what you want? Is that what you think is better for the game? They're much better off controlling the rush and ensuring there are multiple healthy servers. It might not make some people happy, but nothing they do will make everyone happy.


What they're doing is basically an "optional server merge," which is probably the most political thing they could do. It's no different than if there were server merges and his toons on Veela got merged with other servers that weren't Fatman. Exactly the same. But now, he'd be crying that Veela didn't get merged into the Fatman pool.


If he wants his choice of where to go, that's a paid privilege at some point in the future, after the server populations are ironed out through this method.


You're not reading carefully enough, and not getting the point.


It doesn't matter that players didn't start on a particular server on day 1. What matters is that they are there NOW. That they have legacy levels comparable to what they had on their origin servers. In some cases they have exceeded their legacy levels on their origin servers. They will not be adding any more server traffic by transferring toons to their new server.


And I don't claim to know what a large number of people will do, and neither do you. I can only suggest that it could happen, and it is a real danger that Bioware needs to address and quickly, before suspicion becomes reality.

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You're making it sound as though it's a petty issue, and for some it's not. People who are forced to rename will lose track of a lot of wider friends and acquaintances, that isn't a petty issue in an MMO. If they're attached to the name because it's one they've used in other games and makes them instantly recognisable, they lose their wider gaming identity. Doesnt help that a lot of people put their character names in their signatures on the forums, which opened up another avenue of copycatting. Not everyone is compaining, but this is an inconvenience to a lot of people, especially Guilds concerned about moving as a group, and it's fair for people to voice their concerns.


It is a petty issue in all honesty if people in guilds are worried about being unable to transfer and find their guildmates or even "friends" outside of the guild then perhaps they should communicate outside of this game which is a wonder of the internet by the way. As well they should have planned ahead when they first heard the news of this transfer By communicating with their guildmates and coordinating plans to do so which can easily be done outside of this game if these people are so important to you or anyone . We have known about this for more then a month now and it's pretty sad that everyone is in an uproar over this. Just as in real life friends come and go and unfortunately this is the same case. This solution was in demand and if people don't like what they are doing then too bad. it's important that they do and the way it's being done is just the reality of doing such a massive toon transfer. So either deal with what you demanded to happen or don't it doesn't matter this game will continue on.

Edited by Sunlessdaysrise
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So your guild is all going to leave your current dead server and all go to the new high-population destination server that's designated for you, and you get to stay together which is what you all want. So what the heck is your problem? You'll still all be together. You'll still all be able to be a guild and do together all the things you already do.


Sounds like to me you're just complaining for the sake of complaining.


There is no guarantee that they will end up on the same server.

Sounds to me like you don't know what you are talking about.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Make it so you can't transfer to Fatman or JC UNLESS you are already established there i.e. a level 50 or legacy level whatever. It won't really increase the population since the person is already there and doesn't shaft folks who quite frankly the only reason they are still playing is becuase they want to bring thier old chars to thier new home.


Another poster said it but I'll repeat it. If I rerolled from a dead server to Fatman and then they allow transfers from the old server to a server other than Fatman what's the point? I am not gonna leave Fatman since I've already made a new home there. Not to mention the uncertainty of the destination servers being much better then the old dead servers are now.


And you'll have the opportunity to do exactly that at a later time, for a fee, just like other games.


What you and the dude above don't seem to understand is that this consolidation is ONLY meant to fix population issues, not to enable you to go to wherever you want to go. The "choice" you want is a later step, that, not surprisingly, comes later.

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Renaming complaints is kinda petty...come up with some new name ideas you atleast get to keep all the important things about your character...and atleast you might even get to move. Some of us are getting the shaft by this dick move by Bioware.
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There is no guarantee that they will end up on the same server.

Sounds to me like you don't know what you are talking about.


Yeah, there is a guarantee, since each group of origin servers will only have one destination server. There's nowhere else they can end up as long as they don't procrastinate. Sounds to me like you don't know what you are talking about.

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So your guild is all going to leave your current dead server and all go to the new high-population destination server that's designated for you, and you get to stay together which is what you all want. So what the heck is your problem? You'll still all be together. You'll still all be able to be a guild and do together all the things you already do.


Sounds like to me you're just complaining for the sake of complaining.


You're not getting it are you?


Why, when they dumped our entire guild on the same server on the same day on release, can they not dump our entire guild, roughly within the same week on a new server?

Why, when this is a BW mess, do players have to clean it up off their own effort and initiative, by finding each other again?

By at least moving the GM and/or officers together, they can make some attempt to move the guild bank with them, and keep everything together and fairly streamlined.


Their process just makes things alot less efficient.

And its added bol**x to deal with when quite frankly, many of us have already had enough.


Is it too much to ask for some customer service to go with your product?

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Renaming complaints is kinda petty...come up with some new name ideas you atleast get to keep all the important things about your character...and atleast you might even get to move. Some of us are getting the shaft by this dick move by Bioware.


Nobody's getting the shaft. If you want to move to a higher pop, you can. If you want to stay on a ghost town server, you can. You're only better off than you were, not worse.

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All of my characters are on one low pop server. Can I move my entire stable in one go or do I have to file 8 individual character transfer requests?


you will have to do all 8 but not at the same time sorry that will take a lot of time to do all so do 1 at a time will be the best thing ti do don't you think..



Edited by danpen
I put the wring thing at the wrong time.
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I appreciate this comment is going to get lost amongst the huge number of other posts here.


But I have 2 concerns.


1. We have some friends who wanted to join our server originally but with the initial large queues at launch and Bioware pointing the way to the new servers - they went elsewhere (their primary language isn't English, which made the choice slightly easier). Now that both their guild and our are mere shadows of what we were at launch - those friends that remain playing were hoping to join us. Whilst we might get lucky... it does still seem very much luck and that doesn't feel right.


2. There seems to be a clandestine / piecemeal approach to server transfers. Opening the transfer window on a group of low population servers (I assume) to a higher population server (or two). But without actually announcing future transfer windows and what servers they will cover. I worry that a person a Server-A who wants to go to Server-B will be offered a transfer to Server-C and either jump ship immediately for fear of being left on a dead server or wait in the hope that at some time in the future, transfers will be opened to Server-B. Either way, a lack of upfront knowledge may lead to a "wrong" choice being made.


I can see Bioware's dilemma. Players are sheep. Unimaginative sheep. But there are going to be players out there who ended up on a server that wasn't their first choice at launch and are going to end up repeating that again.

(Yes, I know, paid transfers are coming - but asking players to pay to fix something primarily caused by Bioware seems underhanded)


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Many guild leaders have contacted us with their concerns about coordinating their guild members in preparation for the free character transfer service and I wanted to take some time to explain how this process will work.


In order to ensure an optimal playing experience for every server, we’ll be offering direct transfers from one origin server to a pre-selected destination server. This means that the destination server will already be selected for the origin server. As mentioned in our blog post, all server types and languages will be respected. You will not find your PvE characters transferred to a PvP server, or vice versa.


Therefore, all guild members on the origin server will be eligible to transfer to the same destination server, ensuring that the guild has the opportunity to stay together.


As we mentioned in our blog, the character transfer service will be made available gradually, starting with a small number of origin servers and adding more until all servers eligible for transfer are available in the service. We know everyone is excited for the opportunity to transfer their characters, but it is critical that we do this gradually to ensure both a smooth transfer as well as a great player experience on the destination servers.


Eligible servers will be listed as they become available for transfers at http://www.swtor.com/transfer, which will go live on Tuesday. This is to prevent potential server load issues.


Please note that we will not be dividing the population of an origin server onto multiple destination servers for this free character transfer process.


Additionally, players need not worry about rushing to transfer as free character transfers between selected servers will remain available for as long as it is needed to help balance server populations naturally. Rest assured that if we ever decide to stop this free character transfer service, players will be given plenty of advanced notice.


We hope that this clarifies any confusion.


This bears repeating, this needs to be reposted every couple of pages because I see alot of people thinking they are going to swap destination servers and go lawl sux to be u! I dug through this juggernaut of a thread to find this for you guys be happy.

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On my original server (Which I'll call A), I reached a lvl 30 Legacy (Say I called it AA), with a few unlocks of character races, class Heroic Moment Abilities, emotes and companion completions. But the server went ghosttown.


I re-rolled on a higher pop server (Which I will call B), and now have a lvl 7 Legacy (Say I called it BB) on there, with the unlocks from the single class I've been playing long enough.


Free transfers come in, and A turns out to be an origin Server with a Destination of B, so I transfer a couple of my characters from A to B.


I understand that my Legacy BB will be overwritten by Legacy AA, but the way the blog is stated, it seems as if Legacy BB will become a lvl 30 one, with all the unlocks of AA, but it's name will stay as BB. Is this correct?


What happens if BB has some unlocks that AA does not have (such as different races at 50, class story completions and companion completions...or perhaps I managed to get a higher social rank on a character on B than I did on A)? Do they get completely overwritten by AA, or do those unlocks merge with the unlocks from AA, and I end up with a legacy that has the unlocks of AA and BB, the level of AA and the name of BB? (I hope that makes sense and isn't too confusing)

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And you'll have the opportunity to do exactly that at a later time, for a fee, just like other games.


What you and the dude above don't seem to understand is that this consolidation is ONLY meant to fix population issues, not to enable you to go to wherever you want to go. The "choice" you want is a later step, that, not surprisingly, comes later.


If by 'wherever you want to go' you mean the only other server someone has toons on. ;)

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Yeah, there is a guarantee, since each group of origin servers will only have one destination server. There's nowhere else they can end up as long as they don't procrastinate. Sounds to me like you don't know what you are talking about.


Depending on the number of characters transferred, the destination and origin servers eligible for transfer may be altered during the process. We don't want to promise a destination in case it may change.


Quote taken from here


You were saying?

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Nobody's getting the shaft. If you want to move to a higher pop, you can. If you want to stay on a ghost town server, you can. You're only better off than you were, not worse.


People who are on servers not selected to moved off of or those who are on server that simply want to change server types are gettting the shaft. There's only free transfers talkeda bout for moving people to repopulated servers of the same type.


I'm getting the shaft. Everyone pays 15 dollars everyone should get a 1 time move even if its limited to only a couple of servers of different types. IF your an Rp server you should get an RP server, PVE, and PVP server to choose to go to not just an RP server

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You're not getting it are you?


Why, when they dumped our entire guild on the same server on the same day on release, can they not dump our entire guild, roughly within the same week on a new server?

Why, when this is a BW mess, do players have to clean it up off their own effort and initiative, by finding each other again?

By at least moving the GM and/or officers together, they can make some attempt to move the guild bank with them, and keep everything together and fairly streamlined.


Their process just makes things alot less efficient.

And its added bol**x to deal with when quite frankly, many of us have already had enough.


Is it too much to ask for some customer service to go with your product?



Because that would add a bunch of development time to the mix and they want to get this rolled out sooner. You make it seem like it's SOOOOOOOOOO hard to just reform a guild on the server you end up when all it takes is "/w Egalatae Hey, ginvite me please, I just transferred over." It's gotta be the easiest thing in the world for you to do. Sorry that it takes a minimal effort by you, but if sending a whisper to your guild leader for a re-guildinvite is the hardest thing about this whole process, you'll live. You do know how to send a whisper to another player, right? If not, you can probably use vent, mumble or even your guild forums.

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This bears repeating, this needs to be reposted every couple of pages because I see alot of people thinking they are going to swap destination servers and go lawl sux to be u! I dug through this juggernaut of a thread to find this for you guys be happy.


Thank you!

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Depending on the number of characters transferred, the destination and origin servers eligible for transfer may be altered during the process. We don't want to promise a destination in case it may change.


Quote taken from here


You were saying?


Try reading the quote. I said "as long as they don't procrastinate." You were saying? Basically, if you want to transfer so badly, do it and get it over with. If you are lazy and wait, you have nobody to blame but yourselves.

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1) RP-PVP server question. I'm on a rp-pvp server in Eastern USA; Ven Zallow (a mostly dead server). Since there's only two RP-PVP servers in Eastern USA, is it safe to assume that Jung Ma (a borderline well populated server) is going to be my goto server? Or is there going to be a removal/change/blurring of the RP-PVP designations?


2) This has probably been answered already somewhere, but: If I decide to transfer 1 or 2 characters and leave 4 others on my origin world, would I later be able move the other 4 as part of this free exodus?

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Try reading the quote. I said "as long as they don't procrastinate." You were saying? Basically, if you want to transfer so badly, do it and get it over with. If you are lazy and wait, you have nobody to blame but yourselves.


Yes but with that you can not do it if it is not out yet don't you get that.

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