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New Ops and Planets are a waste of time.


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Why in the world are you (Bioware) wasting *MY* (the Players) time implementing new operations and planets when what *I* REALLY want are mass more new warzones, world pvp and space pvp? omg!


fixed it for you, seeing as you do not represent my opinion.

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There's a new wz coming too...


That's means five wz in less then a year. More then enough.


Yes the number of WZs is nice- lets just hope they fix the population issues as well. But 5 WZs in less than a year is probably a record.

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its not all about pvp ... pvp is not more than 50% of the player base even though every one says it is. all the pvpers left with 1.2 with that said there is fixes needed to make pvp better and yes new content would be nice but to get mad over it is silly... yes i love to pvp but i love the pve side also.
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i want ranked warzones, and i want more population on the servers. Thats all... and a huge open world pvp map that is not Ium works to.. and a planet that serves a purpose for PVPer's rather than us just hanging out at the fleet... Another question is why dont they have PVP Vendors on different planets?? why must me just hang out at the fleet twiddling our thumbs, where 1. we cant even dual at.... 2. we are just straight up bored..


/ end rant

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Why in the world are you (Bioware) wasting our (the Players) time implementing new operations and planets when what we REALLY want are mass more new warzones, world pvp and space pvp? omg!


I am happy to see any new content myself, while I would like more pvp fixes I am happy to see a new planet and new Ops as well. You don't speak for everyone.

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