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I like to think of myself as a decent player and i get ranged classes are bad at this moment but why oh why does 95% of people playing ranged and melee in some cases back pedal? I counted through 9 games until i met someone who didn't back pedal. It is obvious that a lot of people playing are new to mmos can bioware make a video on how to strafe or even do the running away jumping instant cast technique (Didn't know how to phrase it) I am going to sounds arrogant here but i think it would benefit the pvp community if the people posting on here and in pvp were better at the game as face tanking shouldn't determine if a class is op and shouldn't be the way every ranged class plays 95% of the time.


Might as well. Not like you can get away from anyone halfway competent without completely exitting combat with a stealth class anyway.


I do it only to lure melee away from nodes so an ally can ninja in Wzs. But backpeddling doesn't make any different in terms of avoiding damage.

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Backing up has tons of uses, for me primarily it's positioning myself so my back is against something for when that inevitable bounce/push comes so that I dont go anywhere, or when I'm the one doing the pushing. Also to get a lil bit of distance for a saber throw/leap. Also for taunting and drawing enemies.


But by all means, all you 'leet morons, unbind your S key, because we all know that limiting and having fewer options is optimal...

Edited by Polebreaker
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I backpeddle to position myself better on edges. (Especially gunslinger and their bugged cover while standing on non-flat ground)

I backpeddle to juke people by running straight across them after they are on me.

I backpeddle to pull people where I want them to be pulled exactly. (IE : I pull someone in voidstar second room on my shadow and start backpeddling to spinning kick them off the edge (Faster then force wave to just spinning kick))

I backpeddle to keep moving while not outrunning someone slowed so I can keep healing them.

I backpeddle and jump at the same time I get force leaped putting me behind the knight/warrior instead of in front. Saving me a second of root.

I backpeddle with force speed to troll.

I backpeddle with my mount because it looks cooler. (Especially with a twi'lek)

I backpeddle while never moving forward or strafing on my level 18 trooper (no Advanced class) while being bare chested, bald, red mustache, type 3 and fighting only with legacy punches... because that's how real man level up their characters.


I have plenty of reasons to backpeddle. Other then that I strafe and move forward like I should.

Edited by snaplemouton
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It seems like the guys arguing against backpedaling actually thinks people use this to escape which may explain why they think this manuever is useless.


Backpedaling is very precise and this game is all about being very precise when it comes to range. Melee range is 4m. Smash range is 5m. Most PBAEs are 8m, and Charge requires 10m. Once you learn exactly where all the major range games are, you'll find yourself in a situation where you need to exactly back up one meter and it is far easier to tap 'S' twice than do a 180 degree turn, walk forward half a step, and then turn around 180 again facing exactly the same direction. In fact it's because backpedaling is slow that's why it's precise. You will never try to walk one meter of distance with Force Speed. It'd be a crazy thing to even attempt.


Also 3 of the WZ involves a stationary objective that must be guarded carefully, and no matter how awesome you think your team's communication might be, it is far easier to guard an objective when you can see it. Good attackers will always try to approach you from a way if you face them, you'd be looking away from your objectives. Here backpedaling gives you better visibilty to your objective at the cost of your ability to fight, but if the enemy has a stealth guy waiting for you to turn around, it may very well be worth it. Of course, if they actually don't have another guy hiding then you just hurt yourself, but no one ever said it's always correct to backpedal.

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Strafing is better for everything except when:


1) Positioning your back to avoid knockbacks and to do other minor adjustments.


2) Slow and steady re-positioning of the mob you are tanking in PvE content (a number of bosses and mobs will actually pull you back into their melee range / do some other attack if you move too far out of their range too quickly).


For EVERYTHING else, you can use strafing and do the same thing faster.

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Strafing is better for everything except when:


1) Positioning your back to avoid knockbacks and to do other minor adjustments.


2) Slow and steady re-positioning of the mob you are tanking in PvE content (a number of bosses and mobs will actually pull you back into their melee range / do some other attack if you move too far out of their range too quickly).


For EVERYTHING else, you can use strafing and do the same thing faster.


How is backpeddling better for those things you listed? Strafing can do the same thing if you control it by pressing and releasing quickly. Parrying/dodging is 360 degrees in this game, so no need for backpeddling to always face boss and move at same time.

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I like to think of myself as a decent player and i get ranged classes are bad at this moment but why oh why does 95% of people playing ranged and melee in some cases back pedal? I counted through 9 games until i met someone who didn't back pedal. It is obvious that a lot of people playing are new to mmos can bioware make a video on how to strafe or even do the running away jumping instant cast technique (Didn't know how to phrase it) I am going to sounds arrogant here but i think it would benefit the pvp community if the people posting on here and in pvp were better at the game as face tanking shouldn't determine if a class is op and shouldn't be the way every ranged class plays 95% of the time.


It depends what class I'm playing, but on any class that I have instants to use, I will draw people away from key points by simply walking backwards while I attack a melee in my face. It draws people to me like flies to a steaming pile of ...well...you get the idea. And then while I'm doing that my team members cap in NC or CW, or I draw them away from the ball carrier long enough to score in Huttball. As long as you're not trying to actually run away and you're still attacking people, who cares?

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It seems like the guys arguing against backpedaling actually thinks people use this to escape which may explain why they think this manuever is useless.


Backpedaling is very precise and this game is all about being very precise when it comes to range. Melee range is 4m. Smash range is 5m. Most PBAEs are 8m, and Charge requires 10m. Once you learn exactly where all the major range games are, you'll find yourself in a situation where you need to exactly back up one meter and it is far easier to tap 'S' twice than do a 180 degree turn, walk forward half a step, and then turn around 180 again facing exactly the same direction. In fact it's because backpedaling is slow that's why it's precise. You will never try to walk one meter of distance with Force Speed. It'd be a crazy thing to even attempt.


Also 3 of the WZ involves a stationary objective that must be guarded carefully, and no matter how awesome you think your team's communication might be, it is far easier to guard an objective when you can see it. Good attackers will always try to approach you from a way if you face them, you'd be looking away from your objectives. Here backpedaling gives you better visibilty to your objective at the cost of your ability to fight, but if the enemy has a stealth guy waiting for you to turn around, it may very well be worth it. Of course, if they actually don't have another guy hiding then you just hurt yourself, but no one ever said it's always correct to backpedal.


Good post. They need to change the title of this thread to bad players don't back peddle :D




I'll say it again rebinding 'S' key != back peddle. Too many people are confusing the two and have confused the two since the dawn of it's inception.


The reason you rebind the 'S' key is because of the valuable position it has with your finger positioning. Basically you should be using your most frequent abilities where they are most easily accessible. I'm amazed how may bads just don't get this then claim to be good because "they don't back peddle". It's about as bad as a scrub who joins a good guild and claims they are a pvp god because of the title under their name :rolleyes:


You want to back peddle for:

- Slight readjustment to your position (ranged getting to the cusp of their max range)

- Move backwards and not lose sight of your enemies (voidstar tunnel for charge and aoe mez)

- Baiting people for your ally to ninja cap. (Psycological trick. If you run, they know they won't catch you and won't be lured)


Remember kids: Just because you heard it regurgitated (wrongly) multiple times does not mean it's correct.

Edited by Orangerascal
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How is backpeddling better for those things you listed? Strafing can do the same thing if you control it by pressing and releasing quickly. Parrying/dodging is 360 degrees in this game, so no need for backpeddling to always face boss and move at same time.


It's easier to quickly tap backpeddle once to switch the position of your back, if you strafe, you actually need to move for a bit before getting the right positioning.


Some bosses, like the fabricator in Karagga's and several mobs in hardmodes will pull you back in if you move from them quickly (aka strafe), which is very disorienting for you while tanking and it makes it so you don't succeed in actually moving the mob to a better position. If you backpeddle, you will stay within range of the mob and it will move with you while it keeps melee attacking.


You can also use it for precise movement of bosses akin to Gharj (bosses with frontal cone aoe), if you backpeddle a bit, then move a bit forward again the boss will also move little bits so you can position him perfectly on a ledge.


Also, in a fight like SOA, you have your camera zoomed out completely to see the dropping pillars, so if you move to the pillar, then begin to backpeddle, you can have a perfect view of the pillar and place the boss exactly under it.

If you strafe, your position can be off due to camera movement.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Hey there folks,


We've gone ahead and done a bit of cleanup in the thread.


We get that you might get a bit spirited and passionate about your opinions, especially when they disagree with others in the discussion. However, we ask that you leave the rude comments and insults out of your posts and respectfully disagree with each other. Please note that threads that insist on discussion that is rude and disrespectful are closed, so let's keep things a bit more civil if we can.


Thanks for your understanding.


I understand why you had to clean up the rude posts, (just to be clear, I didn't report the rude fellow, I don't get offended by strangers calling me names on the internet). But by deleting his posts, and by extension, mine, (since he often quoted me, and I him) rather than editing them, you've essentially rendered my remaining posts unintelligible to any readers of this thread. Since I was quite polite and never resorted to any sort of rudeness, I find this unfair and counter productive to any sort of intelligent discussion. You, of course, have every right to do this given the rules of this forum. However, I would think think that any forum moderator would strive to encourage discussion rather than be a hindrance to it.

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No thanks. I prefer to use ESDF for movement. You feel free to use whatever you want.


Hehe... used that in Tribes (as it was in default). Confusing to switch between the two, but ESDF works just fine once you get used to it, and you DO get more keys in range of the left hand that way. Hmm... maybe I'll try switching back...

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Hehe... used that in Tribes (as it was in default). Confusing to switch between the two, but ESDF works just fine once you get used to it, and you DO get more keys in range of the left hand that way. Hmm... maybe I'll try switching back...


Lately Ive been trying ESF for movement and switching backpeddle to C, freeing up S for a frequently used core ability. In this way, backpeddle is there for the odd times it is useful, but it no longer takes up a valuable space that is better used by a more imporant ability.

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Or do we still have hundreds of people validating a bad thing?



Edited by Izola
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I like when people who backpedal also spell it "backpeddle", thus failing twicely, which is a word i just made up for this post.


If you are honestly interested in improving your gameplay, go to taugrim.com and read/watch his extensive guides on keybinding and strafing. If, after experiencing his perspective, you still think backpedaling is smart, then and only then eill you truly be bad.


The fact is, most of the people posting here do not understand how strafing works, which is not their fault. The game teaches new players an inefficient control setup. However it is their fault for not, upon hearing all this backpedal smacktalk, researching the matter themselves.

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I like to think of myself as a decent player and i get ranged classes are bad at this moment but why oh why does 95% of people playing ranged and melee in some cases back pedal? I counted through 9 games until i met someone who didn't back pedal. It is obvious that a lot of people playing are new to mmos can bioware make a video on how to strafe or even do the running away jumping instant cast technique (Didn't know how to phrase it) I am going to sounds arrogant here but i think it would benefit the pvp community if the people posting on here and in pvp were better at the game as face tanking shouldn't determine if a class is op and shouldn't be the way every ranged class plays 95% of the time.


ill back peddle if i want, and there isnt anything you can do about it. hell for kicks ill unbind all other types of movements so that i can only back pedal. and to top it off ill still probably beat you.

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I like when people who backpedal also spell it "backpeddle", thus failing twicely, which is a word i just made up for this post.


Backpeddle, back-peddle or back peddle is actually a term used in american football. Back pedal actually means to move the bicycle pedals in reverse. You're the one that's confused.


If you are honestly interested in improving your gameplay, go to taugrim.com and read/watch his extensive guides on keybinding and strafing. If, after experiencing his perspective, you still think backpedaling is smart, then and only then eill you truly be bad.


If reading Taugrim.com makes you a better player, so be it. Most good players already know or have known the things he states and even disagree with him on some aspects.


"backpedaling is smart, then and only then eill you truly be bad." ... is just foolish. Having the back key bounded gives you one more option. More options is a good thing. Don't make the newbie mistake of rebinding the 'S' key and take it as don't back peddle. The player with one more option the player without said option will have the advantage giving all things are equal. Simple game theory at work.


The fact is, most of the people posting here do not understand how strafing works, which is not their fault. The game teaches new players an inefficient control setup. However it is their fault for not, upon hearing all this backpedal smacktalk, researching the matter themselves.


Most people do understand how strafing works. You don't understand how backpeddling can be beneficial and you act all elitists about it just because you have mistakenly interpreted: "Rebind the 'S' key" (which no one in this thread will refute). It's sad you don't take your own advice: 'researching the matter themselves'.


Tanks and RDPS have a perfectly good excuse for backpeddling which has been mentioned multiple times in a this thread.

Edited by Orangerascal
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This aint Wow, back peddaling is not bad , the camera in this game is broken, there is no "casting" in this game

because there are no lol magicians or lolclerics or loldragons

Ranged classes are not bad at all at this moment in fact they are still better tah melee

You not only sounded arrogant but narrowminded and short of ideas to sound funny in this forum


lost me at backpeddling is not bad.

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Backpeddle is a misspelling of the word backpedal. The misspelling was popularized by illiterate football coaches. Since america is by and large less educated than the rest of the world, we just picked it up, and so here we are today. Serious. Google the word backpeddle. Its not hard. Tl;dr youre wrong. Get used to it.


Next. If you cant see that wasting keyboard real estate by binding a 50% slow is just plain stupid, then im certainly not going to arguewith you or anyone else who prefers making bad choices. Im serious. Do what you want. I put a lot of time and effort into my setup. I did that because i saw clearly that the setup provided to me in wow-style mmos was inefficient. If youre not seeing things that way i dont know what to tell you.


Its also weird that you think you know what goes on in my head. Trust me you havent a clue. Not remotely.


Next. Clearly there is a huge portion of the community that does NOT have access to the kind of information i linked to in taugrims guides. Its weird that you had a problem with me giving people access to information that would help them. But then, this is swtor forums. The fact that this thread even exists just proves what kind of intelligence roams these halls.

Edited by maticlandarr
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