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A new level cap just might be the gamebreaker for me


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As long as the level cap isn't raised for another year or so, I'm fine with it. But it's way to early to be raising the level cap in this game. WoW went about 2 years or so until they raised the cap. This game is barely out 7 months and they already are talking about it.
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Yes i am serius.


let me clarify, swtor isnt a balanced game there are many issues and most are known and well understood, however steps are taken to improve the state of the game and till the level cap increase happens more will, i consider 75% of that work lost the remaining 25% is the experience gained from the developers.


I quit wow sometime in the middle of burning crusade simple because of this design philosophy, blizzard did and most likely bioware will too copy that philosophy, I am talking about scubing all old content every year and a half, countless hours of writing, designing and balancing content will be obselete overnight and wont serve for any purpose other than codex entries.


At this point i wont stick around to see if they will rework EV and KP to work for whatever the new level cap is gonna be and i doupt they will rework on anything else either, i ll just stay if the allieviate the population issue till the fellow pvers go to the 'content will be obselete in xx <time> so we dont need to do operations' mode.


I think you are really hopefull that they will do but i just assume they wont cause it would be a lot of work to keep a game tidy and proper that they could use to toss out the shiny and the new, i guess we will find out in about 3-4 months.


The devs will make all changes to balance whilst taking the level cap increase thats coming into account thus nothing will be lost. 99% of % are made up on the spot. Also if a level cap is coming minus an expantion tied to it then you can assume that some action is going to be made to keep current operations competative OR we have a shed load of new endgame content coming FREE without an expantion whilst at the same time expecting an expantion to come. So win win. Flashpoint heroics dont come into this as we can simply assume heroic versions of flashpoints will simply be hicked up to what the new level cap shall be.

Edited by Shingara
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adding more levels, skills, items and content ect is a gamebreaker for you is it.............. ok then


Maybe he like just standing on the feet? Why have something to work for when you can be in the best place EVER the fleet. J/K

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I have played games that increased level cap and the game was better for it, i have seen games where a level cap increase was required and it never happend and it was hurt by it ( trying to stick everything in at top level) but the fact remains that if bioware sees the fact that they have to increase level cap then they obviously have a solid reason for it, be it balancing, adding to crafting, sorting out how normals, heroics and nightmares work.


The reason i think they have done it though and which makes absolute total sense to me and probably will to you when i say it, a better buffer for people doing other things then planet and class quests only. Group finder is coming, as such people will be bouncing between flashpoints and there planet quests, most of us said that we got to top level way to fast and this could be what there doing to aleviate that.


I wouldnt mind it taking me twice as long to hit top level aslong as i was always active and not farming, and having a real reason todo flashpoints, space dailys and pvp as i leveled. Your just looking it from a now top level perspective, but look at it from a you never touched this game perspective. The game is young enough for this to hit with this type of change.


From a new game perspecitve I can agree with you. I'll still probably slack and just gear my companions blue for the time being. There is a difference between trying to collect the best stuff available and just getting ready to face the new stuff and move on. I'll probably go for that on several alts instead of trying to "finish" one.

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I personally agree taht it is not time for a level cap yet... but for different easons.


1. Slower leveling people: I bought the game later than launch... long story that is not relevant.. With my life I am a casual player that has not touched endgame... I assumed I would have some time to get there and enjoy what has traditionally been my favorite part of MMOs. (your opinion may vary). If I am getting to endgame just a few months before a level cap is raised... then I am not sure I will keep playing. Although it is fun it is not fun enough for me... (people who disagree keep playing... different game preferences does not make me a troll and no game can please everyone(


2. Grouping: As it stands... it is hard enough to find a group for anything... Server merges might help but... well the more levels there are the harder it is to find groups for leveling content.


3. current endgame: It is part of the MMO cycle that endgame becomes obsolete... but this feels way to early... didn't we just have a new operation?


Granted... this is just one persons opinion... (other than reason two).. and if it is just 5 levels and current endgame just gets easier but is still the gear up stuff ofr the new ones then ok... but I am concerned by adding new levels this early in the games life.

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MMO's evolve. Your pretty gear will eventually get replaced as more powerfull stuff gets added to the game. If that's a gamebreaker you're playing in the wrong genre. Honestly, I think at least half of the people complaining are complaining about typical MMORPG mechanics and would be better off playing Sims or something.
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Welcome to MMOs!


It's probably just going to be a 5 level cap. Maybe introduce some new things in the talent trees, and one or two new skills for everyone. It'll probably only have one new gear set too. Just level 65 mods or something. Since we already have pretty powerful gear, I doubt it will change that much. New set bonuses might change things though.


I'm looking forward to it honestly. I bet my guildies would like to see it too. We were just talking about how even though we might get some new operation, we didn't really feel like it would be progressing.


Too bad this is likely fairly far out for this year. I can't imagine this is all coming in 1.3. Maybe 1.4.

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MMO's evolve. Your pretty gear will eventually get replaced as more powerfull stuff gets added to the game. If that's a gamebreaker you're playing in the wrong genre. Honestly, I think at least half of the people complaining are complaining about typical MMORPG mechanics and would be better off playing Sims or something.


"MMO's evolve" Dear god I wish that statement was true. Instead of the mire of stagnant clones we really have. I'm starting to feel like a broken record but if you honestly things that an MMO can not have progress that builds on what you already have instead of rewinding every year or so you only played one very limited type baed on the Everquest/WoW principle.

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Current end game gear have lv 61 mods in it. They'll still be viable.


Those mods are made for a level 50 to have at level 50 end game content. Not a level 55 or 60 to have at 55/60 end game content, which those mods will be anywhere from item level 70+

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MMO's evolve. Your pretty gear will eventually get replaced as more powerfull stuff gets added to the game. If that's a gamebreaker you're playing in the wrong genre. Honestly, I think at least half of the people complaining are complaining about typical MMORPG mechanics and would be better off playing Sims or something.

They key word is eventually... this game has been out less than a year.

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I think people tend to forget that E3 is a little different then a PAX East type game showing. E3 is just as much of a showing for shareholders as it is for us gamers. These videos are to show the shareholders what the companies and developers are working on the remaining half of the year and to spark some interest in us, the gamers. This preview video wasn't a showing of the content coming in the next month or two. This was a preview of what some of the team has been working on and will be available over the remaining half of the year if not even first quarter of 2013. So when they announce a new flashpoint, planet, operation, warzone, etc. that means a variety of things. We already know we are getting server transfers in the next few weeks. We could see HK-51 along with the new operation in 1.4...New Flashpoint and Warzone in 1.5...New Race and Space Missions 1.6. Also this isn't a place where the developer is going to show you everything. They have so much more that they didn't show in that trailer. If they showed us everything then for the next 6-8 months we would never get a new update on anything. Not to mention the new Nightmare Modes that Ray talked about before the trailer. That could mean we may see Nightmare Mode Flashpoints for the level increase or new Nightmare Mode EV, for example, for the increased level. They did say they were going to revamp all the Nightmare Modes. This level cap won't come out till December at the earliest. By that time we will know so much more then what we know now. They also stated that this is a content preview not an expansion preview. This is just to wet our tongues and to speculate. I personally can't wait to see what's in store and what else they aren't telling us.
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The problems with raising a level cap, esp. this early in the game's lifespan go beyond gear progression.


1) What will happen with skill trees and what new abilities will be added? How will these affect the tuning of the current ops? How will these effect pvp balance?


2) With ranked warzones coming, what will happen with the 50+ bracket? Many pvpers already complain about the steep gear and learning curve jumping into pvp as a fresh 50. What's going to happen with those fresh 50s when they have to face L55s in WH+ gear?


3) Additionally, ranked warzones haven't even been implemented yet, and we'll be going into pre-season with 1.3. So if level caps are supposed to hit by the end of the year and we're already midway through, that doesn't give pre-mades too much time to establish real rankings. What will be the overall effects on ranked warzones and their implementation?


4) All of these new players the 1-15 trial (allegedly) brings in will be looking to hit 50, and most of them I'm willing to bet will hit 50 right around the time the level cap is raised. What will that do to retaining these players as subscribers?


5) The new planet sounds cool, but what about Ilum? Is that going to remain Georg and Gabe's skeleton in the closet forever?


6) What about current dailies? Most of the normal ones are ridiculously easy, and most people can solo the Heroic 2s. How much easier will it be to farm those dailies with an increased level cap? Will they have to introduce yet another specialized currency? Will they increase the daily comm requirement for new gear? Will the new L55 tier gear require months of grinding dailies?

Edited by Phrase
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The problems with raising a level cap, esp. this early in the game's lifespan go beyond gear progression.


1) What will happen with skill trees and what new abilities will be added? How will these affect the tuning of the current ops? How will these effect pvp balance?

Either they will add new skills or it will allow for better hybrid builds

2) With ranked warzones coming, what will happen with the 50+ bracket? Many pvpers already complain about the steep gear and learning curve jumping into pvp as a fresh 50. What's going to happen with those fresh 50s when they have to face L55s in WH+ gear?

If expertise which to my knowledge can only be gained at lvl 50 is effected by the gear level up system within warzones then there should be little to no issue with it, also normal pvp will still be played which should be easier.

3) And since ranked warzones haven't even been implemented yet, and we'll be going into pre-season with 1.3. So if level caps are supposed to hit by the end of the year and we're already midway through, that doesn't give pre-mades too much time to establish real rankings. What will be the overall effects on ranked warzones and their implementation?

As its going to be seasoned sets then it should have little to no effect and i would suspect when the increase comes that there will be an off season whilst we level up and also could see the battleground level up system making it competative still with the groups of 50-? lvl player bracket.

4) All of these new players the 1-15 trial (allegedly) brings in will be looking to hit 50, and most of them I'm willing to bet will hit 50 right around the time the level cap is raised. What will that do to retaining these players as subscribers?

more then likley the exact same things they will be doing to retain us.


5) The new planet sounds cool, but what about Ilum? Is that going to remain Georg and Gabe's skeleton in the closet forever?

From what i understand its being reworked but its a very good question


6) What about current dailies? Most of the normal ones are ridiculously easy, and most people can solo the Heroic 2s. How much easier will it be to farm those dailies with an increased level cap? Will they have to introduce yet another specialized currency? Will they increase the daily comm requirement for new gear? Will the new L55 tier gear require months of grinding dailies?


i could see it being adapted with new rewards within it that allows for the tokens to be done daily from the current unlock point and played through to the new level cap whatever that shall be with new dailys unlocked from the higher planets.


My thoughts in blue.

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I agree with the OP. The level cap is WAYYYY to SOON. Even if it doesn't come out until December it's way too soon. This game has yet to fully establish itself. I mean really a lot of people probably don't even feel too connected to their characters, playtime, or their account.


Hell WoW didn't even raise their level cap until 2 years after it's initial release and we're getting one possibly in 1 year or less after release?


Then again Blizzard didn't have the same problems Bioware are having right now. I see what they're doing. The 1.4 patch is going to be a fresh start, level cap, new species and more content.

Edited by kuromeru
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yeah this is coming way too soon. I mean you can't even use the current war hero gear (ranked) from the pvp vendors because you don't have ratings in yet so by the time that stuff is useable by us it will already be time to grind out new lvls and comms to purchase the new pvp gear. WTH is bioware thinking? The game is filled with bugs, has issues with content, and they decide to boost the lvl cap? absolutely insane. Can hardly wait for the rest of the people on my server to stop playing since its pointless if a new lvl cap is coming before the end of the year...Im sure while players are taking their breaks they will find something more interesting to play. Way to finish killing off your population bioware. Leave the damned level cap alone.
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Dude....I left my 50 at a low populated server. I'm cool with going back and leveling it up just to get to the next highest level.....OH WAIT WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!?! GO BACK TO A DEAD SERVER???? I WONDER HOW MANY OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT DO THAT?




New content allways = MORE THINGS TO DO......which = more population on servers.

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New level cap combined with single character server transfer is just the ticket to get these old crotchety servers running again. And then they'll have a better picture of which ones to shut down when full server merges are ready. Edited by TheNevet
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Then again Blizzard didn't have the same problems Bioware are having right now. I see what they're doing. The 1.4 patch is going to be a fresh start, level cap, new species and more content.


More and less. Unless they come up with a way for these current raids to scale to the new level cap people will have less raid content.


People that will be around when the new level cap hits better hope BW knows what they are doing.

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1) What will happen with skill trees and what new abilities will be added? How will these affect the tuning of the current ops? How will these effect pvp balance?

Either they will add new skills or it will allow for better hybrid builds

My only concern with this is the fact that some classes have way better synergy in their trees than other classes. Take, for example, some of the previous problems we've seen with players who were able to build unkillable heal/dps hybrids and the current controversy with tank assassins. I think BW needs to focus on getting their current house in order before they add anything to any class.


2) With ranked warzones coming, what will happen with the 50+ bracket? Many pvpers already complain about the steep gear and learning curve jumping into pvp as a fresh 50. What's going to happen with those fresh 50s when they have to face L55s in WH+ gear?

If expertise which to my knowledge can only be gained at lvl 50 is effected by the gear level up system within warzones then there should be little to no issue with it, also normal pvp will still be played which should be easier.

As it stands now, Expertise is on a linear progression scale which means there is no DR when stacking this stat. So either BW adds little incremental increases to Expertise in the next tier, which runs the risk of becoming pointless to grind; or BW adds enough Expertise gain for the set to be worthwhile to grind and the poor sods in Recruit might as well be wearing green drops.


4) All of these new players the 1-15 trial (allegedly) brings in will be looking to hit 50, and most of them I'm willing to bet will hit 50 right around the time the level cap is raised. What will that do to retaining these players as subscribers?

more then likley the exact same things they will be doing to retain us.

What worries me here is the player who logs in in June, gets hooked on the game, and sets his or her sights on 50, only to be turned off by the fact that as soon as he or she hits "endgame" there's a brand new endgame to hit. Psychologically for a new player, he or she might feel slighted rather than feeling that sense of accomplishment.


6) What about current dailies? Most of the normal ones are ridiculously easy, and most people can solo the Heroic 2s. How much easier will it be to farm those dailies with an increased level cap? Will they have to introduce yet another specialized currency? Will they increase the daily comm requirement for new gear? Will the new L55 tier gear require months of grinding dailies?


i could see it being adapted with new rewards within it that allows for the tokens to be done daily from the current unlock point and played through to the new level cap whatever that shall be with new dailys unlocked from the higher planets.

This is what worries me most, b/c BWs track record indicates they'll add yet another currency, and this was one of the problems with grinding pvp gear early in the game. How many more currencies will I need to keep track of? How many will become obsolete? I mean I have 47 Belsavis comms that are absolutely worthless to me.


I do appreciate your reply, and I do hope BW considers these issues as well. I'm certainly glad they're adding new content and they're committed to growing the game. I just hope they don't err too far the other way and over-develop the game too quickly.

Edited by Phrase
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I see the level cap as a good thing in a way for this game.


Bioware appears to be attempting to start fresh...


...and even though they might not get back the players that left already...


They can still appease the ones still playing.


I just really wish they would do something about this tedious social grind.

Edited by Tiaa
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The idea that there is no reason to do anything in game now if they're just going to raise the cap later is not a valid argument. If you're not enjoying what you're doing in the game right now, you shouldn't be doing it anyway.


Progression is meant to be secondary to enjoyment. If you're putting gearing over fun, you're doing it wrong.

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I've been playing this game without getting involved in the doomsaying or complaints for a long time now even while I watche activity on the server slowly melt away. But I got to say the anouncment of a raised level cap absolutely stunned me. Unless I'm missing something here it seems the worst possible move. Right now the servers suffer from players waiting till things get fixed. In my experience the anouncement of raised level caps usualy slowed down current raiding to a crawl since everyone knows their equip will be outdated within two levels anyway.

In my case my current motivation was working on all my crafting profesions, reverse engineering so I could outfit all my companions with purple gear (this is already inferior to just raiding and using leftover Columni but I just PVP..) but what's the point now? It's a ton of work to reverse engineer just the right purples and now I know they won't be good for long. I'm not even sure it is worth grinding PVP for War Hero gear now as I asume there will be new sets at the new cap.

I will say that I'm looking forward to more story but essentialy these news tell me "sit back, wait for the expansion to hit."

This is always the case with such anouncement but in a game already lacking player activity this just doesn't feel like a good idea.


I can't really share your concerns to be honest. Personally, I am not collecting the best possible engame gear for myself and my companions to pose around the fleet or starter planets with it and also not to feel almost invincible when doing dailies. It is a tool you need in order to dive your progression into deeper difficulty levels. So from my personal standpoint I will not stop knowing there will be a reset but I will keep on progressing until the very last day, because I love the progression. There is absolutely no point in owning the best possible gear just for the sake of having it.


Apart from that, I am looking forward to the level cap increase and to new class story elements. I really don't understand why people are complaining about adding another five levels to the game. I have really enjoyed such kinds of expansions in other games. What is bad about it? Are people upset about the gear reset? It is a very positive thing to dig out characters you have achieved everything possible with and actually level them again, raise professions again, get new gear again. It's some fresh wind, guys.

Edited by syntxerr
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Ive been lvl 50 for a week and am already bored. I already have full epics except for 3 slots. My companions are pretty decked out (some with pvp blues others with a epics) didnt take long. I would rather them raise the level cap and give us new and interesting content then give us nothing. Its also a great way to encourage new players into the game now so theycan catch up to 50 and get involved in new content.
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I understand how the OP feels. 10-12 months is to soon to be increasing the level cap. Btw new content and items can be increased without increasing level cap! Why not just release this new content and gear as Tier 3 for level 50s?
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