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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A new level cap just might be the gamebreaker for me


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So you should be used to it by now. This level extension is only 4 or 5 levels, and nothing is going to be made obsolete. New gear, new story content, new planet, new combat abilities, and a new companion. I've seen the stats on most existing high level gear from Ops/PvP Warzones/etc., and a lot of it is already rated for level 62. So quite honestly, I don't see a huge problem with new PvE content raising the cap by a few levels to 54 or 55. It has happened in the vast majority of all games you've listed. If you came in late to those games, I can understand your confusion, however. Even CoH started out at level 40 with their cap. And STO is dead in space, so it doesn't even count, anymore.


Also, EVE has made so many "level extensions" since it launched with new ships/skills, it's unreal. The main difference is, EVE is a very high risk game compared to this one.



City of Heroes was not gear based. Not to mention everyone knew 50 was going to be cap even back when 40 was cap. We knew it would be the introduction of Kheldians and we couldn't wait. EvE did not start until it was a well established game, which I have no problems with.

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I don't see why. Raising level caps in other MMOs has NEVER...EVER... resulted in making anything "obsolete". EVER.


Lets go do 40 man Naxx. Thats one that is obsolete.


Now the rest are just joke runs that people do without even having to try and only do for achievements and vanity gear. In other words removing the need to be alive to complete the OPS will make it obsolete.

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City of Heroes was not gear based. Not to mention everyone knew 50 was going to be cap even back when 40 was cap. We knew it would be the introduction of Kheldians and we couldn't wait. EvE did not start until it was a well established game, which I have no problems with.


My point is, this cap extension coming up is not going to break the game. 4 or maybe 5 levels is nothing compared to some I've seen with 10 to 20 level jumps. EQ was notorious for those.

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At E3 they said transfers within 2 weeks so id bet they are testing mass transfer with the pts right now. double test and all that.


You really think they are testing mass transfers when they have you sign up for the PTR in advance. If they had mass transfers ready they would have a system similiar to WoW where you load up the PTR and anyone can request a transfer and have it within a few hours. Bioware needs advance notice so they can do in manually because they are clueless on doing anything.

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My point is, this cap extension coming up is not going to break the game. 4 or maybe 5 levels is nothing compared to some I've seen with 10 to 20 level jumps. EQ was notorious for those.


It all depends on what those 5 levels does for endgame. If it invalidates everything where people who were enjoying it/didn’t yet get to experience it yet then it can be game breaking for people who were slowly working toward it and don't want to be going back to leveling on a yearly basis. If the old endgame stays useful, and people are still doing it and level 50 epics aren't replaced by level 51 greens... then yes it wont make a difference.


If old endgame becomes useless then it will make a HUGE difference for peoplw who don't want to go back to leveling on a yearly basis.


It all depends on what part of the game you like... If you are only playing for story or the level up game then you will love this... if you want endgame then a level cap increase is a major blow to your enjoyment.

Edited by Crazy_Person
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You really think they are testing mass transfers when they have you sign up for the PTR in advance. If they had mass transfers ready they would have a system similiar to WoW where you load up the PTR and anyone can request a transfer and have it within a few hours. Bioware needs advance notice so they can do in manually because they are clueless on doing anything.


In a previous Community Q&A we talked about character transfers, and announced that they were coming in early summer. Character transfers are a complex process, but we're almost ready to go. Starting next week on June 12th, 2012, we’re allowing character transfers to occur between selected servers in order to provide a better gameplay experience for our players by ensuring population balance across the service.


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Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Lets go do 40 man Naxx. Thats one that is obsolete.


Not for those that are at Naxx level. So, not obsolete. Moving endgame content to leveling content does not make it obsolete.


And if you only have one character, then it doesn't matter. You do it while at that level, and move on.

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it all depends on what those 5 levels does for endgame. If it invalidates everything where people who were enjoying it/didn’t yet get to experience it yet then it can be game breaking for people who were slowly working toward it and don't want to be going back to leveling on a yearly basis. If the old endgame stays useful, and people are still doing it and level 50 epics aren't replaced by level 51 greens... Then yes it won't make a difference. It all depends on what part of the game you like... If you are only playing for story or the level up game then you will love this...



Edited by Iscariotone
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Not for those that are at Naxx level. So, not obsolete. Moving endgame content to leveling content does not make it obsolete.


And if you only have one character, then it doesn't matter. You do it while at that level, and move on.


Yes it does...


getting a 40 man group together is hard enough at endgame when it is the top level... getting that for a level up thing is near impossible. People aren't going to cordinate that for a level up game. One of the biggest problems this game has is group quests are hard to get going... now 20 man level up stuff? is not happening.


That arguement would be valid when a 2nd opp that is designed for people with gear from the 1st comes out... old gear is no longer the best but it is a step toward it... old raids are pretty much completly skipped.



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You really think they are testing mass transfers when they have you sign up for the PTR in advance. If they had mass transfers ready they would have a system similiar to WoW where you load up the PTR and anyone can request a transfer and have it within a few hours. Bioware needs advance notice so they can do in manually because they are clueless on doing anything.


QFT and read the news updates TROLL

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It all depends on what those 5 levels does for endgame. If it invalidates everything where people who were enjoying it/didn’t yet get to experience it yet then it can be game breaking for people who were slowly working toward it and don't want to be going back to leveling on a yearly basis. If the old endgame stays useful, and people are still doing it and level 50 epics aren't replaced by level 51 greens... then yes it won't make a difference. It all depends on what part of the game you like... If you are only playing for story or the level up game then you will love this...


And you're making the common mistake of comparing endgame to levelling content. When these changes go into effect and the level cap goes up, formerly endgame content becomes levelling content, and new endgame content for the level cap is THEN going to be endgame content. Also, I see BioWare ramping up current endgame content to supplement new endgame content. It's now a case of "Wait And See". BioWare has been a solid developer for quite a number of years already. And personally, I had no problem with the ending of Mass Effect 3. It worked well as an old man telling his grandchild a story. Buzz Aldrin just made it even better.

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Yes it does...


getting a 40 man group together is hard enough at endgame when it is the top level... getting that for a level up thing is near impossible. People aren't going to cordinate that for a level up game. One of the biggest problems this game has is group quests are hard to get going... now 20 man level up stuff? is not happening.


That arguement would be valid when a 2nd opp that is designed for people with gear from the 1st comes out... old gear is no longer the best but it is a step toward it... old raids are pretty much completly skipped.




And where's the 40-man Op in TOR?

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Not for those that are at Naxx level. So, not obsolete. Moving endgame content to leveling content does not make it obsolete.


And if you only have one character, then it doesn't matter. You do it while at that level, and move on.


What sort of backwards twisted world are you living in? Finding a group for old raids is nearly impossible once the raid has become obsolete. Even now it's damn difficult to find a raid group for anything from Wrath because of the level cap raise in Cataclysm, which I might add also only has a five level increase in the cap, but the stat inflation is astronomical.


Same will hold true for TOR. Wasted operations collecting dust.

Edited by Bluerodian
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And where's the 40-man Op in TOR?


The point stands... it is hard enough to get a group of four together, much less an opps group.... much less an opps group that knows what they are doing so you can complete it on a harder difficulty.

And you're making the common mistake of comparing endgame to levelling content. When these changes go into effect and the level cap goes up, formerly endgame content becomes levelling content, and new endgame content for the level cap is THEN going to be endgame content. Also, I see BioWare ramping up current endgame content to supplement new endgame content. It's now a case of "Wait And See". BioWare has been a solid developer for quite a number of years already. And personally, I had no problem with the ending of Mass Effect 3. It worked well as an old man telling his grandchild a story. Buzz Aldrin just made it even better.


People are not going to be running opperations to level.. it is hard enough to get a group for a 4 man flashpoint, or heroic... the trouble needed to get an opps group when the rewards aren't as good as outside of it will be impossible or near it. Old 4 man content (outside of hms that people probably won't bother with) will become levveling content yes... but opperations and old PVP gear will be useless.


Plenty of players were hoping the level cap would only go up wth an expansion... and that the expansion wouldn't come out for over a year. Raiseing the level cap this soon is a huge blow for people who wanted to have fun at level 50, where there fun will not hae the rewards if they do someone find a group of people to do opps with.

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I hate to use WoW as an example but it is a good example.


Look at the old raid. Would anyone run it anymore other than "nostalgia?" How many people can you get it to run it? would people run it?


With the low population, it is already hard for regular server to get a group to run HM FP. Can you imagine when those content can be skip (and gear) and just go to 55 which probably have better gear than epic 50s?


WoW did this and keep doing it and the old content people don't run it anymore. They just whiz by to get to the end. Why run an op at level 50 to get a gear when level 52 gear is BETTER than Black hole gear (it could be usually top tier gear is about 2-3 levels better than that level)


City of Heroes kept it at level 50. What you can do is have BETTER gear but require to run OLDER Ops (like Eternity vault and such) in order to run later gear.


This will also prevent "breaking" of skills or balance. It is hard enough to balance the skill tree we have already. Can you imagine if this trend continue (like WoW) what is max? 80? 85? each expansion raise the level cap by 5. That is a LOT of skill point. I can probably get two top tier by then or get enough to really make it unbalance.


then SWTOR have to balance PvP again on creating new brackets. sub 50 and above 50 or even 50-60, 61-70, 71-80? etc etc.


it is better to figure out now then have to "revamp" the skill system like WoW did since they gotten so high level now.

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The point stands... it is hard enough to get a group of four together, much less an opps group.... much less an opps group that knows what they are doing so you can complete it on a harder difficulty.


So, basically, your point only stands if server transfers weren't happening on the 12th. And only for PuGers. Gotcha.



People are not going to be running opperations to level.. it is hard enough to get a group for a 4 man flashpoint, or heroic... the trouble needed to get an opps group when the rewards aren't as good as outside of it will be impossible or near it. Old 4 man content (outside of hms that people probably won't bother with) will become levveling content yes... but opperations and old PVP gear will be useless.


Plenty of players were hoping the level cap would only go up wth an expansion... and that the expansion wouldn't come out for over a year. Raiseing the level cap this soon is a huge blow for people who wanted to have fun at level 50, where there fun will not hae the rewards if they do someone find a group of people to do opps with.


And yet, people do all the time in EQ2.

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And yet, people do all the time in EQ2.


That's because EQ2s raids and rewards scale. TOR's and WoW's don't. Did you miss that point? Not to mention EQ2 has a mentoring system, something else WoW and TOR lack.

Edited by Bluerodian
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That's because EQ2s raids and rewards scale. TOR's and WoW's don't. Did you miss that point? Not to mention EQ2 has a mentoring system, something else WoW and TOR lack.


So, instead of railing against a GREAT thing that BioWare is doing, ask for it to be scaled and work like EQ2.


Seems like a no-brainer to me...

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That's because EQ2s raids and rewards scale. TOR's and WoW's don't. Did you miss that point? Not to mention EQ2 has a mentoring system, something else WoW and TOR lack.


Wait ... $oE does something better than Blizz or BW? :eek:

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So, instead of railing against a GREAT thing that BioWare is doing, ask for it to be scaled and work like EQ2.


Seems like a no-brainer to me...


People have been asking about those things. Bioware has summarily ignored them.


Wait ... $oE does something better than Blizz or BW? :eek:


Surprising as it may be, yeah. It seems the devs currently in charge of EQ2 actually give a damn. I know that more than a few like to get involved whenever there are events going on in Antonia Bayle, even going so far as to alter the zone in favor of the player-made events.

Edited by Bluerodian
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The point stands... it is hard enough to get a group of four together, much less an opps group.... much less an opps group that knows what they are doing so you can complete it on a harder difficulty.



People are not going to be running opperations to level.. it is hard enough to get a group for a 4 man flashpoint, or heroic... the trouble needed to get an opps group when the rewards aren't as good as outside of it will be impossible or near it. Old 4 man content (outside of hms that people probably won't bother with) will become levveling content yes... but opperations and old PVP gear will be useless.


Plenty of players were hoping the level cap would only go up wth an expansion... and that the expansion wouldn't come out for over a year. Raiseing the level cap this soon is a huge blow for people who wanted to have fun at level 50, where there fun will not hae the rewards if they do someone find a group of people to do opps with.


Where does it say this new expansion/content update is coming out this month or even next month? It's only slated before the end of the year. They have plenty of time to get stuff ironed out, and they have quite a bit more experience with their engine and this game in general than they had at launch.

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People have been asking about those things. Bioware has summarily ignored them.


So ask them, instead, to go backwards? Rail and rant against something GREAT just because something else isn't quite up to your standards?


Seems anti-productive to me.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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That's because EQ2s raids and rewards scale. TOR's and WoW's don't. Did you miss that point? Not to mention EQ2 has a mentoring system, something else WoW and TOR lack.


In the event that th rewards scale, and the old opps serve as entry level gear to the new ones... then the point i made is less valid... allthough the point of casual players wanting to expierence endgame and not go b back to leveling on an annual basis stands. The situation I am seeing is that every year it is a new 5 levels and oldl endgame that many didn't get to do as much as they wanted to is obsolete.


The fun that comes with long term teams, pvp competition... you just aren't going to find that while leveling up.

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That's because EQ2s raids and rewards scale. TOR's and WoW's don't. Did you miss that point? Not to mention EQ2 has a mentoring system, something else WoW and TOR lack.


Tor is planning on having a "mentoring" system, Something about apprentice and master.


And we dont really know anything about the level cap, we dont know when it is coming, we dont know if they will scale ops and fps up or make them scaleable.

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