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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A new level cap just might be the gamebreaker for me


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Raising the level cap is a GREAT idea! It moves the current endgame content (which people are calling boring now, anyway, due to doing it so much) to leveling content (which means it WON'T be skipped), and introduces brand new endgame content! :D


Does Bioware write this for you or do you actually write it yourself?


IT removes the usefullness of all preexisting end game content. Yes the new leveling content will be new and people wont skip it but how long do you think that will honestly last? It wont last more than a week. So in exchange for a week worth of new content they basically remove other content from anyone that hits 50 after the cap increase.


Brand new end game content? They cut thier staff and everything is soon,soon,soon and we cant get any info from them but for some reason now you think with less people they are going to be able to add more content now.


Just think of now much more content they would have if they didnt raise the level cap. They would still have all the old endgame and then add in the new ops/flashpoints etc. They would still have all the new planet quests and all the new class quests and tie it into getting HK so players will need to do 90%+ of them.


SO adding that content without raising the cap would add all that content, adding the same content and raising the level cap will add all that content while losing previous end game content. Tell me which is a better deal?


You cant include them making old 50 flashpoints upgraded to 55 because that will not be new content. All it will be is wasted time on something they didnt need to do all because they wasted more time on something they didnt need to do, when they could have been fixing bugs and adding in other new content instead.


Maybe you can yell down the hallway and let them know that.

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For people who are stuck on dead servers, or rerolled but haven't reached end game, a level cap increase so soon is a slap in the face. BioWare needs to fix the populations so that people can do the content as it is before raising the levels and making all current end game obsolete.
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mmo level cap increases are just a part of mmo life, happens in most all mmo's after a while. since we really don't know much about the increase like how many levels, I am going to make a guess of 5, if it is not a paid level cap increase, I don't know how the class stories will work around this if at all, maybe just a world quest planet, I don't really know and I do not like to speculate allot.


I would not worry until it comes out and see how it goes, you might find it fun and extending you time here in Tor and maybe not.. The down side of a level cap increases, most of the time makes everything you have quested for useless, just another treadmill to keep some of us playing.

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For people who are stuck on dead servers, or rerolled but haven't reached end game, a level cap increase so soon is a slap in the face. BioWare needs to fix the populations so that people can do the content as it is before raising the levels and making all current end game obsolete.


But raising the level cap will bring people back in droves and encourage a ton of new subs. :rolleyes:

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It's not as simple as you think.


1. They have to adjust the encounters for the level 55 cap

2. They have adjust the loot drops to account for a stat increase that comes with the level 55 cap.


And that doesn't solve the problem for the people who already have gear from the Ops and FPs.


For 1, they would only have to adjust heroic flashpoints to lvl 55 and they could get away with only setting operations we have now at 55 from the heroic and nightmare modes of them.


For 2, They only have to adjust mods and mods that are placed within sets and weapons etc from within the heroics and the operations, they wouldnt have to manually adjust every single item stat by stat.


For your final point, its null, the same effect would be felt via adding the next tier of operations in the fact that they would then have to get out of there old gear and into the new gear or token gear gotten from the new operation. the only difference is that there is more levels between the old operation and the new operations. Also if its only 5 lvls then then its not beyond the realms of beleivable that the ops gear they have will be usable still after 5 levels.

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You realize that it will make all the current end game content obsolete. So, they will have to come up with a whole set of new end-game content -- new OPs, new FPs, new dailies. That's a LOT of work for a content patch.


Who would not want that in game?


All those things you listed are currently missing, BW is trying to plug the hole that is left in endgame.


People are complaining that there will be more stuff for them to do in game?


How anyone could complain about additional content is beyond even me, one of the most skeptical pesimistic people that play this game.


I could see complaining that the new content looks like it belongs in a fantasy game. The wing masked people, the Tron floruesent player colored content, the giant devil worm in a mystical vortex- those things are not iconic star wars content. Show a picture of that content to any star wars fan and they would be hard presssed to see it as fitting in the star wars universe. Or Cathar for that matter.


Show someone a picture of a Cathar in jedi robes without a lightsaber drawn, I would be surprised if anyone said, oh thats a cathar from star wars..... its just not very iconic.

Edited by Insomnio
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For altaholics with not too much time to play the game (or not playing at all due others mistakes) its a gamebreaker and a nightmare, usually left behind the grind, that's why we hate grinds (timesinks)
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For people who are stuck on dead servers, or rerolled but haven't reached end game, a level cap increase so soon is a slap in the face. BioWare needs to fix the populations so that people can do the content as it is before raising the levels and making all current end game obsolete.


Considering this was stated sometime this year and patch 1.3 is now on the test server, the transfers will come long before this.

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Considering this was stated sometime this year and patch 1.3 is now on the test server, the transfers will come long before this.


At E3 they said transfers within 2 weeks so id bet they are testing mass transfer with the pts right now. double test and all that.

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The majority of ground-based combat MMOs (with the exception of UO), extend level caps. And with the exception of City of Heroes extending its level cap from 40 to 50 shortly after it released, it's STAYED at level 50 since that initial extension.


Every other EQ/WoW style game has extended level caps during their runs. And if they haven't YET, it's because they just haven't gotten around to it.


To paraphrase Yoda: That is the way of things. The way of MMOs.


New gear, new story content, a new companion, and a brand new planet to explore. But are you all happy with that??? You whine about not having new story content, then when it's announced, you gripe about it anyway.


I have to laugh at the irony, as it seems that quote by the MMO designer was 100% accurate. "If you gave someone a magic hat that made the perfect game just for them, catered to everything they could ever want in a game, SOMEONE would complain about the color of the hat."


It's relevant here.

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You realize that it will make all the current end game content obsolete. So, they will have to come up with a whole set of new end-game content -- new OPs, new FPs, new dailies. That's a LOT of work for a content patch.


I don't see why. Raising level caps in other MMOs has NEVER...EVER... resulted in making anything "obsolete". EVER.

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the majority of ground-based combat mmos (with the exception of uo), extend level caps. And with the exception of city of heroes extending its level cap from 40 to 50 shortly after it released, it's stayed at level 50 since that initial extension.


Every other eq/wow style game has extended level caps during their runs. And if they haven't yet, it's because they just haven't gotten around to it.


To paraphrase yoda: That is the way of things. The way of mmos.


New gear, new story content, a new companion, and a brand new planet to explore. But are you all happy with that??? You whine about not having new story content, then when it's announced, you gripe about it anyway.


I have to laugh at the irony, as it seems that quote by the mmo designer was 100% accurate. "if you gave someone a magic hat that made the perfect game just for them, catered to everything they could ever want in a game, someone would complain about the color of the hat."


it's relevant here.



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That seems a short time solution. It will bring them back for that one rollercoaster ride but it will do nothing for long term activtiy. As in, how would this update motivate anyone at level 50 to do anything now?

The joy in an MMO is supposed to be in the doing. In the end, you're getting pixelated purples that have no value in real life, that will soon be replaced by better purple pixelated items, in a game that will eventually stop existing sometime in the future.


So if you're really going "oh what's the point now"... then look beyond that at the horizon and just give up in this game entirely. There is no "The End" for this game until they shut the servers down or you stop playing.

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It's not as simple as you think.


1. They have to adjust the encounters for the level 55 cap

2. They have adjust the loot drops to account for a stat increase that comes with the level 55 cap.


And that doesn't solve the problem for the people who already have gear from the Ops and FPs.


For most games maybe. But they talk about their metrics which are not flawless, but it appears to me that BW has certain equations and are able to scale it to what they need. It's not that hard, especially if it's only a few level advance.


As for the people who already have the gear, that would be a problem. However they are introducing scalable gear already, like I said, BW seems to be able to scale their system well. I really don't know if these are such huge hurdles as maybe they used to be.


Still, if they do leave it at 50, and the level cap is 55, that would cause a great deal of problems. I'm just not going to take that leap that BW hasn't thought about that yet.

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Here is what ticks me off. I worked my tail off to hit 50 on five different characters, working on my sixth 50 now. I play on a low pop server, so my gear isn't all that much. I am pretty well geared on one character. I worked my tail off to get where I am.


So now the Devs are going to knock me down a notch and raise the level cap.


What's next, I get to the new cap, then they raise it again...and again...and again? Where does it stop? What I want to do, is quit the game and don't come back until they are finished with this level cap raising crap. I don't want to get my characters to max level, gear them out, just to do it all over again when level cap is raised. I want to play to the final cap, then work on my gear.


What I want to know from Bioware, is where does this cap stop? How many levels are you planning to have available before the level capping stops? Until then, I want no part of SW:TOR.


Bioware needs to be very careful who they tick off, with SWG coming back out, (which is the better game IMO) people who are SW fans will not hesitate to drop this game and move on. The subject of Level Cap Raises has been beat to death on these boards. From what I have read, seemed to me "It's not going to happen" was brought up a ton as did many players who expressed they would leave the game if this was ever done.


Level caps should have waited until two years into the game's life. Even a year is too soon.

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Here is what ticks me off. I worked my tail off to hit 50 on five different characters, working on my sixth 50 now. I play on a low pop server, so my gear isn't all that much. I am pretty well geared on one character. I worked my tail off to get where I am.


So now the Devs are going to knock me down a notch and raise the level cap.


What's next, I get to the new cap, then they raise it again...and again...and again? Where does it stop? What I want to do, is quit the game and don't come back until they are finished with this level cap raising crap. I don't want to get my characters to max level, gear them out, just to do it all over again when level cap is raised. I want to play to the final cap, then work on my gear.


What I want to know from Bioware, is where does this cap stop? How many levels are you planning to have available before the level capping stops? Until then, I want no part of SW:TOR.


Bioware needs to be very careful who they tick off, with SWG coming back out, (which is the better game IMO) people who are SW fans will not hesitate to drop this game and move on. The subject of Level Cap Raises has been beat to death on these boards. From what I have read, seemed to me "It's not going to happen" was brought up a ton as did many players who expressed they would leave the game if this was ever done.


Level caps should have waited until two years into the game's life. Even a year is too soon.


Well all i can say is xfers are coming real soon so say gbye to your dead server, group finder is amazing and works for flashpoints and ops so gear will be alot easier to get. I highly doubt swg is coming back out unless your on about the emu which has been coming out since the cu hit. In closing 5 levels aint a huge leap and with group finder its defo not a long run and easy to gear up with the use of it.


As for when they do the increase, its upto them as its those who are developing swtor and not us, we just help to make it greater.

Edited by Shingara
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Well all i can say is xfers are coming real soon so say gbye to your dead server, group finder is amazing and works for flashpoints and ops so gear will be alot easier to get. I highly doubt swg is coming back out unless your on about the emu which has been coming out since the cu hit. In closing 5 levels aint a huge leap and with group finder its defo not a long run and easy to gear up with the use of it.


As for when they do the increase, its upto them as its those who are developing swtor and not us, we just help to make it greater.


Not to mention that with the new planet, those 5 levels will whiz by.

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Here is what ticks me off. I worked my tail off to hit 50 on five different characters, working on my sixth 50 now. I play on a low pop server, so my gear isn't all that much. I am pretty well geared on one character. I worked my tail off to get where I am.


So now the Devs are going to knock me down a notch and raise the level cap.


What's next, I get to the new cap, then they raise it again...and again...and again? Where does it stop? What I want to do, is quit the game and don't come back until they are finished with this level cap raising crap. I don't want to get my characters to max level, gear them out, just to do it all over again when level cap is raised. I want to play to the final cap, then work on my gear.


What I want to know from Bioware, is where does this cap stop? How many levels are you planning to have available before the level capping stops? Until then, I want no part of SW:TOR.


Bioware needs to be very careful who they tick off, with SWG coming back out, (which is the better game IMO) people who are SW fans will not hesitate to drop this game and move on. The subject of Level Cap Raises has been beat to death on these boards. From what I have read, seemed to me "It's not going to happen" was brought up a ton as did many players who expressed they would leave the game if this was ever done.


Level caps should have waited until two years into the game's life. Even a year is too soon.


Serious question for you: How many MMOs have you played, and which ones?

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Not to mention that with the new planet, those 5 levels will whiz by.


I think but dont quote me makeb is 1.4. but the group finder which finds groups for not just flashpoints but ops too and shuttles you to the instance no matter where you are will make leveling atleast 20 times faster. Ranked is in 1.3 too. and the xp unlocks in legacy are capped at +30% so 5 levels can be popped out by facerolling the keyboard in space if you so wished.

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I think but dont quote me makeb is 1.4. but the group finder which finds groups for not just flashpoints but ops too and shuttles you to the instance no matter where you are will make leveling atleast 20 times faster. Ranked is in 1.3 too. and the xp unlocks in legacy are capped at +30% so 5 levels can be popped out by facerolling the keyboard in space if you so wished.


The level cap raise isn't coming until the new planet. And I'm thinking probably 1.4, but maybe 1.5. And I don't think 1.4 will be here until Fall, at the earliest.

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The level cap raise isn't coming until the new planet. And I'm thinking probably 1.4, but maybe 1.5. And I don't think 1.4 will be here until Fall, at the earliest.


nah i dont think Makeb is tied to level increase, could be but i didnt see it say anywhere that it was. so im just taking it in the whole cabodal as its part of the stuff thats coming in the next year.


As for the speed of 1.4 and 1.5 coming out i think they will be pumped out fast now. the big stuff is now out, ranked is here, legacy is fully out and the random group finder for flashpoints and ops is out, when i say out obviously i mean on the pts but it all seems to working well so far.

Edited by Shingara
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Serious question for you: How many MMOs have you played, and which ones?


Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes/Villains, Matrix Online, Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings Online, Champions Online, DC Universe Online, EvE, Star Trek Online, D&D Online, and now Beta Testing SWGEMU.

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Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes/Villains, Matrix Online, Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings Online, Champions Online, DC Universe Online, EvE, Star Trek Online, D&D Online, and now Beta Testing SWGEMU.


So you should be used to it by now. This level extension is only 4 or 5 levels, and nothing is going to be made obsolete. New gear, new story content, new planet, new combat abilities, and a new companion. I've seen the stats on most existing high level gear from Ops/PvP Warzones/etc., and a lot of it is already rated for level 62. So quite honestly, I don't see a huge problem with new PvE content raising the cap by a few levels to 54 or 55. It has happened in the vast majority of all games you've listed. If you came in late to those games, I can understand your confusion, however. Even CoH started out at level 40 with their cap. And STO is dead in space, so it doesn't even count, anymore.


Also, EVE has made so many "level extensions" since it launched with new ships/skills, it's unreal. The main difference is, EVE is a very high risk game compared to this one.

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Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes/Villains, Matrix Online, Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings Online, Champions Online, DC Universe Online, EvE, Star Trek Online, D&D Online, and now Beta Testing SWGEMU.


Wait you played SWG and STO and your worried about a lvl increase, STO itself stands out where it actualy helped the game so why exactly are you worried. Ow and if you played sto you should remember me, I was the KDF pvper called Blackheart. who were u ?

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