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July Updates


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Just watched the livestream from SWTOR. Sure they said July but may be mistaken. New Planet, Makeb; HK-51 companion; new level cap; new playable species: Cathar


Don't get your hopes up. July you'll be able to play for free till lvl 15. I'm guessing an expansion is coming later this year.

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Don't get your hopes up. July you'll be able to play for free till lvl 15. I'm guessing an expansion is coming later this year.


Yah as I say, not sure if it was all for July but I am sure they did say July

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  • 2 weeks later...
You also assume they will meet their deadline. Thats a pretty big assumption considering.


Considering what? They met their character transfer deadline (early summer) so why would we believe they won't now? Make arguments please.

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Considering what? They met their character transfer deadline (early summer) so why would we believe they won't now? Make arguments please.


Well, Star Wars: The Old Republic is already out so I wont plug the gameplay because I am sure everyone already knows what that is. For 2012 we really want players to, going back to the subscription model, feel like they're getting their money's worth. So the scope of our game updates in 2012 is going to be unimaginable. You're going to see so many changes and additions to the Star Wars Universe, it's going to be impressive. We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting.


From the interview with Darthhater (April 7 2012) http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/20062-pax-east-2012-mmorpg-com-panel-with-james-ohlen


Here's an argument for you. Notice the bold letters? They said that after 1.2 we 'd get monthly updates.

When was 1.2 out to live servers? 12th of April.

When was 1.3 out to live servers? Not yet.

How much time has passed since 1.2? 2 months and counting.

Who was hold responsible for lying/giving false expectations to the customers? None (or you might say it was Stephen Reid - thus the lay off - but he wasn't the one that made the comment, so...wrong guy BW!!)

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You'd have to be extremely naive to think we're getting any content in July other than patch 1.3.



I suppose there's a possibility we might get week event or something, but nothing substantial.

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Just for the record, I'm not excited for new lvl cap at all. It means new items to get again and everything that i have now will get obsolete.


Unless new levels doesn't mean more talent tree points, I'm more worried about how they're going to nerf every body once you can hit a new tier or two in your non-main talent tree. Current gear becoming obsolete is only a matter of time in a gear based game like this.

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From the interview with Darthhater (April 7 2012) http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/20062-pax-east-2012-mmorpg-com-panel-with-james-ohlen


Here's an argument for you. Notice the bold letters? They said that after 1.2 we 'd get monthly updates.

When was 1.2 out to live servers? 12th of April.

When was 1.3 out to live servers? Not yet.

How much time has passed since 1.2? 2 months and counting.


We get patches on almost a weekly basis. Each of these is essentially an update. You assume he is referring to 1.3, 1.4 etc, but it is not clear from the quote that he is. In fact it would seem a little unreasonable to expect full updates on the scale of 1.3, 1.4 etc on a monthly basis.


But then, why let something as silly as reason spoil your argument?



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We get patches on almost a weekly basis. Each of these is essentially an update. You assume he is referring to 1.3, 1.4 etc, but it is not clear from the quote that he is. In fact it would seem a little unreasonable to expect full updates on the scale of 1.3, 1.4 etc on a monthly basis.


But then, why let something as silly as reason spoil your argument?




How are these bug fixes "updates". They missed the deadline for 1.2 by an entire month. 1.3 who knows when that will be out. Looks like these free transfers will take months now also. I somehow doubt they will have time for f2p and all this stuff they keep promising. We will see that new planet sometime in the fall I would guess at the earliest. F2p to lvl 15 will be delayed until August sometime. 1.3 who knows that will be maybe 30 days from now? So 2 months past the self imposed deadline they set.


The better question would be when are they ever going to meet a deadline. The whole game was supposed to be out in december 2010 then april 2011 it finally launched in december of 2011.

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"An alternate disparaging term instant gratification is used to label the satisfactions gained by more impulsive behaviors. The skill of giving preference to long term goals over more immediate ones is known as deferred gratification or patience, and it is usually considered a virtue.


Critiques of the behaviors of others may highlight the lack of this skill. For example we might say that those who lack the skill are immature. But then, an excess of these skill can create problems as well; i.e. an individual become unable to take pleasure in life, seize opportunities, or remain flexible."



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We get patches on almost a weekly basis. Each of these is essentially an update. You assume he is referring to 1.3, 1.4 etc, but it is not clear from the quote that he is. In fact it would seem a little unreasonable to expect full updates on the scale of 1.3, 1.4 etc on a monthly basis.


But then, why let something as silly as reason spoil your argument?




Minor patches shouldn't come once every month! Neither should a company strive to give them monthly! If you 've read the comment, they are excited that they 'll bring us Updates like 1.2 (Update 1.2 coming and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting.). What company that respects itself, is excited for bringing minor updates to its customers, every month? Now, is it fair to throw back the glove and say that it's reason is nowhere to be found in your mind? I m sure that pointing fingers is a perfect way for a healthy communication.


The notion was about major content updates. 1.1 was out roughly a month after launch. 1.2 took 3 months. His comment was on that delay and that they 'd come back to monthly major updates, as they did with 1.1.


I have reason, thats why I found that comment/promise highly unlikely to happen. Content doesn't come out so easily. BUT I WASNT THE ONE TO MAKE THAT STATEMENT. If they couldn't deliver, why to say such a thing? Who could have blamed them for not bringing new content every month? If Nvidia/Ati announce tomorrow that they ll release a new generation of cards every 2 months, it is my fault if they won't do it? Is it my fault for holding them to their word? What kind of crappy logic is this?


To summarize, with my first post, I wanted to show that BW is known for inconsistencies especially regarding to SWTOR and to back it up with some "proof" as Rebrac wanted. I could easily pick the promise for 1.2 ranked warzones, that was recalled just before the patch go live. If you tell me that this didn't happen because I haven't posted any quote/link, I ll just say that I don't care about SWTOR & its customers so much, to do research for every thing that I say. If you 're blind enough, you can even argue that the sun shines (I can't see it, so it doesn't happen). I got more important things to do than to try to explain it to stubborn people.

Edited by Vindigore
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How are these bug fixes "updates". They missed the deadline for 1.2 by an entire month. 1.3 who knows when that will be out. Looks like these free transfers will take months now also. I somehow doubt they will have time for f2p and all this stuff they keep promising. We will see that new planet sometime in the fall I would guess at the earliest. F2p to lvl 15 will be delayed until August sometime. 1.3 who knows that will be maybe 30 days from now? So 2 months past the self imposed deadline they set.


The better question would be when are they ever going to meet a deadline. The whole game was supposed to be out in december 2010 then april 2011 it finally launched in december of 2011.


If you knew at least something about BioWare you would know that they don't give us deadlines. We get soon and eventually but never a specific time until they are absolutely sure that they will meet them. And I'm not saying that it is bad. It's really good that they do it. As for release, that's just not fare. Do you know anything about making games on such a scale? Well I don't. But I am certain that they don't change their release date for nothing. They made a great game with a lot of quality content. And yes they did make mistakes, but in case you haven't noticed they are doing everything they can to fix them. (Char transfers, group finder, etc.) So please go back to playing the game or if you don't if you don't like it, but stop trolling the forums, please.

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