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EA Press Conference NEW INFO


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Name of the Operation was 'Terror From Beyond'


I don't even do PvE and know little of Star Wars lore... but i'm pretty sure that's something you'd never see in Star Wars.


Attack of the Clones? But yea, it's cheesy.

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We waited this long, 6 months after release to get cathar? Really?


We already knew about hk-51 from data mining leaks along with most of the other stuff. Really a shoddy announcement for E3. If they weren't going to have big news like a new space combat system or something then it is really pointless.

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I saw nothing about a level cap increase. The free to play up to 15 is something WoW offered as well.


No mention at all of ranked warzones, just another battleground.:rak_02:


Level Cap increase was in there, right around the new planet exploration part.

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This new content looks great in my personal opinion. Will it bring back players that left the game and new players? It's a lot of the same stuff. Nothing revolutionary. This game needs something huge to bring it back to where it was 6 months ago and I do not think this is it. I really hope i'm wrong because I would love to have my old guild mates come back.
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The barely audible golf clap from the crowd should've said volumes when he announced "new stuff".


Did you watch the Microsoft press conference? At least Bioware got a reaction. Ofcourse, it wouldn't take much to top that terrible conference.

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This new content looks great in my personal opinion. Will it bring back players that left the game and new players? It's a lot of the same stuff. Nothing revolutionary. This game needs something huge to bring it back to where it was 6 months ago and I do not think this is it. I really hope i'm wrong because I would love to have my old guild mates come back.


Xwing vs Tie Fighter // JTL style space combat would bring me back in a heartbeat.

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very disapointing only playable new race is cathar? who cares about thundercat people. So iys obvious that the "dr" doesnt play his own game lol that is not how it is weve lost 400k people and theres 5-6 people tops on most fleets. Everythings ok here "coming soon" sigh...........................


space is still on rails i see lol


personally i would love to play a cathar =)


also they said new STORY content on the new planet "Makeb" so we'll see how that goes.. i cant wait for all of it..

the assault on space station space mission thing looks cool..

everything they showed actually looked REALLY cool. but the big thing is when and whos gonna be left by then


I just wish that they would give us a better idea then 'soon' they REALLY need to talk to those of us that are left.. yes they said 1.3 million people.. but come one.. its probable ALOT closer to 400k that have logged in in the last 30 days i'm sure there are a few poeple that are just keeped their subs active for now to see where it goes and such.. but they are loosing ALOT of people because they dont have people to play with.. out of the 8 RL people that i know that played with me at launch i'm the only one left still playing and i'm just doing dailies until transfers so i can do anything else.. other then alts

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I guess the people that were waiting all year for new companions to have sex with will be disappointed since they are only getting a droid.

Probably december 31st

Genuinely wouldn't put it past them.

Edited by DarthZaul
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-New playable species Cathar (cat heads from the elder scrolls series)




No mention at all of ranked warzones, just another battleground


They covered this in the June 1st Q&A.

Edited by maxetius
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All 'Coming This Year'


Harder nightmare difficulty


Space Station Assault - new space mission


Terror From Beyond - new op


HK-51 - new companion


Cathar - new playable species


increased level cap


new combat abilities


Ancient Hypergates - new WZ


Makeb - new planet (involves 'Shady and dangerous Hutt cartel')


In July, game is free to play up to level 15

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it was in there as they mentioned new combat techniques... showed some sith doing some round house kick thing


That's the sweeping slash animation, but they did show an assassin using that spinning strike they like to give all the annoying melee npc's.

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was really hoping for rodians or more then 1 new species to get people playing rep side more. That was a waste of time with cathar. Seriously considering unsubbing all i saw there was more fluff and coming soon. Looks like space on still on rails. Seriously weve lost 400k people that DR is talking about launch lol.



Still no open world pvp im hoping that new planet will be a pvp planet but i doubt it.


What is the point of a level cap increase when theres nothing to do right now at end game? Just very sad that DR has no idea about whats going on in this game to say the least

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