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Pvp - scoreboard


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I know is trivial but i would like to see some change


I am tired of hearing incompetent sentinel saying "i topped the dps score"


yeah right too bad you are a full WH modded and i told you to stay at turret defending and you (with ur damn tunnel vision) you leeped to that damn emp 10 miles away from the turret didn't call inc and a hidden enemy capped ur turret in 12 second (8 after u leeped) a fresh lvl 50 could have done better


but he topped DPS score (because after that amazing performance i told him to go fight in the middle and moved 2 people to defend turret when he could have done it alone easily without topping the goddam scoreboard)


Vs a decent team 1 sentinel no matter how geared he is will be slowed to almost still... or if they wont slow him he will go bersek in his tunnel vision and started attacking that tank permanently healed just to make number even bigger (that why i sent him to defend in first place)


or that sexy sage in rakata gear that think she did awesome because she topped heal scoreboard and never died yeah right too bad she spent 90% of the heal on herself (the 10% was aoe she couldnt avoid to heal other she did make sure to run away to make the most AOE usueless but stay alive....) and most probably she wasted someone guard but she topped the goddam scoreboard in heal...


i know i should just avoid to team with those person but lets face it we don't have that much choise lately to who to group with.


I just wish people won't use useless number on the scoreboard so often to show skill when they don't tell a story they are just number and more often then not i find whoever top the scoreboard he didn't perform at best because he was too much into his tunnel vision rage


best game are when people dont reach 300K damage a sentinel that do what he is told to do should sit between 200-300K (less if guarding a node)


unless is a steamroll match where u dont have to worry about strategy because u are 10 time superior (premade vs pug) in that case seeing who top the thing for fun is allright all the other time it's not but in that case skill is never involved


The good healer WILL top healer scoreboard but will never say a thing about it as prove of "skill" because sometimes he will play as good or even better and won't top it! that's because he will be needed to DPS as well and will do 2 things at the same time that require more skill and won't top the damn scoreboard if the other healer is focused on healing only


In the scoreboard i would put more usefull info more warzone related

those are not only "positive" they can be both positive or negative but knowing help you understand many things



a)number of passage

b)minuts holding the ball

c)heal/guard over ball carrier



a)number of turret capped

b)number of interrupt try

c)speed bonus taken



a)number of bomb

b)number of bomb interrupt

c)healed bonus taken

Edited by Pekish
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you have problem understand my english i guess (it's lame i know)


i dont give a **** what they think about me i need usefull information in the SCOREBOARD to understand who i want in my team

obviously i can still scout how people play looking at the map and such talking in ops etcetc but i would get some extra interesting information if scoreboard wouldn't be so "egocentric" made

It's a instrument to boost ego right now not some data to help you understand who is skilled.


DAMAGE and HEAL say "CLOSE" to nothing to me

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MVP is lame OPS leader should have 7 point and should be able to give them to whoever he think he did best (at least in ranked) obviously he cannot vote himself as leader he doesnt need stupid medals.


and yes i just love to be leader ^_^ and bossy people around, i would even accept a MUL (most useless leader) every component in the OPS can give 1 vote favor or agaisnt the OPS leader (except the leader himself)

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I agree 100% with the OP, but would like to add, I'd really be happy if they removed the MVP vote system while they were at it. Listening to people cry about not getting votes is just tiresome.
People cry about that? I don't think I have seen anyone whine about that in any kind of serious fashion, ever.
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you have problem understand my english i guess (it's lame i know)


i dont give a **** what they think about me i need usefull information in the SCOREBOARD to understand who i want in my team

obviously i can still scout how people play looking at the map and such talking in ops etcetc but i would get some extra interesting information if scoreboard wouldn't be so "egocentric" made

It's a instrument to boost ego right now not some data to help you understand who is skilled.


DAMAGE and HEAL say "CLOSE" to nothing to me


If you need a scoreboard to tell you which ppl are pro, then you are not pro yourself. It is very difficult for players to asses others that are beyond their skill level.


So you the scoreboard to tell you, which players can carry you.. so you can attempt to join their team. /lol

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maybe on ur server you have 200 pro people in my server there arent that many and they are scatter around in different guilds


so since i cannot cherrypick this person and that person out of their guild i need an instrument that help me divide no so super pro player in


not so super pro player that are objective aware


not so super pro player that are not objective aware or scoreboard whore


once i got that since my server is no as populated as yours and we dont play 24/7 i will need to create a team A and team B with sobstitue in order to make possible a more consistent experience because if one is off line i rather we pick another one form our group B then a random one


I am sure you are god on Earth for everybody else some scoreboard fix will help us gather better information

and since this is a forum where to discuss things if u don't need those extra information feel free to ignore the post and go read something else

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maybe on ur server you have 200 pro people in my server there arent that many and they are scatter around in different guilds


so since i cannot cherrypick this person and that person out of their guild i need an instrument that help me divide no so super pro player in


not so super pro player that are objective aware


not so super pro player that are not objective aware or scoreboard whore


once i got that since my server is no as populated as yours and we dont play 24/7 i will need to create a team A and team B with sobstitue in order to make possible a more consistent experience because if one is off line i rather we pick another one form our group B then a random one


I am sure you are god on Earth for everybody else some scoreboard fix will help us gather better information

and since this is a forum where to discuss thing u dont need those extra information feel free to ignore the post and go read something else


You will get the ability to measure player skill. Its called rating, and its coming together with ranked WZ. (i would prefer Arena but w/e)

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i would like to have some info before the ranking start plus if something is lame why shouldnt we try to fix it


scoreboard as it is it's just wrong

so just because there is ranking we should keep the lame scoreboard?


i dont get where is the problem in pointing out a shortcoming and trying to discuss about it...

it seems to me you are just trying to "nay" say for the fun of it? are you that bored :D

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I like how your huttball scores are pretty useless for tracking how well someone is doing, as like the current system, they're very easy to inflate without actually contributing to the match. How about you just play the damn game, if you're actually good at it you'll know who's contributing and who's not.
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I like how your huttball scores are pretty useless for tracking how well someone is doing, as like the current system, they're very easy to inflate without actually contributing to the match. How about you just play the damn game, if you're actually good at it you'll know who's contributing and who's not.


Anyone with insanely high DPS in a Huttball is likely doing nothing but hurting their team. I find it pretty easy in NC, VS, and CW to rack the medals up. Huttball is different since I try to help the team score/win rather than try to bloat my stats so I can jerk my epeen afterwards.


I'd also like to see some stats added to the scoreboards, or maybe different boards for each WZ. Huttball is more of a team sport type of effort, so I tend to MVP vote someone with a lot of the Objective points, or who I saw running for the goal line or positioning to receive/make passes. These people rarely rack up medals or stats (I know I tend to rot in stealth waiting for a passer so I can make a goal line run and get hardly any stats).

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I like how your huttball scores are pretty useless for tracking how well someone is doing, as like the current system, they're very easy to inflate without actually contributing to the match. How about you just play the damn game, if you're actually good at it you'll know who's contributing and who's not.


another mr genius


no stat will ever tell you the all story but some stats are better then other to give you an idea about who at least try and who just dont give a damn.... if u are so superior fine thx for your opinion, will be noted.


Too bad your opinion doesnt reflect the reality of the forum where 99% of the people think to be skillfull because they top DPS chart


i wish only to try to help people to get better to have more fun when i play better player overall equal better fun for me... but i guess u like to play vs noobs

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I still think mvp votes should be given from you to your opposition, not you to your team. It would be a much better reflection on who had a high impact on the game.


i doubt anybody will vote to give extra medals to the other team in order for them to get better gear to kick you *** harder... i dont see it happen because i see the lvl of answer people give on the forum there is not the maturity for a things like respect and honor for the enemy

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another mr genius


no stat will ever tell you the all story but some stats are better then other to give you an idea about who at least try and who just dont give a damn.... if u are so superior fine thx for your opinion, mr genius will be noted too bad your opinion doesnt reflect the reality of the forum where 99% of the people think to be skillfull because they top DPS chart


i wish only to try to help people to get better to have more fun when i play... in other words u just are one of the lots that blindly play and dont give a **** about others


Except they don't give you an idea about who tries? Number of passes can easily be skewed if 2 people work in conjunction simply to get a higher score. Same with minutes Huttball is held. That doesn't even take 2. 1 ******* could run around with the ball for the maximum amount of time before blowing up. His score would be really good then, except he did NOTHING to help you win.


The most important stat at the end of the warzone isn't any one person's individual damage, healing, or protection. It's the numbers at the very top. The ones that decide if you won or lost. I do give a crap about others, but I also realize that in no way will I ever get the people that run around 1v1ing in the pit to stop because it's not contributing. Because if they're not smart enough to realize why it's a bad idea in the first place they're certainly not going to be smart enough to listen to reason. There's no way you can make a singular statistic to represent good play because good play is relative to the game you're in. I play Rage Specc Jugg. Under you're system I'd probably have pretty bad scores because I don't pick up the Huttball intentionally most games. I'm fragile and unless I have multiple jumps set up, I'm too slow to make it any kind of meaningful distance. Yes I do pick it up when the correct opportunity presents itself, but waiting around for those means I'm not doing the other things I am good at.


There's no way to create a singular statistic that represents good play because there are simply too many variables to take into account in any PvP match. Think about the unsung heroes of any Huttball match, the Operative that manages to stealth his way to the goal edge for easy jumps. Or the sorc who understood how to actually clear a platform with his knockback rather than just sending the runner to the ledge below.


Those are great important plays but it's incredibly difficult to come up with some sort of measurable metric for them. However, if you're smart you'll notice them. You'll see the players who game in and game out do the things that are required to win. Then you reach out to them and continue to play with them. And you'll keep winning.


And in the end that's the only stat that matters.

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as i said nothing will unless u fraps a match and check how he played and even then you cannot be sure 100%


one thing is not doing anything and keeping the lame scoreboard we have

another is try to check out other intresting numbers (here instead of complain and whine give some advice would make the thread more intresting)


they may not be the God no Earth number for that you have to ask yellow text he is at familiar terms with God

but is a step in the right direction for us mortals to get rid of TWO SUPER USELESS INFO total DPS and total HEAL that in an OBJECTIVE BASED warzone are completly useless


the attitude toward advice and discussion in this forum is touching a new low.

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I like OPs idea for some more object related stats. For huttball, passes received, ball carrier pulled would also be interesting.


I want to see a guild column so I can see who is playing together on the other team. Sure, I notice some of the guild/player name combos from seeing them in WZ but many I do not -- even for enemies I hate (and therefore remember).

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Lol this is funny. Honstly in warzones you can't win sometimes. I actually play very objectively as a stealther defending nodes or ninja capping. Still at the end of warzones I always get a lot of trash talk aimed at me from the opposing faction..."ur a bad, nice damage blah blah etc etc" I guess thas all they can say since they just lost. Still though my faction loves me =)
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"do what he is told"

"do what i told him to do"

all i needed to read. People like this always get me


sorry not everybody like to lose


in a team there has to be a leader and you have to do as told end of story unless you want to lose


have u ever played a sport? have u ever been in military?


doing as told doesn't mean not using ur brain nobody tell you HOW to guard a turret u are just told to guard it nobody tell you that is someone come to take ur place you cannot try to rush the other turret or if we lose one turret you cannot come help it just tell you a generic indication so we know whats going on


keep ur dream of doing whatever u want in a team based game but don't cry when it get crash by people that actually are smarter then a monkey and listen to indication.

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