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How is PvP at 50 lvl?


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Sorry for the negative title, but I'd like to hear some feedback.

I'm immensely enjoying pre-50 warzones.

But the grass doesn't seem so green at 50:


  • new PvP-only stat (expertise). Oh boy, resilience once again.
  • huge gear gap, resulting in frustration at being facerolled for no objective reason + hostile 'welcome' - "What are you doing in our group with this ****** gear?!?"
  • ranked warzones (soon).


I left WoW years ago just because they turned PvP into an e-sport for kids.

Blizzard acknowledged this was a "mistake, but it's too late to fix it".

Seeing BioWare insisting on repeating all major Blizzard fails is quite disheartening.


Do you enjoy PvP at 50?

Am I the only one who is tired of these Starcraft/Counter Strike/Quake 3 'features' in an MMORPG?

Am I the only one who craves for free, open-world, casual, accidental PvP without rules?

Edited by Sekish
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I actually do enjoy PvP at 50 when I actually get a que for my 50's, though I will admit at first when your in recruit gear it can be a frustrating. But BM gear is not that much of a grind and when you get it, 50 WZ's are fun since WH is not really a huge massive advantage. So it starts to be more of a balanced enviroment skillwise.
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Thanks for the answers. I hope it's just as enjoyable. I don't really mind grinding WZ's as I love random group PvP anyway.


Those ranked warzones are what is troubling me. I can't be bothered to look for 7 more buddies so we can play together at set times. And I expect they will implement some superior PvP gear - accessible via ranked gameplay only. In other words, If I smell 'arena' once more, it would mean 'no PvP' for me. Maybe even no-SWTOR.

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PvP is quite enjoyable at level 50 (especially since there are many more players who know HOW to PvP and will play for the objectives). TBH it's much better now than it was before, that being said, you'll still get stomped by players in BM and WH. If you're a heavy PvPer that will only last for about a week or so (that's how long it will take you to get your full BM set) after which it's fairly competitive.
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Thanks for the answers. I hope it's just as enjoyable. I don't really mind grinding WZ's as I love random group PvP anyway.


Those ranked warzones are what is troubling me. I can't be bothered to look for 7 more buddies so we can play together at set times. And I expect they will implement some superior PvP gear - accessible via ranked gameplay only. In other words, If I smell 'arena' once more, it would mean 'no PvP' for me. Maybe even no-SWTOR.


While you need to queue as an 8 man group, the ranking is personal. You do not need the same 7 team mates.


The only thing that differs from solo queue, is that you have to make your own team of random ppl if you wish, instead of having the WZ make your group.


So, go on fleet and say : LFM ranked wz, make a full team and queue.

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Sorry for the negative title, but I'd like to hear some feedback.

I'm immensely enjoying pre-50 warzones.

But the grass doesn't seem so green at 50:


  • new PvP-only stat (expertise). Oh boy, resilience once again.
  • huge gear gap, resulting in frustration at being facerolled for no objective reason + hostile 'welcome' - "What are you doing in our group with this ****** gear?!?"
  • ranked warzones (soon).


I left WoW years ago just because they turned PvP into an e-sport for kids.

Blizzard acknowledged this was a "mistake, but it's too late to fix it".

Seeing BioWare insisting on repeating all major Blizzard fails is quite disheartening.


Do you enjoy PvP at 50?

Am I the only one who is tired of these Starcraft/Counter Strike/Quake 3 'features' in an MMORPG?

Am I the only one who craves for free, open-world, casual, accidental PvP without rules?


Ehm.. what do you mean counterstrike/Quake 3 features. Those games offer no such thing as an advantage over other players except for skill/experience?


As long as you buy recruit gear and get any BM gear you can when you hit 50 no-one will complain about gear.

I love 50 pvp but the matches could be better balanced. Hoping ranked will improve this.

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Thanks for the answers. I hope it's just as enjoyable. I don't really mind grinding WZ's as I love random group PvP anyway.


Those ranked warzones are what is troubling me. I can't be bothered to look for 7 more buddies so we can play together at set times. And I expect they will implement some superior PvP gear - accessible via ranked gameplay only. In other words, If I smell 'arena' once more, it would mean 'no PvP' for me. Maybe even no-SWTOR.


They've already introduced ranked gear. The only difference from unranked = color change. Exact same stats. Oh, and you get access to a new mount and 2 new color crystals. Basically, appearance is the only change you get for ranked.


But ya, 50 pvp is a lot more entertaining imo than 1-49.

Edited by Giladd
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While you need to queue as an 8 man group, the ranking is personal. You do not need the same 7 team mates.


The only thing that differs from solo queue, is that you have to make your own team of random ppl if you wish, instead of having the WZ make your group.


So, go on fleet and say : LFM ranked wz, make a full team and queue.

This would make things quite acceptable, indeed.

I guess I jumped the gun without reading all details.


But I still miss the point - what makes 'ranked warzones' different than 'normal warzones' in practice?

Is it just put there for those who want to measure their performance?

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This would make things quite acceptable, indeed.

I guess I jumped the gun without reading all details.


But I still miss the point - what makes 'ranked warzones' different than 'normal warzones' in practice?

Is it just put there for those who want to measure their performance?


Ranked = more competitive gameplay and access to new appearance items.

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But I still miss the point - what makes 'ranked warzones' different than 'normal warzones' in practice?

Is it just put there for those who want to measure their performance?


Control over who your team mates are. And a ranking system.

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This would make things quite acceptable, indeed.

I guess I jumped the gun without reading all details.


But I still miss the point - what makes 'ranked warzones' different than 'normal warzones' in practice?

Is it just put there for those who want to measure their performance?

This is more than acceptable :) .


Now I wish I could edit the topic title - it's too negative. There is enough negativity here anyway.


PS: Oh, I actually can!

Edited by Sekish
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50's warzones are great fun especially when its 2 groups of good player's fighting intense matches. That is the main reason i login daily .... for the competition. This rarely happens in sub 50 bracket where many games are dictated by which team have the most number of clueless players. Sub 50 is relatively stress free and nobody really cares.


In your context expect the first 1 week plus to be brutal but once you get BM gear ( easy to acquire ) you will be competitive assuming you know what your are doing.

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Sorry for the negative title, but I'd like to hear some feedback.

I'm immensely enjoying pre-50 warzones.

But the grass doesn't seem so green at 50:


  • new PvP-only stat (expertise). Oh boy, resilience once again.
  • huge gear gap, resulting in frustration at being facerolled for no objective reason + hostile 'welcome' - "What are you doing in our group with this ****** gear?!?"
  • ranked warzones (soon).


I left WoW years ago just because they turned PvP into an e-sport for kids.

Blizzard acknowledged this was a "mistake, but it's too late to fix it".

Seeing BioWare insisting on repeating all major Blizzard fails is quite disheartening.


Do you enjoy PvP at 50?

Am I the only one who is tired of these Starcraft/Counter Strike/Quake 3 'features' in an MMORPG?

Am I the only one who craves for free, open-world, casual, accidental PvP without rules?


PvP at 50 is the only fun PvP for me.


Yes there is a gear gap, but once you have full BM there is no gear gap, only skill gaps (if you are being owned by WHs while in full BM they are better players than you, since its entirely possible to roll a WH in BM). The most hate i have seen is for those who come into lvl 50 without recruit gear and deservedly so- make the effort, we all had to start somewhere, you are less likely to get hate for 14k in recruit than 15k HP in your PvE gear.


Casual, open world PvP? Tomb of Freedon Nadd, plenty people to run into.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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I honestly enjoy level 50 pvp much more. You have a much bbetter chance to have people that know what they're doing on your team as oppossed to new people that are barely learning the strategies.


Though there is a huge gear gap, i suggest you pvp and save up as many ranked comms and wz comms as you can so you can at least get some gear at 50. Definitely advise you to purchase recruit gear since the expertise in that will definitely help. It also isnt that hard to get battlemaster gear since you get 70-150 comms per game.


Besides the usual trash talkers lvl 50 pvp is much more fun

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As for the OP it rough at first get full recruit gear before you step into the 50 bracket. As you will die in sec if you don't. With recruit gear you can travel with the group and kill ppl don't try to guard any thing as full war hero player will come and own you. But in a group you will do good damage in recruit gear and help your team. Edited by Qishari
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These are all half aswers.. the full answer is yes 50 WZ PVP is enjoyable once you get BM and if you are playing the majority of classes and have those classes specced very precisely. Another requirement is you have 3 friends all on voice who also have the favored classes also specced a very precise way.


If you are playing one of the less favorable classes or any class and are specced in some weaker way and dont have 3 semi-competant friends on voice you will mostly be fodder even with BM gear.

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PvP in level 50 is just on the same par with PVP in 10-49.


My current toon got to level 50 yesterday. Up to reaching level cap, I PVPed in the 10-49 bracket immensely. I had 1900 WZ commendations and 3200 rated commendations when I reached to level 50. First thing I did, I got me a BM piece, and then turned in to make it a WH piece, and then bought the rest of the EQ from the recruit. The very first match was difficult. Because, either I ran into a premade or I was so used to the pre-50 bracket, I could not adjust. But after the second match and the matches that followed afterwards, it was just as smooth. I collected enough WZ commendations to get 1 BM piece, and I tell you, my HP was lowest in my team, but in every match, I did have decent contribution to my team (I was not top damaging, or medals, but I was above average in both medals and damage). I even got some MVP votes, for whatever it is worth.


Don't let the Expertise intimidate you. Once you get the recruit gear, you should have around 900 expertise. That is plenty for a fresh 50. And it is very easy to acquire BM pieces. You should be patient. The first match (or first few matches) may look difficult. But once you adjust and adapt, it is not much different than before. You must keep in mind, you can not use PVE gear for the PVP. It does not work that way. But if you get all the PVP gear, you are good to go.

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50's warzones are great fun especially when its 2 groups of good player's fighting intense matches. That is the main reason i login daily .... for the competition.


I agree with the above. The 50 WZs are usually more competitive. I have fun in the Lowbie WZs too, but the competition and general strategy there is sorely lacking comparatively in pretty much every match. To me they are just a nice way to break up the monotony of leveling in PvE.


You will take some lumps to be sure for a couple weeks until you have full BM gear. This is unfortunate, but something you can adjust to as long as you don't give up. However, after you have Full BM, you will be quite formidable and well on your way to good times.

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