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Running solo among many


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Usually, the 2 most sought after classes for groups are a healer and a tank. Well....for most games, anyway. But it seems not for this one, or at least not on my server.


I have a BH tank, well geared and with a well geared healer but trying to get a group going or getting just one person for a 2 man daily heroic is almost impossible. I also have a well geared Marauder with a really good healer companion and again, trying to find just one person for daily 2 man heroics is exactly the same.


Day after day I try and usually the same result is no one joining up. The thing is Lord Adraas is supposedly one of the top 10 populated servers. Use to be the top 3rd but now it's in the top ten.


I've not tried to run it solo although, it seems to be the only choice.


It's frustrating.


Can't wait for server transfers

Edited by RikHar
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Depends what level heroics your doing, I have noticed a steady drop off after Tattooine.

So much so that people just continue on with out doing them, because they feel its not worth the time or effort

I cant say I bother with any heroics after Tattooine,

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with decent gear you can solo the heroic 2's, I do it regularly on my DPS BH with Mako healing, would probably be easier if I geared Gault and watched the enemies melt but whatevs.
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Honestly, experience is so easy to come by in this game I find myself pretty reluctant to do most of the heroics - if you did the heroics along with the regular stuff you'd be grossly out-leveled before too long.


The reward for the heroics vs. the time to get a group, meet up and then cut down all those elites with crazy high HP just isn't there in my mind.


Anything worthwhile you could gain from heroics you can get from regular quests, the GTN, farming or crafting at least as efficiently - usually a lot more so.


If BW really wanted to encourage people to do heroics, they should make it a really different format - instead of just taking regular enemies and adding crazy amounts of HP to them, why not make the enemies in heroic areas more like regular enemies - but much more dynamic (patrolling, some level of AI, whatever - a totally different fighting experience). Or turn the heroic quests into some sort of competition between two teams, or whatever - anything except the current model of having basically the same mobs but making them take 12x as long to kill.

Edited by jgelling
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If BW really wanted to encourage people to do heroics, they should make it a really different format - instead of just taking regular enemies and adding crazy amounts of HP to them, why not make the enemies in heroic areas more like regular enemies - but much more dynamic (patrolling, some level of AI, whatever - a totally different fighting experience). Or turn the heroic quests into some sort of competition between two teams, or whatever - anything except the current model of having basically the same mobs but making them take 12x as long to kill.


Now that's an interesting idea. Put it up on the Suggestion board? Maybe some additional bits, like; more mobs like the mentally-controlled guys in the Czerka facility, they just keep coming, wave after wave with no break. Or Strongs/Elites that DO more damage, but only have "Standard" hit-points?

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H2s are okay in their present form, a full group can roll through them, and 2 people should have no problems using companions. I know you can't find people now but hopefully that won't be an issue soon.


H4s are an issue. They take a very long time, the rewards are terrible (purple mod), and the experience is terrible (1.5x). I play on Fatman where there are people to group with and everyone still skips the H4s. They need to be bumped to 2-3x experience, 2-3x credits, and a piece of gear.

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Usually, the 2 most sought after classes for groups are a healer and a tank. Well....for most games, anyway. But it seems not for this one, or at least not on my server.


I have a BH tank, well geared and with a well geared healer but trying to get a group going or getting just one person for a 2 man daily heroic is almost impossible. I also have a well geared Marauder with a really good healer companion and again, trying to find just one person for daily 2 man heroics is exactly the same.


Day after day I try and usually the same result is no one joining up. The thing is Lord Adraas is supposedly one of the top 10 populated servers. Use to be the top 3rd but now it's in the top ten.


I've not tried to run it solo although, it seems to be the only choice.


It's frustrating.


Can't wait for server transfers


Well as far as things go for me, if its a 2+ heroic I just solo it.

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Well as far as things go for me, if its a 2+ heroic I just solo it.



Seems like I'll give it a go with my companion alone.


Reason I want to run the daily heroics is for the commendations, naturally. I also have use of certain rewards like the purple mods for gearing my companions which are useful.

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