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blizzard talking ****...


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Making great points and speaking to players without making them feel like its blizz way or no way and even accepting responsibility when its needed. This is what the bioware devs should look to be like with communication. The blue post second down in this thread sounds pretty smartaleckey refering to patch 1.2 major class changes made and how the bioware devs didnt listen and rushed to change the game completely class wise even thou only little touches were needed and how a game in its infancy needs time to progress before gutting classes just cause with no testing. I just hope we will see posts like these in these forums because it shows the devs are human and shows they realize their own mistakes past, present or future.


***again first blue post in thread***



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The Blues over at Blizz are pretty condescending. Sure they talk a lot more than BW, but they almost never divulge any useful information. Mostly they just belittle people. The only game I ever played where the Devs were really hands on with the community was City of Heroes, which was a solid game, but nothing spectacular.
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