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Merc healer weapon cylinder?

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Just a quick question, but if you are healer specced and u use a DPS cylinder, does it have a huge impact on your healing?

I know u cant shoot to heal then and 30 charges add 3% to healing done, but for pvp it might seem more usefull to use a dps cylinder.


Opinions? anything i missed?

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Combat support cylinder is pretty much essential to be an effective healer yes, unless you're playing the hybrid spec (which isn't very good any more).


Can always spot a terrible player a mile off cus they have the wrong cylinder on.

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It is 1.5s cast time? You could switch between support and nuke helping.


But when healing yes, always combat support.


Being that a full 30 charges of CSC increases healing and damage by 3%, I can't see switching back and forth as being beneficial to either damage or healing.


If you are a healing Merc healing an Op or FP, you run CSC.....no questions. When I am running dailies or other missions solo, I usually run in a dps cylinder.

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I know u cant shoot to heal then and 30 charges add 3% to healing done, but for pvp it might seem more usefull to use a dps cylinder.


Combat support cylinder is about much more than just the auto-shot healing: It's mainly about being able to efficiently build up charges for supercharged gas, especially while moving.

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If you're a healer spec don't use anything but your healing cylinder. You'll just be gimping yourself.

If you want to DPS while playing a healer just pop your 30 charges and spam powershots with a relic or stim active. Should do decent, or at least it use to.


I personally haven't done this since 1.2. Too busy healing.

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As a healer, you should not worry about dps, thats what the other members of your group are for. Any time you dps, you risk your heat being used right before a spike in dmg.


Honestly, when I'm dps'ing and I see a healer start throwing in dmg, it makes me feel like I'm not doing my job and makes me resent the healer a little.

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As a healer, you should not worry about dps, thats what the other members of your group are for. Any time you dps, you risk your heat being used right before a spike in dmg.


Honestly, when I'm dps'ing and I see a healer start throwing in dmg, it makes me feel like I'm not doing my job and makes me resent the healer a little.


So do your job better lol. Adding in DPS in lulls is perfectly acceptable and just a good thing for healers to do. If all it gets is a faster kill, awesome; if it helps mitigate the risk of Enrage, even better. As long as no one is dying, no harm no foul, but I guess DPS e-peens are sensitive?

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As a healer, you should not worry about dps, thats what the other members of your group are for. Any time you dps, you risk your heat being used right before a spike in dmg.


Honestly, when I'm dps'ing and I see a healer start throwing in dmg, it makes me feel like I'm not doing my job and makes me resent the healer a little.


If you are avoiding any unnecessary damage that allows the healer to not have to heal, then you are doing your job exceedingly well. You should probably just consider it a compliment that you basically made them useless at that point in time.

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In PVP you want that SCG to hit so you can get of two KM's to shield yourself and your nearest 3 friendlies. You want to get to 75K healing for the medal that comes with plus play as a Bodyguard which is what the people around you want.


If in PVP your tag teaming a guy maybe 2 -1 or more you can use your DFA, RS or UNL to use your best dps hits. To save the heat hit you might want to time it with a "no heat activation" first.


Best bet is to follow the guy who you think is going to do the most dmg (i have a mental list on my server - they come from all classes not just tanks) and be in the thick of it. Put your KS on him then rapid shot like crazy to get SCG. KM x 2 for the buff and the repeat. If you've followed the right player they might protect you when you inevitably get focused on by the better opposition players. From time to time you come across guys who have no idea and you can stand back and heal for maybe 200k if your lucky.


I'm sure there are much better players than me using better techniques but usually I'm in the top couple of healers on my WZ team and mid range for the damage which is pretty good i reckon for what a Bodyguard should be doing.


There are other tactics for what to do with 1 v 1 but you should not place yourself in that position if you can help it. Remember in PVP your a "Bodyguard" not a Merc.

Edited by TrooperCam
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Guys i'm asking about pvp here.

I'm aware that u need 30 charges for super gas in Ops/FP


I just never seem to use supergas in pvp other then to get the vent benefit.


The main thing its good for is it removes the cd from healing scan.

Edited by RoadRash
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