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Capes for Inquisitor


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Marauders have plenty of capes, juggernauts have some, and even consulars get a few. Yet I have not found any for us. Does anyone know about any chest which is both Sith looking and caped? I say Sith looking because I have gone through social gear and the one from Alderaan is caped but hás too much yellow for a dark lord.
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Super Inquisitors......up up and away.



But yes, I do want a cape. They could look rather cool on inquisitors, but that would also depend on the chest itself. I think a cape give "noble/politician" look that goes well with treacherous inquisitors.

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Am I the only one that gets more picky about my toon's look each day? I find myself wanting to customize a lot more than this game allows - say, matching my other pieces to my cool mask instead of just to my chest piece. Or dying different pieces - in this game die jobs are entirely different pieces of armor, which is too expensive to collect every look you want.


I don't know - new to MMOs and didn't think I'd want to play around with gear too much, but I really wish I had more options to customize. I feel like dies or matching to something other than just the chest piece should be in-game.

Edited by jgelling
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Capes with a dress is actually kind of ridiculous. I've had the cape + dress since about level 30, and . . .


Formal pants and Supreme Inquisitor pants are quite versatile. (Otherwise it is really ugly)

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Irritatingly, formal pants are male only, and the supreme inq pants are rare as hell and non-existant on my server's dead GTN. I wound up grinding out some black talon's for social points and then grinding out some boring as @#*$ starfox... i mean... space missions to get the pilot's pants. The balmorran resistance pants are an option too, with social level, but this was pre- colour matching, and they REALLY didnt match my top...
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Yeah, pants aren't that much of an issue. With enough social points, you can get pants. But so far, only ONE cape that's easily gotten, on Alderaan, and it's a little... too colourful... for my tastes...


If only we could unify colours to non-chest pieces, one could unify the Ald chest to some darker pants (formal come to mind) or head...

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Capes? What for? Inquisitors don't need capes to strike fear into their enemies...Force Storm (For Sorcerers) does that quite effectively. *Initiates Force Storm, Cape blows in wind and wraps around head* :confused:


Besides, I like my Battlemaster gear the way it is, intimidating and not too Drag-like. A Cape might just be a little over the top. Drag-Socerers, Hmm....

Edited by Ascertes
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